Sanguine Rave - A Vampire Romance (Paranormal Romance, Vampire) (4 page)

BOOK: Sanguine Rave - A Vampire Romance (Paranormal Romance, Vampire)
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     “Elle...goddamn you feel amazing.”  She laughed with delight, a sweet trill of sound that lowered to another hot moan, his hips grinding as he thrust into her, the top of his cock sweeping over her clit with every hard stroke.  Finally, just when he was sure he couldn't go another minute she cried out, her inner muscles gripping his cock hard and with another few strokes he joined her in orgasm, gasping against her pretty bare skin with his face buried between her breasts.  He braced his hands on the door, fully buried inside her and then he slipped his arms around her to carry her into the living room, laying her down on the sofa.  He looked down at her mostly bare body and shucked out of his clothing, kicking his shoes to the side and the only thing he took care with was his belt because of the holstered gun.  He stripped her clothing from her and watched the heat in her eyes, it was enough to get him fired up again and he joined her on the sofa, parting her legs with his knee before sliding his newly hardened cock back into her.  He hadn't been this randy or ready for a woman since he was a teenager, and he found that he really liked that feeling.  David wanted to slow down, make love to her, kiss every inch of her sweet soft skin before burying his face in her delightful pussy, but that would just have to wait.  Elle had him too riled, too hungry, and too hot for the tenderness he wanted to give her.


    Elle gripped his shoulders as he pounded away inside her with a single minded strength, crying out his name.  She'd never been fucked like this, not alive or as a vampire and she loved it.  Her hips lifted over and over, taking every thick inch of his cock and she clung to him, almost struggling until she got him to turn, getting him under her and then she smiled, looking down at him as he continued to thrust, leaning over and brushing her breasts over his chest.  After a few minutes of this she straightened up and then started to ride him, letting him take a bit of rest while she did the work, bouncing up and down on his cock almost as fast as he'd been thrusting inside of her.  It felt good, and she ground down hard to rub her clit against his pubic bone, shockingly setting off a wicked hard climax for herself.  “David!”  Elle screamed his name as the pleasure rolled over her, setting her nerves alight with it and she smiled as she felt him swell and stiffen inside of her, and he roared out as he shot his load deep within her.  The warmth from his cum seemed to spread through her, making her warm all over and she smiled before collapsing over him, his arms going around her.  Elle felt the sweet ache of her teeth descending, and she wiggled a little to get herself into place before putting her lips to his throat, biting down and then there was the flood of his delicious blood in her mouth. 
He bucked under her, his cock instantly hard and she was happy she was a vampire as he pounded away inside her, born up by the pleasure of her bite.  A living woman would have bruises she suspected, but she enjoyed every frantic stroke until she withdrew her bite and licked the skin, closing it as he came again and fell into that over stimulated sleep after climaxing again.  He was just perfect. 


     David woke up with Elle cuddling against him again, and for a moment he worried about that.  He'd never had sex so good he blacked out, and he was fairly sure that just wasn't normal.  But her sweet body against his made those thoughts scatter and he slid his arms around her to just hold her.  What would it be like to have her in his life more permanently?  It was a little too soon to think about that, and there were still a lot of questions that he had about her.  But he did know that if they kept doing this, it might not matter in the end what those answers were.  That bothered him, but he wasn't sure just then what to do about that.  He grabbed the afghan draped over the back of the sofa and pulled it over them, creating a cocoon of warmth before he closed his eyes.  David would think about this later, right now he just wanted to enjoy being with her.


***One Week After the Fire***


     It had been a few days since their last encounter, enough that he was getting distracted thinking about Elle and how he felt when he was with her.  Harding had gotten a few very disquieting bits of information in the meantime, like a copy of an old missing persons report that had a picture of a girl that looked very much like her attached.  A girl with the same name, but it couldn't be her.  She was young, fresh, and if she was
Elle Bathory she'd be in her mid forties.  Maybe his Elle was this Elle's daughter?  That might make more sense, certainly more sense than believing it was her and that her diary was actually the truth. 
Harding realized that he'd mentally referred to her as 'his' Elle, and that disquieted him.  He looked forward to her calls, no matter what strange random time they might come.  He was supposed to meet her tonight at the new site that her club would be opening at – her partners had decided it was easier to move down the block than demolish the building and put up a new one.  Elle had asked if he would go over the security set up for the building, make a few recommendations.  Just talking to her had his cock twitching slightly, and it had taken a concentrated effort to quell his rising desire.  It actually did feel nice that she respected his opinion, she could have easily hired a security 'expert' but as she put it, she'd much rather have a man actually actively involved with stopping the criminal element of the city. 


     He looked up from his desktop monitor as someone dropped a file on his desk, breezing by with a lazy wave as she moved along the row, getting groans from some of the other Detectives despite how some of them watched her closely as she walked by.  Harding was actually pleased to get his folder however, as it contained the information he'd requested about a possible pervert in Elle's neighborhood.  There had actually been a few reports of a peeper, and beyond that a few unsettling incidents involving stolen underwear and light B&E to go with it.  They had fingerprints from a couple of those but they of course weren't in the system prior to that, so they were definitely just in the gathering information phase.  He shook out the last report and it bothered him more than the rest, it was a list sent in to the police department by the local animal shelter, they'd gotten a lot of frantic calls from various owners in the area about missing pets, far more than usual and they'd sent in the list of names along with a query about a possible kidnapping ring.  There had been good reason for that, last year they'd busted a local lab that was buying animals for testing and they hadn't been very scrupulous in checking where their animals were coming from.  Alone it was disturbing enough, but added to the peeper reports it had him thinking a possible burgeoning serial killer.  Harding shook his head, much like a veteran doctor who was told by an intern that someone had a rare disease he knew that usually when you found something it was actually far more innocent and you shouldn't be looking for ebola when it was just as likely a really bad flu bug.


     Despite this, as a whole it bothered him, and maybe that was because the activities were centered in the area that Elle lived and it all wound back to him wanting to protect her.  He'd have to watch that, no matter how much he was drawn to her he couldn't afford to have it coloring his judgment even more than it already had.  He cleared his desk and filed a few things before heading out, still mulling over those reports as he drove to the address that Elle had given him.  Parking the car he looked around at the lot, there was a good sturdy fence enclosing most of it, a gate that could be put into place and locked a nice feature.  It had been a small distribution center before the business it supplied failed, and he saw a small line of people who were there apparently to apply for jobs either with the construction crew or club staff still waiting to be interviewed.  That was a good sign too, and he remembered Elle telling him that one of the reasons she and her partners had chosen this area was to bring back jobs.  He eyed the people in line, most of them checking him out in return despite his obviously being a cop and that was also good.  He nodded at the man writing down information on a clipboard, recognizing him as one of the bartenders from the original Sanguine Rave.


     He let Harding in with a polite 'Detective' and went back to his pre-interview work, and his familiarity was interesting to Harding.  It seemed that the people around Elle were already used to the idea of him being around, even though it hadn't been that long since they started whatever this was they had.  He looked around the interior of the building, seeing where the bar would be installed and noting a few places that would be good for security cameras.  The loading bay would be transformed into a dance floor, tiles stacked up near the wall waiting to be put in and the stage for the DJ was already put together.  It was bigger than the first club, but he could see that it was well laid out, clear exits already showing the softly glowing red signs.  A slight smirk came and went as he saw a large crate of fire extinguishers, and he stood in the middle of the room he decided that they'd made a good choice to convert this space rather than rebuild the old.  Turning around he saw Elle coming out of the shadows where the bar would be, a cute smile coming to her lips as she looked at him.  “So, what do you think?”


     Good question.  He knew she meant 'about the place' but really all he was thinking about was setting her up on the edge of the stage and fucking her until he couldn't move anymore.  That had him chuckling and he cleared his throat before answering.  “I think you're going to have your hands full once you open this place.”  Elle licked her lips, even looking rumpled after his shift and a bit tired he looked just as delicious to her as always.  “Well what can I say, I like having my hands full.”  Something about her expression made him laugh, and she liked how his eyes lit up when he did.  “That so.  Well, I like that answer though right now your hands seem a little empty.”  For a second she looked surprised and then she smiled as she crossed over to him, sliding her arms up around his neck and pressing herself to him.  “Sounds like you have an idea to change that.”  He loved how she squealed slightly when he picked her up, kissing her as he walked them across the empty concrete floor and settled her firm behind on the stage, already unzipping her slacks and working them down just enough, finding her hands at his own zipper and pushing his pants aside and reaching in to stroke his hardening cock.  He moved his hand between her legs, finding her already wet and he buried two fingers inside her, moving them in and out to make her whine with pleasure.  Settling between her legs he slid his cock up and down to tease her pussy before he entered her, giving her his cock a slow inch at a time.  Her head went back as he was finally balls deep, holding himself still before he gripped her hips and began moving.


     Stroke after stroke he drove her and he watched her extend her legs up, toes curling and he moved enough to rest those shapely legs against his chest, letting him thrust deeper inside her.  Every stroke rubbed her throbbing clit, and he got her to cum faster than ever this way, loving how she shook and cried out in pleasure.  He slowed for a moment, but when she dug her nails into his back through his shirt it drove him wild, and he thrust into her as hard as he could before he exploded, locking her in tight against him as his cock pumped its load of semen into her.  They'd barely had time to fix their clothing before they heard the door open, and he helped her down off the stage.  They'd almost gotten caught, he watched the bartender take a few people back to the office to interview and knew they'd almost gotten a free show.  He should have been embarrassed at his lack of control, and the fact that their luck couldn't hold out had him letting out a deep breath.  He kissed her lightly and murmured.  “I need to go.  Elle, I just can't control myself around you and I don't care for that.  I need to think.”  He hated that look of slight hurt that came to her expression, but she nodded.  “I understand.  Call me though, when you're done thinking.”  David watched her walk away, head up and he already regretted saying what he had.  But she was causing him to slip, be distracted and a distracted cop could very easily become a dead cop.


     It didn't help that he could smell her perfume on his shirt all the way home.  He laid it aside instead of tossing it in the laundry, and it was all he could do not to call her and apologize.  But he knew that if he didn't work this out he'd doubt, and with a woman like Elle he felt she deserved him to be all in if he was going to be with her.  A few days passed, and he wondered how often she'd gone to call him but held back out of respect for his request to think.  Harding thought about her a lot, and he was certain that if she could forgive him this step back, that they had a shot at something really good.  He wanted to be with her.  He wanted to learn all about her, especially now that he'd read her whole diary.  He needed to know if that was the truth, or a book, delusional or reality.  He even examined how he'd feel if it
true.  Could he accept someone that wasn't technically human?  They obviously wouldn't be able to have children, could he live with that?  In the end, the only thing that mattered to David Harding was that he'd get to be with Elle – and he hoped she felt the same. 


     After his shift he decided to drop in on her, stopping to buy a small bouquet of flowers from the gas station, and he felt it wasn't enough but it was something, right?  Something wasn't right though as he pulled into her driveway, most of the lights in her house were off but the front door wasn't quite shut.  He slipped out of the car and drew his gun, carefully approaching the house.  He almost stopped to call for backup but made the snap decision just to go.  Just as he put his hand on the door he heard a crash inside and muffled screaming, he shoved the door in and burst into the living room just in time to watch her throw someone over the couch with one hand while she fought to free herself from another who had his hand firmly over her mouth.  He gaped a moment but quickly rallied, raising his gun.  “Police!  Let her go and step away!”  The man coming up from the floor stopped, looking nervous but the man holding Elle sneered at him.  “Leave.  This is none of your business, boy.”  David drew a bead on the man, keeping an eye on his partner, and it was enough for Elle to lever her elbow hard into his gut, winding him and he let her go.  She dropped and with insane speed crawled over to him.  He saw bruises on her skin and felt his rage flare, but a growl from the man he had his gun on made a chill run up his spine.  Who the hell were these guys?

BOOK: Sanguine Rave - A Vampire Romance (Paranormal Romance, Vampire)
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