Read Reckless Curves Online

Authors: Sienna Stapleton

Reckless Curves (3 page)

BOOK: Reckless Curves
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Chapter 4

The rest of our lunch conversation we’d kept to light conversation, consisting of topics like favorite music, movies and why I’d gone into advertising as a career. Thankful for the change of subjects, I still couldn’t quite shake the feeling that he was somehow working me for more information. Worse yet, I’d seemed to just open up to him like a broken faucet, pouring out all the personal details about myself that I wouldn’t normally share.

“Marcy said you would be willing to teach me about stock car racing,” I tossed my empty water bottle into a receptacle as we exited the

“What do you want to know?” Brent asked.

With what I hoped was finally a solid change of subject in front of me, I breathed a sigh of relief. “Well…Everything I guess. I’m embarrassed to say that I’m extremely illiterate when it comes to motorsports. I’m not sure I would know a lug nut from a lug wrench.”

Brent frowned. “How can that be when you were married to Bozo the Clown? Didn’t he, at the very least, school you on automotive basics?”

Heat filled my face as I averted my gaze. So maybe I could have done a better job listening to Wayne when he’d tried to teach me about motorsports. In my defense, it was all the man ever talked about and quite frankly I was more than a bit resentful. “I wasn’t exactly a star pupil. Actually, most times I didn’t bother showing up for class, if you get my drift?” 

He made a face, as if he was considering my statement, then motioned toward the far area of the track. “
Okay, then how about we take a walk? This time you need to pay attention or you’ll be visiting the principal for disciplinary action. Got it?”

While his tone was playful, it held an underlying seriousness that had me looking up at him. For a split second I wondered just what kind of discipline he had in mind. My insides tightened with the thought of his big hands doling out punishing spanks for my insubordination.

Geez, Shannon…get a grip will ya?

“Um,” I cleared my throat. “Got it.”

Brent reached for my hand as we began to walk. Upon contact, I pulled away. “What are you doing?”

“In case you’ve forgotten already.
 Your ex thinks we’re a couple and the last time I checked, couples hold hands.”

For the second time in nearly as many minutes, h
eat raced through my body and settled into my face as I twined my fingers with his. “I’m sorry.”

Currents of electricity infused my fingers, raced up my arm, down through my core, centering in my poor neglected
lady bits. I bit back the need to gasp at the contact and immediately chastised myself for reacting so strongly to his touch. If something as simple as holding hands could invoke this kind of feeling, how in the hell was I going to survive an entire weekend with him?

In an attempt to divert my attention from the feeling stirring inside me and the resulting dampness between my legs, I scanned my surroundings. “What’s that building over there?”

“That’s the fueling station. My fuel man takes the rack of gas cans over to that building, where a racing official watches while the tanks are filled.”

“Is it required to have an official watching?”

Brent nodded. “They want to make sure no one cheats. That doesn’t mean people don’t still try.”

I slid him a sideways look. “Speaking from experience are you?”

His gaze penetrated me as he looked me directly in the eyes. “I don’t cheat.”

I blinked first, as the implications of his statement sank in. Boy, if there wasn’t a double meaning in his words I’d eat my sunglasses.

Why was he trying so hard to unnerve me? Hoping to level the playing field just a little I tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear and tried to once again steer the subject away from relationships. “You know, Tony said you could be a real jerk.”

Brent let out a chuckle that made my skin prickle in awareness. His laugh was rich and full, like warm caramel over ice cream. “He knows me well and he was right for warning you.”

“Oh, I don’t know. You seem like a nice enough guy to me.”

He squeezed my fingers. “Why, because I’m helping you out with your ex?”


He stopped mid-step.
 “Did it ever occur to you that I might have an ulterior motive?”

I glanced up at him, expecting to see a playful smile stretched across his face. Instead I found green eyes growing dark under the mid-day sun.
 He slid his hand free from mine and slipped it behind my neck. My heart jumped at the realization that he intended to kiss me again. I should have stopped him. I should have made some effort to prevent him from continuing. Instead, I held my breath and closed my eyes.

He gently swept his mouth along my jaw, kissing a tender path to my lips. My heart pounded in my ears as I fought against the need to reciprocate. When his mouth reached mine and he nipped lightly at my lips, I laced my fingers through his hair and melted against him.
 It had been too long since I’d been seriously kissed by a man, too long since anyone had made me feel the way he did. Raw need pulsed through my body, swept through my mind and forced me to abandon all reason.

Slowly, Brent eased his grip on my neck and slid his hand along my back until he cupped my bottom. He pulled me to him, forcing me against the bulge in his jeans. I let out a moan as my imagination went wild. Just what would it feel like to have his warm thick
shaft filling me? That last thought sent my brain scrambling for control and I pushed against his chest, breaking the kiss.

“Brent, we can’t,” I said, shaking my head. My lips tingled and I used every ounce of willpower I had not to step back into his

“Why, Shannon? It’s obvious that we like each other, so what’s the problem?”

I closed my eyes and rubbed my forehead with the palm of my hand as I summoned the fortitude to look him in the face again. “The problem is, you’re my client and I’m supposed to be working to find you a sponsor. Not to mention I just met you less than six hours ago. It’s way too early for me to be thinking about jumping into bed with you.”

My statement pulled a smile from him and he brushed his knuckles along my cheek. “So you want to go to bed with me, huh?”

More than he’d ever know
. I swallowed hard. “That’s beside the point. You have to understand something. I’ve never been the type of girl to bed hop. I was with Wayne for four years and before him, I was in a relationship for two years. I’m not sure I’m capable of separating love and sex, and I’m not prepared to get hurt again.”

I searched his face for some kind of reaction to my statement. For several seconds his look remained somber
…nearly unreadable.

“Fine,” he finally said. “You’ve been hurt and you’re scared. I understand. I’ll back off because I don’t want to make you feel any more uncomfortable than you already
do. But…” he paused, lacing his fingers in mine. “I want you to understand that I don’t go around trying to seduce women. I don’t know what it is about you, Shannon, but I’m extremely attracted to you. If I have my way, you’ll be in my bed before the weekend is over.”

He had no idea just how close he’d already come. I nodded. “Thank you for being honest,” I replied.
 “Now I believe you still owe me a tour.”


Chapter 5


When we returned to the garage area, Brent held an impromptu meeting, filling his team in on the situation with me and my ex. They agreed to play along, setting the stage for the rest of the weekend. While Tony agreed, I could tell by the look on his face he wasn’t happy. As the team disbursed, returning to their various tasks, he leaned over my shoulder. “You know, I would have been happy to help you make your ex jealous.”

The hurt in his voice had me turning to him. “I’m sorry,
Tony. I hadn’t even considered my ex might be floating around. Then before I could defuse the situation, Brent was there, helping me get rid of Wayne. Please believe me when I say this wasn’t how I wanted to spend my weekend.”

Tony nodded. “All I ask is for you to be careful with Brent. He’s a good man and a great boss, but he also isn’t one to take
for an answer when he wants something.”

His concern warmed me and I gave him a smile. I’d forgotten how much I liked
Tony. Having him around throughout the weekend would certainly make things a bit easier to handle. “Thank you for your concern. I’ll be careful.”

A hand came to rest on my shoulder and I turned my head to find Brent looking down at me. “I think it might be best if we outfit you with some team gear, so you look like you belong.”

Fan gear was usually quite expensive and I wasn’t all that sure I wanted to look like I belonged anyway. “I don’t know if that’s actually necessary.”

“I do.” The stern look he gave me brokered no room for argument and had me taking his hand without further
protest. While I was normally a bulldog when it came to my job, I seemed to have turned into a timid puppy when it came to dealing with Brent. That fact would have to change before the end of the weekend. Especially if I had any hope of doing what was right with regard to finding his team a new sponsor.

made our way through the access tunnel and headed outside the superspeedway to the back parking lot. Merchandising haulers were already setting up for business, preparing for the onslaught of people who would arrive over the next couple of days to see the race.

Brent stepped inside his team’s hauler and
nodded to a female employee. “Rachel. This is Shannon. I’d like you to set her up with some team clothing, tee shirts, hats, the whole bit, bill me for it.”

Tony’s warning about Brent always going after what he wants, I once again tried to protest. “Brent, I can’t let you do this.” For reasons that made no sense, I suddenly harbored this secret fear that if I allowed him to indoctrinate me into his world I might never return to my own life.

My panic felt overly dramatic, even to me, but I couldn’t quite shake the nagging feeling that this was just another step down the path of no return.

He once again leveled that look on me that allowed no room for argument. “Yes, you can. I’ll wait outside while Rachel helps you change.”

I watched him walk from the trailer and close the door, then I turned back to Rachel. “I guess I can,” I muttered as I let my hands fall to my sides.

Rachel’s smile turned sympathetic. “Don’t feel bad, very few people have argued with Mr. Hague and won. Now let’s see what we can do here.”

Twenty minutes later I emerged from the trailer dressed in a white tank top that barely managed to hide my flaws.
 The words Hague Motor Sports scribbled across the chest in red letters was drawing attention to my breasts. I’d managed to talk the girl out of the matching sweatpants and kept my own dark colored jeans and sandals. My long dark hair was now pulled into a ponytail and stuffed through the back side of a matching baseball cap. “Well?” I asked, pausing on the bottom step.

His gaze slowly traveled over me
, and for a moment, I felt like a bug under a microscope. Then his lips tipped up into a smile. “Beautiful, but something is missing.”

At a loss for what
that might be, I glanced down at the outfit. “What?”

“This.” He reached up, unhooked the necklace he was wearing and placed it around my neck. “If we’re dating, then you should have something personal of mine.”

The height of the step made me eye level with him. His hands brushed along the nape of my neck and it was everything I could do not to lean into him for another kiss.

He grinned. “You can give it to me on Sunday after we break up.”

I stared blankly at him and managed a small nod in response. What in the hell was I supposed to do if I didn’t want to break up?

* * *

As evening came and the activity in the garage began to slow, I decided it was time for me to make my exit and return to the hotel. Of course I couldn’t excuse myself without Brent walking me to my car. “You should stay here at the track with me.”

The man certainly didn’t give up easily. I rolled my eyes and gave him a tiny grin. “There you go again trying to get me into your bed.”

That wry smile of his returned. “I can’t think of a better way for us to get to know each other.”

“I can.” I reached for my rental car’s door handle only to have his hand come down over mine. Electricity sizzled up my arm
, eliciting a shiver in response. Slowly, I lifted my gaze to find him staring down at me, an intense look across his face. “Please,” he murmured as his other hand slid through my hair and cupped my neck, holding me in place.

“Why?” I blinked.

His lips turned down into a frown. “I thought we established why.”

“I mean why me, Brent? Why are you interested in me when I’m sure there are dozens of gorgeous long legged blondes more than willing to fulfill your every desire?”

“I don’t want some long legged blonde.”

“Why not? You’re a young, handsome, successful business man. You deserve to have a beautiful woman by your side.”

“You’re right.” He nodded. “I do. So why are you being so stubborn about this, Shannon?”

“In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not skinny or blonde.”

“Oh I noticed.” He leaned forward, closing the distance between us. My eyes drifted shut as I realized his intent. His lips brushed over mine. Just a whisper of a kiss.

“You might not see it, baby.” His mouth trailed along my jaw. “But you are so damn beautiful.” He paused to nibble at the spot just below my ear and my knees went weak. “I want a woman that I know I won’t break during rough sex.” He bit my earlobe and a gasp tumbled from me as the sen
sation shot straight to my core. Dear God, I couldn’t help but wonder what rough sex with Brent would feel like. “I want to feel her soft round curves when I’m holding her in my arms.” He sucked on the spot he’d just bit. “I want you, Shannon.”

His words bashed into my invisible walls, like a damn wrecking ball. Never
, in all my life, had a man ever wanted me
of my curves. Most hadn’t really wanted me at all, but those who had feigned interested did so
my ampleness, not because of it. I swallowed audibly and summoned every bit of strength I had as I slowly pulled away and placed a hand squarely on his chest. Beneath my palm his heart pounded, his pulse mixing with mine.

“It’s still
too soon and it’s really not appropriate.” No matter how sincere he was or how much his confession meant to me, I couldn’t afford to get lost in my emotions. Somehow I found the courage to look up and meet his stare. “You’re overwhelming and I need time to think.”

For a moment he looked crestfallen, then with a somber nod he released me and stepped back. Immediately I felt his absence and fought to not step back into his embrace. I had to think logically and I couldn’t do that with him around.

“I’ll see you in the morning?” he asked.

I managed a nod as I opened the car door. “We’ll talk more then, okay?”

“Okay. Goodnight, Shannon.” The hurt look in his eyes stabbed me directly in the heart. He was doing a good job of trying to guilt me into staying, but for my own sanity, I needed to stand my ground. “You can stop that wounded puppy look, because it’s not going to work on me. You might be used to moving at racing speeds, but I’m not.”

Slowly the injured look on his face dissipated. He reached down and opened my car door. “Drive carefully, okay?”

Taking a victory any way I could, I nodded. “I will. Goodnight, Brent.”

BOOK: Reckless Curves
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