Read Royal Enchantment (Skeleton Key) Online

Authors: Lia Davis,Skeleton Key

Tags: #paranormal fantasy, #Fantasy, #Romance, #Shapeshifters, #Elves

Royal Enchantment (Skeleton Key) (7 page)

BOOK: Royal Enchantment (Skeleton Key)
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“When do we leave?”

Squeezing her hands gently, he shook his head. Ava should be protected, not heading off into danger. He let out a soft chuckle. He sounded like Kellam trying to talk him out of a mission. And Finn wouldn’t listen to his guard any more than Ava would him. “Right after I brief you on the Wastelands. You must do as I say.”

“The two of you will listen to me.” Kellam marched into the room, a snarl in his voice and his glare pinned on Finn. “The Wastelands are filled with creatures that feed on others’ misery and pain. It’s like what the humans call hell, the Underworld, the demon realm.”

Finn shrugged. “It’s dark and cold.” He took Ava’s hands in his, drawing her attention to him. She needed to understand that she could come out of there a changed female. “You will need to tap into your Dark power more because your Light half will not be able to aid you.”

“Because there is no sun. I got it.” Ava inhaled, then released it slowly. “I need to talk with Kenia and find out everything I can about Sana. I will not allow her to destroy the Calim kingdom.”

Finn stood and nodded to Fern, who stood silently by the door, waiting for instructions. “Please assist Ava with finding a proper outfit for our journey. And don’t mention to anyone where we have gone.”

Fern bowed and motioned to Ava. “Miss.”

After a few moments, Ava left with Fern. Finn faced Kellam. “I will borrow clothes from one of the staff. I only want you and one other guard with us.”

“The less, the better.” Kellam stalked to the door, then glanced at Finn from over his shoulder. “Willow fears we don’t have too much time.”

Finn nodded. Sana’s energy was full of anger and darkness, with a little desperation in her scent. She would make a mistake, but not before destroying as many lives as she could. He hoped they could stop her before losing everything he’d fought so hard for.



The Wastelands were everything that Ava imagined. There was no green grass or leaves on any of the trees. Even though there was no sun, it wasn’t truly dark. It was like being in a place stuck in twilight.

“How do we find her?” Ava was so fixated on stopping Sana from her evil plot, she hadn’t thought things through fully. However, Finn seemed confident. Did he know how to find Kenia?

He brought his horse to a stop next to hers. “She is your great-aunt. You can sense her. Just focus on her name and your mother’s face, then ask the elements around you to guide you.”

Ah, she knew how to do that. Her mother had taught her to listen to the wind for its secrets. A smile spread her lips.
Thanks, Mom

Closing her eyes, she stretched out her senses, searching her surroundings. Nothing came to her. No whispers, no magick. “The air feels neutral. It’s almost like we are stuck in between Light and Dark.”

“It is possible. Many things have changed over the years.” Finn’s tone was matter-of-fact. “If that is true, you should be able to use either side of your power or a combination of the two.”

Kellam let out a breathy growl. “Come, I know someone who owes me a favor. We can see if she can tell us anything about Kenia.”

The guard steered his horse to the east. Finn and Ava followed, and the other guard—Ava couldn’t remember his name—trailed behind them. All the while, Ava kept trying to connect to her great-aunt. Nothing she did seemed to work. It was as if her newfound powers didn’t work in the Wastelands.

“I don’t think my magick works here,” she whispered to Finn.

“Hmm. Something is not right.” His tone was low, and the moment the words left his lips, she picked up on a heavy energy.

“What is that?” Fear burned her gut and made her heart rate increase.

Before Finn had a chance to answer her, a large, hairy beast with bat-like wings dropped out of the sky onto the path in front of them. Once the thing lowered its wings, she noted the Dark Elf on its back. His skin shimmered with red and gold, beautiful, yet deadly.

“Well, what do we have here? King Finn. I think you took a wrong turn.” The male snarled at Finn, then glanced to Ava. His eyes rounded in surprise. “Looks like Quinn has been withholding information. The hybrid child has returned.”

Kellam and the other guard moved in front of Finn and Ava protectively. Kellam said, “I’d advise you to move on your way and forget about seeing us here. This is not rebel land, you have no business here.”

“You are wrong, demon, it is you who don’t belong.”

The guard beside Kellam growled and threw a fireball at the elf, but it missed him. In turn, the evil male withdrew a bow and arrow from his back and fired much too fast for Ava to track with her eyes. The arrow hit the guard in the chest, killing him instantly.

Before she knew it, Kellam swung around and slapped her horse on the rump, sending the creature speeding off into the dark forest around them. Oh, no. They would not send her off while they got themselves killed.

Come on magick, don’t fail me now
. Remembering what Finn had said at the palace about using her Dark side more, Ava called to the darkness, willing the magick of night and the moon to give her strength. Power started to build in her veins like warm water, heating as the energy grew stronger.

Thank you, moon mother
. She turned her horse around and charged back toward the path. The males were off their horses. Finn fought the evil elf while Kellam battled the large, winged beast. Neither one were equally matched to the other. Dread almost made her lose the hold on the power she’d built. Almost.

Calling to the elements of air and fire, she created a small cyclone of flames and wind, then sent it swirling between them, not really trying to hit either group of fighters. It caught the attention of the rebel elf, which was what she had hoped for.

He smirked and stalked toward her after hitting Finn with some kind of energy ball. Ava’s heart dropped to her feet, and she screamed out, “No.” When Finn’s chest rose and fell in labored breaths, Ava focused on the rebel. The bastard was going to pay.

“I see you’ve found your backbone.”

His taunt did nothing but fuel her fury. She willed a bow and arrow to her hands. A smile lifted her lips as she set up for her shot. Right before she released the arrow, the rebel rushed her, knocking them both to the ground. He straddled her with his hand around her throat. Her breathing came in gasps.

“Still too slow. Like a human.”

She tried to throw him off, but he was too heavy. From the corner of her eye, she spotted Finn still lying on the ground, barely moving. And she didn’t know where Kellam was. He and the beast had taken their battle into the forest.

A moment later, the elf gasped, his back arching before his grip loosened around her neck and he fell to the ground next to her. A female stood at Ava’s feet with a sword in her hand. She nodded to Ava. “You’ve been looking for me?”


Ava rolled to her side then stood. “I’m Ava Green—”

“I know who you are.” Kenia’s voice softened, and she glanced to Finn and frowned. “Fucking rebels. They’ve been told to stay away from this part of the Wastelands.”

Kellam emerged from the forest, his clothes blood-soaked, and a gash over his right eye. “Why are they here?”

Kenia glared at him then looked at Ava when she answered. “They are trying to build armies, take over areas they don’t own and force the weak to fight for their cause.” She pointed to Finn and added, “Bring him to my place. Others will be here any moment.”

Kellam went to Finn and picked him up, then motioned Ava to follow Kenia. She did as directed. Her great-aunt didn’t seem pleased to see them. Well, that was too bad. Ava came for information, and that was what she was going to get.

One way or another.


Chapter Seven


Ava watched Kenia as she poured herbal tea into cups, and then carried one to her. Accepting the tea, Ava said, “Thank you.”

“Your mother and I were close. Like sisters. So it was natural for her to come to me after the attack.” Kenia sat down on the love seat next to Ava.

With a quick glance to Finn stretched out on the couch across from them, Ava nodded. “You know why I’m here.” It wasn’t a question, and she was glad she didn’t have to explain anything or ask questions to confirm what Willow had said about the rape.

“I use the water and fire elements to see into the future and past. It’s not as efficient as being a seer like your grandmother, but I get by. Know when the bastard rebels are headed my way.” Kenia lifted her gaze to Finn as she continued. “I’m one of the few in the Wastelands who is still loyal to the Morna King.”

“Sana needs to be stopped,” Kellam said from the bay window behind them.

Kenia closed her eyes and sat back. “There are many nights, especially recently, that I question my own judgment. Mainly why I didn’t kill the child as Faylan wanted.”

“I couldn’t have killed a baby either.” Ava’s heart hurt to think about it. Although she understood that keeping Sana would have been a reminder of what the Calim had done to her mother.

“When I decided to raise Sana myself, I never dreamed she would allow hate into her heart as she did. It has consumed her.” Kenia stood and moved to a small desk next to the fireplace. “Sana became too unpredictable and too powerful. Nothing I did or said would change her mind about seeking her revenge. She left several months ago, and I haven’t heard from her since.”

Kenia pulled something out of a hidden compartment in the desk and brought it to Ava. She placed an onyx about the size of a quarter in Ava’s palm. “This will aid you when you need it most. Sana wants nothing more than to destroy everything your parents love, including you and your mate.”

Fury boiled in Ava’s soul. No one would touch Finn, or anyone else for that matter. The stone in her hand began to warm. “She won’t get away with any of it. I’ll stop her in any way I must.”

Kenia nodded, sadness rolling off her. “You may depend on the sun and moon for your magick, but your power also comes from your heart, your emotions. Your passion. You can do anything you desire.”

Finn let out a groan and slowly sat up. Without a second thought, Ava rushed to his side. “How do you feel?”

“Never better.” He gave her a weak smile.

“Liar,” she said playfully, but Ava sensed his fatigue and eagerness to go home. Plus, the dark, inky air of the Wastelands was starting to weigh on her. After meeting Kellam’s gaze, she turned to Kenia. “Thank you for your help.”

Kenia held out her hands, and Ava took them. “Your mom would be proud of how strong you’ve grown. Just remember that together you two are much stronger.”

Ava followed her aunt’s gaze to Finn. Her intuition said Kenia was talking about the bond. Facing her great-aunt again, Ava pulled her into a tight hug. “When this is over, we must catch up. There is so much I want to know.”

“Sure, baby. Just call on me anytime.” Kenia kissed her on the cheek.

“Ava.” Kellam’s soft tone pulled her back to the issue at hand.

She followed Kellam to the door then stopped when Kenia spoke. “I have a teleporter in my store room. You could use that to get the King back home safely. I’ll make sure your horses are returned within a few days.”

Kellam gave a short nod and turned to follow Kenia to the back of the house. Ava hugged her one last time before entering the door that Kenia called a teleporter. It actually looked similar to the door that Ava had used to enter this world. Yet the energy was different, darker.

Once back at the palace, Finn appeared to feel better. His color was back to normal. Well, normal for him.

Ava, on the other hand, had a lot going through her mind. Her great-aunt’s words were in the forefront of her mind.

“What is it?” Finn asked and caressed her cheek.

She shrugged. “Kenia said that we’d be stronger together.”

He dropped his hand to grip hers. “Yes, a marriage bond would enable each of us to use the other’s power. We could also combine our magicks.”

Making them the most powerful couple in Edra. Just as long as Quinn and Sana didn’t bond, which would be just what they would do to destroy the kingdoms.

Making eye contact with Finn, she announced, “I will marry you and bind my life to yours.”

His lips lifted in a smile while his brows dipped in a frown. “You don’t have to do it. I mean, I want you to say yes because I know you are mine. The one I’ve waited for to rule by my side. But I don’t want you to do anything you are not ready for.”

“I have nothing in the human realm. Without my parents, I’ve just been existing. Here, with you, I feel alive. I have a purpose.” She kissed him.

He released a low groan and wrapped his arms around her, drawing her closer to him. He licked the seam of her lips, and she opened for him. Her body ached for his touch, to feel his skin against hers.

Breaking the kiss, Finn framed her face in his hands, his green eyes lit up with passion. “Are you sure? You’re not doing it to stop my uncle and your sister?”

“Yes, I’m sure. Stopping them once and for all is just a bonus.” She hugged him close. “I can’t explain it. I’ve never felt like this with anyone. It’s like I know I belong here. Everything in my life is making sense, and I’m finally home.”

BOOK: Royal Enchantment (Skeleton Key)
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