Read Sacking the Quarterback Online

Authors: Alexandra O'Hurley

Tags: #erotica, #contemporary, #erotic romance, #contemporary erotic romance, #anal sex, #oral sex, #mf, #anal play, #alexandra ohurley, #football themed, #nfl themed

Sacking the Quarterback (4 page)

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She looked up at him, unsure what to
say. “I guess not.”

Good. Your hands are
cold,” he said firmly. “So what’s this firm need to study

I’m about to earn my
master’s in sports administration from UH,” she said, not able to
keep a little pride from her voice. She’d worked hard for the
honor. “Between work study during the day and waitressing most
nights, Saturday and Sunday mornings are when I hit the books. I’ve
got a thesis to finish writing.”

Rhett turned onto the old country road
that led to her house. “Sports administration? What do you plan on
using that for?”

Following Jennings around
for games most of my life made me quite interested in the business
side of sports. I want to work for a large sports organization one
day. I also minored in communications, so maybe reporting for ESPN
is in my future.”

You’d look awful pretty
standin’ at the sidelines,” he said.

Taylor yanked her hand away. “I’m more
than a pretty face, Rhett.”

He cast a quick glance her way. “I
didn’t say you weren’t. Just because I appreciate what’s on the
outside doesn’t mean I haven’t noticed there’s something on the

Taylor liked his reply a little too
much. She brushed it off and decided a change in subject was best.
“Where are you taking me? I drive this way home every

Rhett smiled. “That’s right, your
parents live near here, don’t they? You still living at

Yeah, until I graduate.
Tuition’s been hard enough on my bank account. Room and board
would’ve killed me. Thankfully my parents made it very obvious I
was welcome to stay there while I finished my education.” They
hadn’t been able to help out too much with her fees, not that she’d
expected them to, so living with them was their way to help her. It
did put the kibosh on romantic entanglements, but then school was
her main priority.

I’d half expect you to be
off and married by now, with a couple of little ones of your own,”
he said.

Nope, an education is
important. I won’t be one of those women relying on a man to
support me. I’ll walk across that stage in May and get the hell out
of Dixon for good, on the power of my own two feet.”

Ahh, it’s cold and lonely
outside the county lines, trust me. Once you get out, all you’ll
wanna do is get back in,” he said, a spark of sadness in his

What’s happened to you
since you left, really?” she asked.

He looked across the cab, but his face
was too in shadow to see the emotion she felt in waves rolling
toward her. “Let’s just say that all the people who were supposed
to be my friends and my support ended up only wantin’ one thing—my
bank account. I had mentors with the team who tried to tell me, but
I didn’t listen. I got a rude awakenin’, though, and now it’s time
to get back to basics.”

Back to basics. Maybe he was really
coming back to Dixon. Taylor had an odd sense she might know where
he was taking her. When he turned onto the lane to the Lutz
farmstead, her instincts proved right. The dusty lane kicked up a
bunch of dry dirt as he muscled his way down the lane, the big
truck eating up the path. She was quiet, wondering if he would
indeed be her neighbor. To have all that man living next door, she
wouldn’t be able to get anything done or concentrate on

Oh, but to know he was just on the
other side of the woods, sleeping in a big, nice warm bed all
alone. That would give her fantasies galore to ease her fevered

Or maybe she needed to be the bad girl
inside, the one she tried to hide, and taste a little bit of her
fantasy before she left for good. How many women got a second
chance with their old crushes? It had been a good, long while since
she’d had a fun night of hot sex and twisted sheets.

She looked across the cab and saw his
large, muscled arms. She could definitely do much worse.

Rhett pulled his truck in front of the
old farmstead. He twisted in his seat and looked over at her. “I
bought this old place this morning.”

I heard you’d come to look
at it,” she told him.

He chuckled. “I forget how quickly
news travels in a small town.”

I didn’t hear you’d
actually bought it. After sittin’ empty for four years, I’m sure
it’s gonna need some work. Old Mr. Lutz wasn’t doing too well
before he passed, either, so it’s probably been longer than that
since it’s seen a lovin’ hand.” Taylor slid forward in the seat a
little and looked up at the big, old house. She’d always thought it
was the prettiest one in Dixon County and would’ve given her
eyeteeth to see inside. Too bad she’d pissed off Mr. Lutz too much
as a child to ever get an invite. “It’s so beautiful. Can we go
inside and take a peek?”

Sure. I was able to get
the electric turned on this afternoon, so it shouldn’t be too cold
in there. I wasn’t expecting a guest tonight, so I didn’t turn it
up very much.” Rhett reached behind the seat into the backseat and
grabbed something. He dropped his athletic bag between them and
opened the zipper. “I probably have somethin’ in here to help keep
you warm. They’re clean, I promise.”

After digging around a moment, he
tossed her a pair of sweatpants and a jersey.

Taylor had thought he’d brought her
out here to get into her pants and instead, she was getting into
his. Sort of. She shucked off her coat and slipped his too-big
stuff on before pulling her coat back on. After rolling up the ends
about a dozen times and pulling the cord at the waist as tight as
it would go, she was done. “Ready,” she cried.

You’re awful excited to
see in there.”

I’ve wanted to see in this
house since I was little, but I got caught in the pond and his
orchard too often for him to ever let me.”

Rhett laughed loudly. “So you’re the
pesky neighbor girl Lutz’ son-in-law said wouldn’t stop coming over
and stealin’ apples.”

Taylor froze, a little mock
anger filling her. “Before old man Lutz died, they had hundreds of
apples rotting on the ground. So yeah, I
a few here and there. Who
do you think cleared up the orchard the past four years? You can’t
leave mountains of rotting fruit on the trees and the ground and
expect those trees to keep producin’.”

Rhett lifted his palms.
“You can
all you want, okay? I promise.”

Taylor grinned at that answer. “Now,
that’s what I like to hear from a new neighbor.”

After Rhett grinned at her, he opened
his door and got out. She pushed hers open and twisted in the seat.
Before she could jump down, he was there, his hands gripping her

Don’t you know how to wait
for a man to open your car door?”

Haven’t had one opened for
me in so long I didn’t know I was supposed to wait,” Taylor

Next time,” he said as he
drew her down from the seat to slide along his firm body, “you let
me come open your door so I can help you get out. It’s the
gentlemanly thing to do.”

A thrill rippled through her. She
wasn’t sure if it was because of the close contact or that he was
already talking about a next time. She nodded. “So, you’re a
gentleman, are you?”

He drew her closer and looked down
into her face. “I’m trying real hard to be.”

Taylor wasn’t exactly sure what he
meant by that, but she did like the feel of him surrounding her
body. Thoughts of fighting him escaped her mind and she melted into
his heat, her mind made up. She wasn’t letting this opportunity
slip through her fingers. She’d have a taste of Rhett Banes before
one of them disappeared again.

Let’s see that house,” he
said suddenly, pulling away from her.

Taylor frowned, not sure what had just
happened, but she followed him up the walkway because no one was
getting in the way of her finally sneaking a peek in that house.
She had to walk carefully not to trip in his too-big pants, but
she’d take it not to be completely bared to the

He pulled his keys out once they were
on the wraparound porch and pushed the door open a few moments
later. “After you,” he said lowly, ushering her in.

She walked inside the massive foyer.
Moonlight streamed inside the large windows along the wooden
stairs, but she couldn’t make much more out. It was warmer inside
than she expected. Light flashed on after she heard a

Dusty hardwood covered the floors, and
the massive curving stairs along one side were absolutely grand.
The outer stone wall showed along the stairs, not covered by
plaster. A small chandelier hung from the center of the

Who knew old dungaree Lutz
lived it up like this in here?” she asked.

From what I hear, his wife
was a city girl from Houston and he outfitted this place with every
amenity he could to make her feel like she lived in an extravagant
country cabin instead of a farmhouse. His son-in-law says this
house is what wooed her into marrying him. You should see the rest
of the house.”

I plan on it!” she cried
as she walked into the room across from the stairs. As soon as she
walked through, another click sounded and light filled the space.
It was humongous—a massive great room with a fireplace almost as
tall as she was, made from the same stone as the outside of the
house. A few dusty pieces of furniture still remained covered in
white sheets, remnants of days gone by. On the other end was a
kitchen, open to the great room. It was dated, but had so much
potential. She walked closer, wanting more of a peek.

I’ll update the kitchen
and the bathrooms, put in new fixtures,” he said, again reading her
mind. “Clean it up and paint.”

Don’t take away all its
charm, though,” she said as she walked into the space. “I certainly
hope you’re not going to make it too modern.”

Rhett shoved his hands in his pockets
and shrugged. “I haven’t thought that far ahead yet. I guess
whatever we can salvage, we might use.”

Taylor rubbed her hands over the old
cabinets. “These look handcrafted. You’re not going to find those
too easily today.”

I suppose not,” he said

A huge farmer’s sink sat in the midst
of the counter. “Or this. Do you know how expensive these are now?
You definitely have to try to salvage this. It’s too beautiful to
get rid of.” Both of their families had humble origins, but they’d
grown up just fine. Hopefully all that money in his bank account
hadn’t changed him too much. For all she knew, he’d gut the place
and make it look like something glitzy and not the beautiful home
it could be. She looked over her shoulder to see if he was even
listening to her.

Rhett just watched her, smiling to

Taylor suddenly felt self-conscious
under his regard. She rushed past him. Before she could get away,
he grabbed her lightning quick and pulled her close, his lips on
hers in an instant. She shuddered, the electric feel of his mouth
on hers too good. Taylor didn’t fight his kiss; she needed it too
badly. Lifting up on tiptoes, she met his lips, seeking the feel of
his tongue on hers.

Rhett kept the pace slow, languidly
tasting her as he held on to either side of her face. He was in no
hurry, which only made the need within her intensify. She reached
up and grasped handfuls of his shirt, pulling him closer, trying to
urge Rhett to push deeper, kiss harder. She could feel him hard
against her. His thick cock was wedged against her stomach, and the
feel of it made her pussy clench and wetness pool between her
folds, readying for his entry.

Rhett pulled away again, only making
her more frustrated. “You haven’t seen the upstairs,” he said
oddly, running a shaking hand through his hair.

Taylor was glad to see he wasn’t
unaffected by the kisses, even if he was fighting the need she
sensed in him. She grabbed the waistband of the pants and headed
for the stairs. Rhett followed closely as she climbed, and she
wished he would touch her in some simple way, as she felt adrift at
the moment. Her body was flushed and preparing itself for his
caresses, yet he was suddenly distant.

He had just gotten out of what had
apparently been a bad relationship. She shouldn’t push. No matter
how badly she wanted to.

Taylor went from bedroom to bedroom,
not really looking at any of them. All she could think about was
that kiss and the scent of his flesh when he was against her. Rhett
continued to follow her as she wandered in and out

There’s one more secret
place I want to show you,” he said gruffly.

He grasped her hand and took her down
the hallway and into what apparently was the master bedroom. A
French door sat in the middle of one wall, and he unlocked the bolt
and opened it. Outside was a long porch, enclosed with glass. The
sunroom lined almost one full side of the house. How had she never
noticed this little gem from outside?

Furniture remained, covered with
sheets. She tugged them off to find an outdoor sofa and a small
table resting underneath. Taylor sat down, saw straight through the
trees and the moon shining off the surface of the pond.

BOOK: Sacking the Quarterback
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