Sally's Wolf (Motor City Vampires Book 3) (8 page)

BOOK: Sally's Wolf (Motor City Vampires Book 3)
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“Thank you for allowing me to come here, Mr. O'Connor,” he said.

“Mr. Randall, please have a seat,” Connor said, indicating the seat in front of his desk. Mr. Randall sat down and pulled out an iPad from a case he was carrying.

“Please call me Vincent; I hate being called mister. I’m going to take notes, if you don’t mind?” he asked.

“Not at all, Vincent. So, you are here to learn about Vampires.”

“Well, the Vampire council gave us some vague information but we wanted to do some research on our own.”

“A very wise plan. First thing you need to know about Vampires—don’t trust them. Especially the old ones. They survived this long for a reason. Second, you need day and night people in your office; most people, like myself, keep Vampire hours, dusk until dawn. Vampires can go out in the sun but they don’t like it very much, and most business is done after dark.”

Vincent began taking notes as Connor spoke. “Got it. What about criminals? How can we hold a Vampire that breaks the law?”

“You don’t. Vampires police themselves quite effectively. If you encounter a lawbreaker, call me and I will send someone and take care of it.”

“Well, I don’t think the Mayor or the police chief will go for that. Would a joint force of some kind be something we could work out?” Vincent asked.

“The council is very set in their ways, but I will work on it. In the meantime, I will give you some weapons and handcuffs that will hold a Vampire if your men manage to catch one.” Connor snorted.

Vincent stopped tapping at his iPad and looked up. “Mr. O’Connor, I know you may think I'm just some government official, but I want to learn and help make this revelation work for everyone.”

“I'm not exactly sure what the Vampires thought when they decided to come out and let their existence be known, but they have been self policing since the beginning of time. They are very good at it or else humans would have learned of their existence long ago,” Connor said.

Vincent looked up at Connor with concern on his face. “What do you suggest I do? Just let them run all over the city like wild animals feeding on humans?”

Connor laughed and Vincent scowled at him in response. “I don’t see how this is funny at all. We are talking about the safety of people everywhere,” he sputtered out as he stood up suddenly.

Connor sat up and became very serious. “Listen, Vincent, I don’t mean to scare you, but this is a world you know nothing about. If you’re not careful, it could get you and everyone else killed. You have been given a most important but dangerous job.”

“What do I need to do?” Vincent asked.

“Hire Vampires. You need some good loyal people with inside knowledge; I have a few I can recommend.”

“I can do that. I have been given the go ahead to hire a team. Right now, it’s just me and my assistant.”

“You need to run a twenty four hour operation; daytime people for humans and nighttime people for Vampires. Everyone reports to you and don’t cut the Vamps any slack. Believe me; they will try to take advantage. Make them take a loyalty vow before they begin work. I will show you how so it’s binding.”

“Mr. O’Connor, thank you for all this, but that seems a little bit excessive. I can’t work that way.”

“You must! You have a hard road ahead. I will try and help you but some things can’t be taught. I will give you my personal cell phone number. Call me if you encounter any problems.”

“I appreciate that,” Vincent said thoughtfully.

Connor looked at his watch and realized they had been talking for nearly two hours. “I have other work to attend to. If you would like, we can meet again in a few days, see how things are progressing.”

“Thank you, Mr. O’Connor. I appreciate it. I’ll have my assistant call you.”

Connor stood up and shook Vincent’s hand as he collected his iPad and left the office.

akarai sat in the club watching Mary work. She looked amazing and sexy and oh so tempting. She spotted him at a table and rushed over to give him a big friendly hug.

“I’m so happy to see you,” Mary gushed, giving him a sparkling smile.

Dakarai nervously looked down at the floor as he pulled away. “I wanted to see you.”

“I get off at three. Do you want to do something tonight?” she asked, hoping he would say yes.

“I have a few things to do, but I can be back at three.”

“Oh, yeah!” Mary said as she jumped up and down.

Dakarai couldn't help but to notice her plump breasts bouncing as she jumped. It immediately made his cock ache and he couldn’t help but think about her in all kinds of dirty scenarios.

Mary looked over and noticed one of her customers needed a refill. “That’s me; gotta go.” She hurried off, back to work.

Dakarai looked down as his phone buzzed. He opened it to find a text from Maurice, who wanted to meet in twenty minutes. Groaning, he threw a twenty on the table and left the club.

Dakarai looked around at the dingy coffee shop in a not very good part of Detroit on Eight Mile road. It sat on a busy corner where the neon sign read open 24 hours. It had a faint scent of cigarettes, remnants of not too long ago, when smoking was allowed at restaurants. He sat, ordered a cup of coffee, and waited at a booth in the corner. He slowly drank from his cup until someone came and sat across from him.

“You must be Maurice,” he muttered after taking another drink.

“Dakarai, a pleasure. We have much to discuss.” Maurice held out his hand, but Dakarai merely looked at it with little interest.

“I’m listening,” Dakarai said.

He couldn’t help but think about Mary. Maurice didn’t deserve her. The way she looked in her work uniform. Her cute, slender figure with all the right curves. Could he do it? Could he hand her over to Maurice like a piece of property? When he was with Mary he didn’t think about Salihah, or anyone else for that matter.

“Have you gotten close to Mary yet?”

“We have become friends. She seems lonely. It wasn’t hard.”

“Keep it up. See if you can get her to talk about me. I want you to plant the possibility of giving me another chance. And when she looks like she might be agreeable, I will make my move and she will be mine.”

Chapter 11

(Sally’s Past)

bo kissed Sally, his Salihah. She moaned against him as her fangs extended. Sally opened her mouth, licking her fangs. She wanted him and it had been a long time since she truly wanted a man. She hadn't been celibate by any means, but sex for her was mostly a past time, something to do after a feeding.

They were both naked on the bed. Sally looked at Ebo now fully naked and his cock erect and ready and Ebo tilted his neck as an invitation. He wanted her to drink from him, to make him part of her just like before. Her scent flooded his senses. He couldn't help but take it all in. It was so familiar—the scent of home, of Egypt. She straddled him, licked the crook of his neck, and kissed the spot just before her fangs sank into his skin. She drank from him, his sweet blood pouring down her throat. It was different than before. Now he was a vampire, but his taste was still very familiar. She allowed his blood to fill her mouth. When she had her fill, she licked the wound, sealing it. Her teeth were tinted with his blood. Ebo couldn’t believe how turned on that made him. Ebo smiled at her with his dark, bedroom eyes. His expression started to change, and Sally could tell he was thinking about something. She hoped he wasn't changing his mind. “I can tell you are thinking, my young Ebo. Tell me what's wrong.”

“Salihah, I want you tonight, but I need it to be my way. If you don’t want this, I'll understand.

“What exactly are we talking about?”

“I like my women submissive; I want to dominate you. It would bring me great pleasure. I can’t have it any other way.”

“Like whips and chains?” she asked, unsure what it involved. She had no experience with that sort of thing. Usually, she called the shots. Letting a man be the one in charge never entered her mind.

“I would be in charge, but I won’t do anything that scares you or that you don’t like. I want this to be enjoyable for both of us.”

Sally swallowed hard. The idea of bending to the will of a man was just so foreign and unknown to her. Once she was turned and realized the power she had, she never let a man have the upper hand. “I will try. I can’t guarantee I will like it, but I will do as you say and see where it takes us,” Sally said to him with a gleam in her eyes.

Ebo kissed her long and hard, before getting up from the bed and walking over to her closet. He found what he was looking for—several floral silk scarves—as Sally waited patiently, curious to see what Ebo was doing.

Ebo approached with the scarves. She could smell his exotic cologne as he leaned over and tied one around her head. Sally could no longer see; all was black. She anticipated his next move as he took her hand and she felt his soft kiss before she felt him tie her up, one hand at a time.

Sally was now exposed; completely at his will. She waited—her lack of sight putting all her senses on high alert. Sally couldn't see Ebo, but she could feel his breath on her neck as he hovered above her.

Ebo kissed her deeply. She wanted to move into him but she was tied up, preventing much movement. Ebo kissed his way to the crook of her neck and licked the sweet delicious spot. His fangs scraped against her skin, and then quickly sank into her flesh. As he sucked on her neck, Sally moaned, rubbing her wet, swollen pussy against him.

“Be still, Salihah. Do not move unless I give you permission.” His voice was different; he sounded surer of himself, much more commanding.

“Please,” Sally begged. Ebo ran his hands slowly down her body. Her body jumped at every sensation.

“You will be patient, and be rewarded for it,” Ebo said in a seductive voice. Sally was nervous about what he would do next, anticipating his expert touch.

Sally moaned as he kissed and licked his way down her body. She wanted to move, but used all of her willpower to keep still. The intensity increased. He parted her legs and kissed her inner thigh. Using his tongue, he parted her dark curls and licked every inch of her, exploring all of her moist, soft folds. Her body, previously unknown, was like finding home again.

“Oh, Ebo. Don’t stop,” Sally whimpered.

He smiled. “I know,” he said in response, as he continued his pleasurable assault on her body.

Sally wondered what happened to the young, unsure boy she fed from. He was now a dominating, intense, and forceful man. She was surprised at herself for enjoying it so much. He found her clit and gave the small bud a gentle lick. Sally moaned even louder, not sure how long she could take this before her body gave in.

Ebo continued licking and sucking her pussy.

Sally screamed. “Oh yes, Ebo.” Her orgasm claiming her, she continued screaming and moaned as her body continued contracting.

Ebo was far from finished with her. He moved up her body and took her nipple in his mouth. She let out a surprised moan as he continued sucking and fondling her breasts.

Ebo reached between her legs, parting her. His fingers moved, expertly exploring her body. He found her clit and just as she was about to explode, he stopped. Sally cried in protest, wanting and needing more.

He positioned himself over her and pushed his cock into her, hard and fast. He moaned as her wet pussy squeezed around him. He sped up his rhythm, pushing harder and faster until her orgasm claimed her. Ebo quickly followed her, finding his pleasure, his liquid warmth filling her.

He rolled off of her and lay there for a moment before starting to untie her and take off the blindfold. She curled into him like a content kitten as they both fell asleep.

akarai arrived at the bar and waited for Mary to come out for their date. He leaned up against the building, observing humans and other paranormals coming and going. When he closed his eyes and concentrated, he could hear her. Mary was changing, getting ready and talking to the other employees. He smiled. She said she was nervous and liked him. The woman Mary was talking to teased her about getting lucky. He could sense she was nervous. He waited a few more minutes and watched the door as Mary emerged. She looked beautiful, dressed conservatively; it was different from her waitress uniform. She wore a long sundress with short sleeves. The neckline was higher and showed no cleavage. She wore a plain gold necklace of a lily and her hair was down—a cascade of brown curls around her shoulders. She was a beauty and mesmerized him. He loved this way of dressing much more than the waitress uniform she normally wore. His sensibilities were very old fashioned by today’s standards; her way of dressing pleased him very much.

BOOK: Sally's Wolf (Motor City Vampires Book 3)
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