Read Rock Stars Do It Forever Online

Authors: Jasinda Wilder

Rock Stars Do It Forever (10 page)

BOOK: Rock Stars Do It Forever
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“Yeah. It hurt.”

“I’m sorry you had to go through that,” Chase said.

“It’s over now.” Jamie noticed Chase had his bag on his lap. “You checked out?”

Chase shrugged. “Yeah. I figured we’ve spent enough time in Chicago.”

“Sounds good to me. I have to be back in Detroit for work on Monday, but that’s it. I’m free till then.”

They headed away from Chicago, going vaguely west and north toward Wisconsin. They stopped at a Holiday Inn off the freeway about halfway to Milwaukee, checked in, and had dinner. Jamie felt antsy for most of the time, wanting nothing more than to erase the bad taste in her mouth left by the scene with Ian. She wanted to feel more of Chase, experience more of his many mercurial sides. She’d only scratched the surface of him, she thought. He seemed just as tense, just as full of coiled intensity. His head was freshly shaven, his jaw and chin clean and the hard lines of his handsome face accentuated by the low lights of the diner. His arms stretched the sleeve of a charcoal henley shirt, the sleeves pushed up to his elbows.

She wanted those arms around her, those hands holding her.

They went back to the hotel, and the door had barely closed behind him when Chase’s voice washed over her. “Strip.”

She turned in place to face him, her heart thudding. “Excuse me?” He was leaning back against the door, one leg crossed over the other, arms akimbo.

A faint smile traced his lips. His eyes twinkled. “I said, strip. Take your clothes off.”

Her chin lifted. “Oh, yeah? Just like that?” She
to strip, but she also wanted to see where he’d take it if she refused.

He took a step forward, his gait loose and powerful, his eyes predatory. “Yeah. Just like that.”

“And if I don’t?”

“You will.” He smirked again. “Well…you’ll be naked in about thirty seconds either way.”

Jamie sucked in a deep breath and let it out, then crossed her arms beneath her chest. “No.”

Chase lifted an eyebrow and stepped toward her again, arms uncoiling. Jamie took an involuntary step backward at the intensity in his gaze. An excited smile played over her lips, and her heart crashed in her chest.

He lunged, catching her in his arms, squeezing them to her sides. She gazed up at him evenly.

“Now what are you gonna do to me? Spank me?” Jamie asked.

“Tempting,” Chase said. “But no.”

He returned her even gaze, and then, before she could blink, he had spun her in his arms so her back was to his front, both of her hands pinned in one of his, firmly but gently. Jamie struggled to free her hands, but she couldn’t. She went still, waiting for his next move. His breathing was hot and loud in her ear, his chest hard at her back. With his free hand, he traced her cheek, following the line of his grazing fingers with his lips. Jamie tilted her head to the side as he lined kisses down her neck. Chase moved them forward so her torso was pressed to the wall, pinning her there with his hips, his erection against her jeans-clad ass.
Jamie was wearing an old Counting Crows concert T-shirt, thin and tight; Chase released her hands, gripped the collar of her shirt, and ripped it open down the back and brushed it off her.

“I liked that shirt!” Jamie protested.

Chase just chuckled. He grabbed her hands again before Jamie could think about finding a way to get free, and besides, she didn’t really want to. She was interested in where he was going with this. But, for form’s sake, she had to put up a fight. So—in the name of the game—she writhed her ass against his erection, a distraction, and then when he sucked in a breath and loosened his grip on her wrists, Jamie shoved him away and broke free. Chase laughed and caught her around the waist with one arm, jerking her back to his chest.

“I don’t think so, sweetness. You could’ve done a little striptease for me, and I’d already be inside you, making you come for me.” Jamie couldn’t quite stifle a whimper. “But no, you had to play tough girl, hard to get. So…we do this the fun way.”

“Fun for who?”

Chase dragged a finger down her chest, between her cleavage, and then traced the rim of the bra cup. “Fun for me. It’ll be fun for you…eventually. But you might get a bit…desperate before I’m done with you.”

He tugged the cup down and a breast popped free; he did the same to the other side, and then began toying with the nipples, one and then the other, pinching and rolling, flicking and cupping each breast with the taut bud caught between his middle and index fingers. Jamie’s breath caught, and she couldn’t stop herself from arching her back into his touch. He slid his hand down her belly, dipped his fingers beneath the denim to cup her mound over the silk of her panties. Jamie froze as he stroked the damp line of her entrance with one finger, making the silk even wetter. She found herself panting and on the verge of begging him to put his finger inside her. She didn’t beg, and he didn’t touch her skin to skin. He seemed content to stroke her through the silk, digging in slightly to put pressure on her clit. Her hips writhed on their own, despite her attempts to stop them.

“Chase…” she heard herself whisper, and then clicked her teeth together on the rest of the plea.

“Yes, love?”

She only panted in reply, resting her head back on his shoulder.

Chase released her hands, withdrew his fingers from her jeans, and placed her palms flat on the wall, pulling her hips back until she was forced to take several steps backward. She was now standing as if she’d been arrested, feet shoulder-width apart, palms flat on wall.

“Stay like this,” Chase ordered, his voice gentle in her ear.


Chase’s finger trailed up from her hip to her side, and then up to her armpit. Jamie tensed, realizing what the punishment would be if she moved. He ever so gently traced her underarm, and she choked back a giggle, flinching away.

“No, no! Please don’t tickle me,” she said, putting her hands back on the wall. “I hate being tickled.”

Chase rumbled in amusement. “Good to know.”

Jamie cursed herself for having given him leverage. She lost her train of thought when his fingers came back around her belly, both hands dipping beneath both denim and silk to cup her flesh, one hand remaining on the dip of her hip. His middle finger dove down to press against her clit, and Jamie hung her head, gritting her teeth against a whimper. He circled her once, twice, and she couldn’t stop a single gasp from escaping.

“I want to hear you,” Chase said.

So, of course, Jamie decided to make a game of her own out of how silent she could stay. He made wide, slow circles around her throbbing nub, and she had to clench her jaw to keep from panting. He increased his assault, circling faster and faster, and, just as she was about to lose her own game, he stopped. That was almost her undoing. She wanted to beg him to keep going but bit her lip to keep quiet.

He unbuttoned her pants, then slowly unzipped her fly. She tensed, waiting for the pants to be pushed down, but he didn’t do that. Instead, he skated his palms up her sides, cupped her breasts in both hands, tenderly kneading the soft flesh. He abruptly unsnapped her bra but left the straps on her arms. Jamie wriggled her shoulders, hating the feel of the loose straps, but Chase stilled her with a single press of his palms to her shoulders.

Her breasts were hanging free, unsupported now, but the bra was still partly on. It was driving her nuts, but she forgot that soon enough as his hands came back up to cup her breasts, now stimulating her nipples until she was shifting in place, holding back moans. And then his touch was gone again, sliding down to her hips, pushing the pants down to her knees and leaving them. She lifted her leg to pull the pants off, but Chase made a negative sound in his chest.

“Leave it,” he said.

Jamie blew out a sigh of exasperation that nearly turned into a moan of appreciation as he began to massage her buttocks through her panties. It wasn’t an erotic touch, oddly, the way he kneaded the muscles there, but it still turned her on even as it relaxed her. Of course, she couldn’t get much more turned on, she didn’t think. Then he slid his palms under the silk to caress her bare skin, and she realized how wrong she was; she could get
a lot
more turned on. He traced the crease between her ass cheeks with one finger, and she found herself wanting to spread herself wide to allow him entrance. She didn’t, though, and he didn’t press in. She was almost disappointed.

He pressed his erection against her backside, leaning in with his mouth to her ear. “Soon, sweetness.” He writhed his shaft into the crack, the zipper and button scraping against the silk. “Soon I’m going to be deep inside you…here.”

“Soon, like now?”

Chase made a noncommittal sound. “Maybe, maybe not. You want me to?”

“Maybe.” Jamie tried to sound blasé, but couldn’t quite manage it.

If she was being honest with herself, she
want it. A lot, actually. His two fingers had been intense enough, but if he managed to fit his entire huge cock into her? It would be…mind-blowing, she was sure. As long as it didn’t hurt, and she knew for a fact he wouldn’t do it if was going to hurt.

“You lie,” Chase murmured in her ear. “You want it. You’re a dirty girl. You want my cock in your ass.”

Jamie hung her head and bit her lip to keep from responding. Chase abruptly shoved her panties down to her knees with her pants, and then carved a line up the outside of her thigh to rest at the apex of her hip.

Chase murmured in her ear, “Which way should I go? This way?” He slid his finger toward her core. “Or this way?” He ran his fingernail back toward her ass.

Jamie wanted him in both places, so she didn’t answer. Not that she would’ve answered anyway. He took her lack of answer as freedom to do both. One hand curled forward to cup her mound, now pulsating with heat and dripping wet. His other hand clutched one ass cheek and then the other before digging his fingers in between her thighs and ass. Jamie wanted to widen her thighs so he could touch her more freely, but her pants around her knees wouldn’t let her, and neither would her own determination.

He moved both hands simultaneously, slipping one long finger into her pussy and the fingers of the other hand deeper between her thighs from behind. Jamie allowed herself a long breath in and then out as he circled her clit. Then, abruptly, both hands were gone, and so was his presence behind her. She started to twist to try to locate him, but his voice at her left ear stopped her.

“Mmm-mmm. No moving,” he admonished her.

Jamie clenched her jaw around her sarcastic comeback and waited. He took one of her hands in his, slid her bra strap off, then repeated it with the other side. He stepped away to hang the bra off the bathroom doorknob. Jamie watched him, then snapped her attention back to the wall when he returned to his place behind her. He knelt down behind her, kissing her spine on the way, then each buttock, then underneath each one. He wrapped his hands around the front of her thighs, stroked upward until his fingers brushed the line of her entrance. Jamie’s breathing became more labored as he slid his hands down and then back up her legs, stopping again just at the apex of her thighs.

“Step out of the pants,” Chase instructed.

Jamie obeyed, stepping on the cuff of one pant leg and tugging her foot out, then did the same on the other side. She was naked now, trembling with anticipation. She waited, and waited, but Chase did nothing, just knelt behind her with his hands on her thighs and his mouth pressed in a stilled kiss to the rounded outside of her ass.

Then he was gone. “Don’t move,” he ordered. “And don’t look. Close your eyes.”

Jamie closed her eyes, listening to a zipper of a bag
ing open, then the sounds of clothing being rummaged through. She smelled him, felt his presence. Cloth touched her eyes, tied behind her head. She opened her eyes, but all was dark. He tugged her hands away from the wall and guided her to a different position, standing her in place and leaving her, then spinning her a few times so she was disoriented but not dizzy.

“What are you doing, Chase? What’s going on?”

He didn’t answer. She heard a soft footfall to one side and then the other; she smelled him as he passed by her, and then the scent was gone with the breeze of his passage. A finger trailed across her belly in one direction, a palm slid over her ass in the other. Lips pressed to hers briefly, gone as soon as she began to respond to the kiss. Fingers carved over her hips and into the wet folds of her core, stroking slowly and languorously, then were gone before she could begin to respond. His lips touched hers, tilted slightly sideways, and this time stayed until she opened her mouth, his tongue sliding in and tangling with hers, tracing her lips.

He was gone again, and then Jamie heard a zipper, cloth rustling and falling to the floor, and then she caught his scent and felt his presence in front of her.

“I’m right in front of you,” he said. “Touch me.”

She reached out, found hot flesh. She explored the area and found it to be his elbow. She followed his arm to his shoulder, his neck, devoured his bare torso with both hands then, over the toned bulk of his muscles, the cut and rippling perfection of his abs, down to his hips. He was naked, thank god. She felt the cool, hard, tautness of his ass, cupped it, clutched it, then reached around to grip his erection. She stroked him a few times, and then he pulled away.

“Come back,” Jamie said, “I want to touch you more.”

He ghosted back into her outstretched hands, and she caressed his body all over, pressed her face to his chest, kissing across it, touching his shoulder with her lips and running her tongue over the small bead of his nipple, tracing the grooves of his abdomen with her mouth, falling to her knees and laving the hollow of hip, finding the V-cut and worshipping it with her fingers and her tongue. She paused, turning her face up to him, as if to look at him through the blindfold. She could almost see him in her mind: absurdly, gloriously gorgeous face turned down to look at her, his brown eyes wide and dark and glinting with unrestrained desire, his broad, hard muscles rippling as he held himself still for her touch, tribal tattoos across his biceps and forearms. She kissed his thigh, then skated her palms over his taut ass, pulling him closer, closer, until she felt the heat and iron and silk of his cock against her lips. She kissed him, smiling at the gasping intake of his breath, then took him into her mouth and slowly lowered her head, taking him deeper and deeper, relaxing her throat and going deeper yet.

BOOK: Rock Stars Do It Forever
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