RIDING WITH THE COP (The Pleasure Of His Punishment) (3 page)

BOOK: RIDING WITH THE COP (The Pleasure Of His Punishment)
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She sat up with a jolt, suddenly coming out of the fog of passion, orienting to time and place. “Holy shit, we have to get out of here. What if somebody comes?”

Jake shot her a devious grin. “Somebody already came. Several times.”

“Jake...this is no time for jokes. We need to clean up and get the hell out of here.” Lilly was frantic. Now that her haze of passion had cleared, she was in a frenzy to escape being caught naked in a stranger’s house.

Jake sat up and gently grabbed her arm, keeping her from bounding out of the bed. “Lilly, please don’t go. This is my house.”

It took a minute for that information to compute. She gaped at him, lips moving, but no sound emerged.

His face was flushed and he sounded contrite as he admitted, “My house…and no call for suspicious activity. I called in on the radio while you were getting a coffee and told them that I was going off duty because my replacement was already patrolling.”

“You... you...I...Oh crap! Why would you do that?” Lilly sat up and crossed her arms over her breasts.

“I’ve had it bad for you since the moment we met, Lilly. It was our last night together. I didn’t want you to go and you didn’t seem the least bit interested in me,” Jake replied in his deep, husky voice.

“Kind of drastic…don’t you think?” she replied in a wry tone as she dangled the handcuffs between her fingers.

“I guess it was. I came here stalling for time because I just couldn’t seem to tell you how I felt. I was giving myself a pep talk while you were waiting in the car. I didn’t plan what happened. I was upset that you could have been hurt by coming up to the house. I got a little caught up in the moment,” he was staring at the wall, refusing to meet her eyes.

Jake liked her? He had wanted her badly enough to blackmail her? She should have been angry…but she really wasn’t. “Would you have really given me a bad report, ruined my chances of graduating?”

“No,” he admitted, his voice husky. “If you hadn’t responded, I would have let you go with a warning after I cooled off. I went a little crazy at the thought that you could have been hurt.”

Lilly sighed. Oh hell...who was she trying to fool? She just had the most mind-blowing sex of her life and she wanted this man. Had she paid attention to her own emotions she would have realized earlier that she wanted him and what she was really feeling was chemistry. Most likely she had been afraid that the attraction wouldn’t be mutual and had wanted to avoid making a fool of herself. Maybe she had needed something drastic to get her attention and keep her from running away from something that could be damn good.

“Do you do this to all of your trainees?”

“Oh! Hell no, I was risking my job, Lilly. But I guess I was willing to take the risk. I’ve never felt like this before,” Jake muttered in a dejected voice.

She melted and caved in. He had risked his job, which she knew was the most important thing in his life. Could she blame him for getting caught up in passion? She had ended up caught in the very same web of desire herself.

Lilly slid off the bed and grabbed a robe that was thrown carelessly onto a corner chair. She breathed in the material, loving the smell of it. It smelled like…Jake. Tightening the belt she asked in a low, suggestive voice, “Okay...Where is the hot tub?”

His head popped up and his gaze searched her face. He met her eyes with a dark, passionate, adoring expression. “You aren’t mad?”

She shrugged. “I wanted you too, Jake. I think you figured that out pretty quickly or we wouldn’t have continued. Besides, all of those orgasms seemed to have made me pretty forgiving,” she informed him wickedly.

“Well, hell!” he exclaimed as he shot out of bed. “Don’t forgive me completely. I’m willing to keep working on it.”

Jake stalked towards her naked and Lilly sighed. Would she ever get tired of admiring

He swept her up in his arms and hugged her. Lilly could feel his big body shudder as she rested against his muscular form.

She stayed there for a few more moments and then pulled back to look at him. Her big guy was smiling.

“Are you going to find us that hot tub?” she asked in a sexy whisper.

“Let’s go,” he said eagerly as he pulled her through the bedroom door by the hand. “I have work to do and I take my job very seriously.”

She laughed as she let him lead her towards the door. “I expect a great report, Sergeant Simmons.”

“Absolutely,” he agreed readily, tugging her out of the bedroom.

They both laughed all the way to the hot tub.


Thanks for reading Riding With The Cop. This short story is part of
The Pleasure Of His Punishment Collection

Please continue reading for an excerpt of
Mine For Tonight
book one of my latest series
The Billionaire's Obsession
, which is also available as a complete boxed set.

Please check out my other books, which include among others

The Vampire Coalition

Ethan’s Mate
- Book One

Rory’s Mate
- Book Two

Nathan’s Mate
- Book Three

Liam’s Mate
- Book Four

Daric’s Mate
- Book Five

The Vampire Coalition
is also availabe as a complete boxed set.

Also, my latest series

The Billionaire’s Obsession:

Mine For Tonight
- Book One

Mine For Now
- Book Two

Mine Forever
- Book Three

Mine Completely
- A Valentine’s Day romance.

Coming Soon ... The Heart Of The Billionaire

The following is the first chapter from Mine For Tonight:

Chapter 1

Simon Hudson stood silently in the shadows of the opulent lobby, his hands in the pockets of his jeans and one shoulder propped against the frame of a large window that faced the street. His whole body was tense, his dark brown eyes scanning the sidewalk with the intense and total focus of a madman.

Where in the hell is she? It’s ten forty-five.

He knew Kara was working tonight. She had called in sick for the last two evenings, but was back to work at Helen’s Place, waiting tables on the swing shift. He had checked. His mother owned the bistro where Kara worked and was generally pretty forthcoming with information when Simon wanted it, but he was careful. If he wasn’t, his only parent would be hounding him to find out why he wanted information on Kara. His wonderful but inquisitive mom would be like a bloodhound after a scent if she thought that Simon’s interest was anything but casual. He would be nagged to death, his mother wanting to know exactly what his intentions were with Kara.

Simon frowned. Like he had any intentions? He had fantasies and all of them involved Kara spread out on his bed, screaming his name as he made her come, over and over.

Simon took a deep breath and slowly blew it back out, trying to get his body to relax and telling himself that he must be insane to take exactly the same position, night after night, for some woman who he had never officially met. But here he was…again, his back to the curious doorman, leering out the window like an unbalanced stalker, waiting to get a glimpse of Kara Foster. Something about the woman brought out strange, territorial, and protective instincts that kept him here, keeping watch, waiting for her to walk by his condo building on her way home from work.

And then, when he spotted her, he’d do the same thing he always did. He’d follow her at a distance, trying not to alarm her, and wait until she had let herself into her apartment safely before he turned around and walked back home.

He wouldn’t talk to her, or even get close to her. He never did. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to, but Kara was going to nursing school and working full-time at his mother’s restaurant. According to his mom, Kara adamantly refused to date because she didn’t have the time or energy to put into a relationship. She was probably right about that. The insane woman didn’t sleep enough, eat enough. She had no one who even worried about her except for his mother…and Simon. Hell, in the last year, Simon had probably cared more about Kara’s well-being than a dozen family members would have, and he couldn’t even call her a friend. Problem was…he wasn’t a family member, and his feelings were far from brotherly.

God, she was sweet!

Simon had to bite back a groan of frustration as he thought about the first time he had seen Kara, her blue eyes flashing with humor, black tendrils of silky hair escaping from her ever-present ponytail and her lithe body moving gracefully from table to table at his mom’s restaurant. At the age of twenty-eight, she still retained a look of innocence and vulnerability that had Simon caught in her unintentional web. He’d been a prisoner there ever since.

His mother spoke about Kara as if she were her daughter, and Simon knew that Kara and his mother had a special bond: one not formed by blood, but by a special friendship. Shit…if Kara were younger, Simon was pretty sure his mother would adopt her. Lips twitching slightly, Simon hoped his mother never expected him to be like a brother to Kara. It wasn’t happening. His cock stood at attention, rock-hard and ready, every time he saw her. What in the hell was it about this particular woman that made him so edgy and restless?

Simon had fucked women who were more attractive or more sophisticated, and not a single one of them had ever touched any of his emotions. He was a loner, preferring to spend his time with his computer rather than attending social functions, but there were times when he needed a woman’s company for physical relief. Occasionally taking himself in hand just wasn’t getting it done. Simon had certain female acquaintances for those occasions, women who gave him the control he needed and had to have in the bedroom, without a lot of demands or questions. Damn it! That had been enough for him…until he had seen Kara.

Grimacing, his eyes never leaving the street, Simon shoved his hands deeper into his pockets and adjusted his position, giving his shoulder a break by resting his hip against the wall. God, he was getting pathetic. How long would he moon over a woman who had never even acknowledged him? Until she finished nursing school and moved away? Until she got married?

He nearly growled at the thought of another man putting his hands on Kara’s delectable body. Simon fought a purely feral instinct that rose up at the thought of another man touching his woman.

She’s not your woman, asshole. Get a grip.

For once in his life, Simon wished he were more like his older brother Sam, the other half of the Hudson Corporation. Sam would have no problem putting the moves on Kara.
Charm, conquer, and discard
had always been his brother’s style and Sam wouldn’t have given a thought to the possibility of rejection. Probably because Sam never failed! His only sibling went through the female population like a person with a nasty cold went through tissues. Sam would have broken down Kara’s defenses, charmed her out of her panties and then discarded her for his next conquest.

Oh, hell no
. Simon loved his brother, but he’d be damned if he’d ever let Sam seduce Kara. He didn’t even want the two of them in the same room together.

Because she’s mine.

Simon shook his head, surprised at his own behavior. Yeah…he liked control, actually needed control, but he had never wanted one woman in particular. Now, he could think of little else but the pretty waitress who had snagged his attention a year ago.

You’re afraid of her.

Simon scowled at the thought. Like hell he was! He wasn’t afraid of anything, and he definitely didn’t fear Kara Foster. She just…was not a likely lover. Why bother?

He fucked.

He didn’t date.

And he liked it that way.

His brother Sam was the face of the company, the marketer. Simon was a computer geek, happy to stay in the background. What did he know about seducing a woman? He’d never needed to coerce a woman to his bed. The females he fucked were only with him for personal gain. He was known as a generous lover. He wasn’t fool enough to believe they had any personal feelings for him. That, he understood. That, he could handle.

Maybe I need to find a way to fuck her and get over this crazy obsession

Would it be enough? Could he actually get free from his fixation with this woman if he could find a way to have her?

Christ! He had to do something. His irrational preoccupation with Kara had grown worse and worse over the last year, causing him to want no other woman except her. He hadn’t gotten off with anyone except himself in well over a year, and he really needed to scratch that itch. Yet…he couldn’t. If he tried to take action, to make a move to call another woman, he would see Kara’s pretty girl-next-door face and hang up the phone.

I’m just that fucking obsessed with her.

Simon glanced at an approaching figure, his mind almost immediately starting to dismiss the dark-haired woman who was dressed in a short, black, leather mini-skirt and a bright red sweater. He’d never seen Kara dressed in anything other than jeans and a t-shirt that sported the restaurant’s logo, standard casual dress for employees of his mom’s restaurant.

BOOK: RIDING WITH THE COP (The Pleasure Of His Punishment)
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