Read Rub It In Online

Authors: Kira Sinclair

Tags: #Island Nights

Rub It In (9 page)

BOOK: Rub It In
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He continued to play with her breasts, pinching, tugging and driving her crazy before taking the soft center of his palm and rubbing in gentle circles, easing some of the ache. He did it over and over again, sending spikes of need shooting through her body straight to her sex. Arouse, relieve, arouse, relieve. The cycle was maddening.

She did what he asked, but only because it was what she wanted, too. Marcy cupped her palm around the hard length straining against the red-hot fabric. Simon groaned deep in his throat. Slipping her hand beneath the imprisoning waistband, she found him hot and hard, and squeezed.

Closing her eyes, she relished the feel of him. All silky-smooth skin, burning heat and pulsing veins, filling her palm and spilling over. She couldn’t even spread her fingers and touch all of him.

“Damn, you’ve been hiding a lot more than killer abs beneath those rumpled clothes you like so much.”

He laughed, a low rumble. And thrust his hips, pushing his length harder against her palm. A thrill raced down her spine at the thought of him buried deep inside her, filling her up and stretching her as far as she could go.

“If I’d known you were going to be this impressed I’d have shown you mine a long time ago.”

“Egomaniac,” she answered, even as she slid up and down, trying to memorize every inch of him.

He let her play. Somewhere along the way she managed to remove his briefs so that she could see everything she had in her hand. She devoured him with her eyes. Her tongue licked across her lips and he bucked in the tight confines of her hold.

Her fingers slipped through the evidence of his arousal, taking the clear liquid and spreading it around the sensitive head. His hips rocked with her caresses, soft at first but quickly moving faster and faster. An answering frenzy built inside her.

With hard purpose, he claimed her mouth. She tasted that same frenzy on his lips and thrilled to it. His hands were all over her, everywhere at once. And she couldn’t get enough.

As he pushed her backward with the force of his kiss, she could do nothing but let him follow her down and hope that she came out the other side of this experience unscathed.

Her fingers curled into his hard hips, holding on. His body rubbed against her, all of her skin tingling beneath the caress. A whimper of anticipation slipped through her lips.

He reached above her, yanked open the bedside table, pulled out a condom and didn’t bother closing the drawer again as he ripped into the foil with his teeth. Before she could process what he was doing the condom was over his erection.

Her mouth was dry. Her sex wet. Her body on fire with an aching need. It had been so long since she’d felt this way. Alive. Sensual. Wanted.

Grasping her hips, Simon pulled her back to him. Wrapping an arm beneath her knee, he crushed her leg up and opened her wide for whatever he wanted. Cold air mixed with the heat of desire and she whimpered. She was empty and she wanted him to fill her.

“Simon. Now. Please,” she begged.

He speared her with a dark gaze and then with slow, sure strokes, invaded her in the best possible way. Her internal muscles protested for the space of a heartbeat before stretching around him, taking everything he’d given her.

She wanted more. He was holding back. She could see it in the concentrated strain of his face and feel it in the quiver of his muscles. Looking down at where their bodies joined, she realized he had inches left to give her. She was greedy and wanted it all.

Pulling her hips wider, she opened for him. And burying her heels into his flanks, Marcy urged him on. He resisted, pushing against her.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he gritted out through straining jaws.

She clenched her internal muscles. He hissed.

“You won’t,” she promised, even as she surged beneath him, lifting her hips and taking all of him. He slid home, burying himself inside her to the hilt.

He hissed again. His eyes glazed over with mindless passion. Breath panted through his still-clenched teeth and his ribs contracted and expanded beneath her hands, like the flanks of a horse that had just run hell-for-leather. He was trying desperately to cling to sanity and control. Only, she didn’t want him to.

She tried every trick she knew to get him to let go—undulating against him, reaching between their joined bodies to caress his tight balls, contracting her sex around him—but he wasn’t giving in. He stayed there, not moving, driving her crazy.

And while she’d gotten exactly what she wanted—all of him—it left her with little space to maneuver. But, God, the hot, hard feel of him deep inside her was worth the price.

After several seconds the haze lifted and he looked deep into her, blue eyes clear and blistering. She trembled under the intensity of that gaze.

“Minx,” he breathed, the soft caress against her skin jolting deep inside her. She was so close to the edge of losing it.

He pumped slowly against her, pulling out and thrusting back in. This time he didn’t hold anything back. Each time he left her empty she thought she would scream, only to have him fill her so completely she wasn’t sure she could ever live without the sensation again.

Her hips gyrated beneath him, meeting him thrust for thrust, urging him higher, harder, faster. The bed trembled, and somewhere in the back of her mind she worried they’d ruin it right along with the linens.

But it would be so worth it.

She wanted this moment to last forever, to teeter on the amazing edge he’d driven them both to. But it couldn’t. The consolation was that Simon broke at the same time, both of them coming together. His hips surged against her, hard. Every muscle in her body responded, contracting and pulsing and quivering.

Her cries mingled with his shouts and Marcy was grateful they were entirely alone in the large hotel. Because if anyone else had been in the place they would have heard, floors and walls be damned.

Simon collapsed beside her, half on and half off, their bodies still joined. It wasn’t something that Marcy usually liked. Aside from the idea of being crushed beneath some big male body that most likely was a foot taller and fifty pounds heavier than she was, she just didn’t like feeling trapped.

But she didn’t mind it at all with Simon. In fact, if he’d tried to move, she probably would have protested. The weight of him against her felt like the only thing keeping her together. And the solid feel of him still inside her was reassuring as aftershock after aftershock rolled through her.

Eventually Simon pulled away. Rolling onto his back, he tucked her against him. His skin was warm under her cheek. The steady thrum of his heart was hypnotic, and exhaustion filled her. Her eyelids fluttered closed. She’d just rest for a few minutes.

Her next conscious thought was that something was tickling her hip. She swatted at it…and her fingers got tangled with Simon’s. Her eyes flew open.

Moonlight filled the room.

“How long have I been asleep?” she asked, her voice still rough with sleep.

“Awhile,” Simon answered. He had levered himself onto one elbow and was looking down at her, a tempting light in his eyes. She knew she probably looked awful. Her skin was no doubt flushed red, her hair a mess and soot most likely still coated her arms and legs.

He reached over to place a kiss on the curve of her shoulder and she shied away.

She didn’t like his frown as he asked, “Why’d you pull away?”

“I’m still dirty,” she said, lips curling up in distaste.

His frown cleared and a soft chuckle escaped. The urge to reach up and kiss him rolled through her, but she didn’t give in to it. She was on shaky ground here, and didn’t know what he’d consider acceptable lover behavior.

“Is that all? Most of it rubbed off on the comforter.”

Marcy looked down at her arms and realized he was right. “Oh, and that makes it so much better.”

The soot was mostly gone, only a few minuscule streaks left here and there. But she could still feel it on her skin. “I really wish the water was working. I’d kill for a shower.”

Simon trailed a single finger down the center of her body, going through the valley between her breasts and circling lazily around her belly button.

“I don’t think killing is the answer, Ms. McKinney. But I might have a solution?”

“Oh yeah, what’s that?” she asked, trying desperately to keep hold of the thread of the conversation. How could his simple, playful touch—after she’d just come twice—arouse her again so quickly?

He clicked his tongue in an admonishing sound. “What’s it worth to you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you were willing to kill for a shower a few minutes ago. What’s my solution worth to you?”

Marcy’s eyes narrowed, even as a smile touched her lips. Her fingers found their way to the nape of his neck and began playing there, twisting the strands lazily through them.

“Well, the inherent value is less because I’m purchasing an unknown.”

“I promise it will accomplish the same goal as a shower.”

She shrugged, the muscles of her stomach leaping beneath his touch. “I’m not in the habit of taking charming men at their word.”

“Been burned a time or two?”


Leaning over her, he claimed her mouth in a kiss that held every bit as much passion as the kiss in the jungle—the one that had sent them here. The only difference was this time there was a familiarity that set her a little on edge. It was nice. But it also scared her. It would be so easy to fall under the spell of this charming, gallant man. At least when he was treating her as if she were precious and unique.

“Grab a shirt out of the closet,” he said, pulling back. “We’ll settle on payment later.”


of a drawer, Simon pulled out some gray pajama bottoms that had never been worn. He couldn’t even remember why they were there since he always slept nude, but it didn’t matter.

Turning around, he was just in time to watch as Marcy pulled an old college T-shirt over her head. The sight of her covering her body shouldn’t have been sexy, but it was. The hem of the faded navy fabric brushed over her skin, falling to settle halfway down her thighs. Considering he was so tall and she was so short, it more than covered the important bits. But he knew what waited underneath.

And he had every intention of seeing it again. Tonight.

Grabbing her hand, he pulled her out of his apartments and through the hotel. Their bare feet pattered softly against the stairs.

Every few feet they passed beneath the red circle of an emergency light, but in between they were surrounded by darkness. He could barely see her in the blackness. There were windows in the stairwell, but it was the middle of the night.

They burst onto the first floor of the hotel. Here soft moonlight fell through the wide windows fronting the lobby, gilding everything in silver. A shadowy figure moved silently through the space ahead of them. Simon stopped, and with the connection of their joined hands, pulled Marcy in close behind him.

There might be more light here, but it wasn’t enough to tell who was in front of them. The figure was tall and lean and, Simon decided, male. Although his shoulders were slightly slumped. The initial burst of surprise and concern eased—definitely not a defensive or antagonistic posture.

And when the figure said, “Simon,” he felt all the tension leave his body.


“I was just coming to find you.”

He wanted to say,
What now?
But one look at the exhaustion on Xavier’s face as he walked through a brighter patch of light had the words dying on his lips. “You look awful, man.”

His lips twisted. “Thanks.”

Marcy stepped from behind Simon, pulling her hand out of his in the process. He let her go, although something deep inside gave a silent growl and urged him to grab her back. He ignored it.

Tugging self-consciously at the hem of the shirt, Marcy asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Nothing.” Xavier ran his hand through his hair, ruffling the dark brown mess, which was still wet. All he managed to do was stand it on end, making him resemble a porcupine.

“I wanted to give you an update before I grab some sleep. Paul and Christine are patrolling the site of the fire, although I wouldn’t expect any flare-ups. There’s enough water on the sucker that you could advertise you now have a mud bath available.”

They all chuckled softly.

“Any news on the guy they took out by MedFlight?” Frowning, Simon asked, “Anyone even know his name?”

Marcy bit her lip, drawing Simon’s attention. He pulled his gaze away—now wasn’t the time.

“I didn’t get all of their names, but the leader’s name is Jake,” she said.

Xavier nodded. “I spoke to Jake. The injured worker’s wife met the chopper at the hospital. He appears fine. They’re keeping him overnight for observation, but so far no adverse effects.”

“Wonderful.” Simon sighed with relief.

The guy might have been trying to take on a project he didn’t have the experience to tackle, but that didn’t mean Simon wanted him to pay permanently for that bad decision. He didn’t want anyone hurt on his watch.

He reached out and clamped a hand on Xavier’s shoulder. “Excellent work. That was a real baptism by fire, and it could have been much worse without your quick thinking and strong leadership. I don’t believe I’ve ever given anyone a raise in their first week, but I’m all for breaking the rules. See me tomorrow and we’ll talk.”

Xavier nodded, not even really responding to the praise Simon had just heaped on his head. Not that Simon blamed him. It was obvious he was running on empty.

“Get some sleep,” he said, squeezing Xavier’s shoulder before letting go.

Simon and Marcy stood silently, watching him as he turned and walked back out of the building.

“He deserves every penny that you’re going to give him,” Marcy said.

Looking down at her, he realized they stood shoulder to…well, her head. He grasped her hand in his again. Turning, she looked up into his face.

“Now, you promised me something equivalent to a shower.” She raised a single eyebrow—question, dare, invitation.

Raising one of his own, he paused long enough to claim her lips before leading her through the lobby and out into the night. It was so quiet, even the ever-present sound of crashing waves seemed muted.

It didn’t take them long to reach the pool complex. Usually surrounded by laughing people, it was now empty. Well-placed vegetation gave the area a sense of privacy that Simon knew was an illusion—one he’d conjured on purpose. Even the concrete shell for the showers and changing rooms at the far end of the pool was camouflaged with brightly colored flowers and lush green bushes.

The water was calm and clear, inviting.

“No way,” Marcy said, tugging softly against his hold on her hand. She tried to walk backward, pulling him with her. She didn’t get far, only the length of their fully outstretched arms.

“What do you mean, no way?”

“I am not swimming naked in a public pool.” Spearing him with her gaze, she said, “That is what you had in mind right, considering neither of us has a bathing suit?”

“Well, I suppose you could swim in my shirt, if you really want.” His eyes toured slowly down Marcy’s body.

This time he knew exactly what waited for him under the material of her clothing—lush curves and soft skin. Immeasurable pleasure. Maybe it was a good thing she’d always worn those nondescript, boxy business suits around him, because if he’d known earlier what was hidden beneath… Yeah, it wouldn’t have taken him two years to get a taste, that was for sure.

Her skin flushed, but her eyes sharpened. “Please.”

He’d seen that expression more times than he cared to count. It was her stubborn, taking-a-stance-and-not-gonna-budge expression. They’d just have to see about that.

“Do you think I’m stupid? You’ve already ripped one shirt. The minute I get in that water this one’s toast.”

His lips twitched. “I ripped
shirt. I happen to like that one.” He gestured at it with their joined hands. “I have no intention of ruining it.”

“So if I get in that pool, you promise not to try and get this shirt off me?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“That’s what I thought.”

She tugged again at their joined hands. Instead of letting her go, he jerked on the hold and used the momentum of her surprise. She stumbled against him and, lightning quick, he had his arms wrapped tightly around her, crushing their bodies together.

That scent, the one that was now entirely hers, enveloped him. He could feel the speeding thrum of her heart against his chest. Probably could’ve kissed her and convinced her to do whatever he wanted, but that would backfire on him later when it was all over and her temper flared.

Instead, he cajoled with words. “Everyone’s asleep.”

“Except for Paul and Christine.”

“They’re on the opposite side of the hotel. They can’t see us from here. Hell, they can’t even hear us. You know you want to, Marcy. For once in your life walk on the wild side.”

“I walk on the wild side plenty,” she countered, her nose wrinkling cutely as she frowned.

“Please. You don’t know the meaning of the word
I’ve never met anyone as structured and uptight in my life.”

She sputtered. He enjoyed seeing her at a complete loss for words. It didn’t happen often.

“I am not uptight.”

“Look, I don’t have a problem with you being uptight. Actually, I like it. Makes you an easy target. But sometimes you need a little balance.”

“Balance? That’s rich coming from the man who divides his time between various entertaining activities without a spare moment left over for actual work.”

A pang of guilt shot through the center of his chest. In all the time they’d known each other, Simon hadn’t thought twice about the secret he was keeping from Marcy. He’d ignored her, dismissed her and outright lied to her without blinking an eye.

And he’d had good reasons.

Now they didn’t seem so important. Part of him wanted to tell her the truth, but he couldn’t do that. The tiny voice in his head told him he could trust Marcy. But then, he’d thought the same thing about Courtney.

He wouldn’t make the same mistake twice. Not even because of stellar sex.

Truthfully, the stellar sex made him question the urge even more. Until right now, he’d never felt the need to tell her. So he’d keep his mouth shut…at least until he was sure any decision he made wasn’t clouded by some misplaced afterglow effects.

Besides, he knew Marcy well enough to realize she would not appreciate learning he’d been lying to her for two years. And he wasn’t ready to put that wedge between them.

Not when she was going to leave anyway. Yet another reason to keep his secret to himself.

“Sounds like I’m the perfect person to teach you something about being wild and irresponsible.”

Scooping her up into his arms, Simon barely paused before stepping off the edge of the pool and plunging them both into the water. They were near the center, so the water only came to his waist. However, it completely soaked his pants, plastering the thin fabric to his body.

In her cradled position against his chest, Marcy barely got wet. In fact, only the back of his T-shirt was damp, water soaking slowly up from the bottom hem.

“Hold your breath,” he warned right before opening his arms and letting her drop.

Aside from the sharp intake of breath, she didn’t make a sound. Her body splashed into the water…and slowly sank.

He’d expected her to flail, or pop up quickly. He watched for several seconds, the navy cloud of shirt billowing around her until she settled on the bottom near his feet. Her body collapsed in slow motion, her hair floating around her head.

Simon panicked. What the hell? Bending his knees, he sank down and grasped a handful of shirt so that he could jerk her back up again.

Later, when he looked back on the moment, he couldn’t be sure exactly how it all happened. One minute he was hauling Marcy out of the water, afraid she was drowning, not understanding how that could happen since the water was shallow enough for her to stand.

The next, his feet had been swept out from under him. Already off balance, he went completely under. Water poured into his open mouth, but instinct had him spitting it out and holding his breath.

He opened his eyes beneath the water, trying to find his bearings and figure out what was going on. And Marcy was there, bubbles escaping slowly to drift around her face. Her eyes were open, too. Staring at him, a taunting smile curling her lips.

Before he could reach out and grab her, she darted away through the water, sleek as a seal.

The peal of her laughter hit him hard as he broke through the surface. The wet, clinging fabric of his pants slowed him down. Taking a few precious seconds, Simon jerked them off, leaving them to settle on the bottom of the pool in a gray blob.

The water was pleasant against his skin as he shot after her. She dived again, disappearing into the deep end. Although the trailing dark blue tail of his shirt was as good as a red flag.

She surfaced for air and he caught her. Beneath the water, his fingers slid over her soft skin. The force of her rocketing ascent piled his shirt high on her torso. It was nothing for him to grab it and pull it off her. He dropped it back into the water, and they watched together as it sank to the bottom.

His mouth latched onto the curve of her shoulder. Her skin tasted of chlorine and lavender. The broken surface of the water lapped gently around the curve of her breasts. The soft pink center of her nipples jutted temptingly.

She kicked her legs lazily, churning the water around them. The currents were like a caress.

“See, the wild side’s not so bad, is it?” he whispered as he lapped droplets from the line of her collarbone.

She sighed, the soft gust of breath tickling his ear. “Too early to tell.”

He wrapped his hands around her waist, holding her still as he ducked under the water. His eyes opened so that he could see her, the sting of chlorine worth every second. He took the distended bud of her nipple into his mouth. Her gasp was muffled, but he could feel the vibration of it against his fingers still splayed over her rib cage.

He rolled his tongue lazily around the hard nub before switching to the other side. Her skin was silky smooth and cool, unlike the heat building inside him. His lungs burned with the need for oxygen, but he wasn’t ready to let her go. He wanted to stay there forever, lavishing her breasts with attention. Beneath the water, everything was muted and it felt as if there was nothing else in the world but the two of them.

BOOK: Rub It In
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