ROMANCE: Trapped on Ice Planet: Science Fiction Romance - A Sci-fi Alien Invasion Warrior Romance Thriller Story Book (The Adventure of Leila and Auzo 1) (2 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Trapped on Ice Planet: Science Fiction Romance - A Sci-fi Alien Invasion Warrior Romance Thriller Story Book (The Adventure of Leila and Auzo 1)
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Chapter Three


I try to get some sleep.  The floor is metal and cold.  The air is filthy.  I lie on my back but it’s too cold.  I turn to my left side and use my arm as the pillow.  This is going to be a long night.


When I wake up, I see that all the girls are eating.  I sit up and blink my eyes.  A few big lamps on the roof are casting bright lights everywhere.  It takes me a while to get used to.

Darcy smiles at me.  “I’m guessing you’re hungry.”

My belly begins to rumble.  I nod slightly.  She passes me two straw balls but nothing else.  I look at them, not knowing what to do.

She takes a tiny bite from a straw ball in her hand and then smiles, “Eat.”

I take a bite.  It tastes like some sort of seaweed.  The smell is fresh.  But it’s so dry that I can barely swallow it.

“You will get used to it,” Darcy grins, takes another bite.

“No water?” I ask.

“Once a day.” She tosses her chin.  I see a few faucets on the wall.  “That’s for everything.  Drinking, cleaning.”

It takes me almost an hour to finish the two balls.  I chew carefully and swallow hard.  I want to finish them all because I know this is the only food I’m going to get for the day.


Soon, I meet other girls.  They are mostly from the east coast, like New York, Boston, North Carolina, and Florida.  A few girls are from the west but they were caught on their way to Disney World.

There is a girl from Toronto, Canada.  She was on her way to Chicago when she was sucked into the air from her car.  “I thought it was a tornado.”

They are all exhausted.  No one wants to talk.  They simply eat the straw balls and then lie still to save energy.  When water runs down from the faucets, they run over to drink and wash.  

“This is hell.  I want to get out of here.”  I murmur to Darcy.

She pushes a finger at her lips, looking at the door.  “Shhh…”  

I don’t see any aliens outside but I keep quiet.  After a while she turns to me.  “Okay, you can talk now.”

“Did you hear anything?” I look at the earring. 

“I hear two aliens talking not far away.  Maybe around the corner.”

“What are they saying?”

“Something dirty.”  She stops for a short moment and then adds.  “Fucking girls.  Ah-yeah, they want the girls here.”

“You mean they’re going to rape us?” My eyes widen.  This is so gross.  What if a girl gets pregnant?  Is she going to give birth to an ugly creature like the ones who kidnapped us?  I almost gag.

“It happened before.  Every girl is scared.” Darcy lowers her voice. 

I bite my lips and my brain is on rapid fire.  “Darcy, I’d rather die than staying here,” I finally say.

“But what can we do?  We are up in the space.  And those aliens have weapons.”

“I’ve been thinking…you know what I noticed in the last few days?  There are two kinds of aliens.  One kind is short and skinny.  They make decisions and give commands.  The other kind is fat and strong.  They take commands and watch us.”

“You’re right.  So what’s the plan?”

“I’m not one hundred percent sure yet.  But if we can capture a senior officer of the ship, maybe we can bargain our way back to Earth.”

Darcy thinks for a long time and then says, “That’s a bold plan. How the hell do we know who ranks the highest?”

“I bet it’s the one with the most wrinkles. When I was first captured, he was the one giving all the orders. I bet he’s the top dog.”

“Yeah, I think you’re right about that but…” Darcy looks sideways at the other girls, uncertain.

I grab her shoulders and look into her eyes. I’ve never felt such urgency before.

“Look, I know we may fail,” my whisper is harsh, “But this is the only way we can go back to Earth.  Do you want to be raped and then sold to some gross aliens?”

Darcy shakes her head.

“That’s right, girl. We’ve got to do this. Can you help me with one thing?” I ask.

“Sure.  Anything.”

“Figure out where the top alien stays most the time.”

She gulps then says, “I believe I know.  Most time, he gives orders from a control room.  It’s at the end of the hallway.”  She points out of our cell.

“Is it far from here?” I ask.

“I don’t think so.  But there are guards on the way.  I can always hear them talking.”

“How many?”

She tilts her head and listens carefully.  “Two?  I’m not so sure but that’s how many I can hear now.”

“Great.  Look, we can outnumber them.”

“You mean with all the girls?”


She looks around and shakes her head.

I look and see weary faces.  Every girl looks so tired and scared.   I highly doubt that they have any energy to fight the armed aliens…or the courage. 

I need to come up with a well thought out plan.  We have only one opportunity.  Once everything is laid out in my head, I’ll have to talk to the girls one by one, to motivate them. 

I spend two more days watching, putting the pieces together in my head.  I find that once a day, three fat aliens come to give us food.  Then two leave.  One stays nearby as the guard.  The guard comes to the door and looks inside every fifteen minutes or so.  He may stroll away and disappear for a long while.

“See, here’s my plan.” I look at the door and turn back to Darcy.  “We will have to get the guard into the cage.”

Chapter Four


“You mean to get the guard into this cage so we can then disarm him?” Darcy looks at me.

“Yup.  We can knock him out and take his gun.  Then we can capture the two guards with our gun.”

Darcy looks up at the ceiling, thinking hard.  “Hmmm, we can pin the guy with all the girls.  Then… with the gun...  Right.  Good.   Um… What if the two guards down the hallway fight back with their guns?”

“Then we will shoot them.” I know how to use a shotgun and I’m sure that I can shoot with the alien gun, too.  It looks like a rifle and should be easy to use.


We begin to discuss the details.  The most obvious idea is to start an argument, making it really loud to get the guard’s attention.   Hopefully he will come in to deal with it.  Then all the girls will jump on him. 

“I hope there is a rock somewhere.”  I look around but see no rock. 

“We can use our fists.” Darcy raises her fist.

“Right.” I raise my fist too.

“Wait, what if the guard calls for backup? I mean, to break up the fight?”

Darcy is right. If he calls for help we’ll be doomed. This is no good.

We are quiet again, each in deep thought. We finally settle on faking sickness: a girl is going to moan and gasp.  Other girls cry for help.  Hopefully the guard will come in to handle the situation.


We begin to spread our ideas to the other girls. Only half of the girls feel that it’s a doable plan and agrees to join.  The rest remain silent, shaking their heads.

“I don’t understand, Darcy.  Don’t they want the freedom?”

“I think they do.  But they’re too scared.”



A few more girls are dragged in the next couple of days.  Then, it all gets quiet.  “They are talking about the plan to sell us now.”  Darcy tells me.

“Are we on the way to an alien planet?”

“Guess so.  They keep talking about something like… A-f-f-e-n-d-o-r?”

“Is that their home planet?”

“It sounds like it, Leila.”  She listens carefully. “They’re talking about something dirty.   Like… the pretty and cheap girls they have fucked.  Gosh.  These assholes.”

“Are they going to sell us there?” I ask.

“That’s what they’re saying, Leila.”

“Darcy, we need to take action now.” I grab her arm.

“I know, Leila.  I know.  Let’s get the girls together.” 

We gather all the girls who agreed to join us.  “We’re flying towards their home planet as we speak. That is where they plan to sell us. If we want to escape, we need to act
.” I speak slowly and clearly.

“What if we fail?” A girl pipes up.

“Then we die.” I look at her.  “Would you rather die or get sold to a gross alien?”

“No way I would live like that.” Her eyes are spitting fire.

To my surprise, a few of the girls are backing out.  “Let’s think about it,” they mutter, their eyes not meeting mine.

“There’s nothing to think about, okay?” I urge.

But they simply look at the floor, saying nothing.

“Okay, just make your decision quickly.  We’re running out of time.”


I shake my head and sigh.  The hell, what’s going on in their heads?  “Maybe we should go ahead without those girls?”  I look at Darcy.

“But we don’t have enough people.”

“Yes, we do.  We can still outnumber one alien.”

“But everyone is weakened from hunger.”

Darcy is right.  Two tiny straw balls a day is nothing.   I’ve lost at least thirty pounds.

The aliens are shorter than me, but they are full of muscles.  They have weapons too.  

I drop to a corner.  “Darcy, we’re going to be sold.  What’s going to happen next?”

“We work as slaves?” Darcy blinks her eyes.

“Come on, Darcy, don’t fool yourself.  They want only single young women.  What’s that for?  To sell us as wives.  Right?  Fuck, this is so gross.” I stare at the roof. 

Maybe we should have tried to escape back in Earth’s orbit?  Back then we had more energy. 

Slowly, I fall into sleep.



“Leila, Leila, wake up.”  It’s Darcy.

“What’s up?” I sit up and wipe my eyes.

“They’re talking about the landing now.  We have to move.  This is our last opportunity.”

We get all the girls together right away.  “Look, moments later, they are going to land.  Then they’re going to sell us to other aliens as wives.  Do you want that to happen to you?”  I look at the girls one by one. 

Some return my stare.  But many look at the floor.

“No matter what’s going to happen, I want you to jump on the guard and pin him down on the floor.” I look at the girls, saying one word at a time.

Darcy walks to the far end of the cage and lies on the floor.  She begins to moan. 

“Darcy, are you okay? Oh, gosh, help, help!” A few girls begin to call.

Soon, the guard strolls to the door.  He lets out a wicked whistle, looking at the far corner. 

“Please help!”  I step forward. 

The guard looks for a few moments and then turns back, strolling away.

The hell.  He doesn’t care at all.  Our plan is doomed.

“Where the fuck are you going?” I scream. 

He turns around and stares right into my eyes.  His gaze is so vicious that I have a hard time keeping my heart in my chest.

Then he smiles, turning back again.

“Fuck you!” I yell.

He turns to looks at me.  His smile turns dirty.   My heart thumps.  He tosses me a kiss and then turns back again.

Holy crap, this alien asshole is leaving for sure.  What am I going to do now?

BOOK: ROMANCE: Trapped on Ice Planet: Science Fiction Romance - A Sci-fi Alien Invasion Warrior Romance Thriller Story Book (The Adventure of Leila and Auzo 1)
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