Rookie Mistake (California Dreamers #4) (3 page)

BOOK: Rookie Mistake (California Dreamers #4)
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So much for going out of town to find a one-night stand at a country bar. I ended up with a guy from my neighborhood. I wonder why I’ve never seen him before. I’m very observant of everything around me. Hypervigilance is a professional hazard.

“Did you just move in?” I ask as I hand him back his extra helmet.

He tilts his head and stares into my eyes. “Why would you ask that?”

“I live right down the street. I’ve never seen you around the neighborhood before.”

He nods. “I just moved down from LA. New job.”

The last thing I want to do is get into a conversation about jobs. I don’t want him to know what I do for a living. Too many guys are intimidated by a female police officer. I don’t want anything to ruin what seems like a sure thing.

“Let’s go inside,” I suggest.

He nods and takes my hand. He’s on the bottom floor of the two-story building. His unit is one of four that are visible.

“I have a roommate,” he mentions as he unlocks the front door. “But he’s still at the bar. I’m sure he’ll be there for a while.”

“Shit!” I exclaim. “I forgot to tell my friend that I was leaving with you. I’d better text her so she doesn’t get worried.”

I remove my phone from my pocket and send Zoe a quick text:
I’m at his place

The text she sends back says:
Use condoms and have fun

CJs apartment is sparsely furnished. The little furniture he and his roommate do have looks like mismatched hand-me-downs.

“I was in the Army,” he tells me. “Eight years. My buddy let me move in until I get settled. Then I’ll get my own place.”

“I’m sure you’ll like the area. It’s quiet.”

“I definitely like quiet.”

We stare at each other for a long moment. I wouldn’t say that there are sparks flying between us, but being with CJ feels comfortable, like lying on the beach on the most perfect summer day with the sun on your face and a light breeze blowing your hair.

“Want a beer?” he asks.

“Sure.” Anything to make the idea of having sex with him a little less anxiety inducing is a good thing.

He opens the fridge and grabs two bottles of beer. He opens the bottles then hands me one.

“Do you need a glass?” he asks almost as an afterthought.

“I’m good.”

He watches me as I take a swig of beer from the bottle. “So do you like country music?”

“I hate it.”

He grins. When he actually does smile it’s warm and genuine. “What were you doing at a country bar?”


He nods.

“I was there to get laid.”

“Are you being straight with me?”

“I recently got dumped. My friend, Zoe, thought it would be a great idea to get me
back in the saddle
so to speak. The country bar was her idea. So was getting laid. I’ve never done anything like this before.”

He takes a long drag of his beer then sets it on the counter. He removes the bottle from my hand and places it on the counter next to his.

My heart starts to beat faster as he leans over and kisses me.

Okay, I take back what I said about there not being sparks between us. The guy knows how to kiss. He’s such a good kisser he makes my toes curl.

His eyes search mine. “Do you like jazz?”

That’s not the question I was expecting him to ask. I was thinking more like:
want to see my bedroom

“I guess so. I prefer rock music.”

“Music is the soundtrack of my life. I can relate everything that has ever happened to me to a song.”

I follow him as he makes his way over to his sound system and turns it on. “I want a soundtrack to remember being with you.”

A song that I’m not familiar with begins to play. It’s light jazz, very sensual. CJ pulls me close and kisses me again.

I can feel that he’s getting aroused. I am too. Between the beer, the sexy music, and his very skilled lips on mine, every inch of my body is responding to him.

We begin to slow dance in the middle of his living room. Our bodies move to the music as I surrender myself to his hungry kisses.

The guy may not talk much, but he definitely knows how to seduce a woman. I feel like I’m falling under CJ’s captivating spell.

“Let’s go into my bedroom,” he whispers into my ear.

Excitement ripples through my body. I definitely want more of him: his lips on mine and his hands touching every part of my body.

But do I want him this way? A one-night-stand?

That is why I came to his apartment.

“Is everything okay?” he asks. Worry lines appear at the edges of his eyes.

I’m not sure what to say, because I’m still not sure about doing what I’m doing. I’ve always been the good girl, the perfect person who follows all the rules. It’s not surprising that I chose law enforcement as a profession.

Being here—doing what we’re doing—makes me feel like a bad girl and a total rebel. 

“I’m not sure,” I admit.

He places a hand on my cheek. My face heats in response to his touch. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”

want to
do it
. That’s the problem.”

My disclosure makes him laugh. “How is that a problem?”

“This isn’t me.”

“Sex is a beautiful thing,” he tells me. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

“I don’t usually go for overnight rentals. I prefer a long-term lease.”

His lips touch mine like a whisper. His slow, intoxicating kisses linger and I savor every moment.

Another series of slow, shivery kisses leave me weak and confused.

My body is begging me to rush right into his bedroom while my mind is telling me to dash out the front door. The two parts of me have never been so out of synch before.

When he nibbles on my ear then makes his way down my neck with butterfly kisses I feel like my mind is ready to surrender to my body completely.

“Okay,” I whisper.

“Okay?” His penetrating eyes bore into mine.

“Let’s go into your bedroom,” I clarify.    

I gasp as he sweeps me off the floor and into his arms. For someone who likes to be in control surrendering to him isn’t easy.

His small bedroom is crammed with musical instruments. An electronic keyboard, a small set of drums and several guitars make it difficult for him to navigate around the bed.

“You must really like music.”

“It’s a big part of my life.”

“You play all of these instruments.”

“I try to.”

I almost say:
you’ll have to play for me some time
, but then I remember this is a one-night stand. There isn’t going to be any
next time

He carefully places me on his bed then kneels down on the floor next to me.

When our eyes meet he says, “Before we go any further I just want to make sure you’re okay with this. You still seem hesitant.”

He’s much more perceptive than I expected him to be, and a lot more sensitive.

“I want to do this,” I assure him, but my voice doesn’t sound as convincing as I would like it to be.

When his lips touch mine any remaining apprehensions begin to melt away. As I give in to the hunger of his kisses I realize there’s no turning back. I’ve already waded calf deep into the water, I might as well dive right into the deep end.

As I begin to unbutton my blouse he rises from the floor and removes his t-shirt.

An audible “wow

escapes from my lips. CJ doesn’t spend all of this time playing musical instruments. He definitely puts some time in at the gym as well. His muscular chest is rock solid.

It takes me a moment to realize I’m actually licking my lips.

I’m rewarded with the hint of a smile. “See something you like?”

When I remove my blouse his eyes look just as ravenous as mine.

“See something
like?” I fire back.

“Oh, yeah.”

He rips off his jeans and boxer briefs so fast I barely have time to process the action.

As I squirm out of my pants he reaches into his nightstand and removes several condoms.

“You’re awfully sure of yourself,” I tease.

“Making up for lost time.”

Part of me wants him to elaborate, but an even bigger part of me doesn’t want to get into a potentially serious conversation. The less we know about each other, the easier it will be to cut and run in the morning. 

His eyes rake the length of my body. “You’re beautiful.”

I’ve never considered myself
. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think I’m hideous. I’m not a
paper bagger
or anything like that. But I think calling me beautiful is a bit of a stretch.

Looking at the sparkle in CJ’s eyes I think he’s sincere.

When he lies in the bed with me I can feel the heat radiating from his body. The two of us definitely have chemistry, there’s no doubt about that.

His arrow is already raised and ready to be shot. He just needs to make sure my target is set for his entry. 

As his firm hands find their way around my body I tingle at his persuasive touch. His lips aren’t the only part of him with mad skills. His hands are equally as gifted.

He explores every inch of my body with his strong hands as his tongue roams my mouth. 

The desire to have CJ inside of me begins to overtake me. I’ve never felt such longing for another person before.

“I want you,” I whisper in his ear.

His eyes search mine. There seems to be a question he’s afraid to ask.

“What is it?” My voice is filled with need.   

“I don’t even know your name.”

I hesitate. I wasn’t going to share anything about myself. But it’s only my first name. What’s the harm?

“Maya,” I say finally.

“Maya.” He says my name like a prayer. As if I’m someone to be worshipped. That both frightens and excites me.

He removes one of the condoms from the nightstand and rips open the package with his teeth.

Once he has it in place he pushes inside of me. I’m flooded with emotion as he thrusts in and out of me.

Intellectually I know what we’re doing is wrong, but physically I can’t seem to get enough of him.

Why does it feel so good to be so bad?

Our bits and pieces fit together so well.

They fit
well together. Too well. It’s like we’re made for each other. That fills me with panic and excitement.

I can be greedy and take as much of him as I can handle, but what happens when I want more? What happens when I crave more?

I decide to push all of those worries aside and enjoy the ride.

That’s the sole reason I’m here, isn’t it? A hot night riding the wild stallion.

CJ does not disappoint. Waves of ecstasy roll through my body as he drives into me with so much force the headboard knocks against the wall.

I don’t even bother to control my cries of utter delight as he hits every spot on my target with absolute accuracy.

I have to give CJ credit. He knows how to do the wild thing.

“Are you close?” His words are clipped.

I’m not sure I can get a word out either. “I’m there,” I somehow manage.

“Oh, Sweet Cheeks,” he screams as he peaks.

Sweet Cheeks
? At least that’s what I think he said in the throes of passion.

He gives one final hard thrust and I’m visiting Big O-hio myself.

We’re both sweaty and sticky from sex, but he doesn’t immediately withdraw. Instead he gives me a soft kiss on the forehead and looks into my eyes.

“That was amazing,” he says.

“Did you call me Sweet Cheeks?”

He grins. “You don’t like it?”

“It depends. Were you referring to my face or my buns?”


“Maybe I need a nickname for you,” I tell him.

“Whatever you want. Your wish is my command.”

I gulp. I feel like the room is closing in on me. I feel like he’s getting too close and that I need to nip it in the bud.
One and done and on to the next one
, I remind myself.

“I need to pee,” I tell him so he’ll release me.

“Sure.” He actually sounds a bit disappointed and it tugs on my heartstrings a bit.

I’ve never been much of an after-sex cuddler, but CJ seems to be.

Luckily he has a small bathroom attached to his bedroom so I’m not forced to go into the hallway to find one.

BOOK: Rookie Mistake (California Dreamers #4)
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