Read Safeword: Matte - In Training Online

Authors: Candace Blevins

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #erotica, #training, #martial arts, #anal, #bdsm, #spanking, #fighter, #mma

Safeword: Matte - In Training (23 page)

BOOK: Safeword: Matte - In Training
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Sam rested her head on his shoulder again.
“She’s shallow enough that hearing about their jobs seems to have
calmed her down some. I think she’ll be okay with your parents and
grandparents, but she’s probably going to look down her nose at

“Justin can handle himself, too.” Ethan
chuckled. “You haven’t met Justin’s twin, Dustin. He’ll be here for
the wedding, and the two of them side-by-side are a trip. Dustin’s
a lieutenant-colonel in the Marines, and his super clean military
look next to all of Justin’s tattoos and gangsta haircut and
clothes is amusing.”

“He couldn’t get away for his grandparent’s

Ethan shook his head. “He was on a mission.
He’s some kind of special forces, but he won’t comment on it when
we ask, so we aren’t really sure what he does.”

Sam laughed. “Can anyone in your family join
the military or fire department without going to the top of the

Ethan walked to the kitchen area and sat her
on the counter. “Doesn’t look like it.” He pulled a container from
the refrigerator, pulled the lid off, and popped it into the
microwave as he asked, “Should we tell her ahead of time that
Justin’s an MIT graduate who works with high level artificial
intelligence, or let Justin tell her?”

“He wasn’t in any of the pictures you sent,
so I didn’t mention it. Honestly, I want things to be as stress
free and friendly as possible, but I’d also like to teach her a
lesson about judging people based on skin color and dress.”

“Let’s go for social and friendly, and not
try to teach any lessons at our wedding. Shall we?”

Sam sighed. “Sure. But she really pissed me

“Something I’ve learned from watching my
family, is the white half of the couple tends to get more indignant
than the person actually being disparaged. My grandfather George
would be ready to pummel someone for putting Grams down, but Grams
would just change the subject in some way that showed she was
better than whoever had just said something. If someone ever
mentions my skin color or heritage in a negative way, let me handle
it, okay?”

“Even if it’s my family?”

“Yes, even if it’s your family.” He stroked
her cheek. “I appreciate you being upset with them on my behalf,
and if you thought it was no big deal,” he shrugged, “it would
bother me.” He kissed her on the cheek and walked to the microwave.
“You’ve always seen me for who I am. Even in the backstage hallway
at the arena the first time we met, you weren’t intimidated by my
size even though you’d just seen me in the cage. You’ve never acted
afraid of me, never treated me as less, or in any way different.
When I told you my family wasn’t all white, you didn’t flinch or
react at all. It was obviously not important, not a deciding factor
in your opinion of me as a person.”

“I told my mom tonight I’d be in love with
you even if you were all black, because it’s who you are that’s
important, not the color of your skin.”

He smiled. “And I believe you.”

“Yeah, I think she did too, even though she
doesn’t really understand.”

He handed her the Chinese food and a fork
and she said, “Thanks for feeding me.”

“Not a problem. You’re going to need your
energy later.”

Sam’s insides ignited at
the promise, and she crossed her right leg over her left as she put
the first bite in her mouth. “Mmmm, this is

He grinned as he pulled a carafe of water
with lemons from the fridge and poured her a glass. “Now you’re
just teasing me with your moans. That’s okay, I’ll pull all the
moans from you I want to hear. Later.”

Sam looked outside wistfully. “I don’t
suppose it’s a good idea to go for a run after dark up here.”

“Not without streetlights or sidewalks. If
you want to burn some energy I can show you a simple routine on the

“Or you could turn on the backyard
spotlights and spar with me.”

“I think we can work something out. Do you
want a fight, or just a spar?”

“Just a spar, unless you want more.”

“No. Why don’t I wear some focus pads so you
can go all out on me?”

“Would you?”

“You bet.”

Ethan let her go all out, and managed to get
the pads in front of her punches enough she stopped worrying about
hurting him and punched at full strength. When she finally
collapsed on the lawn he pulled the mitts off, gathered her in his
arms, and carried her inside.

She watched from the chair in his room as he
turned the water on to fill the large tub, and wondered again how
she’d got so damned lucky. Ethan was her everything, and while the
thought scared the shit out of her, she wasn’t willing to run from
him to escape how much she needed him in her life. She would never
become her mother, unable to go to the kitchen in the middle of the
night without someone to go with her. If anything ever happened to
her father, Sam had no idea how her mom would function. The woman
had no idea of what bills they owed, much less how to pay them. Her
dad kept her mom’s car filled with gas, set the alarm clock, and
even made sure her favorite shows were recorded. Sam could never be
happy with the knowledge she couldn’t take care of herself, but her
mom bragged about it, as if having someone to take care of her
basic needs because she couldn’t was something to aspire to.

“What are you thinking about so

Sam shook her head. “Do you think I’m as
independent as I am because my mom is so damned dependent?”

“It’s a possibility, but I think maybe
you’re independent because your dad raised you to be.”

Ethan grasped the bottom of Sam’s tee and
gently lifted it. Sam cooperated by raising her arms so he could
pull it off. She was wearing an undershirt instead of a bra, and he
pulled it off before standing her up and removing her capri

“So, this tiny cabin has a huge tub in here
and a hot tub outside because it’s a vacation rental?”

“Yep. Master James owns several of these,
and he gave me a good deal to rent it long term since he knew I
wouldn’t trash it.” Grinning, he added, “He also told me the
support beam across the top was strong enough to handle suspension

“And working out with gymnastics rings?”

“He didn’t bring that up. C’mon, let’s get
in the tub. We’ll put your plug in when we get out.”


* * * *


When they finished their bath Ethan decided
it might be a good idea to take a final measurement, just to be
sure Sam hadn’t lost any ground since he’d decided she was ready
for their honeymoon.

Sam tried to argue she was still using the
same size stretching ring, but Ethan was determined to see where
she was.

“Hands and knees on the bed,” he said as he
stretched a glove onto his right hand.

Sam opened her mouth to argue again, saw the
look in his eyes, and closed it. She looked down as she walked to
the bed, because if she glared at him too much longer he’d decide
they needed to discuss it, and it'd be one of those conversations
almost guaranteed to end with discipline.

He fingered her pussy a few seconds before
sticking two fingers in her ass, and she grunted at the stretch and
focused on relaxing. Two fingers wasn’t a big deal, she just hadn’t
expected him to poke them in without finesse.

“I’m sorry I argued, Sir.”

“Good to hear.” He added another finger and
she arched her back more, hoping to show him she wanted to please
him. He’d spent a great deal of time training her to keep her back
arched when she was being used, as she’d had a habit of bowing up
like an angry cat when she came, and he’d been most displeased when
she made him come out of her while he was taking her from

His other hand patted her bottom in approval
and he removed his fingers only to wedge the ring into her ass as
if it were nothing at all — no big deal. In truth, she handled it
multiple times a day now, and it wasn’t a huge deal, but it should
be. She’d had to work so hard to be able to take it, it just seemed
as if there should be some kind of ceremony around it. She supposed
there would be, kind of, when he finally fucked her ass, but still.
It just seemed so perfunctory, today.

He removed the glove, tossed it in the
trash, and set the timer on his phone.

When he returned to her, he scrutinized her
a few seconds before casually brushing his fingers through her
folds. “Let’s see how much control you’ve acquired while
something’s in your ass. Shall we?”

Sam wasn’t a fan of denial training, so she
chose to stay quiet instead of answering. Ethan slid a finger in,
then another, and stroked in and out. She was so wet, and his
fingers found the perfect combination of friction, speed, and
stretch. In less than a minute she was in a panic as an orgasm was
bearing down on her like a runaway freight train, and she wasn’t
sure she’d be able to hold it back. Something about having her ass
spread wide when he played with her pussy made it practically
impossible to keep from coming.

“Sir, I don’t think I’m going to be able to
stop it. Please! I’m trying!”

“And I don’t intend to let up. You’ve made a
lot of progress, but your control still isn’t very dependable, is

His fingers kept the same rhythm, same
pressure, same everything, and Sam felt her muscles beginning to
move. She jerked forward, landed on her stomach, and rolled over so
he came out of her.

“I’m sorry, Sir!”

He didn’t look pleased. “I believe you’re
sorry, but you know what has to happen next, yes?”

Sam wanted to kick herself. “I’ll be
punished for moving, and then we start denial training again.”

Ethan nodded, stepped to his large armoire,
and returned with the meanest rubber flogger. “On your back, feet
flat on the bed beside your ass, spread your knees wide and stick
your pussy up in the air.”

He waited until she was in position and
said, “I expect you to stay in place for twelve strokes. If your
knees move closer together than your shoulder width, or if you drop
your ass to the bed, we start the count over.”

The first time they’d done this, Sam had
lost track of how many lashes she took before she finally managed
to keep her legs apart and her bottom in the air. It was so hard to
offer her pussy up for the cruel lashes to her most sensitive

She nearly lost control on the ninth lash.
Her knees came together a little, and it was close enough she had
to wait for his nod and the count of ten the next time his hand
slashed the cruel strands against her pussy, before she was sure
she’d hadn’t just blown it.

When the final strike finally tore into her,
Sam strained to hold the position until he verbally released

His fingers spread her lips to examine her,
and he made a compassionate sound and said, “So red and inflamed. I
tell you what, scoot up the bed a little and lie back, and we’ll
see if I can’t make it feel better.”

Ethan took his time licking the sore spots
until Sam’s hips began their small involuntary movements. He
inserted one finger and crooked it towards the front of her body,
dragging across her g-spot as his tongue teased the sides of her

Just when she thought she might be able to
keep enough control to stay out of trouble, he added a finger and
her body soared into bliss, and she barely managed to keep the
orgasm at bay.

“Please, Sir! I don’t think I can hold it

He lifted his head and said, “If you come
without permission I’ll spread your pussy lips open with
clothespins and give you fifty strokes with the squid whip.”

The threat both terrified her, and drove her
closer to the edge. She begged again, “Just give me a few seconds
to regain control! Please!”

“It’s not my job to make sure you don’t
come. It’s your responsibility. It’s your body. If you aren’t in
control of your own body, who is?”

The final question was something Tom said to
his younger students, part of teaching them responsibility for
their actions. It was the exact right thing for Ethan to say,
because it engaged the willpower portion of her brain and helped
her clamp down on her control.

His voice expressed his pleasure with her.
“That’s my girl.” He leaned down to work her clit with his tongue
some more, and worked his fingers until she was so close to coming
it was a miracle she didn’t. By sheer willpower, she managed to
control her muscles so they didn’t begin those first spasms that
would send her off into the stratosphere.

When he finally pulled his fingers from her
pussy and sat up, his smile showed her how happy he was with her

“I think you deserve a special reward, but
let’s get you measured first.” He nodded to the huge butt plug he’d
set up on a stool. “Get it slick, and then pull the ring and sit
down on it.”

Sam had grown to hate the process of sitting
her own ass down on the huge plug. The indignity of being made to
spread her bottom wide open, and to hold her body in place while he
bent down to determine her progress, was just too much. She hoped
this would be the last time she had to do it, but kept her mouth
shut as she didn’t want to give him any ideas about keeping the
damned thing around after the honeymoon.

Sam gave an involuntary grunt as she went
lower, and lower, on the huge plug. She waited until the burn
threatened to move from discomfort to pain, and leaned forward with
her forearms on her thighs to hold in place. Ethan bent down, but
this time instead of merely looking, he caressed the distended skin
around the plug.

“I love the way your asshole looks as it
stretches. I can’t wait for it to be my cock spreading you so wide,
holding you open.”

He walked to his cellphone, and talked as he
entered her measurements. “Stay put, don’t stand up yet. Off the
top of your head, can you come up with five words or phrases used
to describe anal sex?”

BOOK: Safeword: Matte - In Training
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