Romance: Military Romance Collection: Soldier Armed And Naked Romance (Military Interracial Menage Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: Romance: Military Romance Collection: Soldier Armed And Naked Romance (Military Interracial Menage Romance)
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The Prince And The Bride

This era is supposed to be all about peace, or at least that is what my parents say. I just don’t see it. Last year, my mother Victoria began her reign as Queen. I am her youngest son, making me, for some inexplicable reason, her least favourite. I am not too sure what my father thinks of me. Then again, no one really seems to know what he is thinking half the time. His brother though, Leopold, is the only person that really seems to understand me in this family. And I’m not just saying that because we share the same name, I promise. He is one of three people that know about my plan. I wouldn’t trust anyone else with this plan as, not to boast, but it is rather intricate and extremely calculated. Although it is extremely cold-blooded in nature, if you were me, you would understand that it has to be done.

              My parents are extremely war-mongering and do nothing to help our nation. In order to save England from war, they cannot continue to reign. They are my family, this I know, my parents moreover, but I simply can’t fathom a world with them as reigning moguls. They do nothing but destroy our bond with our people and will not do anything to maintain peace. Even so, everyday, they talk solely about how much of an era of peace we are in and how appreciative we should be.

The plan is simple in nature but its setup will have to be excruciatingly elaborate. I will poison them. It is the easiest way to go through with the scheme. Primarily because it would be difficult to pin their murder on me but also because it would be the less chaotic and sloppy. The decision to murder my own parents is not something I take lightly and definitely not rash. It is something I have thought of for the last year and have told only three people. My uncle, like I said, and two of my servants. I don’t like to call them that really. Servants, that is. I don’t like the idea of being waited on. Which brings me to mention all this child labour that my parents are allowing. In my opinion, it is absolutely atrocious to make small children work for next to nothing as payment.

              I could speak about all the atrocities my parents let happen forever, so I’ll save you the foul details. For the next part of my plan, my servants, friends really, will set out on a search to find the most beautiful girl in all of England. She will be innocent, gorgeous and kind. I will make her my wife and together we will make England a real safe heaven and this will be a real era of peace.

              I am not sure exactly how this whole “seeking out my wife” thing will go. I am honestly a little nervous to meet her. She will be beautiful, but what about her personality. No, no I can’t think of silly, futile things like that, I have to think of my future. I mean, I guess it sort of matters. I don’t even know what to think anymore when it comes to love. My parents hardly show any affection towards one and other. To be honest, I do care about a woman’s feelings. I know that as a man I’m not supposed to, or at least that’s what I’ve been told, but I do, really, I do.




In the famous words of Shakespeare, one of my idols if I might add even if he dates back to Renaissance, I have done the deed. I have placed small poisonous white crystals that an alchemist conjured up for one of my friends and cleverly concealed them in the sugar jar. Now all I have to do is wait.

              I don’t have much time to think about what comes next as my friends have already gone out and found a couple of young woman. They are beautiful and smart and I’m excited yet terrified to meet them. They sorted through a lot of woman and narrowed their selection down to four. They are all invited to a royal dinner party tonight. This dinner is an annual fundraiser for our construction sector and attracts hundreds of guests. The four ladies will blend into the crowd giving me some time to meet them as nonchalantly as possible to not draw too much attention to me.

              Although I do not normally credit much attention to what I wear, I think that I ought to start now. I raid through my closet and attempt to find the perfect suit. Who am I kidding? They all look the same to me and I pick one out at random. Forget my attire, I need to practice what I’m going to say.

              I pace up and down the long corridors or the castle. I don’t want to catch them off guard but I don’t want them to think I’m uninterested either. I want to know everything about them, but I don’t really want to pry either. This is going to be a disaster, I just know it. No, I can’t afford to think that way. I have to be more proactive about this. I stop pacing and return to my room.

              As much as I want to be proactive, trying to concentrate on what to say is just making me frustrated. I suppose the best way for me to be proactive is to sit back, relax and maybe even catch a few minutes of sleep. Then again, I don’t want to look like I just crawled out of bed. My indecisiveness is getting the best of me so go find one of my friends for some advice.

              I literally stumble across Yvette, my only foreign friend. She moved here from France three years ago before meeting my mother. At first, they were very close as Mum took Yvette under her wing. Once my mother began to gain more power though, she soon forgot all about their friendship and treated Yvette like she was practically useless and paid her almost nothing for her service.

“Leopold, waat are you doing? Pacing around ze palice?” She says between giggles

“Well… I was. But then I went to find you. I need your help, I have no idea what to do. I don’t want to seem too crazy but I want to ask so many questions! I don’t know how to dress and I think I’m going to faint.” I didn’t realize that last part until I noticed that my vision was beginning to blur and weird black clouds were forming, blocking my vision.

“Leopold! You need to eats someting! Let me fix you yor favourrite snack!” She disappeared rather quickly down the stairs to the kitchen.

              I followed her to the kitchen and offered to make the snack together.

The moment came when I had to go downstairs and meet and greet the guests. It started out just like any other dinner party. A toast from my mother and roars and cheers from the guests for her less-than-inspirational speech. I couldn’t help but continuously glance over at the tea cupboard. The sugar pot seemed to call my name. I couldn’t let this happen, I was paranoid and for no reason. I am doing the right thing and that is all that matters.

                            My friends told me that with every strike of the clock, they would walk around one of my prospects and I would go spend the hour with her. This started at 8 p.m. I met the youngest of the three, Merriam. She was blonde and rather short but very intelligent. Her intelligence, as brilliant as it might be, scared me. She also talked far too much for my liking. I don’t mind a girl that talks a lot, it makes conversations more fun, but this was the wrong kind of talkative. She was drop-dead gorgeous, but I realize now that that might not be the quality I should be looking for.

              At 9 p.m. I met the second girl, Edyta. She was older than Merriam but far nicer. She moved here from Poland when she was a small girl. Her English was a little fragmented but it was pretty cute. She was beautiful but not in the conventional way. There was something about her, something different, a good different. Even so, we had very little in common. Worst of all, she couldn’t stop complimenting my parents, gross, I know!

              When the clock struck 10 p.m. My friends told me that I should take a little break and refresh. I went to my room and sat down to collect my thoughts. The first two girls were nice and beautiful, but I just didn’t get that spark I was hoping for. I looked at my grandfather clock, it was almost 11. Time was going by so quickly I couldn’t believe it. And my heart seemed to be ticking faster than time.

              I made my way back down to the ballroom where everyone had gathered. Dancing, wonderful… Definitely not my strong suit. My friends assembled around another blonde girl, this one far taller than the first. At first glance, I thought maybe she was taller than me, I was a little intimidated to be honest. I slowly walked up. Her eyes were a beautiful blue-green and her face was so soft and natural. She was naturally beautiful and seemed confident but not overly so.

“Hello, miss, how are you this evening. I’m leo..leo…” I began to stutter.

“Leopold! I know who you are silly, it is a pleasure to meet your sir!” she spoke so softly.

“Oh please, the pleasure is mine uhm…” I didn’t know her name, I was really messing this up.


“Oh yah, I knew that” what was I doing?


“I’m sorry, I’m terrible at speaking to beautiful woman”

“Oh please, I’m sure you say that to everyone. You’re some smooth talker, just like all the other rich boys” She was insulting but for some reason I couldn’t seem to get mad with her.

“Yes, ah, no. No! Absolutely not. Anyways, ah, I’m going to go get some water or something, I’ll see you around.” I walked away, destroyed.

              My friends circled around the fourth girl. She was a red-head and strikingly beautiful. I’d seen her with so many men tonight already, I had no chance. It was Alexandra I wanted, but I blew it. I shook my head and motioned for my friends to move along, I didn’t want to meet this other girl, and I was done for the night.

              Yvette came to me with a long face.

“Leopold, I saw zat sparkle in your eyze. You like ze tall gurl. Go talk to herr!”

“No Yvette, I can’t. She’s everything I want but she doesn’t see me as I am. She sees me as my brothers are! I don’t care about money and I don’t like her for her beauty. Don’t get me wrong, I’m attracted to her initially based on how gorgeous she is, but she’s just so real and kind, I love that!” I wasn’t expecting to like someone so much.

              I left the bar area and slowly made my way out of the ballroom.





As I made my way towards my room I couldn’t help but notice that Alexandra was leaving. Or trying to I suppose. She was actually walking towards the outer right wing of the castle where my room was. I followed her but for some reason I couldn’t stop her. She got to the end of the corridor and looked around.

“Where I am? That French lady told me to go down this hallway and then I would get to the door?” she whispered under her breath.

“Uhm, Alexandra?” I said with as much confidence as I could muster up.

“LEOPOLD? Did you FOLLOW me?” She said half-screaming

“I’m sorry Alexandra, I didn’t mean to seem like I was following you. I just couldn’t help it, I was going to my room and then I didn’t know whether or not to call out to you or if I should just wait for you to turn around”

“Oh so now you can talk without a stutter? So I was right” She seemed mad, but she didn’t speak with an angered tone.

“I promise, I’m not like that, just hear me out!” I didn’t know what else to say.

“Leopold, I heard what you said to your servant. I know that you aren’t like all those other guys. I’m sorry for misjudging you. I just, my, my uhm, my relationship, uhm, past relationships have been a little rocky.” It was her turn to be nervous.

“Oh, it’s ok. Thank you for giving me another chance” I hope that wasn’t too forward. She was giving me another chance right? “If you don’t think that I’m being too abrupt, would you like a coffee or tea or something? My room is through that door right behind you, but if it would make you feel more comfortable… we could go to a guestroom or the living room or…” I was out of options.

“I don’t mind. And I’ll pass on the coffee, but I would love to just relax for a few minutes, I’m not good with this party and dancing thing.”

“I’m sure you’re not as bad as me” I chucked

“We’ll have to see about that” she spoke with a flirty tone, I think she was actually opening up to me.


We sat on my wooden chest by the window. I set a blanket and a few pillows underneath us and she asked me questions about what being royal was like.

“I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation with that French lady. Something about your brothers being the type of guy I thought you were. Who are you exactly and what’s it like being a Prince.” She seemed to be very engaged in our conversation, I liked her attitude and energy.

“Well, for me, it’s not that different than anyone else’s life. My parents seem to hate me and I don’t agree with anything they do. I know that sounds harsh and I hope that doesn’t turn you off, but that’s the honest truth. I suppose the money associated to royalty is nice, I’m not going to lie. But I hate how there is poverty when people like us have so much. I want to give back to the people, I want to make a difference but I never will, being the youngest.” That’s when it hit me, even if my poisonous sugar works, it’s not like I’ll have the crown before my brothers. How could I be so stupid?

“Thank you for your honesty, Leopold. It means a lot to me. Sometimes it’s hard not to tell our secrets, but it is also important not to judge those who have things to hide.” Did she know about my plan?

We talked for hours, passed midnight. I couldn’t help but realize that she was getting closer and closer to me. It was hard to not think of how my brothers would reign before my, but then again I’m sure that I can figure something out. No matter what, my parents won’t be using that sugar till Sunday’s tea, and that’s three days away.

              Alexandra and I talked about our childhood and our goals. She wanted to become a doctor but didn’t know if she could get into medical school. I wanted to offer to help her, but I didn’t want her to think I was trying to pay her off or anything like that. She kept moving closer to me, at first it startled me but then I only hoped that maybe this would lead somewhere.

“Have you ever had a girlfriend, Leopold?” She asked suddenly in the middle of a monologue on how much she hated exotic pets.

“Well… Actually, I have not.” My brother had a sort affair with one of our cousins. But none of us had really experimented in the art of dating. “Have you?” I asked without even thinking my words through. “A BOY not, not a girlfriend” the words just blasted out of my mouth, gosh I can be dumb.

“Ahaha! I knew what you meant silly, and I have, quite a few unfortunately.”

“I’m sorry, I already knew that really. When you talked about rocky relationships and everything… that was a dumb question”

“Leopold. I like you, you don’t have to worry about offending me anymore”

She slowly inched closer and closer to me until her soft, warm lips parted and dancing along mine. She slowly applied pressure to my upper lip, stopped to look at my reaction, and then found my lips once more.

              I looked into her green eyes and couldn’t help but blush. I leaned in and kissed her neck, slowly. I made my way up her smooth skin and felt it getting hotter. I kissed her rosy cheeks, she was blushing too. I took her hand and we stood. I slowly brought her towards my bed.

“Not just yet” She said

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to move too quickly.”

“No, no! It’s not that Leo. I just want to dance with you first.”


“You’ll be fine. Just like you’ve never had a girlfriend, I’ve never danced with a boyfriend”

“Oh!” I repeated with more confidence.

I took her hand in mine but she quickly moved my hand to her hip. She wrapped her hands around my neck.

“We don’t have to dance the proper way, whatever it’s called. We aren’t down there with the party, we can dance this way”.

We slowly moved around my room in careful steps and occasional stumbles. We danced around the room for several long minutes, stopping here and there to kiss. Once our feet started to get the hang of it, we could move our feet and lips in unison.

              After our first dance I brought her to my bed. I slipped off her pink shoes. I slowly crawled onto her and began to kiss her neck. This time, I did not climb but descended. Caressing her upper body. At first I was very cautious, stopping to look at her reaction. She seemed to be ok with my actions though so I stopped thinking and let myself go. I caressed her breasts softly at first and added more and more pressure as I went. She unbuttoned my shirt next.

              I began to kiss every inch of her body, hovering around her hips, wondering if I should kiss even lower. I decided not to for now and made my way back to her lips. This time, she kissed me far more passionately. She slide her tongue up and along mine sending frigid shivers down my spine. She grabbed at my hair and began to tug on my pants with her feet. I started to take my pants off but she shooed me away. Somehow, she succeeded in taking my pants off with her feet.

              I slowly massaged the side of her body before yanking on her dress. I was scared to rip it but she didn’t seem to care by how she was pulling on my hands to hurry up. She took my briefs off, with her hands this time, and kissed my bare stomach. She slowly worked her way down and softly kissed my penis before pushing me down beside her and taking my spot on the top.

              She slide down, positioning her body directly above mine. I took a moment to admire her body and realized that she was looking at me too. I couldn’t help but blush, she responded with a giggle and smile. I pulled her in close, and she wrapped herself around me. I massaged her back for several minutes before she began to kiss me once more. This time she was far more forceful. Yanking on my hair and nibbling at my bottom lip. I took this moment to my advantage and caught her off guard by pushing her onto her back once more, I wanted the top.

              I looked deeply into her eyes to make sure that this is what she wanted. As if she was reading my thoughts she clamped her hands downs on my sides and slide my body down onto hers and nodded.

              A slowly glided myself into her, and then, all of a sudden, as quickly as it began, she pushed me off her. I did not resist and quickly stood to my feet. Her eyes with glossy as if she was tearing up.

“I’m sorry” she said.

“Alexandra, I didn’t want to do anything you didn’t want, I’m the one who’s sorry”

“No, I want this, it’s just, I wasn’t truthful with you”

“That’s ok, that’s ok, just tell me what’s going on.”

“I’m married.” She said curtly as if it was a known fact.

“Oh?” I didn’t know what to say. I was feeling like a broken record, but I didn’t know how else to react.

“His name is Robert. He’s a pompous asshole and I want nothing to do with him. But my parents wanted me married, so that is what I am.”

“Oh, Alexandra! You should never be put in such a situation. I do not want you to be unhappy. Come here.”

I wrapped my arms around her and laid down embracing her body. I wiggled the covers over us and kissed her cheeks and her neck. She began to sob and I decided I would say nothing. I felt as though my affection would help her more than my confused words. After some time I pulled away and took her face into my hands.

“Are you ok?” I mouthed.

She nodded and buried her face into my neck.

“Sleep in my arms” I whispered.


BOOK: Romance: Military Romance Collection: Soldier Armed And Naked Romance (Military Interracial Menage Romance)
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