Read Samson's Lovely Mortal Online

Authors: Tina Folsom

Tags: #Romance

Samson's Lovely Mortal (10 page)

BOOK: Samson's Lovely Mortal
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His bed. Had he really said his bed or was she hallucinating? “Will you be in it?” She felt hot, unbearably hot at the thought of sharing his bed. She had trouble swallowing.

“As long as you want me to.” His hand on her chin pulled her closer to his face. “Last time I kissed you, I forced myself on you. I don’t want this to be the case tonight. So I beg you, Delilah, please kiss me.”

As she brushed her lips against his, she could feel him inhale sharply. The instant her lips touched his, everything around her seemed to disappear and melt into the distance. She barely felt the movement of the car or the leather of the seats. His arms pulled her into a tight embrace, and his lips gave her all the attention she wanted, nibbling on hers and sucking on her as he hijacked her kiss. She felt his tongue slide gently over her lips, so tentative she thought he’d never invade her mouth with it, until he finally did, and did so with a masterful sweep. His tongue encircled hers, demanding she play with him, dance with him.

His kiss sent scorching hot flames through her body, so hot she thought she’d dissolve from the inside. The fire burned deep in her belly, sending warmth and moisture trickling from between her legs, pooling in her panties which would be soaked thoroughly within seconds. She was a quivering mess in his arms. She shivered violently at every passionate assault of his tongue on her mouth, unable to control her reaction to him. She hoped he wouldn’t notice how lost she was in his arms, how completely and utterly under his spell. Abruptly he pulled away.

“Are you okay?” Samson’s voice sounded concerned, but also breathless and rough.

“Please don’t stop,” she begged and pressed her mouth onto his. Without missing a beat, he continued where he’d left off.

His hand moved down to her lower back, shifting her and draping one of her legs over his thighs. He softly caressed her firm cheeks before moving down her thigh to the seam of her skirt. She felt how he stroked her naked skin and how his hand traveled upwards underneath her skirt. Higher, and higher still. His fingers reached the seam of her panties where they hesitated for a second, until she moaned almost inaudibly. As if he’d waited for her sign, he slipped his hand underneath the fabric, stroked her bare skin and squeezed her gently.

Delilah knew this man was a virtual stranger to her, and it wasn’t normal to allow him to touch her like this when she barely knew him, but she couldn’t stop him. She didn’t want to. His touch aroused her, and she hadn’t felt that aroused in a long time. She couldn’t deny her body the pleasure he was promising. As his hand slipped lower to search out the warmth and moisture which pooled between her legs she released another moan.

If he continued for much longer, she’d come in the car. She had to pull herself together, try to get some control over her body, but how could she? His hands promised pleasure she hadn’t felt in a long time, and her body’s response was automatic and uncontrollable. Even if she had wanted to resist him, she wouldn’t have found the strength. Why did she allow him to touch her so intimately?

Another sigh escaped her mouth just as he separated his lips from hers.

“We’re here.” His voice was as breathless as she felt, and his eyes were dark when she looked into them, almost as if his pupils were fully dilated. The hazel color was completely gone.

She looked around. Carl held the car door open. She hadn’t noticed that they had stopped or that anybody had opened the door. She had completely and utterly lost all of her senses with just one kiss.



Carl stood waiting patiently while Samson took out a pad of plain paper from the antique bureau in the living room and sat down. Delilah watched him as he started drawing an image on the paper. His movements were swift. Within minutes, the picture of a man leapt off the page. Samson raised the sheet for her to see.

“Is this close enough?”

She couldn’t believe her eyes! The drawing showed the spitting image of the criminal who’d attacked them. In addition to the face of the man, Samson had drawn the image of the tattoo: two circles with a cross in the middle. “It’s as if you’d taken a picture. How did you do that?”

“Photographic memory,” Samson explained and handed the paper to Carl. “Fax this over to Ricky. He’s waiting for it. And then …” He looked at her. “Carl can pack up some of your things and bring them here if you tell him what you need for the next few nights.”

Next few nights? She liked the sound of that. “That’d be great. Just bring everything.” Delilah fished for her key in her bag. When she glanced up, she looked into Samson’s face, frozen in apparent shock, eyes widened. His adam’s apple moved as he swallowed hard.

“Everything, Miss?” Carl asked politely, but she ignored him.

Looking at her gracious host, she laughed. “You should look in the mirror and see your face!” She got herself under control. “Priceless.” His shocked face, thinking she was planning to move in, was quite a sight to behold. But she couldn’t let him suffer any longer.

“Sorry; it’s not what you think. I’m in San Francisco on a business trip. I only have a small suitcase and my laptop, so I figured Carl might bring the whole lot. If that’s ok?”

Samson exhaled visibly. “You had me there for a second; I didn’t see that one coming.” He looked relaxed now. “Carl, will you get Miss Sheridan’s things please and put them in the guest room?”

Delilah handed Carl the key to the apartment. He turned around to leave.

“And Carl, could you also stop by the supermarket and get some food for Miss Sheridan? I think my fridge is pretty empty.”

“What would you like, Miss?”


“Just whatever you eat,” she answered. She really didn’t want to make any trouble. When it came to food, she wasn’t fussy.

“Sir?” Carl looked a little lost.

“Just get some fruit, milk, coffee, cereal, yogurt, bread, the usual,” his boss instructed him. “And thanks, Carl.”

“Good night, sir, good night, Miss.”

A second later Carl was gone. She was still looking to the door when Samson’s arms wrapped around her from behind, pulling her into him.

“Were you trying to shock me?” He started nibbling at her ear lobe.

“Did it work?”

“What do you think?”

His lips wandered to her neck, softly brushing her skin until goose bumps started forming.


How could she be when his hot hands stroked across her belly? “Hot.”

And getting hotter by the second.

“Thought so.” Samson sounded suspiciously smug.

He left one hand wrapped around her waist and moved the other one higher, traveling deliberately up the middle of her torso through the valley of her breasts until he reached the neckline of her top.

“What were you trying to do to me in the theater?” He stroked his fingers along the line where her top stopped and her skin began. Her skin tingled when his fingers touched her.

“Get a reaction out of you.”

Samson pressed her harder against his body, rubbing his cock against her lower back. He had a full-blown erection and made no secret of it.

“This kind of reaction?” He wanted her to acknowledge his hard-on? She could do better than that.

Her hand trailed back to run down the side of his hip as she rubbed her buttocks against the hard outline of his shaft, eliciting a not-so-subtle groan from him. It felt too good not to, so she did it again. “I wanted to see whether you’d have the same reaction as when you thought I was a stripper.”


So Delilah
noticed that he’d had a hard-on when he’d kissed her the previous night. And despite the effect she knew she had on him, she had accepted his invitation. Brave. “Satisfied?”

“I think you’ll need to do a little more to satisfy me.”

Samson accepted the challenge. His hand traced her neckline. Slowly he slipped it underneath her top and caressed her breast. He cupped her firm peak. Her
very responsive

“That’s a start. Samson?”

“Uh huh?” His hand was busy teasing her nipple and turning it hard.

“The stripper last night.” He felt her hesitate. Her question was unspoken, but he knew what she wanted to hear.

“I didn’t touch her. I sent her away. There was no way I could touch another woman after I kissed you. It didn’t feel right.” Not entirely true, since he’d certainly tried, but the result was the same. He hadn’t touched the stripper.

Delilah tilted her head back, and he seized the opportunity to sink his lips onto her exposed neck. Her tempting neck. He could feel her hot blood running through the throbbing vein right underneath her pale skin. So delicious. So trusting.

“All night after you left I was wondering whether you’d allow me to kiss you and touch you. Or if you’d fight me again.”

She gave him an answer by taking the hand that rested on her waist and slowly pushed it lower. He couldn’t resist the open invitation. With a swift move he pulled up her skirt and slid his hand underneath. He let her scent guide him to the warm moisture pooling at the apex of her thighs, touching her drenched panties with his hand.

“Is that what you want?”

“Yes.” She moaned and widened her stance for him. Effortlessly his hand slipped into her panties and traveled to the moist folds of flesh marking the entrance to her body.

“You’re so wet.” He let his admiration color his words.

“That’s your fault.” Her voice was even more of a turn-on than she could know.

“Last night I was dreaming of being inside of you, of feeling your muscles tighten around me when you come. I couldn’t think of anything else. I could barely get through the day.” He had barely slept. Rather he’d been daydreaming about her, about the things he wanted to do with her.

“I didn’t fare much better after how you made me feel last night.”

Delilah tilted her pelvis toward his hand in silent invitation.

“Tell me, did you touch yourself, imagining it was my hand?”

His fingers played with her warm flesh, parting the plump lips and spreading her cream. She let out another moan, but didn’t answer him.

“Did you make yourself come?” He was eager to hear her answer.

Delilah shook her head. “No.”

“Why not?” He eased one finger into her inviting slit. She was so tight, he was sure she hadn’t been fucked in a while.

“I wanted you to do it.”

And he would. “Like this?” He used his thumb to find her clit and caressed it, while his finger slowly slipped back and forth, in and out.

“Oh God, just like that.” Her head dropped against his chest.

“You feel so good. Even better than I’ve imagined.”

“Hmh.” Her body started rocking with him in a tantalizing rhythm. His second hand came to aid, allowing him to spread her flesh and expose her engorged nub to his eager fingers, pinching her lightly to send more sensations coursing through her body. She was so easy to read, reacting so directly to each of his ministrations.

“I’m not going to stop until you come right here.” He breathed into her ear. “I want to feel your orgasm rock through your body, and I want to be the reason for it.” The thought of making her come excited him more than pleasing a woman had ever before. At this moment he wasn’t concerned with his own pleasure, he just wanted to experience hers. Now that he knew that he would have her, he could wait and enjoy the anticipation.

“Can you do that for me, come for me?”

His cock was firmly pressed against her lower back, and he knew his erection would still be there later. It wouldn’t come down, not with feeling her body the way he was. With every movement she rubbed herself against him, seemingly oblivious to the sensations she sent through his body.

“Oh God,” she moaned breathlessly. He massaged her clit, following the movements of her body, speeding up as her rhythm sped up. Now two of his fingers plunged into her and moved rhythmically in and out, making her sigh louder, while his finger on her engorged button moved relentlessly, never slowing down, never tiring.

Samson noticed when her breathing changed, her body tensed and her movements became short bursts. He relished the way her body reacted to his touch. His fingers were drenched with her juices, and the scent made his already-hard cock yearn for release.

“That’s it, sweetness, just like that.”

She rode his fingers like an experienced and eager rider. Her skin was flushed, her pulse had quickened, and he could virtually smell the hot blood rushing through her veins, right underneath her skin where his lips latched onto her neck, suckling gently.

But he wouldn’t bite her. No. This was for her. For some inexplicable reason he wanted to be the best lover she’d ever had. He wanted to thank her for what she’d done for him, for the way she aroused him.

“Yes; come for me.” His hands moved faster, matching her rhythm. He could sense the shudders going through her body, the waves, and then her interior muscles clenching around his fingers in short spasms, raining more cream onto his hand as she came. Slowly he stilled his hand to let her ride out her climax.

Samson slipped his fingers out and brought them to his mouth, licking her arousal off them, well aware that she watched him with bated breath.

“Mmh, you’re delicious.” He’d never tasted anything better in his life. This wouldn’t be the last time tonight that he feasted on her.

“Oh my God!” Her voice sounded husky as her knees suddenly buckled.

He caught her and brought them both down on the couch. He turned her in his arms to gaze at her face. She looked flushed, her skin glistened.

“Satisfied now?” He smiled.

“You’re amazing.” She met his look and pulled his face to hers. Her lips approached his and met them in a passionate kiss.

“Does this mean you’re going to share my bed tonight?”

“I thought we’d already cleared that hurdle.”

“I don’t recall getting a definite answer from you. Even though, I could venture a guess.”

“Maybe I’ll just show you my answer.”

Her hand went to the bulge underneath his pants, cupping it. He felt her fingers slowly trace his hard cock from the tip to the base and back again. He inhaled sharply. It appeared that his selflessness in pleasuring her would pay off.

“I think I get the idea.”

“Let me just make it a little clearer, so there’s no misunderstanding later.”

Delilah tugged at the zipper of his pants and pulled it down slowly. Her hand easily slipped inside. Samson felt the soft skin of her palm pushing his boxers aside and finding his erection straining against her hand. She wrapped her hand around him, gripping his hard shaft tightly. A drop of moisture had already oozed from its tip. With her finger, she slowly spread the moisture over the head, massaging it in. He couldn’t remember ever having been touched this gently.

She would be a very attentive lover, he knew now. She would be just the right medicine for him. One on which he could easily overdose if he wasn’t careful. Dr. Drake had neglected to tell him how much sex he should have with her. Surely he hadn’t meant just once?

“Oh, God, woman, you’re torturing me.”

Delilah gave a soft giggle. “I don’t believe you know the meaning of torture.”

She moved her hand up and down his erection, keeping her grip firm, as if she knew how he liked it. No tutoring needed.

 “I do now.” Samson sighed.

“Take me to bed before we embarrass Carl when he gets back.”

He swept her up into his arms and walked up the stairs. This time she didn’t protest being carried. He liked the feel of her small body in his arms. As he carried her into his bedroom, he noticed her giving her surroundings a brief glance. The four-poster bed, the floor pillows in front of the huge fire place, the paintings.

He noted with joy that nothing held her attention for long. Instead her eyes moved back to him, giving him another of her gorgeous smiles.  His worldly possessions didn’t seem to influence her. He believed he could have carried her into a shabby hut, and as long as there was a bed, she would have smiled at him with the same anticipation in her eyes.

Samson lowered her onto the bed, quickly stripping her of her shoes before he reached for a remote on the bedside table. One click and the fireplace ignited, starting a small fire. The lights on both bedside tables were on and provided a soft glow in the room. He let his eyes glide over her, savoring the moment.

“Beautiful.” He meant it. To him she was the most beautiful creature he’d ever touched. And now she was in his bed. Ready for him.

Moments later he joined her and took her into his strong arms again. Her body felt so right.

“I forgot to mention: though I can guarantee your safety here, I can’t guarantee that you’ll get any sleep tonight.” He made no attempt to hide the desire in his voice. “In fact, I guarantee you that you won’t.” Not a wink of sleep, not as long as he had any energy left. And as a creature of the night he had energy in abundance.

Her long lashes fluttered as she looked up at him. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” He knew she was teasing him. He felt his skin burn when her fingers travelled to his shirt where she eased one button open and let her hand slip in to touch him. What soft hands.

 “Is that a challenge?” He was definitely up for it, more than she could even begin to understand.

“What are you going to do about it?” He knew what
was doing about it, because he was at the receiving end of it. And not complaining either. She’d opened two more buttons of his shirt and now liberally caressed his chest. He was not about to stop her.

“This.” He kissed her cheek. “And that.” He kissed her neck. “And that.”

BOOK: Samson's Lovely Mortal
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