Reunion Makes Three [Snowedin Fantasies] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (2 page)

BOOK: Reunion Makes Three [Snowedin Fantasies] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Turning to face her, Kelly motioned toward the dress spread across the bed. “Don’t forget to wear your push-up bra. Show him what he’s getting. Once he’s drooling at your feet, all those nerves will disappear.”

Beth smiled back at her sister. Her stomach somersaulted at the idea of having two men drooling at her feet. That’d be worth all the nerves and queasiness.

“Have a good time,” Kelly called behind her as she exited the room, shutting the door with a resounding thud that slammed Beth in the chest. Alone, the nervousness rebounded.

Not sure what else to do to calm the shaking of her fingers and toes, Beth slid to her desk and flipped up the screen of her laptop. She logged onto the Fantasies Fulfilled forum, flipping back through all the conversations she’d had with the men she was to meet. Three men had responded to her fantasy, but only one of the couples had really struck a chord with her while they conversed. The two guys were witty and fun, liked the same B horror movies she loved, and considered the mountains and snow just as majestic as she did. They never exchanged names, but they’d discussed all the important details like how much she loved a guy going down on her and how they wanted to watch her touch herself.

She clicked on the last note they’d sent her, only days ago.
See you at the Snowedin Lodge at five o’clock. We’ll be waiting, sexy.

Glancing toward the clock, Beth’s stomach dropped. It was already three thirty. They must have already checked in, probably waiting for her at the fancy hotel. The butterflies in her stomach grew to hawks. She clutched her center to keep them from escaping. There was no turning back now. Two men waited for her. She couldn’t disappoint them.


* * * *


“Are you sure about this?” Dell’s hand shook as he placed the bottle of champagne and three crystal flutes on the table. He didn’t know the tastes of the woman they were meeting, alcohol had not been on their list of important conversation topics on the Fantasies Fulfilled site, but champagne seemed a safe guess. From what he’d seen, most women loved champagne.

Marcos shook his head. “Yes,
mio sole
. Just like the last time you asked.” His native Naples accent slipped over each word, the hairs on Dell’s body standing at attention. Foreign men were always smoking hot, and Marcos was no exception.

“I’m not only okay with this, I’m excited about it.” Marcos grabbed Dell’s hand from where he’d rearranged the glasses for the fifth time since they’d arrived. His dark, olive skin was a beautiful contrast against Dell’s tanned complexion. “Remember, I’m the one that suggested we sign up for Fantasies Fulfilled. I’m the one that arranged for the hotel and filled out the questionnaire of what we desired in a woman. If I had any reservations about this, I wouldn’t have done any of it.”

Marcos pulled Dell close, pressing his lips to his ear. “I love you,
mio amore
. Nothing could change that.”

Dell nodded, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. They’d been talking about partaking in this fantasy for over a month, ever since Marcos received the enticing invitation. They’d been contemplating adding a third to their couple for a while, but when the thick black envelope detailing what Fantasies Fulfilled offered had arrived at their business office, they’d both sensed it was time to make their dream a reality.

It had only been further proof they’d picked the right site when they found an ad wishing for the exact same night as them. A night filled with hot sex, hot men, and no commitments. Tomorrow they’d all walk away with no hurt feelings or broken promises, each having received exactly what they’d asked for.

“Tonight is going to be fun. Don’t worry.”

For Dell, the idea to add a third to their couple had spawned with the arrival of his high school reunion invite, listing Beth Ranson as one of the chairs to the event. His high school girlfriend, the girl he’d left when he’d been confused in college about whether he wanted to be with men or women. He could still envision her to this day, wavy strawberry blonde hair flowing to her waist, little brown freckles across her nose that he loved to kiss, and those big green eyes that could bring him to his knees.

He’d always regretted the way he left Beth. Sending her a Dear Joan e-mail and never replying to her many responding voice mails and letters was cowardly and a great deal less than she deserved. It was the single greatest mistake of his life, but he’d been a kid, and confused by his desire not only for her, but for his male college roommate. It’d been best for her if he left. That way she could move on to someone who was devoted to her, not confused about which side of the fence he wanted to stand on.

Maybe at the high school reunion he could apologize, let her know it wasn’t about her, but was about him. He knew people said that often, but at least for him, it’d been true.

The electronic mechanism of the door sounded, alerting them to their date’s arrival using the key card they’d left for her at the front desk, as they’d instructed her they would do, so they could all meet in private, away from any potential acquaintances Dell might still have in town.

He wouldn’t have chosen to come back to Snowedin, if their mystery lady hadn’t requested it. For many of the snow bunny set, Snowedin was a glamorous ski town, but to him it was only his childhood home. He’d hardly been back since he graduated from college and moved to Boston, but he didn’t want to sully even one second of tonight with the possibility of someone else’s judgment. What the three of them did together was their own business and no one else’s.

Dell forced his thoughts of Beth to the back of his mind. All the mistakes he’d made with Beth were in the past. Right now, the present held so much promise. He planned to enjoy every moment of tonight.

The door creaked open. He looked up at Marcos, his dark curly hair falling around his forehead, his olive skin glowing like his smile. He grinned back at his partner of three years. The man he loved. He had to stop thinking about all the harm he’d done to Beth. It was years ago. Everyone got their heart broken in high school, and they survived.

But most importantly Beth wasn’t here. Marcos was here. Marcos loved him. Marcos wanted to give him his greatest desire.

Dell turned toward the door, where the strawberry blonde woman stood frozen, staring at him. Her jaw dropped. Her hand still perched on the door handle. The low-cut emerald dress glowed next to her pale, freckled skin.

All the breath escaped from Dell’s lungs on a whisper. “Beth?”

Chapter Two


The strawberry-blonde beauty stared up at them, her eyes large. She must be their date. She had the key to the room they’d left for their surprise third. Yet she stared at them as if she had no idea what she’d walked in on.

! Marcos hoped she was their date. She was the most beautiful woman Marcos thought he’d ever seen. Long curls fell down her back, and her white skin would be gorgeous between his and Dell’s olive and tan. Her breasts peaked out from the top of her green dress, tempting him like apples in the Garden of Eden. It took a tremendous amount of restraint to keep himself from running to her side and dropping down to his knees to slide his tongue along the valley between those tits.


It took Marcos a moment to realize their date couldn’t possibly know their names. They didn’t know hers. They’d never exchanged them. They’d been more concerned about what positions they liked than what names they’d be screaming while twisted into them.

But Dell had called her something. He’d used a name he couldn’t remember.

The girl’s soft pink lips quivered. He drew in a breath, imagining those lips wrapped around his cock while he sucked off Dell. Tonight was going to be great. But instead of walking into the room, she spun around and raced away from them.

In shock, he turned toward Dell, surprised to find the same confused stare on his face as the beautiful woman’s. A long, tense moment passed before Dell spoke. “I can’t believe it’s Beth. Beth. Of all people.”

It took a moment before the repeated whispering of the girl’s name made a connection in Marcos memory. He’d heard Dell whisper the same words. Early on in their relationship, when they’d listed their past partners, he’d mentioned her. And more recently, when they’d discussed his high school reunion.

“You mean your first? Your high school girlfriend.” Somehow, the woman who’d ended up at their door to share a thrilling night with them was the same girl Dell had lost his virginity to and had loved for years.

Dell nodded. “I’d heard she’d moved back here, but I had no idea…” His words trailed off, and he looked up at Marcos in shock. “I had no idea it was her. I had no clue. I would never deceive you like that.”

He continued to ramble until Marcos wrapped his hand around his face, redirecting his attention up. Marcos met his gaze, wanting no confusion on this point. “I know,
mio sole.
I believe you.”

Dell nodded, his gaze shifted away. Marcos could remember him talking of the girl, the regret and infatuation still strong in his words. Having seen the girl now, Marcos understood the pull she had on Dell.
, she was already starting to have the same effect on him. Those green eyes could lead any man to his death and he’d be happy for it.

“I can’t believe she wanted this. She wanted both of us.” Dell spoke more to the room than Marcos. His gaze distant, his attention shifted away from the current moment.

“Thank god for us,
mio amore
. I never imagined such a gorgeous siren showing up tonight. American men must be
enormi idioti
to force a woman like that to use the Internet to find dates.” He shifted, adjusting the bulge in the front of his pants, hoping to alleviate some of the tightness, but failed. “I can’t wait to have her between us.”

Dell turned to him. His eyes widened with surprise. “You’d really be all right with that? With inviting my ex into our bed?”

Marcos smiled down at his lover. He wrapped his arm around Dell’s shoulders, pulling him into his embrace. “I’ve wanted this night for so long, and there’s no denying how beautiful the woman is.” Dell shook his head against Marcos chest, a twinge of regret inhibiting his movements, as if agreeing the girl was attractive somehow diminished their love. No matter how gorgeous the girl was, she couldn’t give Dell what he did. She didn’t endanger the bond they had, the life together they’d chosen. But she might be able to strengthen it. “I’d be happy to invite her to join us, if that’s what you want,
mio sole

Dell looked up at him confused, questioning. His eyebrows crinkled together. After three years, Marcos knew his lover well, and could see the battle raging within him. Marcos’s gut churned as he waited for Dell’s response. He’d respect Dell’s decision. If he didn’t want to chase after the girl, they wouldn’t, but Marcos hoped to god he didn’t make that choice. He already envisioned all that blonde sweetness between them. His cock ached to thrust inside her or Dell. As long as they were all screaming with passion, he didn’t care what positions they took.

“Yes,” he finally whispered. “I still want her.”

That was all Marcos needed to hear. As long as Dell still wanted her, still wanted this night, they’d figure out the rest. They always did.

He pulled Dell close, slamming their mouths together in a hard, fast kiss. “Then I’ll go get her.” He smiled and ran to the door. He had to get to her fast before she fled too far to be convinced to come back.

Throwing open the door, he thundered out into the hall. From the corner of his eye, a flash of strawberry strode down the hall, fast as her long, shapely legs would carry her. Just beyond her, the bank of elevators loomed like the gates of hell, the hell they’d be in if she slipped past him through their doors and down to the lobby and away from them. “
, wait,” he screamed through the hall, the emptiness vibrating with his words.

Beth stopped midstride, turning back toward him, her eyebrows raised. She hesitated for a second, staring at him like she’d seen a ghost. Then she twirled, picking up speed, striding toward the elevator doors up ahead. If he didn’t get to her by then, he’d have no chance to convince her to come back. He and Dell’s fantasy to share their bed with a beautiful woman would go unfulfilled.

After a month of planning, he wasn’t ready to give up yet. Especially now that he’d seen her. His hard-as-a-spike cock wouldn’t let him.

He picked up speed, racing down the hallway. He managed to slide past her by only inches and stop in front of her, preventing any further progress. She glared up at him, her eyes hard. He had the urge to reach out and rub the stiffness from her shoulders and see just how soft her skin was beneath his touch.

“I’m not going back in there.” She gritted the words through a clenched jaw. Her hands fisted at her sides, the muscles shaking, her body stiff as a log. He could only imagine how nerve-racking this was for her, not only to stumble upon her ex-boyfriend with his lover, but to find out they were the men she come her to meet for a night of fun.

He softened his voice, hoping to ease some of her concern. “We would never force you, but I hope you might reconsider.”

“Do you know who I am?” Her green eyes challenged him, searching for a hint of insecurity. “Do you know I’m your boyfriend’s high school sweetheart?”

BOOK: Reunion Makes Three [Snowedin Fantasies] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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