Read Rise of the Poison Moon Online

Authors: MaryJanice Davidson

Tags: #Magic, #Fantasy fiction, #Dragons, #General, #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Spiders, #Shapeshifting, #Epic, #Good and evil

Rise of the Poison Moon (34 page)

BOOK: Rise of the Poison Moon
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: I’m not sure. A few years.
LOXOS: What about before that? Did you live in—
: Let’s stop talking about Winoka. You’re trying to pump me for information. You’re stalling until the authorities show. It’s not going to work. I’m here because I want to be here, Dr. Loxos. Like I said, I wanted to get a message to your friends in the Regiment.
LOXOS: Yes, you said that was the “first” reason you were here. Was there another reason?
: Yes. I wonder if you know a
LOXOS: Of course I do. She’s a patient here. Has been for years.
: Why is that?
LOXOS: I don’t see why that’s relevant—
: Let’s get to the point. You preach the fiction that
suffers from severe, chronic psychosis.
LOXOS: She’s been experiencing secondary delusions for over a decade. Possibly since childhood.
: Her “delusions” have been documented and disseminated worldwide, using unedited video—
LOXOS: Please,
. We both know the Internet is a storage house for manufactured fantasy. Those special effects films she crafted to impress the world were nothing more than a clever stunt to get attention after the death of her mother and subsequent emotional abandonment by her father—
: Who believed her, after the rise of the Poison Moon.
LOXOS: You are referring, I presume, to the unusual but completely explicable phenomenon of the “green moon,” which happened most notably approximately twenty years ago. Astronomers have noted that certain phases of the moon, when viewed through an aurora borealis, can give the impression—
: You and I can interrupt each other all day long, Collin, but we know
has never suffered a psychotic episode. Neither did her father.
LOXOS: Well, he’s no longer alive to tell us what he has seen, is he?
: Yes, that’s very convenient for the Regiment.
BOOK: Rise of the Poison Moon
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