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Authors: Sammie J

Rock the Viper (20 page)

BOOK: Rock the Viper
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He takes a look at his watch and looks at me, “Is it ok if we talk on the way to work? I'm going to be late and so are you if we don't hurry up.”

My voice finally comes back to me as I grab his hand and look at his watch, “Yes, that’s fine, I need to grab my bag and I'm ready.”

On the way to work Noah explains how he let the green eyed monster get to him and how he needed time before everyone knew about the three of us. He also explained that he is so sorry he caused me pain again and talking to Juan made him realize a few things. I understood his reasons and let him know he handled it the wrong way, but we sorted it and shared a passionate kiss and roaming hands when we said Goodbye. He also let me know that Juan was picking me up as he was seeing his parents after work.

The café was busy which was great. Even Lara turned up to work, even if she did get most of the orders wrong. It was the sixth time she had cocked up, not that I was counting or anything. I was watching her this time and when she walked away to hand the sandwich to the customer, I stopped her by putting my hand on her arm. She pulled my hand off her and gave me a dirty look. I watched her rub the spot where my hand had been. It wasn't till she was walking back behind the counter that I took a good look at her. She looked pale and tired and most of her body was covered, this wasn't like Lara at all.

When she walked past me, I asked her, “Lara, are you ok? You don't look too good.”

She ignored me and asked the customer waiting what they wanted. I sorted out the mistake Lara had made and when she went to lunch I told her to take the rest of the day off. I sat down when the café was quiet to have something to eat and that’s when my phone beeped at me. I saw a message waiting for me and after the last one I received, I made sure to check the number, but there wasn't one. Something told me it was from Jacob.

Curiosity won out and I watched the video that had been sent. I actually laughed after watching it. I had no idea what Jacob thought my reaction to it would be. There was no sound this time, and all you saw was a woman's mouth going up and down a man's dick sucking him off. You didn't even see the man's face. I was angry, but Jacob can play his silly games because, at the end of the day, I have two men to go home to whom I trust. The door opens and more students came in. I put my phone in my pocket and get on with my job and forget I ever watched the video.

At 5 pm I closed the Café so I could get on and do the stock take. I found my clip board and starting counting items and writing how many we had of each and ticking boxes. Time passed quickly. I took a quick look at the clock and found it was 6.45 pm, so decided to call it a day. By the time I had a quick wee and grabbed my bag, I was ready to leave and hoped Juan would be waiting for me. I was a little early, but I locked up and lean against the door waiting for Juan.

As I looked up and down the road, a car pulls up and Jacob gets out and jogs around to stand in front of me. My body goes into panic mode and I try and run for it, but he grabs me around the waist and carries me to the car. I struggle in his arms and he says into my ear, “Stop it Peppa, I only want to show you how much of a cheat Noah is. Do you have any idea where he is right now? I don't answer him, “No, well let me show you and you can see for yourself.”

I start to struggle again, “Let me go Jacob or I will scream.” He puts his hand over my mouth. He walks around to the driver’s seat, still holding me with his other hand. He opens the car door and shoves me in and pushes me forward as he gets in too. I climb over to the passenger seat to try and get out but he's in and locks the car before I even pull the handle. That's when I scream.

“No one can hear you Peppa, so scream all you like.” He starts the car and pulls away as I bang on the window and shout for help. 

His voice sends shivers down my spine when he next speaks, “Peppa calm down, you are only going to hurt yourself and I have so much more planned for tonight. You don't want to miss out now do you?”

I turn slowly to look at him, “Why are you doing this to me?”

He laughs, “I only want you to see what a two timing bastard Noah really is. I never cheated on you Peppa, not once, but then you choose him.”

I shout at him, “You think by sending me videos you can prove he cheated on me and then this, your sick Jacob!”

He laughs again, “Oh I can prove it, you just wait and see.” And he sneers at me.

I get scared then because I realize he believes what he is saying and I have no idea how to feel about that and I start to think,
do I really want to know?
Then my thoughts turn dark and panic sets in and I start banging and kicking on the door to get out.

He pulls up into a car park and I take a look around and I see a flashing sign. He's brought me to a strip club. He turns to me and says, “Now be a good girl Peppa and don't run when I unlock the car, this is for your benefit you know, to find out the truth.”

I sit there, arms crossed against my chest, he sighs. He unlocks the car, waits to see what I will do and as soon as he turns to open his door and get out, I'm out of that seat, opening the door and running for it. I don't make it far before he wrestles me to the floor, and I fight him while he tries and turns me over to look at him. I spit in his face and he wipes it over with his jacket sleeve.

“Peppa darling, you really need to learn some manners, maybe I can teach you some.” He looks at his watch. “That will have to wait till later. Now behave yourself when I take you in. Don't speak to anyone, do you hear me Peppa? You let anyone know something is wrong and I will turn nasty.”

A tear rolls down my cheek and he wipes it away with his hand, “Oh no tears yet, save them for when you see what I have to show you.”

He stands, then bends over me and takes my arm in a tight grip and pulls me to my feet. He starts walking me to the club. He opens the door and lets me go in first. He whispers into my ear, “Remember what I said Peppa.”

We get past the front entrance and I'm asked if I have a mobile phone. I lie and say no, that it was in the car in my bag. Jacob leads me into the club but I don't really take much in. I see a stage with a dancer on it and the few tables I do see are empty. He marches me to the back of the room and he opens the door and pushes me in. I hear him shut and lock the door behind us.

What I see makes me gag, Noah is on a bed, his trousers pulled down to his ankles, his eyes are closed and some woman is bouncing up and down on him. I bend in half as I feel sick. The bile hits the back of my throat but somehow I manage to keep it down. My heart shatters and the pain that comes next makes my legs start to go out from underneath me. I have to put a hand out to find something to steady myself. I hear Jacob laugh, “See? You didn't believe me did you, Peppa? That right there is you're proof.”

I stumble back and find a wall to keep me upright and the words, “Oh Noah,” leave my mouth, but Noah doesn't even look at me.

My body slides down the wall, I put my head in my hands and cry like I've lost someone close. My body starts shaking and I rock myself trying to find some comfort. The door suddenly opens and closes again. I look up to see Saul standing there. He takes in the scene and shouts out Noah's name. I look over at Noah, but he doesn't move.

Saul pulls the woman off Noah and she screams. She starts shouting out, “I didn't do anything! He paid me to fuck him!” She points to Jacob, “But he couldn't get it up anyway, so I pretended, I need the money.”

Saul shakes Noah, he groans, but it looks like he is asleep. He doesn't move at all. He turns to Jacob. “What did you give him?”

Jacob looks from me, then back to Saul and he runs for the door to try and leave. The next thing I see is a blurred figure move across the room and then Jacob lets out a scream as Saul attaches himself to Jacob’s neck and bites him. I don't know if it was me screaming or the stripper. I think I passed out, as the next thing I'm conscious of is hearing Saul say to the stripper, “You will not remember anything about being in this room, if anyone asks you, you tell them you were given a huge tip and had the most amazing sex of your life.”

I watch as he opens the door for her and she leaves. I look around the room for Jacob. He is leaned against the wall, wide eyed, his eyes are bulging, and his jaw is slack. It resembles a face of shock and it looks like he is frozen to the spot, as he doesn't move an inch.

Saul is suddenly kneeling in front of me, right in my face, and my immediate reaction is to push him away and say, “Don't touch me.”

He falls back on his ass, “I'm not going to hurt you Peppa. I would never do that, but we need to get Noah out of here and home so he can sleep the affects off.”

I try to speak, “I...” He stands and walks back over to Noah that’s when I lose it.

I stand and shout at him, “Don't touch him, don't you dare touch him!” And I make my way over to Noah and shake him.” “Noah please wake up, we need to get you out of here and I can't do it on my own.” He mutters my name then nothing.

I close my eyes to think, but come up with nothing. I don't know what to do, so I look back over at Saul, “I need your help to get him out of here, don't hurt him ok? Help me get him to his car and leave us alone.” I start pulling up Noah's trousers.

Saul comes back over and when I do up Noah's belt he lifts him of the bed like he weighs nothing and I stand there as my mind goes blank. I stare off into space, my name being shouted right in my face brings me back to the moment.

“Peppa, I need you to grab his other arm and put it around your shoulder so it looks like we are carrying our drunk friend out of here. Can you do that?” I nod and I do exactly what Saul told me to do and we walk out of the room and out of the club.

We get to Noah's car and lean him against it. I search his pockets for the car keys, pull them out and Saul reaches for them, “I will drive, you sit in the back with him to make sure he is ok.”

I want to say no, I don't want to be anywhere near Saul, but I think of Noah and I want to keep him near so I hand the keys over.

I get in the back with Noah and rest his head on my lap and stroke his hair and face. He makes a few groaning noises, opens his eyes and says my name. I tell him it's going to be ok.

Saul turns his head quickly to look at him then turns back to keep an eye on the road. He sighs then says, “He should be ok, Jacob gave him Rohypnol. He will be in and out, but with sleep it will wear off.”

I don't answer, I keep my eyes on Noah. I can't believe Jacob would stoop so low. He has seriously lost the plot. Then the images of what happened in the room come back to me, my heart beats ten to the dozen and I shake all over. I look over at Saul. “You bit Jacob,” I say it so quietly that I didn't think he would hear me, “What are you?”

I hear him say, “Fuck” and then the word, “Vampire.” My heart stops dead in my chest and my arms tighten around Noah.
Did he say vampire?

I have no idea how I managed to get out my next words, “Vampire? I...vampire... no...Why would you say that? I don't understand.”

He slams his hand down on the steering wheel which causes me to jump with fright, “Shit, Juan should be telling you this. I'm telling you this because it's the truth Peppa. I'm a vampire.” 

I shake my head and put my hands over my ears and the words, “No, vampires aren’t real.” Repeats from my mouth.

Saul pulls up at Noah's house and gets out of the car. He opens the door and I feel him lift Noah off my lap, “I'm going to take him straight to his room ok?”

I nod at him. I get out and watch Saul's blurred figure rush to the front door and go inside. As I walk in, Juan is standing there waiting for me. I look up into his face and see the anxiousness and sadness in his eyes and I know then what Saul said was true. I walk straight past him, but he stops me when he grabs my hand. I turn to look back at him.

“I'm sorry Peppa, you shouldn't have found out that way. I wanted to tell you, I didn't know how to.”

I pull my hand away. “I can't think straight right now. I don't know what is real or what to believe. You should have told me Juan.” I turn and walk away I hear him call my name but I need time.

I make my way to Noah's room. Once there, I climb onto his bed, lay myself out next to him and mold my body to his. I feel so numb and so cold and I let my emotions take over.

Chapter 21  (NOAH)


I walk into my office with a smile on my face. Peppa made sure I would remember her for the day by leaving me with a hard on, but I didn't care. I was happy that she forgave me for last night. My smile turns bigger when I picture her face when I found her negligee. I did feel a little jealous, but I found myself more turned on than anything. I was also looking forward to meeting up with my parents later. I decided I was going to tell them about Peppa. It would come as a surprise to them, but I was happy and I thought they needed to know. I laughed to myself and thought,
what if I told them about Juan as well.
I could imagine their reactions, so I would keep that bit of info to myself.

My phone rang and so my work day began. It was a quiet day which was a relief, as the last couple of days had been a nightmare. Jacob did appear but I was very blunt with him. It was a bit of a weird conversation as he asked what my plans were for the night. I still needed to find a way to get rid of the idiot, even if it was for the littlest thing.

I was packing up to leave when my phone rang and I answered to Jacob’s voice shouting, “You better get down here Noah. Hans is pissed out of his head and I think he's done some coke. He's threatening to go to the papers and tell them everything.”

I swear and say, “I have plans Jacob. I told you earlier that I was meeting my parents. Can't you deal with it?”

I hear him walk and open a door and then the dull thump thump of music. “Noah this is serious, I’ve never seen him go off like this and I need your help.”

“Fuck, where are you?”

I hear a door open again and he shouts down the phone, “Shit I better go. He's about to leave with two women. We are at Frankie's.” And he hangs up.

BOOK: Rock the Viper
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