RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy (7 page)

BOOK: RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy
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After her tiny room in New York, she said it was her favorite room she'd ever had. Our folks' place had been modest growing up. So it felt nice to give her something that made her feel special.

I stuck my head in the room.

"How are you?"

She held her thumb up and went back to her book.

I climbed the stairs to the bathroom and turned on the water. I decided I would take a long hot shower and-

I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and screamed in shock.

My pajama top was see through. Not just a little either. My breasts were clearly visible through the sheer top. And Jackson had let me stand there all morning with my boobs hanging out!

No, not hanging- poking!

My nipples were like little ice picks, ready to cut a hole in my tank top. I growled and opened the door, ready to tear his head off. I was halfway down the stairs when I stopped.

If I did that, he would know I knew.

He would know he had gotten to me.

He would win.

I cursed and climbed the stairs again, shutting the bathroom door behind me. I would take a nice, short shower, put on ten layers of clothing and get on with my day.

I would be productive and calm.

I would not think about the fact that he'd seen my boobs.

I would ignore all his attempts to provoke me. No matter how hard it was. He would not get the best of me today!

Chapter Ten


I was whistling as I climbed down the ladder. One job done. A couple more to go.

Surely by the time I was finished, Angelina would throw herself at me out of gratitude. I could just see the warm look of invitation in her eyes as she led me to her bedroom and submitted herself to me. I would say nothing as she disrobed and offered me her hot little body. I'd be gentle the first time. After that, I'd take her any way I wanted to.

Over and over again.

It would be hard, but I'd have to tell her I just wanted a fling. A hot, heavy, long-term fling with lots of sex and very little talking. She would give me what I wanted, and often, but without the ridiculous rituals of dinner and a movie.

She'd want more of course. They always did. And I'd be happy to service her whenever she asked, indefinitely. But that was it. Just sex. No strings attached. She would belong to me exclusively, but I would have the freedom to do what I wanted.

I doubted I would want to go out looking for other women with her at my disposal, but I wouldn't tell her that. Better to keep her on her toes. The more casual I kept it, the more eager she would be to please me.

She'd be upset. But that wasn't my problem. Making her scream with pleasure was.

I grabbed my kit and walked back into the house, kicking my boots off.

Angelina was in the kitchen, messing with a row of vitamins.
I heard the blender go off and watched as she poured a large protein shake for Casey. I stood in the shadows and watched Angelina fuss over her sister.

I would make allowances for that, I decided. If Casey needed anything, I would provide it. If she wanted to see the horses, or go to town, or a carnival, I would take them.

But it wouldn't be a date. I would be quite firm about that. I let my eyes wander over to Angelina as she sipped the leftover shake from the blender. She had changed out of her adorable pajamas. Now she wore tight, worn in jeans and a cardigan over a tank top.

Sadly, this one did not appear to be even slightly see through.

She bent over the sink as she cleaned the blender. I admired the curve of her back and the soft swell of her hips. The sunlight was coming in through the window above the sink, making her hair look like molten gold.

"Hey Jackson!"

She stiffened at the sound of my name, but she didn't turn to look at me. I walked in, setting my tools on the floor. Casey smiled at me in a friendly manner.

An almost conspiratorial manner.

"How are you, Casey?"

She shook her head.

"Rough night. Really rough. I am going to go back to bed for a few hours."

Angelina turned abruptly.

"Why didn't you tell me? Do you need a pain pill?"

Casey swiftly shook her head.

"It's better now, I'm just tired. My mind was racing."

"Okay, let me get you in there and draw the curtains."



"Would you mind if Jackson did it?"

Angelina looked surprised but she nodded. I realized she would do anything her sister said. And for some strange reason, I got the feeling her sister was conspiring to get us alone together.

Or as alone as possible.

"Sure. I'll be here if you need me."

"Thanks Ange."

Angelina turned back to the sink and Casey gave me a sly look. Then she winked at me.

I suddenly decided that Casey deserved more than a carnival ride at the state fair. She deserved a medal. I knew she couldn't ride, but if she could someday, I was going to buy the girl a damn pony.

Two ponies.

I helped Casey into her bed and fluffed her pillows behind her. Then I went to the curtains and started to pull them shut.

"It's okay, I like them open."

"How can you sleep with all that light?"

She grinned and held up her sketchpad.

"Who said anything about sleeping?"

I grinned at her and tousled her hair. She held her finger to her lips and I nodded. Then I closed the door behind me.

"Is she okay? Did she look upset?"

"She was already dozing by the time I left."

Angelina chewed her lip, looking worried.

"I knew the move would be hard on her. I should have waited. Or come ahead of time to get the place ready. It's just, there isn't anyone else I trust to look after her."

"What about your folks?"

She shook her head.

"They're gone."

"Aunts and Uncles?"



"We don't really know them. It was never a close-knit family. We haven't seen anyone since the funeral when Casey was just a kid. I don't even have their phone numbers."

I felt a strange lump form in my throat. I had been contemplating pouncing on her. Now I just wanted to hold her and tell her it was going to be alright. That I would help her with Casey if she needed it.

I would help her with anything.


All I wanted in exchange was her hot little body.

I shook my head. No strings remember, Jackson? Just sex. I cleared my throat.

"I lost my mom too. I'm sorry."

She looked at me in surprise. Then she smiled. I felt my heart melt a little. It was the first time she'd really smiled at me. When Angelina Randall smiled, she wasn't just beautiful.

She was magnificent.

"Thank you."

I lifted up my tools.

"What's next?"

"You don't have to go?"

I shook my head slowly.

"I'm at your disposal, Ma'am."

She laughed sweetly and the sound went right through me. She was different when she was relaxed. Warm and inviting. I wanted to kiss her suddenly, not just drive her into the floor with my dick.

Well, I wanted that too. But I would put a pillow under her head first. That was the gentlemanly thing to do after all.

"The attic has a leak that's worrying me. I think it's just the window casing but I'm not sure. Casey is allergic to mold so we have to be careful."

I followed her up the stairs. I glanced into the open doorways, hoping to catch a glimpse of her bedroom. When I saw it, my mouth went dry. It was just an ordinary room with an antique bed and a pretty looking quilt on it. But I could imagine us doing all kinds of filthy, wonderful things in there.

Starting right now.

She led me down the narrow hallway into one of the smaller bedrooms. I saw that she'd started setting up the room as an office. In the back corner was a steep stairway that led to the attic.

She pulled on a cord and a bare bulb lit the space. It was big for an attic, with plenty of head space. It was clean too.

She'd been a busy little bee.

My bee.

"I was thinking of putting my studio up here."


"I'm a photographer. Or, I always wanted to be. I didn't have a lot of time for it back in New York."

I looked around, nodding.

"All you really need is to wire the place. Then you get some black out blinds for the windows. Some sort of ventilation system for the fumes. Add drywall and you're all set."

She was looking at me with a trace of admiration. I liked the way it felt, impressing her with my manly skills. I grinned, puffing out my chest.

"I could help you with that."

Her mouth dropped open.

"That's not necessary Jackson."

I let my eyes rove over her face.

"It's my pleasure."

Oddly enough, I meant it.

"Now, where is this leak?"

I should have kissed her right then and there. But I couldn't bring myself to risk ruining her rapidly improving opinion of me just yet. She was looking at me like I was a Goddamn knight in shining armor.

Fifteen minutes later I'd sealed the leak, confirmed the damage was minimal and that there was no mold. Now she was really looking at me like I was a hero. She'd been busy the whole time too, cleaning the place with a spray bottle of vinegar and a handheld vacuum.

No wonder the old house was sparkling and shining.

"Are you always so clean?"

She smiled at me ruefully.

"I didn't used to be. But Casey's symptoms can get triggered by smoke, dust and mold. Chemical sprays, you name it. I won't be cleaning like this constantly, but I wanted to start with a clean slate. No shoes in the house keeps the dust down a lot-"

She wasn't going to stop talking I realized. Not that I wasn't interested. But I was also losing the battle with my cock after hours of being close to her.

So I did what I'd been wanting to do since the moment I saw her.

I pounced.

I lifted her up against me, smothering her soft sound of surprise with my lips. I groaned as my hands pulled one thigh up and held her open to me. I fit myself up against her and plunged my tongue into her mouth in one smooth motion.

The Delancey brothers prided ourselves on our excellent hand to eye coordination skills.

I pushed her backwards until she was pressed against one of the support posts in the center of the room. Then I went to town. Grinding, licking, touching.

My hand squeezed her ass as the other one went for her breasts. She was so soft and juicy and sweet smelling that I felt like I was going to lose my mind. Scratch that, I already had.

Thankfully, it seemed like she was right there with me.

Her kisses were tentative at first, but as I teased her nipple through her shirt, she started to get wild. I could feel the heat of her center against my raging hard on. Her nipples were scraping my chest. I cursed and pulled my shirt open, losing a few buttons in the process.

I pushed her shirt up, moaning at the sight of her gorgeous tits pushed together by a white lace bra. I pawed at her, tugging the bra out of the way so that I could taste her. I pulled one nipple into my mouth, and then the other.

Her hands were in my hair, spurring me on. The soft sounds she was making were sexy as hell. She sounded like a sweet, horny little kitten.

My kitten.

I lifted my head, realizing I was on the brink of fucking her in a dusty attic. Not that I gave a shit. But she might.


She nodded shakily, starting to tug her clothes back into place.

"Leave it. No time."

I scooped her up and tossed her over my shoulder, taking the steps two at a time. I slapped her ass as I kicked open her door, tossing her on her bed.

She was staring at me indignantly as I peeled my clothes off. Then I climbed on top of her and kissed her senseless. By the time I was finished, the pissed off look on her face was gone.

No, she looked shocked.

I chuckled as I started undoing her jeans. I slid my fingers down the front against her flat belly. I bent my head to her nipples again as my fingers dove lower, seeking her slippery folds.


"That's it sweetheart, we are going to get along just fine. I will take care of you. Just lay back and relax."

She was wet and tight and so soft. I could not wait to get inside her. No condoms I decided. She would have to go on the pill. I would be gracious this time and pull out.

But it would be hard to stop once I was wrapped in her velvety softness...

I reached down and grabbed my cock, ready to give her the pounding of a lifetime.


I looked up, confused and offended.

Angelina was glaring at me.

"What are you doing?"

"Get off of me!"

"But- I thought you liked it!"

"Shut up Jackson."

I blinked at her in surprise. What the hell had gotten into her now? I wasn't just trying to jam my dick in her for God's sake. I was going to make sure she felt good too.

Better than good.

I was going to make her squeal like a happy little piglet wallowing in fresh cool mud on a summer day. I was about to tell her so when she hit me with a pillow.


She pushed me off the bed. I hit the floor with a thud. I jumped to my feet.

"What the hell!"

She was covering herself up dammit. Putting away those glorious tits. I didn't want her to do that. I moaned in frustration.

"I'm not going to be another one of your women Jackson. Forget it."

"My women?"

She rolled her eyes, studiously ignoring the enormous tent in my boxer shorts.

"You are a man whore. I can see the signs a mile away."

"I am not a man whore! And I don't recall asking you to be my woman!"

She started throwing my clothes at me, forcing me to back away into the hallway.

"Exactly! I'm not fooled by your sudden interest in being helpful either!"

I sputtered as I tried to catch my clothes, stumbling backwards in my underpants.

"Now Angie- be reasonable-"

BOOK: RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy
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