ROMANCE: Seduced by the Bad Boy (Bad Boy Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Seduced by the Bad Boy (Bad Boy Romance)
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Chapter 5

The drive to work felt totally different than usual. My mind and body felt refreshed and I almost felt giddy. I couldn’t decide if it had just been too long since I had been with a guy, or if it was really that amazing the night before. I spent my entire run replaying it in my mind, and when I woke up from my nap I had a text from Chase. “Thanks for a great night Samantha” it said. I wasn’t sure if that was a - thanks I’m never going to call you again, or thanks lets hookup again but I didn’t care. I also found it totally hot that he used my full name considering how casual the night before was.

Walking in to work I knew I was going to be bombarded with questions. “So … anything that I need to know?” Beth asked as she followed me into the locker room. I just laughed. “We had a drink after the bar, he was nice” I said. It wasn’t a flat out lie and I knew she would never guess I slept with him. While changing I noticed she was still staring at me with a smile.

“I hate to tell you this because the guy you were out with last night was too good looking, and his muscles were insane. But, you have flowers out at the nurses station” she said. With the lift of my eyebrows there was a silent request to know who they were from. “They are from Brandon. I didn’t read the card but I could see Brandon through it in bold black print” she said.

There went my great mood and perfect day. I knew exactly what was going on. Someone probably saw me with Chase the night before, or he was starting to realize that the younger girls really weren’t into much of anything with him. “Whatever” I said with a wave of my hand. Beth watched me because she didn’t believe me. I saw another resident come into the room and I knew I wanted to get on the floor. I barely glanced at the flowers and sent them home with a radiologist I knew that had just gotten a new apartment. She loved them and I convinced her they were a gesture, not a gift I just didn’t want to look at.

My chest filled with pride when I tossed the card in the trash instead of reading it. The entire shift my mind wandered to Chase. His message was still left without a response because I didn’t know what to say. If anything I was the one who should have been thanking him, he was the one who offered to take me home and did all the work. I didn’t have another night off until Tuesday, and I wasn’t sure what his schedule was like.

Around 10:30 I decided to text him back hoping he would be in bed for the night and wouldn’t see it until morning. “I had fun too. I don’t have a night off until Tues want to come over for dinner?” I responded. I set my phone back in my purse in the locker and went to shut the door and heard a buzz. My nerves jumped and I was almost afraid to look at the phone. It fumbled in my hands as I swiped the screen and there he had already responded. “It’s a date” the message said. I stared at it over and over, then stuck the phone back in the purse. If I was this nervous just looking at a text message how was I ever going to make it until Tuesday night?

              The long slumber from Monday early am post shift to almost 3:00 Tuesday afternoon was medication induced, I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep without taking anything. Natural instincts would have encouraged a run but I wanted to save my energy for the evening. It shamed me that I was already thinking about hooking up with again, but there was nothing I could do about it. I decided to make some salmon and kabobs on the grill with vegetables and red skinned potatoes. I stocked some beer, assuming he wouldn’t be drinking much on a Tuesday night.

For some reason my appearance had me super stressed out. I didn’t want him to think I was a formal person like the night he first met me, but I still wanted to look cute. I choose a pair of tight fitting jeans that were worn in the right places, paired with a white lace camisole. It was a warm day and the tank top was light and casual but slightly sexy.

The door rang while checking my phone and I almost dropped it on the kitchen floor. After running my fingers through my hair and pushing up my chest a little I made my way to the door. After inhaling and exhaling I pulled the door open and was struck by how tan and amazing Chase looked. “Hi” I said too excitedly, and held onto the door until he passed through. He had a 6-pack of beer with him so I could tell he was at least planning on having a couple of drinks.

“You look tan” I mentioned casually, trying not to stare. He had on a pair of grey cargo shorts and a plain black t-shirt. The tattoos on his arms were in full display and he looked too good. He nodded and was facing the few of the ocean. It was a little after 6 and the sun was still in plain view. As he turned to face me I could tell he was admiring my outfit. “Yea we’ve been training outside the last two days” he responded without further explanation.

“No saving lives tonight?” he asked, and I wasn’t sure how to take the question. I shook my head. “Not tonight, just real food and a drink” I smiled. He sat at the bar and I explained what I had made for dinner, and asked him what he wanted to drink. He chose a beer he brought and I took one of the craft beers I purchased and we talked casually for a few minutes until I started to plate the food. “Do you want to eat in here or outside?” I asked. “That patio seems to work well for us” he responded. The plates almost fell out of my hands I was so caught off guard by the comment.

“Stop, you’re making me blush” I said jokingly but I was kind of serious. He laughed and I realized it was the first time I heard him do so. “It’s a little late for modesty isn’t it?” Chase said. Confusion took over me and I wasn’t sure what to think of the comments. Throughout dinner I talked about work and Beth and he upcoming wedding, he listened and didn’t have much to say. At the end of the meal I assumed he liked his food because the plate was empty.

At the beginning of the evening I was so excited to see him, now I felt like maybe he was judging me or didn’t want to see me again. “Is something wrong with your food?” I asked him, wondering if he caught that there was an underlining question. He shook his head. He stared at me dead on. “It’s just that you … this…” and then he stopped. I sat up and looked at him, waiting for him to finish. “What?” I asked.

“You are perfect. This was awesome, you look amazing tonight, and it’s all great” he said. The knot in my gut settled and I smiled standing up to clear the plates. He helped me carry everything in and then we went back out to the patio with our drinks. It was almost 9:00pm and I knew he would have to leave soon. “What time do you start your day?” I asked draping my legs over his on the sofa outside. It felt so natural to be with him and I could tell he was really starting to relax. It was so much different than how he was at dinner.

“At 0500” he responded, which meant that he would have to be up soon for work. “This was nice, I hardly ever cook” I admitted to him. He was rubbing my leg and he set his beer down. The sun had set but it was still light enough out to see the sand and the beach. He scooted towards me and set my beer down, pulling me into him and rubbing hand up and down my shoulder. “I really should go” he said without looking at me and nuzzling my neck. I knew he should do but I selfishly didn’t want him to. I leaned in closer to him and nipped at his ear as he kissed around my collar bone.

He kissed up my neck and to my mouth, devouring me and groping me through my tank top. He went to lift my shirt above my head and I stopped him. “I have neighbors. Well they don’t live here full time and they never come outside, but” I said. There were privacy barriers so no one could see us, but what if someone went walking by on the sand. He looked at me with amusement.

“Take off your shirt” he said. I laughed and shook my head. His look got more serious and heated and he repeated himself again. I had no idea what was wrong with me buy I listened. I removed the shirt and sat there on my lounger in my bra and jeans. “The jeans” he said. My eyes widened. His stare was demanding and he didn’t have to say another word. I stood up and unbuttoned the button fly and climbed out of them while dropping them on the patio next to me. His strong hands went to my waist and sat me down in the sofa and he kneeled between my legs. He leaned up and put his hands behind my back to unhook my bra, giving my breasts some attention before moving down my stomach.

“Chase there could people around” I whispered as he kissed down my body, and I put my hands on his shoulders half trying to stop him. “Put your hands on the back of the couch” he snapped. I froze unsure of what to do. His hands grabbed mine and put them behind my head, closing the fingers around the edge of the couch. He ran his hands down my body again, stopping at my waist and pulling down my underwear slowly as he watched. I felt overly exposed and in shock, but I still listened and spread my legs, aware that we could be seen at any time.

As he pulled my legs towards him and put them around his shoulders he plugged his tongue into my clit making me moan. “Shhhh” he said as he started to taste me. The circular movements and nips were making me wriggle, but he commanded me to stay still. I had never felt anything like it and I could help but start to moan when I was ready. I took my hands off the coach even though he told me not to and put them over my mouth to muffle the screams. When I hit the brink he didn’t stop and I thought it would never end.

The orgasm made me break a sweat and the cool air started to rush against my body while sending chills through me. Chase’s hands found my hard nipples and he started to knead them. I scrambled at his shirt, pulling it over his head and running my fingers down his chest. I wanted him in my mouth and I wanted him right then. I reached for his shorts and he slid out of them. I went to grab for his erection but he told me no. “You didn’t listen to me I told you to keep your hands behind your head” he scolded me as he kissed my breasts and grazed them with his stubble on his jaw. I was alarmed that he was talking that way but I wanted to make him cum.

I pulled his underwear down but he wouldn’t let me touch him. Instead, he reached his hand between my legs and touched me, making sure I was wet enough for him. He pushed inside me on the couch making me moan loudly, and he had his way with me until he was done. His blue eyes were fixed on me the entire time and I couldn’t look away.

The rest of the night was a mixture of sheet clawing and orgasms, and he didn’t leave my house until after 3:00am. I had no idea how he was going to get to work on time with no sleep, and I had no idea who I had become and what I was doing.





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Chapter 6

              The next 3 weeks were a blur. Every night I wasn’t at work I was with Chase. I found myself craving him and feeling withdrawals when I had to go more than one day without seeing him. I had asked him if he was seeing anyone else or if he was sleeping with anyone else and he seemed offended by the questions, but I hadn’t met any of his friends and I had never been to the house he shared with 2 other guys.

I would admit that Chase was hot and cold but I was growing attached to him quickly. Some days he seemed totally into me and some days he seemed miles away. He was so intimate with me in bed and I could feel such a connection with him. As soon as we didn’t see each other for a day or so he would get quiet and weird. It was starting to feel like a game.

We had been out with my friends a couple of times and we almost had a run in with my mother that didn’t bother me in the slightest. It was like he was ashamed of me or afraid to let people know we were seeing each other. This Friday I was working a day shift so I would be off around 6pm for a change. I asked him if he wanted to go out with his friends instead of mine and he told me that they were having a going away party at their house for one of his friends that was getting deployed at their house, but he would see me Saturday.

I was offended that he didn’t want me there, and I was starting to get irritated. We had been sleeping together and spending all of our free time together for a month.  I guess I didn’t know how he was spending his free time but all of mine was with him. The thought that he could be with someone else that night made me start to cry. After crying for a couple of minutes I froze in my tracks. I wasn’t a crier, and it wasn’t like me to cry at all. I thought about the date, was it close to my period? Was that why I was so emotional?

I rushed to my purse and noticed I had already been on my sugar pills for 7 day and I was ready for a new birth control pack. The alarm signals were flashing in my mine. I was a week late with my period. I tried to tell myself that there was no way but who was I kidding? I had been sleeping with him without a condom for weeks. I tossed on a hoodie and gym shorts and went to the drug store. I bought two tests and rushed home. My strides took me straight to the bathroom and my hands were shaking as I ripped the package open, sending the stick to the floor. After using it I waited the 3 minutes and didn’t want to go back into the bathroom.

I opened the door and looked at the vanity where the stick was sitting. I could see the plus sign before I even got close to it. The test was positive, I was pregnant. I was flooded with dread and fear. I had no idea what to do. I didn’t know if I should even tell him about it. He didn’t want me to meet his friends I was sure he didn’t want to have a baby with me. Besides, what on earth would my mother say? I couldn’t imagine finishing out my residency pregnant either.

Chase was supposed to get me in a couple of hours for dinner and I had no idea what to do. I didn’t feel right not at least telling him about it and giving him a choice. I headed to the shower and decided I was going to be honest with him and upfront about everything.

              I spent a lot of time straightening my blonde hair that I just had highlighted, and on my makeup to make sure that I looked good. I choose a pleated black leather skirt and a red fitted tank top with red pumps. My boobs did look fuller and I realized that was because of the pregnancy. When Chase got to the door I could already tell something was very off. I looked and could notice that there was some shadowing around his eye.

“Did you get in a fight?” I asked him with concern, turning his chin so I could get a better look at it. He shook my hand off him and I noticed something was very wrong. He was dressed in a black button down shirt and black dress shoes, and I realized I had never seen him look so dressed up. I pulled him to give him a kiss and he barely pecked me back.  The ride to the restaurant was quiet and I was almost in tears, terrified to tell him the news.

When we were sat out on the patio near the ocean I ordered lemonade. He looked at me a bit surprised but ordered himself a beer. “So how was the party last night?” I asked, even though I didn’t really want to know. “I don’t want to talk about it” he answered back quickly with a rough tone in his voice. I couldn’t stop the words before they came flowing out of my mouth.

“Why, because you are too embarrassed of me to bring me around your friends and you were hitting on or hooking up with other girls?” I said to him loudly. He looked pissed and glanced around to make sure that no one was watching. “Stop” he said, he was ordering me around like we were in bed. “No I’m not going to stop. This is crazy. I am spending hours a week in bed with a man that doesn’t want to be seen with me around his friends or in public” I cried, and the tears starting rolling down my face.

“It’s not like that Chase” said, softening his tone. He reached for my hand and I pulled it away. “Then why don’t you take me around anyone, why do you act like I don’t exist Chase” I demanded. He looked down at his beer and didn’t say a word.  I went to stand up and leave but he ordered me to sit. “No” I said. “Sit now Sam” he ordered again. I had tears streaming down my face and there was no doubt in my mind that the waitress was ignoring us because she didn’t know what to do.

“I’m not embarrassed of you, it’s me. I’m embarrassed of my lifestyle, the type of guy I am. I’m not the type of guy that dates doctors and spends his time in a condo on La Jolla beach. I’m an enlisted marine who gets into fights with his friends on the weekends and dates eager girls I don’t have to see again” he explained. The horrified look on my face must have said it all. “Not that I have been with any girl since I met you because I haven’t. I can’t stop thinking of you, Christ, I basically need you to function. But I know that you won’t end up with a guy like me, and I’m not anything that you deserve” he admitted.

The words stung and I felt like I was going to be sick. I stood up and I could tell he wasn’t going to stop me this time. He had been pushing me away and keeping me at a distance on purpose, after everything we had been sharing together. “Well I guess that’s unfortunate for you that you couldn’t see yourself with me, because I thought I was in love with you Chase, and I’m pregnant with your child” I said.

Before he could get up I headed for the door to the restaurant. He called after me and was urgently trying to flag down the waitress. I rushed through the restaurant and got to the main entrance. Luckily there were people getting out of a cab and I barely waited for them to get out before getting inside and slamming the door. “Go” I said, and the cab driver took off as I rattled directions to him. I was sobbing and wiping my smeared eye liner but tried to ignore the cab drivers stares from the back seat. He was driving slow and took a weird back way to my house.

I choose not to look at my phone and couldn’t pay the cab driver fast enough. When we pulled into the driveway I could see Chase standing next to his truck. The cab driver gave me a questioning look in the mirror and I motioned for him to go ahead and pull in the driveway. I got out of the car slowly and stood proudly on my heals. I wasn’t going to let him make me feel less than what I was.

He walked up to me and took me in his arms and I started to cry harder. “I love you Sam, I don’t think I deserve you but I am going to love you and our baby more than anyone else ever could” he promised, and I knew from the way that he held me it was true.



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BOOK: ROMANCE: Seduced by the Bad Boy (Bad Boy Romance)
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