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Authors: Andrew Grey

Tags: #gay romance

Round and Round (7 page)

BOOK: Round and Round
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“Yeah. But I have ideas for others. Why?”

“How about a video game based on fires?” Angus said. “Say you’re in the building, it catches fire, and you need to get out. Or you can play the fireman, and he needs to get in and rescue the family. But what happens when they don’t get out is they all die and you get no points. Then you have to replay the same fire to move on.”

“Where the player could be the firefighter?”

“Sort of. What if you developed the program to act as a fire simulator, to help with decision making? Instead of doing it as a game, you make it a training tool. I’ve heard of a few of them, but in this area we have a few types of buildings that are particularly prone to fires that quickly grow out of control. State Street is block after block of old row houses. If one catches, they could all go up… and so on. We could build in weak, old floors, weakened even more by fire. The player would need to make decisions about where to enter, step, maybe jump out a window because it’s the only option. Sure, they might get hurt and we could have a potential injury, but if they make it out alive, they win.”

“Are you serious?” Kevin asked. “Because to build something like that would be really cool. We could come up with a bunch of buildings, houses, offices, hotels, even the state capitol or the archives. Each would pose unique challenges.” The enthusiasm in Kevin’s voice was contagious. “You’d need to come up with building layouts and things like that, including windows, fire escapes, and other variables. The cool thing could be that the controller decides if the place has sprinklers or not. Variables could be set so the same building could be used with a lot of different scenarios.”

There was no way Angus could keep from smiling at Kevin’s enthusiasm and the way his mind seemed to churn out ideas. Hell, he practically skipped down the path he had so much energy. Even as the path curved and opened up near another small lake, Kevin barely seemed to notice it.

“I could build in fire-intensity indicators, so you could… say… program in if there were chemicals or something that would make the fire burn hotter or faster. I remember there was that factory fire a while ago, and no one knew there were chemicals in the building. There are smoke factors, closed windows, open windows, stuff like that. You’d need to tell me what they are and what the effect is, but I could come up with something that should be interesting. That would be so awesome.”

Angus hated to interrupt him, but he seemed to be winding down. “Are you hungry?”

“Thirsty, I guess,” Kevin answered. “You should have told me to shut up, because once I get going, I can talk for hours, and this could be cool.”

“Yes, it could, and you talk all you want. I like your energy and your ideas,” Angus said. He motioned Kevin over to where he knew there was a secondary picnic area off the trail ahead. They walked a little farther and took the path to a small glade with four picnic tables. It was completely empty, with only the creek running over stones and birds chirping in the trees as accompaniment. Occasionally a car engine could be heard as a low rumble in the distance, but other than that, it was as if civilization had left them behind.

Kevin shrugged.

“What was that for?”

“Nothing. Just that my dad says I can not talk for three days and then the dam will burst and I won’t be able to shut up again.”

“Like I said, you talk all you want.” Angus put the cooler down on a table in the shade and sat down, patting the bench next to him. Kevin sat as well, and Angus began pulling things from the cooler. It was only some light snacky things, fruit and some cheese and crackers, along with drinks, but as soon as Kevin started eating, he didn’t stop. “Where do you put it?”

“Don’t know. I didn’t realize I was hungry until I ate something.” He’d already eaten half the mixed fruit and was going for more. “You know, maybe we could program into the game how far the ladders will run and even the distance to the nearest water source. There have to be places where hydrants don’t work or won’t open. Stuff like that.” He was getting up a good head of steam again, and Angus touched Kevin’s jaw. Kevin turned toward him, and Angus leaned close to kiss him.

Kevin hummed and seemed to forget about food. He released his fork and within seconds wound his arms around Angus’s neck, sliding closer until he was practically sitting on Angus’s lap. He was like a live wire, radiating energy in every direction. Angus held him tighter, deepening the kiss as Kevin made little moans, and that went right to his dick. He wanted Kevin, badly. Never had he tasted anyone as sweet as Kevin or felt such a huge amount of energy in such a small, compact package.

“We shouldn’t do this here,” Angus whispered when they came up for air.

“We’re just kissing,” Kevin said with a slight pout to his lower lip.

“Maybe. But if we keep that up, it’s quickly going to go beyond kissing. And that we definitely shouldn’t do here.” He held Kevin still, breathing deeply to calm his racing heart. Fuck, Kevin felt good, and as soon as the word entered his mind, that was exactly what he wanted to do: lay Kevin on the grass behind the table and fuck him so hard and deep that it caused an earthquake. Because Kevin was already rocking his world and he hadn’t even realized it. “I haven’t been on a date in a very long time.”

“Oh. Then what do you do? Are you the meet ’em, fuck ’em, and leave ’em kind?” Kevin shifted away and sat back on the bench. “I’ve dated way too many of those kinds of guys.”

“I don’t know if I’m a kind, but the easy fuck and then go our separate ways does describe most of the relationships I’ve had. Sometimes they last for a few weeks, but they stay casual with lots of sex, some fun, and then we move on.”

Kevin grinned. “I like the lots of sex part.” He giggled. “But I’m not so keen on the leaving part. Ken, my last boyfriend, left for Pittsburgh, and my mom left my dad and me one day. Dad said he came home from work—I was at the neighbors—and Mom was gone and never came back. They found her in Ohio somewhere. She couldn’t take being a mother, so she left and went to live somewhere else. My dad raised me on his own.” Kevin didn’t pick up his fork again, just stared at the can of Coke he cradled in his hands. “I always figured that I must have done something wrong or wasn’t a good enough son for her to run away.” Kevin set down the can and pushed it away. “I mean, mothers are supposed to love their children, so I always thought I was either really bad or too stupid for her to want me.” Kevin stared at the woods. “I used to think that if I was good all the time and did what I should, then my mom would hear about it and she’d come back.”

“Oh God.”

“Yeah, so I was seven and accidentally rode my bike into Daddy’s car. I scratched it a little. Daddy didn’t even get mad, but I burst into tears because Mommy wasn’t going to come back if I was naughty. He held me and said that Mommy leaving wasn’t my fault. He said it was his, and that Mommy loved me wherever she was.” The break in Kevin’s voice told Angus that the wound was still there. It might have largely scarred over, but the kernel at the core was still raw. Angus ached to hold him and try to make things feel better, but voices on the trail got louder, and then a group of kids burst into the picnic area. They looked rough, with long, scraggly hair and dirty, ripped T-shirts and jeans.

“Why don’t you finish eating and we’ll head out.” Angus kept an eye on the kids. They watched the two of them suspiciously, and Angus tensed, ready for trouble. Kevin nodded and went back to his plate. Angus stayed where he was, not willing to turn his back on the kids as they jumped on one of the other tables before doing flips off it, basically being stupid kids.

Once Kevin was done, Angus packed up everything and they left the area, turning back the way they’d come on the path. Some of the spring had left Kevin’s step when they started out, but it slowly returned the closer they got to the motorcycle. “I’m sorry,” Kevin eventually said as Angus put the cooler away and got out the riding gear. “I didn’t mean to kill the mood.”

“You didn’t,” Angus said as he closed the lid. “Sometimes things lead where we don’t expect.” He handed Kevin the jacket and got into his gear. Then he climbed on and waited for Kevin to get on and slide his arms around his waist. Angus started the bike and slowly backed it out of the space and rode out of the lot and out to the road.

He wasn’t sure what to do now. Angus had planned to spend the afternoon in the park, but it didn’t seem like a good idea any longer. When he got to the freeway, he cranked up the speed, and Kevin shifted closer. “I like riding,” he said into his ear, and Angus nodded, hoping for some sign as to what they would do next. Maybe it would be best if he just took Kevin home.

Chapter 3



like complete shit. He hadn’t meant to dredge up all those old hurts. It was a first date, after all, and he’d managed to suck all the fun out of it. Angus picked up speed on the freeway, and the energy from the bike ramped up, zinging up Kevin’s ass and thighs until it reached his head. He tightened his grip around Angus’s waist, closed his eyes, and enjoyed the ride.

At first he’d been too nervous to move his hands, but Angus’s granite abs drew him in, and he wondered how anyone could be so firm. He began exploring a little, sliding his hands lower, not realizing how far they’d wandered until Angus stiffened against him. Kevin grinned and stilled his hands, lightly sliding a finger along Angus’s cock. Shivers ran through Angus, and Kevin pressed his hips to Angus’s butt.

Kevin had never imagined how exciting riding a motorcycle could be, but this was the best thing ever. He actually wondered how he could get his hand around Angus’s cock but figured that might be a little too dangerous, so he contented himself with his initial explorations as they zoomed back toward the city.

Angus turned off the freeway at the edge of Harrisburg, took the ramp to street level, and turned off into Shipoke. They slowed, and Angus stopped in front of a house and raised the garage door. He pulled in and came to a stop. The door slid down behind them, and Angus turned off the engine. Instant silence surrounded them. Kevin pulled his hands away in order to get off the bike. His legs wobbled slightly, and he adjusted himself in his jeans, watching as Angus took off his helmet. Kevin did the same and got out of the rest of the gear, handing it to Angus, and then followed him to the stairs and up into the house.

“This is really nice,” Kevin said as they walked through the living room with its overstuffed leather furniture. The kitchen looked like it had been recently remodeled, with granite counters and gleaming appliances.

“Would you like to have a seat?” Angus offered. Kevin sat on the sofa, and Angus sat right next to him. “I hope you knew what you were doing on the bike.”

Kevin giggled slowly and blushed. “I’m not usually that forward.”

Angus leaned forward, and Kevin closed the gap between them, capturing Angus’s lips in a kiss that deepened quickly. Angus pushed against him, and Kevin lay back on the sofa cushions, Angus’s solid weight comforting as he pressed down on him. Kevin held on to Angus, pushing upward with his hips, moaning softly at first and then louder as Angus continued kissing him. Each of Angus’s touches left him wanting more. When Angus pulled away, Kevin groaned until Angus pulled his shirt up above his nipples. He ran his rough cheeks over Kevin’s chest and belly, and Kevin shivered with anticipation.

Kevin thrust his hips forward, but Angus made shushing sounds.

“Just take it easy.” Angus licked one of Kevin’s nipples, and Kevin whimpered softly as ripples of excitement raced through him. “I’ll take really good care of you, cutie.” Angus sucked at his chest and then down his belly. Kevin pulled at Angus’s shirt, sliding it up his back, and as soon as he could, he grasped for skin.

Angus climbed off the sofa and stood up. Kevin blinked, wondering what had just happened. Angus grabbed his hands, and before Kevin could let out a squeak in surprise, Angus had him up and over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. “What….”

“We’re going to continue the tour with the bedroom.” Angus carried him up the stairs and into a large room with a huge bed. Kevin giggled as he bounced on the mattress and then looked up into Angus’s eyes. They were deep, dark, and filled with something he hoped was passion, but Kevin was afraid to look too deeply, as though they might swallow him up. Angus’s words about leaving rang in his ears. Maybe being up here with him was a bad idea, but if it was, so be it. Whatever he saw in Angus’s eyes shot heat through him. He tried to turn away, but Angus caught him under the chin, his touch hot and gentle, as though he were crooking his little finger, telling him to come closer.

Kevin did, going with what he wanted and leaving reason and common sense behind. As Angus leaned closer, Kevin’s giggles, which had turned nervous, faded away. Angus’s lips touched his, guiding him back onto the huge bed that dwarfed him completely. Angus didn’t seem to care. He was already tugging at Kevin’s shirt. He pulled it over his head, stopping his lip feast just long enough to get the fabric out of the way. Then Angus returned, pummeling him with lips and tongue, sucking on both, taking possession of Kevin’s mouth. Like the heroine in one of those old Harlequin novels from the seventies, Kevin surrendered to the sexy fireman and let him have him. Angus’s heat and intensity had his head swimming.

Angus splayed his hands against his chest, feeling him, taking him in like he wanted to get to know every inch of him. Angus worked his hands under him, stroking down his back, then broke the kiss and licked down Kevin’s neck. Kevin put his arms over his head to give Angus better access, and Angus took advantage, working his exploring tongue down to a nipple as he slipped his hand inside Kevin’s pants, cupping one of his cheeks in his huge, strong hand.

Kevin whimpered. He wasn’t sure if it was because of the hand or the mouth, and he didn’t much care—he just hoped like hell he wouldn’t stop. He whimpered softly and stretched to give Angus access to whatever he wanted.

Angus worked open his belt and pants, tugging the denim apart. Then he licked harder, scraping his teeth over Kevin’s nipple, working the second hand down his pants to hold his ass. Kevin wasn’t sure where to concentrate and gave up, letting the sensations simply wash over him. When Angus tugged his pants down past his hips, he moaned softly, his cock bobbing free.

BOOK: Round and Round
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