Reckless Love (Satan's Prophets MC, Book 2) (Satan's Prophets MC Series) (17 page)

BOOK: Reckless Love (Satan's Prophets MC, Book 2) (Satan's Prophets MC Series)
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Mick woke up in his big bed all alone, wishing Renee was lying beside him. He thought of how nice it would be to snuggle up with her and make slow, leisurely love every morning. His morning boner was rock hard and hurting. He reached his hand down below the covers and started stroking. It wasn’t long before he shot a load into his palm. Feeling relieved, he got up to take a shower, letting the hot water sluice over his body and thinking how good it felt to be home and not in that filthy motel room. He got dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen. He opened the fridge door, then closed it, thinking he would bring Renee back to his house and have breakfast with her instead. He had a very important question to ask her and he figured his house would be the perfect place to do so.


* * *


Renee opened the door and her face lit up with happiness to see Mick standing there. “Mick!” She threw her arms around his neck and squeezed him tight. “When did you get home?”

He bent his head to give her a soft kiss. “Late last night. Too late to even call, in case you were sleeping. I know you need your rest. I came to take you to breakfast.” Mick gave her a tight squeeze and told her to go get dressed. “I missed ya, babe, and I want to spend the day with you and Michael.”

Renee hurried off to get dressed while Mick waited for her in the parlor. Her dad walked in and saw Mick. He had been meaning to have a talk with Mick and grabbed this perfect opportunity. He held out his arm toward a chair.

“Please, sit down, Mick. I have something I need to say to you.”

Mick’s stomach clenched as he walked over to the chair. He tugged on the neck of his t-shirt that felt like it was choking him. He didn’t want to rehash the past. He knew he would fly off the handle and that was the last thing he needed to do right then.

Charlie sat down across from him and looked directly into his eyes. “First, I’m sure you know how much I love my daughter and grandson. They are my life.” When Mick nodded, he continued on. “I resigned myself to the fact that she loves you and you want to raise your son. We have been through a lot these past months, you and I, but I am willing to accept you, mainly because Renee is very happy with you, and I want her child to have a father who is there for him.” When Mick nodded his agreement, Charlie continued, “But I need to know what your intentions are. I hope you are planning to make some kind of commitment.”

Mick spoke in a calm, steady voice. “I love Renee, and I am going to marry her, if that’s what you’re asking. In fact, I hope to do so soon.”

Charlie looked relieved. “I’m glad you are marrying her instead of just making her your old lady. I have old-fashioned values and a real marriage is the right thing for her. That puts my mind at ease.” Charlie frowned. “One more thing. I pray that you keep Renee away from harm and protect her and my grandson.”

Mick looked directly into Charlie’s eyes when he replied, “With my life.”

Charlie nodded. He held out his hand to Mick for a handshake. “I hope it never comes to that. Welcome to the family, son.”

Renee came walking into the parlor carrying Michael, glad to see her dad and Mick smiling at each other for once. Michael spotted his daddy and cried out, “Dada!” and reached out his arms. She gave her dad a quick kiss on his cheek, then handed Michael to Mick. “I’m ready to go.”

When Mick started on the road out of town, Renee was curious, “Where are you taking us, Mick?”

“To my house, babe. I’m going to cook us up a great breakfast.”

Renee was startled. “You know how to cook? Wow, how did I get so lucky?”

Mick winked. “There’s a lot I know how to do and I can’t wait to teach you.”

Renee felt all fluttery and warm inside, thinking she couldn’t wait to start her lessons.

When Mick shut off his truck in the driveway, Renee sat there staring at her dream house. She still had a hard time believing it was Mick’s. “A white picket fence …”

“What was that, babe?”

She let out a big sigh and didn’t realize she had spoken out loud. “Nothing. I was just thinking.”

“Come on, baby, I’ll give you a tour.”

Mick helped Renee out of the truck, then Renee unbuckled her sleeping son out of the car seat and together they walked up to the front door. Mick pulled out the key from his pocket and unlocked it.

“Oh, Mick, it’s beautiful!” Renee couldn’t stop looking around. The front parlor was huge with just a sofa and matching chair and some TV trays stacked in the corner, but she knew it took time to fill a house with furniture. She noticed there were no curtains on the windows and inwardly giggled, picturing Mick picking out curtains. She knew stuff like that wasn’t important to men. The kitchen was also large with an island counter and four white stools.

She kidded Mick about the stove looking so clean. Mick opened up the freezer and pointed to the stack of TV dinners in there. “Suppers and I don’t get along too well,” he said with a smile.

Mick pulled her along through the rest of the downstairs rooms and finally, they went upstairs.

Mick moved ahead of her and led the way. “I want to show you something.” He led her down the hallway to a smaller bedroom next to his. When he opened the door, Renee gasped. Inside the room was a beautiful crib, dresser, changing table, and a rocking chair all made out of beautiful oak wood. Renee walked around in awe, rubbing her hands over the furniture. “It’s beautiful, Mick!”

His chest puffed out with pride. “I started buying some baby stuff soon after I bought the house. I wanted to have a place for Michael, in case you ever let me bring him here. You can pick out all the other stuff, decorate the room however you want. Hell, I’ll even paint the walls any color.”

Renee laid her son in the crib and he promptly fell back to sleep.

She broke out in loud sobs.

“Okay.” Mick smiled. “Let me guess, these are tears of happiness?”

“Yes!” Renee threw her arms around Mick’s neck and whispered shyly, “I want to see

Mick’s face broke out into a huge grin as he grabbed her hand and pulled her into his room. Mick made love to Renee with an intensity that rocked her to her core. Renee hoped Mick was a forever type of guy because she was head over heels in love with him.
But then,
she thought to herself,
he never, ever said he loves me.


* * *


“Come on, babe. We’d better get down to the kitchen. I promised you breakfast.”

Mick started to help Renee get dressed and couldn’t stop caressing her body all the while. “Mick, no fair. You’re getting me all turned on again.” She glanced down to his hard boner and grabbed it. “I don’t think I want to eat just yet.” She winked. “I think we have a lot of catching up to do.”

Mick scooped Renee up into his arms and laid her back down on the bed. He laid down beside her with his cock inches from her mouth. When his tongue reached out and licked her moist warm folds, Renee cried out.

“Oh my God, Mick.” She opened her lips and instinctively ran her tongue over the tip of his cock. When Mick pushed his dick closer, she opened her mouth and sucked it in. Passion overtook her. She moved her mouth back and forth like a pro while swirling her tongue around his shaft, pulling him in deeper and sucking harder.

Mick’s tongue and lips were relentless, licking and nibbling. It wasn’t long before she was screaming out his name. She latched her mouth back onto his cock, sucking it hard once again, determined to finish what she had started.

Mick groaned to Renee, “I’m going to shoot, babe.” He pulled out of her mouth and shot his load into his hand. He knew Renee wasn’t ready for swallowing his load just yet.

“Did you like this new position?” Mick looked at Renee hopefully. “Because it’s one of my favorites, babe.”

Renee had a hard time getting her mind out of her blissful state long enough to tell Mick how good she thought it was. When she finally got a hold of herself, she repeated what she had heard about that position from her girlfriends and how she’d thought it was disgusting.

“Now what do you think?”

“I think, according to Lori, you’re going to be my slave forever now.”

Mick shook his head, thinking about her silly girlfriends. “I’m really hungry. Let’s go downstairs and I’ll cook us up some breakfast. Go and get Michael.” Mick thought for a few seconds and frowned. “I don’t have any baby cereal here.”

“Don’t worry.” Renee laughed. “I always travel prepared. It’s in his diaper bag along with his formula.”

Renee went to get him but he was still sleeping. She knew he was tired out from grandpa playing with him so much the night before, so she let him sleep.

In the kitchen, Renee wanted to help, but Mick made her sit and relax. He dropped an egg on the floor. Then, he burnt his hand touching the hot pan without his mitt. Mick seemed a little nervous to Renee, and she wondered if he really did know how to cook at all.

When he was done with the bacon and eggs, he asked Renee to hand him her dish. When he handed the plate back to her, Renee’s breath caught in her throat. She squeezed her eyes shut and opened them up again, wondering if she was seeing things. Sitting in the middle of her plate was a red velvet heart with a diamond ring glistening in its center.

She looked at Mick questioningly as he moved to her side and pulled her up out of her chair. He kissed her lovingly.

“I love you, Renee, and I want to marry you.”

Renee felt like she was in a daze, and if Mick didn’t grab onto her arms to steady her, she would have collapsed onto the chair. Tears were flowing from her eyes. Mick got worried. He lifted her face and looked into her eyes. “I love you,” he said softly again. “Will you marry me?”

“Yes!” Renee squealed out loud, her laughter mixed in with her tears. Mick picked up the white gold ring with the one karat, solitaire diamond and held it in front of Renee’s hand, waiting.

She put her hand out and spread open her fingers. Mick held his breath as he placed it on her finger.
Perfect fit!
He let out a huge sigh of relief. He heard a muffled sob.

“Why are you crying?” he asked her.

“Because I am happy, you big lug!”

Mick thought he would never understand women. “So, how do you want to do this, babe? I’d like to go to a Justice of the Peace, no fancy wedding shit for me.”

Renee thought long and hard. Her dad and Aunt Jenny would be very disappointed, she knew, but this was her life and her decision. After all, Mick was all she wanted anyway; the rest didn’t matter to her.

“A JP sounds wonderful to me, Mick. When should we?”

Mick looked so relieved, Renee laughed. “You decide, but better make it soon, definitely soon. I want you and Michael living here with me.”

Renee couldn’t wait to get home and tell her family she was engaged. Her dad and Aunt Jenny were disappointed that they didn’t want a formal wedding but they understood. Aunt Jenny asked them to wait until she could plan a small, informal party with their friends, at least. Mick told her to make it soon. Aunt Jenny sighed with a contented smile. “Ah, to be young and so in love.”


* * *


Mick decided to stop at the clubhouse after leaving Renee’s home that evening. The guys all cheered when he told them he was getting married. Shots of liquor were passed around and one toast after another followed. Striker called one of the club girls over and whispered in her ear. She walked over to where Mick was relaxing on the couch and stopped in front of him. The guys cheered her on and she started taking off her clothes. When she stripped down to her fancy bra and thong underwear, she straddled Mick and started gyrating on his lap. Mick sat there half comatose, unable to form a coherent thought. After ten minutes of trying to get a rise out of Mick, she threw her hands up in the air and gave up. The brothers thought it was hilarious. Soon, Mick was passed out drunk and the guys carried him into one of the back rooms to sleep it off.

It was midmorning by the time Mick came walking into the bar area. Roach, JD, and Drifter were there hooking up the new draft system the clubhouse was putting in.

BOOK: Reckless Love (Satan's Prophets MC, Book 2) (Satan's Prophets MC Series)
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