Remy's Release [Submissive Sirens] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (3 page)

BOOK: Remy's Release [Submissive Sirens] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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If Joss was honest with himself, what he wanted from Remy didn’t end with sex. Sure, sex was a huge part of it. He’d been dying to see those pouty lips wrapped around his cock for as long as he’d known Remy. But what he wanted lately seemed to be a tad more complicated and a lot more long-term. He knew his brothers felt the same. They’d already traveled the world with Remy, knew she preferred the pizza in Naples to the pizza in Rome. They knew she always begged Drake for a side trip in Paris to go buy bakeware. They also knew she loved the sushi in Okinawa but not in Tokyo, and knew she hated spiders everywhere. Joss was willing to bet Remy could be persuaded to see things his way—their way—if only his brothers and he could be brave enough to give it a shot. He made a mental note to discuss it with Drake and Knox as soon as he had a chance and vowed his fists would have their say if his brothers didn’t feel like listening.

Joss stopped daydreaming the instant her scent hit him. He knew it was Remy before he could even see her. The intoxicating perfume she wore smelled like grapefruit, and it never failed to make his gut clench. He’d hated grapefruit until he met Remy. Now though, it made his mouth water. The combination of sweet with a little edge made him want to find every grapefruit-scented spot on her gorgeous body and lick it off. He could feel his cock getting hard just thinking about it. He imagined her spread for his pleasure, moaning as he licked his way through her sweet spots...

“Hey!” Remy snapped her fingers. “What on earth are you thinking about that’s got you so preoccupied?”

Joss shook his head to clear it, flushing slightly as he realized she must have been standing in front of him for a few moments without him even noticing. He noticed his brothers standing on either side of her. Knox was clearly doing his best not to laugh and Drake was glaring a hole into his head.

“Well?” asked Remy, pushing her lip out into a pout with difficulty since she was struggling to keep her giggles from bubbling forth. Her eyes were twinkling. “Do I get a hug or what?”

Joss didn’t think twice and enveloped her in his arms. He leaned down and rubbed his cheek gently against the top of her head, breathing in the scent of her hair. “Welcome home, baby. We missed you.”


* * * *


Remy punched Joss lightly on his muscular arm. “Now that’s more like it!” She beamed, running her fingers through her long hair, still feeling his warm breath on her scalp and not quite comfortable with the way it made her heart do a little dance. “I was beginning to think your skull finally got one too many knocks you didn’t recognize me! Mind you”—she grinned maliciously, tossing her head and rolling her eyes in the direction the women had taken once they’d regained their luggage and their dignity—“I just assumed you were daydreaming about your new harem.”

Knox groaned. “If only that were true.”

Remy raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to explain. Her blood boiled thinking about the women who would undoubtedly welcome the brothers, any of them or all of them, with open arms. And open legs.

Knox grinned at her. “Come on, sweets, you know that’s not true.” He hooked an arm around her shoulders, hauling her so close to his side she lost her balance. “Besides,” he whispered, pointing at his brothers, his lips so close to her ear she felt a delicious shiver run through her, “these two are hideous! What woman in her right mind would want either of them?”

Remy giggled, shaking her head at him. The last word she’d use to describe the triplets was “ugly.” And since they were identical, Knox’s insult backfired almost immediately.

“Ugly? Looked in the mirror lately, dumbass?” Joss grinned at his brother. “If we’re ugly, what are you?”

“I obviously got all the looks in the family.” Knox actually seemed prissy for a moment, causing Remy’s giggles to swell into full-blown laughter. Knox smiled at her and winked. “I take better care of myself than you two. I look younger.”

Joss threw his hands up in the air, conceding defeat, but with a wicked gleam in his eyes. “You are the baby of the three of us. If you want to play that up, feel free. But don’t expect me to pretend you don’t use Remy’s moisturizer.”

Remy howled with laughter, holding her sides as she pictured big, bad Knox dabbing her night cream onto his face, maybe puckering up as he smoothed the cream across his cheeks and chin. She looked at Joss, who was grinning at her, and glanced at Drake to see him glowering at Knox. She couldn’t imagine why he was in such a crummy mood, but she shrugged it off anyway. Drake was always on the serious side.

“Come on, boys.” Remy grabbed her purse and carry-on. “I want to go home.”

Before she started to move off toward the exit, Drake reached out and gripped her chin between his thumb and forefinger. Her laughter died in an instant. Drake lifted her chin until her head was tilted back and she was staring up at him.

“I’m glad you’re back.” He leaned forward, his lips brushing her cheek for an instant. He didn’t smile and didn’t offer anything else. He just stood there. He rubbed his thumb over her chin once, causing a million little fireworks to go off in the trail he left. Remy hadn’t ever thought of her chin as an erogenous zone before, but Drake’s fleeting touch left her trembling, wanting him to keep touching her.

She stood silently in his grasp, her mouth slightly open, waiting to see what he’d do next. Her entire body came to attention, and she was conscious of the heavy ache that settled between her legs. Her nipples beaded, and she knew if Drake stepped back the brothers would be able to see them poking at the front of her shirt.

No! Don’t show him!

With that thought firmly in mind, Remy came jolting back to reality. She jerked out of Drake’s hold and used her last ounce of willpower to smile up at him. “I’m glad to be back too!” The words came out too loud, and her smile felt too bright. She turned and started to walk out of the airport, cursing her lack of control. She couldn’t believe she’d had that reaction to all three of them, right in front of one another. She’d almost blown everything! She couldn’t show them she liked what they did to her. She’d risk everything if she did, and she couldn’t bear the thought of any of them being unhappy with her. She wouldn’t risk her work or her friendships with these men, even if it meant being miserably, hopelessly attracted to all three of them without being able to do anything about it.

She sighed inwardly, preparing for the dreams that would surely start again, where she could ignore what was right and what was wrong and simply do what felt good. True, she’d wake up alone with her nipples hard and her pussy drenched with no relief in sight, but she couldn’t ask for more than that. This was how things had to stay.

By this time they’d reached Joss’s Escalade, and Remy piled into the backseat with Knox while the other two put her luggage into the back. Drake hadn’t looked at her since she’d turned away from him and Joss was busy maneuvering the big SUV out of the parking lot, so there was an awful lot of silence happening. Rather than being uncomfortable with it, Remy found herself starting to doze. She felt her head bob a couple of times as they moved out into traffic, and she jerked awake, only to feel her head sag once more.

“Here, sweets.” Knox unbuckled her belt and moved her closer to him, buckling her into the middle belt instead. “Sleep on me.” He wrapped an arm around her and slouched down, letting her head rest on his chest.

Remy knew she should object, especially because his brothers were right there in the front seat, but it felt too damn good to pass up. She felt her arm lift up around his neck as she drifted off to sleep. 

Chapter 3


“Mmmm. Soft, sweet... My favorite kind of treat.” Joss licked the chocolate off his lips, sighing as he took another bite of the baby cake Remy had served him only moments before.

Remy flushed with happiness, loving that she got to watch as the brothers devoured her latest creation with obvious pleasure.

“I love anything with a creamy center,” Joss drawled, licking the tines of his fork.

Remy blushed, this time for a different reason. Her mind went straight to the gutter with each statement the brothers made, and she had to slap herself mentally to quit injecting their innocent sentences with such salacious meaning.

“I’m glad you like them.”
Damn. Is that my voice that sounds so breathy?
“I think I’ve perfected the recipe.”

Drake looked forlornly at his empty plate. “How come they have to be so small?”

Remy laughed. “They’re called baby cakes, Drake. They’re supposed to be small.” She scooped another of the little confections onto his plate, pleased when he dug in with gusto. “Not everything can be as huge as you.”

Knox choked on the cake he was eating, and Joss shoveled a big bite of gooey chocolate into his mouth. Drake paused, his fork hovering in midair in front of his open mouth.

Drake’s eyebrow shot up. “As huge as me?”

Remy’s face flamed as she realized how her sentence had come out. “Well, I–I...I mean, you know...these cakes aren’t exactly massive. They’re just supposed to be a dainty mouthful at the end of a meal. Umm, just a little something sweet and decadent at the finish.”

“Keep digging, honey.” Joss’s eyes twinkled as he looked at her. “Careful or we might think you’re trying to make these cakes of yours sound seductive.”

Remy gave up, knowing she was only making it worse. She hadn’t meant to tell Drake how she’d noticed—and liked—how big he was, and she certainly hadn’t meant for her baby cakes to sound so sexual. She ducked her head, gathering the plates and forks into a pile.

Knox caught her hand in his before she could move away, and he sat, stroking the back of her knuckles with his thumb. “Remy, your baby cakes are perfect.”

Remy snorted, sure he was making fun of her, and tried to pry her hand out of his.

Knox raised her hand to his lips, kissing the backs of her fingers. “Honestly, sweets, I’ve never had a baby cake I’ve enjoyed more.”

Remy rolled her eyes. “Knox, you didn’t know what a baby cake was until ten minutes ago.”

“Exactly. And now I’m a connoisseur.” Knox sounded so earnest Remy had a hard time dismissing him. “Your baby cakes are the perfect size, and they’re the sweetest, daintiest mouthful I could imagine having.”

Remy swatted him, and Drake followed suit, a meaty thud landing where he punched his brother on the arm. Remy couldn’t figure out why Drake had smacked his brother and stood rubbing Knox’s arm for a moment, glaring at Drake.

“The cakes are fantastic.” Drake deliberately licked the last of the chocolate from his fork, setting it down and crossing his arms over his chest. “And Knox is right. They’re the perfect size for us.”

Confused and just a little aroused, Remy suddenly found herself breathless as she tried to make sense of all the double entendres flying around. “Thanks. I’m pleased you like them.”

Joss stood up and stretched. “Any time you need a guinea pig, you know where to find us.” He smiled at Remy, warming her to her core. “I’ll eat anything of yours.”

Remy stuck her tongue out at them and fled, the sound of the triplets’ laughter chasing her as she sought refuge in her bedroom. That’s what she got for living with a bunch of overgrown frat boys, she told herself. She loftily ignored her own part in their antics, preferring to think she rose above such childish behavior.

Once the door was closed, Remy sat down at her desk with a half-filled journal in front of her. She turned to a blank page and began writing, carefully noting the changes she’d made to her recipe for baby cakes and noting as well that she believed she’d finally perfected it. She described the careful balance between the bitter chocolate and sweetness from the sugar, and she warmed to her subject as she wrote in detail about the perfection of the liquid center of the cake and how dark and deep the flavors were.

When she was done, she turned to the beginning of the book and began leafing through the pages, savoring the memory of each sweet she’d created then perfected. Cookies, cakes, and tarts were all there, as were several seriously complicated recipes she’d labored over for ages. She’d explored candy making, tempering chocolate and other old-world techniques, and all of it was based on her travels.

Whenever she and the triplets travelled for work, Remy researched the traditional sweets of each place they visited. She’d obsess over pans and molds, practically begging Drake to let her stop at a kitchen supply store or bakery before they left each place. He rarely allowed such field trips, so often she’d have to order supplies online once she returned home. Even so, Remy thought she’d amassed a pretty impressive battery of cookware.

She found herself daydreaming.

Some day...

If she ever got out of her current line of work, she knew exactly what she’d do. She’d open a bakery. She’d make only her favorites, and she’d make it a labor of love. Baking was her second love, taking a backseat only to her passion for justice and helping to make the world a better place.

Remy shook her head as she realized that wasn’t quite true anymore. Although she loved both of those aspects of her life, she realized she was in serious danger of having feelings for her teammates that went way beyond anything she’d known before. She admitted to herself that, as much as she’d love to have her bakery, she’d stay in the game as long as she could work with the triplets.

With that thought in mind, Remy considered what the boys had said about her baby cakes. Even if they were just teasing her, she was thrilled they’d liked the cakes so much, and she pondered what to work on next. Keeping in mind what Drake had said about how little the cakes were, Remy smiled as she hit on an idea. She’d make Drake a mammoth layer cake.

Chapter 4


Remy put down the magazine she’d been reading while lounging on the couch and sighed. She’d been home for almost three months now, and things between her and the triplets were...weird. She didn’t know how else to describe it. After their initial meeting at the airport and then the incident with the baby cakes, they’d all been acting funny around her, and she didn’t know what to do about it. Even her layer cake for Drake hadn’t helped, although all three brothers had wolfed down enormous slices.

BOOK: Remy's Release [Submissive Sirens] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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