Read RockYourSoul Online

Authors: Sara Brooks

RockYourSoul (8 page)

BOOK: RockYourSoul
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“Whiskey, please. Neat. Two fingers.”

He stared at her in astonishment before breaking into hearty
laughter. Sam slid a glass of whiskey to Beth. “This one has a few surprises in
her, Ryan.”

I certainly hope she does.
Hearing the no-frills
drink order from her didn’t surprise him. She seemed to be of the no-fuss
variety. A facet about her that intrigued him. He was certainly finding quite a
bit about her that he found interesting. The tomboyish aspect wasn’t something
he usually went for, but found himself drawn to it when it came to her.

She leaned forward, dangling the glass from her long
fingers. “What does seem like my kind of drink, Sam?”

This should be interesting.
Ryan sat back to watch
the two verbally spar.

Sam’s grin widened. “Some girlie-girl drink. A pink, fluffy
concoction that seems to be all the rage on
Sex and the City

“Watch it a lot, do you?”

Another booming laugh from Sam broke through the noise of
the bar, turning a few heads. He snorted and finally moved off, leaving the two
of them alone.

Ryan sipped his beer, his arm slung casually against the
back of her chair. “You have to admit, most women today don’t come into a bar
to order such a strong drink. Not that I think there’s anything wrong with it
at all. In fact, I like it very much.”

She spun the glass against the bar a few times before
answering. “My father drank whiskey every night when he came home from work.”

“So you feel it brings you closer?”

Her hair shifted around her shoulder as she shook her head.
“He was an alcoholic. Came home one night after a bender, stumbled upstairs
while we were eating dinner, put the barrel of his gun in his mouth and pulled
the trigger. Medical examiner said his liver was in complete failure and he
would have been dead within the month anyway. The note he left only said he
didn’t want to put his family through the misery of watching him slowly die.” A
few small lines formed between her eyes as she frowned. “So instead we had to
deal with the shock of his suicide. I drink a glass of this occasionally as a
reminder of how minor indulgences can escalate out of control and ruin your

“Whoa. Talk about putting your foot in your mouth.”

“I find salt helps tenderize the leather. Makes it easier to
swallow.” Beth laughed before sipping her drink.

He loved hearing her laugh. She needed to do it more often.
He made a mental note to find things she would enjoy just so she would laugh
more. Even if they seemed to be the silliest things in the world.

“You are just a study of contradictions, Beth.”

“I could say the same about you,” she fired back.

The air between them grew charged as he leaned closer. He’d
meant what he’d said to her earlier about keeping things strictly casual with
them tonight. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t take the opportunity to heighten
the mood a little. “I guess the question then is if those contradictions
complement each other.”

“That’s a really interesting question. One I think I’m
asking myself too.”


I’ve got you, fucking cunthole.

He’d followed them to Brogans from Ryan’s house. Who the
hell lived in the middle of nowhere? He watched the couple, disgusted with the
way they angled their bodies, smiling at one another over their glasses full of
vile drinks.

Alcohol corrupted, eating away at your soul. He thought Beth
had known that perhaps better than anyone. He was repulsed by the fact he was
being forced to sit in a bar, surrounded with the evil liquid. But it was a
necessity to get closer to that which he desired.

Anger coiled his stomach, an infuriated snake ready to
attack. He could smell her even through the horrendous stench of humanity’s
indulgence. She wasn’t the only woman he’d been with who wore his favorite
brand of perfume, but she was the only one he identified it with. He forced
other submissives to wear the perfume in an effort to replicate Beth, but
they’d all failed him.

Their smiles hadn’t been hers.

Their cunts hadn’t been hers.

Their blood hadn’t been hers.

He’d been forced to dispose of them when they’d failed to
satisfy him.

No matter what he did, no matter how hard he worked, he knew
everyone would pale in comparison to her. They weren’t as special as she was.
He’d made sure each of those women he’d tried as a replacement had known they
could never live up to Beth’s perfection. When they’d apologized and begged for
his leniency, he’d been forced to punish them until their screams had grown

Fucking women. Failures. Every last one of them.

Such a letdown.

Beth wouldn’t disappoint him. She would give him everything
he demanded and then some without complaint. She’d take it because the sadistic
bitch enjoyed whatever he doled out. Her screams still filled his head with
their musical melody.

Oh how he missed her special tune.

The couple across the expansive room leaned their heads
together, carrying on a quiet conversation only the two of them were privy to.
He narrowed his eyes as his blood boiled hot through his veins.

It took all of his restraint, but he stayed in the chair on
the far side of the room. Patience wasn’t his strong suit, but something told
him simply playing observer tonight would provide the huge payoff in the end.

He didn’t like the feeling of simply watching. It made him
feel helpless and weak. A pitiful excuse for a Master. He liked being in
control, liked the power being the one calling the shots gave him. If he was
watching, he was still the one in control. Those under his command would follow
his orders because they were pathetic excuses for humans who bent to his will.

Just the way he liked it.

Despite his careful teachings with Beth, despite all the
time he’d taken showing her how much he loved and cared for her, the bitch had
left him.


She would pay for her insolence.

For once he didn’t care how long it took to have her bend to
his will once again. He had the patience necessary now to wait for the perfect
moment. The payoff of her bloody and broken before his feet would be the
greatest reward.

Chapter Seven


Beth fumbled a lever on the still-unfamiliar soundboard,
scowling at the knock on the studio window. She wasn’t used to the wide-open
visibility while she was on air, but short of installing some blocking curtains
she’d have to get used to being on display. Besides, the view of Main Street
lit by the moon was too pretty to shut away behind black drapes.

Had this been Nashville, those curtains would already be
installed and shut. But Gatlin Falls had a much lower crime rate. She’d learned
a lot about the small town in the short period of time she’d been here thanks
to Ryan.

He’d done his best to introduce her to all the locals, so
she felt comfortable taking the reins of the radio station. He’d also done his
best to see she felt comfortable around him whatever the situation. So she
wasn’t surprised to find Ryan standing on the other side of the window in the
middle of her shift.

She tapped the security lock for the door, waving him in. It
seemed impossible, but he’d taught her so much in a short amount of time. The
power and commanding presence just flowed from him. It was unlike anything
she’d ever experienced before. Her body seemed to call for it every time he was

Unfortunately, since she’d landed the job, she hadn’t seen
him much. She’d thrown herself into learning the board so she could be familiar
with it as soon as possible and be ready for her first night alone. Two days
ago, Joe had been convinced she was ready, but she didn’t share the sentiment.
She kept screwing things up.

Of course, the fact she couldn’t stop thinking about Ryan
didn’t help matters.

She found herself still trying to process her situation. The
dinner he’d prepared at his house had come as a shock, just as hearing he’d
been married and had a kid. It was important for people involved in a D/s power
exchange to build trust outside of the sphere in which they played. But
everything they’d done since that night at the warehouse had been so…normal.
There hadn’t been a trace of any of the dominance he’d exhibited the first night
and then later in the warehouse.

As normal as it may have been, it certainly hadn’t swayed
her libido any if the way her blood started pumping hot through her body
whenever he was near was any indication. He leaned against the doorway as he
held open the glass door separating her studio from the waiting area, smelling
of liquor and cigarette smoke.

Jesus, those two smells should
turn me on.

“Just come from Brogans?” She’d quickly discovered the pub
was the place for locals to hang out regardless of the season or time of day. A
comfortable gathering place they all gravitated to when they wanted to hang out
with their friends.

“I did.” He gave her a sly smile. “According to what I hear
from the customers there tonight, sounds as if you’re a hit.”

Glad they feel that way because I sure as shit don’t.
a bunch of drunks waiting for last call think I sound good isn’t saying a lot.
I’m fumbling my intros and screwing up the cues on nearly every single track. I
sound like a fucking amateur. Why the hell do I do this again? I just need to
lock myself in a garage somewhere and stick to the mechanical shit I know.”

Ryan shut the door and moved closer, his hands spreading
wide on the top of the soundboard. The succulent aroma of his leather jacket
mixed with the obvious smells of a bar did nothing to assuage her sex drive.

“Beth, relax. It’s all right.”

His voice reflected the epitome of calm, which only made her
angrier. “No it’s not. It’s like I’ve forgotten how the hell to do my job.” She
pushed her hands through her hair, catching the elastic. The stretchy item
snapped, causing her to grumble in frustration as she dropped the broken item
on the desk.

Ryan’s hand closed around her elbow, but she was too annoyed
to give much thought to his calming touch. She jerked out of his reach,
punching a few buttons to cue a song set so she wouldn’t miss another song
set-up. “Not like it really matters if I miss something at two in the morning.
Just a bunch of drunks and stoners listening anyway. As shown by the compliment
from Brogans’ clientele.”

Ryan pulled her away from the soundboard. Even as she
started to protest, he yanked her out of the room, spinning her around to face
away from the booth. His face filled her vision.

“Now is not the time, Ryan.” She struggled in his hold, but
his strong hands held firm. Had this been any other time she would have
rejoiced at the feel of his firm grip.

“Relax. Just a bit of distance to help you cool off. Couple
of minutes out of the booth won’t kill you.”

She slapped his hands away, growling in frustration. “Stop
trying to placate me. I’m working.”

“So am I.” Ryan’s mouth closed over hers. He pushed closer,
backing her against the door. Everything about him overwhelmed her, swelling
inside her with such ferocity, she forgot her frustrations. His muscular body
pushed against hers and she sank into him as he wrapped one of her legs around
his hip.

His tongue brushed over her parted lips and she opened,
groaning as his tongue slipped into her mouth. Her world spun tighter and
closer as he swept her away. She forgot about her frustrations, forgot about
her surroundings, and allowed him to draw the breath right out of her as he
kissed her senseless.

The solid, warm weight of his firm body pressed her against
the glass door as his hands rubbed her thighs. He pushed their bodies together,
his hips shifting against her parted legs as if they were both naked already
and he was buried balls deep in her pussy.

They parted, his growl reverberating through her. “You smell
good enough to eat.” The quiet slide of her zipper coming undone ratcheted up
her need. His tongue drove into her mouth once more, his hand pushing under her
panties. She tensed, holding her breath as the pad of his index finger brushed
against the straining bud of her clit. When he gently rocked against her, she
all but melted into him.

He broke the kiss, skimming his lips along her jaw as she
shuddered against him. When he pressed firmly on her clit, it set off an
explosion that nearly blinded her. She fought against the release, writhing
against his touch because this was all happening too quickly.

His laughter sounded in her ear. “There’s the pushback I
expected. Go ahead and fight as much as you want—you’re already dripping wet.
Makes me wonder how much more you’ll get when I have you bound and begging for

Her head fell back against the wall as she remembered how it
had felt to be trapped by his ropes. That helpless—
His lips cruised over her neck, his finger sliding through her wetness to layer
rich sensations over one another. He used his hand on her hip to tilt her
pelvis and her eyes went blind the moment he slid his finger into her wet heat.
She wanted the climax, but she reminded herself they were in a very public

Her struggle evaporated as he pushed inside her core.

The tight fit of her jeans forced him to press his palm
against her clit as he slid into her completely. Her fingers tightened against
his slick leather coat. The rich aroma of their arousal pulled her further into
the moment, swamping her like the pounding waves of the ocean. His finger moved
slowly at first, much to her frustration. She jerked her hips, wanting him to
move faster. Anything to help relieve the burning need scorching her body.

His mouth hovered just inches from hers as he drove his
finger deeper, holding it in place in her pussy. “Forgetting who is in charge,
California? Maybe you need a reminder.”

Her lungs burned as she fought for her next breath. “Yes, I
do need you to remind me, Sir.”

“Good thing I don’t mind giving you one.” Even as he spoke,
he thrust firmly, making it clear he was the one in charge. She was only along
for the ride. He played her like a perfectly tuned instrument, knowing exactly
what to do and where to touch in order to drive her higher. “Still can’t quite
get used to your silence as I never pegged you for a quiet one.” His finger
trust into her again.

“Please. I want to come for you…
—oh God. Fuck

The swear echoed through the hallway, mingling with his dark
laughter. The two sounds speared through her, firing off every nerve ending as
the pace of his finger sped up. “Is that want you want? For me to bend you over
your soundboard and drive my dick into this hot cunt of yours until you

His questions pulled something from her she didn’t know she
was capable of. Something that made her body nothing but pure sensation. She
craved everything he had to give her no matter what he decided. She would do
anything at all for him if he continued. It didn’t matter what he wanted, she
just needed him.

“Yes. I’m so fucking close. Make me come for you.” She
unabashedly rode his hand now as he thrust harder, the first sweet tingles of
orgasm blooming inside her. Her voice sounded broken and needy. For the first
time in her life, she didn’t care.

All she wanted to do was come.

His hot breath skittered over her cheek. “It’s an
interesting scenario, but my hand driving you isn’t what you need. You want
more of me, don’t you?” She nodded, swallowing the dryness in her throat. “Do
you want to know what I have planned for you? What I have in store for you once
I get you completely under my control? This is just a glimmer of what I can do,
you know.”

She pressed her head against the wall, meeting his gaze as
she nodded. He continued to move his hand, not changing his pace. Her body was
too wired, too on edge, to grab onto the steady timing and she relaxed into him
as he fucked her with his finger. She jerked, a quiet whimper escaping her
throat as he continued to drive into her with unhurried motions.

Her heart raced, perspiration erupting along her neck and
spine. Her pussy throbbed as she waited for him to explain what he intended to
do next. The sharp pulses racked through her as her body reached for something
he kept denying her.

His focused stare held her in place as neither one of them
could gather enough air to breathe. He continued with the slow, hard strokes of
his hand. A deliberate, sly grin finally spread wide on his lips. “I suggest
you get used to disappointment.”

He pulled away suddenly, shocking her with the sudden loss
of the intimate contact. Cool air swirled around her soaking folds, an alarming
shock to her system after such powerful arousal.

The harsh ring of the telephone snapped her out of her haze.
She lowered her leg, Ryan’s hands settling on her hips to hold her as she
continued to tremble from such abrupt denial.

She fought to find her bearings again. He’d knocked her
completely off kilter and now stood there smiling as if he’d simply walked in
and said hello. He leaned forward, surprising her when he lightly kissed the
tip of her nose. “Just think, that was only with one finger. Imagine what I can

Another ring cut him off, causing her to grimace. She
suddenly remembered where they were, the silence giving rise to panic. Nothing
was coming from the speakers. She yanked open the door, rushed over to the
soundboard and flipped the switch as she blew out what she hoped was a calming

“Sorry about that, folks, little bit of a technical
difficulty. How about we drop a kick-ass chick-fronted band? Here’s Halestorm
and their newest single
Freak Like Me.”

She queued up the song, flipping off her microphone as she
dropped into her overstuffed chair. The zipper of her pants still gaped open.

Ryan came into the sound booth, hovering over her as he
lifted a hand to run through her disheveled hair. His touch calmed her,
soothing over the nerves he’d worked into a frenzy seconds ago.

He leaned closer, scraping a kiss over her lips. His tongue
sank into her mouth, brushing against hers with slow strokes for a deep, carnal
kiss. “Come by my house when you’re finished here. Elena has Sanctuary booked
tonight, but that doesn’t mean we can’t play.” The tips of his fingers brushed
against her chin. “I haven’t masturbated in a very long time. But you, Beth,
may just cause me to break my fast.”

He left before she could say anything and, as she watched
out the window, his muscular form grew smaller as he walked down Main lit only
by antique street lamps. No doubt he was also wearing some kind of smug smile.

He was dangerous for her. And not in the way Ethan had been.

Ryan didn’t have to carry around a bad-ass whip or wear
leathers to signal he was the best damn Dom around. He simply
best damn Dom around.

He represented a slippery slope much like the snowboard pipe
at the nearby ski resort. The very same one she knew she’d visit once winter
arrived. Though she cherished the idea of him slipping the thick length of his
cock into her, she knew falling for him was one of the worst ideas she’d ever
had. Possibly even more than her decision to stay with Ethan when he’d treated
her so badly.

Falling for Ryan would be an epic fail.

* * * * *

The clock next to Ryan’s bed glowed bright blue, signaling
the ungodly hour of four. The sound of car ties crunching over rocks made him
sit up and stretch his arms.

He’d taken his time driving home after the scorching hot
encounter with Beth at the radio station. What would be the point of rushing?
He wouldn’t be able to sleep until she showed up. His arousal level was too
damn high and, despite what he’d said at the station, he wasn’t interested in
jerking off in order to relieve the pressure.

Not when he planned to finally bury himself inside her very
tempting pussy.

He hadn’t intended to torment her as he had, but her
annoyance had gotten the better of him. All he’d wanted to do was overshadow
her frustration with his own brand of distraction. If she was going to be at
her wit’s end about something, he wanted to be the one responsible. Which was
exactly why he hadn’t given her the release and left her so unfulfilled.

BOOK: RockYourSoul
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