SAFIR: The Warlord's Bounty: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance) (Astral Guardians Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: SAFIR: The Warlord's Bounty: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance) (Astral Guardians Book 1)
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Safir began to rock his hips against mine, massaging my clit with his cock. My vision blurred a bit from the pleasure and I moaned at the riotous sensations coursing through my veins.

Safir lowered his head down to my neck and sucked on the sensitive skin. A bolt of pleasure speared right down to my core and the sensitive muscles clenched impatiently, leaving me completely breathless.

“Safir please, I’m wet, just push inside…please,” I started to beg for him to push his hard length inside of me, but he simply continued to suck on my neck and collar while he pushed me nearer and nearer to an orgasm.

My already quickened breathing became erratic as my mind took a hiatus from the overwhelming pleasure. Safir gripped the headboard of the bed and I heard the metal frame groan in protest from his strong grip.

My hands gripped his waist tight as he pushed me further to the edge of climax. I felt the first quivers of my orgasm and Safir abruptly stopped moving his hips. I cried out in protest and then cried out again in pure pleasure when he positioned the head of his cock at my entrance and slowly entered me.

He filled me up completely, his sex touched the very core of me and I tightened and quivered around him. Safir groaned and then spoke in that beautiful language, his whispered words heightened my senses even more and I begged him to move.

Safir pulled out of me almost to the very tip and then plunged deep into me again. His hips picked up speed and urgency and soon he was pounding me into the bed.

All I could do was hold on to him, moan, and scream his name. There weren’t any words to describe how it felt when he kissed me deep over and over again.

My orgasm came out of nowhere and crushed over me. My back bowed with the onslaught of pleasure and Safir simply kept going. Soon my orgasm melded into another and tears slid from the corners of my eyes at how full and complete I felt.

I was amazed that Safir had brought me so much pleasure. Safir roared as his orgasm came down him and I felt each hot spurt of release shoot inside me, almost as if it were a separate thrust.

Safir took a moment to catch his breath while he kept his eyes on mine. They were tender and full of awe. My heart squeezed and I pulled his head down to mine for a kiss. His lips were soft and sure against mine; at that moment I couldn’t have felt any more complete.
















I slid my lips from Arianna’s and pressed them against her pulse. I could already smell my scent on her blood. She had given herself to me and I had finally marked her as mine.

The tiger no longer loomed with pent up need, I felt calm and at ease for the first time since I first saw Arianna. She was
, I inhaled her new scent, and it was perfectly complimented with mine.

There would be no doubt amongst my men as to whom she belonged to. Even human males would sense that she was taken on an instinctive level.

“So did you do it?” Arianna asked with soft curiosity.

I lifted my head to look at her and she smiled shyly. “Did you mark me?” I pressed a kiss to her lips and then another.

“I did, you are mine now,” I told her and then kissed her once more. Arianna giggled and I smiled at her. “We can come out of this hiding now, you can live with me…” I told her. Arianna nodded, she was eager to leave the cabin after being hidden away for so long.

“Will…will your warriors still want to kill me?” Arianna asked me hesitantly.

“They will not dare lay a hand on you now that you are my mate, in any event, they owe you an apology now,” Arianna bit her lip, her expression was still unsure.

“I don’t mean to offend you or anything…but they did attack
their leader, to try and get to me,” Arianna pointed out and I shifted my weight to the side.

Consequently, I moved within her and Arianna’s eyes glazed over briefly with pleasure. My gaze swept down her body and I saw her nipples hardening.

“They trust me Arianna. They will not attack me again,” Arianna’s expression sobered and she still seemed unsure.

“All Tristan wanted was for you to become my mate, once he sees that has happened, he will have no logical quarrel with you,” I explained. Arianna took a deep breath and she nodded.

“Okay…yeah that makes sense,” Arianna relaxed and her hands ran up along my arms and back down.

She wanted me again and I was fully prepared to make love to her as many times as she wanted me to.


* * *








I woke early, as I always did. Arianna was using me as her blanket. She held my arms around her and managed to move my leg over both of hers as well.

I smiled and kissed the back of her shoulder. She stirred and then turned in my arms so that I could see her face. She looked so beautiful in the early morning light.

“Why am I awake?” Arianna asked groggily.

I chuckled and then buried my nose in her neck. I loved that my scent was all over her. I sensed something then, something that wasn’t quite Arianna, but was within her…we had conceived! And so quickly, she was already carrying my child! 

I smiled against her skin as joy soared through me. I wondered if I should tell her that was why she woke so early, she had my child growing inside of her.

I knew human customs and in most cultures, it was frowned on if a child was born or conceived before the mother and father married. I would wait until after our wedding ceremony to tell her the news.

When we met with the men later, I would have to tell them not to say anything. I could even sense the life growing stronger inside of her.

“Will you do that a lot?” Arianna asked me another question, this time with a laugh in her voice. I lifted my head to look at her and she smiled crookedly. “Do I smell different?”

“Yes, my scent is on you now. I am just…excited is all,” I said and Arianna giggled at me.

“Well since we are up…do you want to go and get this over with? With your warriors?” Arianna asked with a sigh.

“Yes, we can return to town now if you are rested enough.” I carried Arianna from bed and went into the shower with her.

It was a cramped space with two people, but we did not need much space anyways. Once I got her cleaned and dressed and myself as well, we went outside. I locked up the cabin and made a mental note to return so that I could dispose of any foods that would spoil.

“Would you like me to carry you and run, or would you like to sit on my back while I am the tiger and run that way,” I asked and Arianna held her arms out to me with a grin. I smiled as I scooped her into my arms.

I ran to my house and we arrived in just a few hours, though it would have been a quicker trip if I were in my tiger form. I set Arianna down on her feet once we reached the back of my house.

“Have I ever complimented you on your home?” Arianna asked as she looked at the house.

“It’s beautiful, it’s like one of those big Minnesota log cabins.” I took Arianna’s hand and we walked into the house through the side entrance.

I knew all of my warriors were present even before we heard them talking in the living room. They grew silent as we neared the room and when we stepped into the open space, they all stood to show respect. Though Arianna did not know this and she grew nervous, her hand gripped mine tighter and I gently squeezed her hand in reassurance.

“Lord Commander…Congratu—” Josiah was about to congratulate me on Arianna and I having conceived. I shook my head abruptly and he quieted. I knew they’d all sensed the life growing inside Arianna because they were all overwhelmed with surprise.

“Before you all say anything, I’d like to formally state that I have claimed Arianna as my mate and we are willing to provide an heir to our race. We will want to commence our wedding celebrations very soon,” I added the last bit while looking at Arianna and her eyes glistened with excitement.

“Then we must apologize…
must apologize my lord. Lady
Arianna, I am truly sorry for abducting you, for terrorizing you and destroying your home and disrupting your life. If was callous and cold for me to have done such a thing and for that I apologize.” Tristan stepped forward and I could tell Arianna was still wary of him.

Tristan then bent to his knee and lowered his head with his hand fisted across his chest. One by one, those who were a part of taking Arianna and bringing harm to her life apologized and lowered to the ground, asking for her forgiveness. Arianna opened her mouth to speak, but before she did, she looked up at me expectantly.

“You have to forgive them too, you know…” she said.

I sighed and then nodded my head as I gave in. I would have liked to keep them remorseful for a bit longer, but I wanted to make Arianna happy even more.

“You are forgiven by me; you will wait to rise after my mate has offered her forgiveness,” I said with authority. The four remained kneeling and I smirked as Arianna made them wait for a few extra moments before she spoke.

“You all acted out of concern for Safir, even though your actions were twisted, your intentions were pure. I forgive you,” Arianna said finally.

All four warriors breathed a sigh of relief. If we had been on Voltaire and had they done such a thing, they would have been put to death for the offense.

One by one, they rose. Tristan was the last one to rise and all the men congratulated us on our mating.

“Well then, we have a party to throw!” Rayne said excitedly. He and the men went about setting up the deck and backyard in the rear of the house as well as getting food and a lot of drink. Though I had to make sure Arianna did not drink more than two sips of champagne.

“Tell me something Safir…” Arianna asked as we organized the refrigerator and pantry in the kitchen.

The men always went overboard when it came to parties. The last time I celebrated my birthday; there was enough alcohol and food to last a month.

I turned to look at her from my position in front of the pantry. She was standing next to the fridge and was a bit nervous. “Anything,” I said.

“Would I be able to invite my best friend to the wedding party?” she asked, a bit anxiously. I could tell this wasn’t a deep need of hers, but she was sentimental about having her close friend with her.

“Rayne and Josiah managed to fabricate your death…ashes were collected by your close friend, she believes you to be gone,” I told Arianna truthfully.

She nodded and then sighed, her expression showed disappointment, but she was not deeply upset about the matter.

“Well alright. So are we just throwing a party, or are we going to exchange vows?” Arianna asked me with a smirk.

“We shall be exchanging vows, yes. Doran will be…reciting the vows so to speak, since we have already taken each other it will simply be demonstrative of tradition,” Arianna nodded and we continued packing everything away.

“So it’s just going to be the eight of us?” Arianna asked and I smiled.

“No, actually Rayne and Tristan have recently found mates. They will be attending as well, though Rayne and Tristan have not yet claimed their mates fully,” Arianna’s eyebrows lifted in surprise.

found a human
?” I laughed at her incredulity.

“Yes, he did. I am actually quite glad for it, now the men will soon one by one know first hand my plight when it came to you,” I said with a smirk.

“That means there will be a lot of babies popping up soon,” Arianna said, though she had no idea just how true her statement was. I smiled and then stopped what I was going to do and pulled her into my arms.

“Yes there will be,” I said and she smiled up at me before I lowered my head to kiss her softly.

“Save that for the wedding you two,” Milran said as he breezed into the kitchen.

“We are just about set up outside my lord and soon to be lady. You might wish to get dressed soon,” Milran went into the fridge to grab some of the food Arianna had just put away. I kissed her deeply once more after Milran left us and then she bit her lip anxiously.

“I don’t have anything to wear. Do people dress up on Voltaire for a wedding celebration?” Arianna asked.

“People usually dress
for the occasion. The ceremonial outfits for both male and female are rather revealing. Since it is winter, and we are on Earth, we can simply wear something nice,” I suggested. Arianna nodded and then her eyes grew wide all over again.

“I left the duffel bag with all my clothes in the cabin!” I rubbed her arms soothingly and couldn’t help but smile. All females no matter what planet they were from, grew anxious on their wedding day.

“Do not worry, Josiah and Rayne were able to save much of your wardrobe, they brought it here,” I took her hand and led her upstairs via the staircase that led directly to the kitchen.

We walked down the hall to the master bedroom and I led her into the closet where she sighed with relief. She pulled out an off white cashmere sweater dress and light grey tights. I knew she would look beautiful in them.

“Well I think this would suffice. It’s not a wedding gown, or a bikini,” Arianna said with humor in her voice. I bent down to kiss her and she went off in the direction of the bathroom to get ready.

I myself chose a white button down shirt and decided to match her with light grey slacks. I sought out Doran to give me my usual hair cut and then quickly showered in one of the guest bathrooms. I dressed and then knocked on my bedroom door to make sure Arianna was all right.

“Is it starting now?” She called through the door and I told her it would start whenever she was ready. “Okay I’ll be out in a few!” I left her to go out back.

The deck was decorated with soft lights and the fire pit was lit and radiating warmth. Below the deck, the path to the gazebo was lit by tall lamps and the gazebo was decorated in candlelight. I knew Arianna would be dazzled by how the men set up the backyard.

“Are you ready to be officially married my lord?” Doran came up behind me and squeezed my shoulder in a gesture of kinship.

“More than anything, Arianna is quite literally the only being I have ever loved like this or ever will, you will experience it soon I’m sure,” I grinned at Doran and he actually paled, “it seems we are finding our mates one by one.”

I laughed at Doran’s expression; he was incredibly overwhelmed at the idea of having a mate or a family. As if on cue, Josiah and Tristan arrived with their soon to be human mates. The women were beautiful, but none could beat my Arianna.

“Well, let us go to the gazebo,” Doran recovered and gestured to the dream like white gazebo.

We walked to the center and I waited for Arianna to emerge from the house. Everyone present gathered around inside and grew hush as Arianna emerged from the sliding glass. She looked around in awe for a moment and then her eyes locked onto mine.

Joy and love swelled in my chest, as well as sweet anticipation. I simply wanted to marry her already and then take her up to our bedroom.

Arianna made her way down the steps of the deck that led to the gazebo path and finally she stood before me. As we faced each other, I took her hands in mine and she smiled up at me as if she felt every bit of happiness I did.

“Well let us then begin,” Doran produced the ceremonial white red ribbon and I presented him our joined right hands where he wrapped and tied the ribbon tightly.

“With this bond signifies the link that will hold you, the tie that will never weaken, and the commitment that shall never break. Say yes if both mates recognize this fate…” Doran paused for us to say it; I never took my eyes from Arianna’s.

“Yes,” we both said simply and Arianna beamed up at me. The men all cheer and when the noise died down, Doran finished the ceremony.

“You bear the scent of your mate in his marking of you, now your mate must also carry your scent on his blood…” Doran revealed a small needle that would prick the skin on Arianna’s neck.

I had not prepared her for this part of the ceremony and I watched to see if she would panic. Doran briefly explained what he would do and she surprisingly did not fear him or what was to come.

Doran quickly pricked her delicate skin and a bead of blood rose to the surface. “Now make your mate a part of you in all ways, solidify the bond so that you will be truly joined,” Doran prompted me and I tilted my head to the right and swiped my tongue over her neck.

As her blood entered my system, I could more clearly sense everything about her. It was a heightened awareness that was tailored to Arianna.

She leaned into me and I licked my lips before I kissed her deeply. There were cheers from everyone at that point. Finally, Arianna and I had been married.

Doran untied our hands and he tore the ribbon in half before tying it around Arianna’s wrist and then the other half around mine. After the ceremony we all ate, drank, and danced until the sun rose the next day.


* * *


BOOK: SAFIR: The Warlord's Bounty: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance) (Astral Guardians Book 1)
4.05Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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