Read REBORN (Metamorphosis Book 1) Online

Authors: Marissa Williams

REBORN (Metamorphosis Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: REBORN (Metamorphosis Book 1)
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"Mom, please get to the point."  Vickie was now exasperated, her patience disappearing quickly.

"Kayden Hale, the man you met not too long ago, came down to be with me."

There was silence on the other line for about a minute.  Then Vickie spoke.  "Are you serious? Do you know what this is going to do to Damien, not to mention how Dad is going to react?"  She was furious.

"My concern is not about your father, my only concern is that you understand that I met a man who makes me happy and he wants to be by my side during this difficult time."

"So, is this serious?" she asked, trying to regain her calm.

"Yes; it's pretty serious now, I just don't know how long it's going to last."  I was honest with my daughter, this was a new relationship, and there were no guarantees.

"I hope that you know what you're doing, Mom."  With that Vickie let me know that she would be okay. 

"Thank you Vickie; I hope you understand that this has nothing to do with the love I have for all three of you."  How did I manage to raise such a strong woman? I asked myself.

We talked for almost twenty minutes; by the time we finished talking, the Town Car was in front of the lobby of the hospital.  I would have to call Damien and Emily later on.  The driver walked around and opened the door to help me out of the car and handed me a card with his name and cell number.

"I have been assigned to drive you this week; please call me when you finish and I'll come and pick you up. I won't be far."

"Thank you, Paul."  I used his first name, after looking at the card.

I opted to go into the gift shop and picked up a bottle of water, some flowers, and a few gossip magazines before going to my mom's room. I ended up buying both People and Vanidades, in Spanish, as well as a beautiful vase with colorful flowers to brighten my mom's room.

I went into the room and found a chair that I moved next to the bed. I stroked her hair very gently and kissed her forehead before settling on the chair.  My mom lying there, unresponsive, was an invitation for me to begin to talk.  I told her about my recent trip to Europe, the places I visited, and how when she got better we could go together. I talked about the kids and what they were doing now, and finally I talked to her about Kayden and how happy he made me.  And then it dawned on me, how happy and alive I felt every time I was near him.

A nurse came to check her vitals and I stepped outside to call Damien and prepare him for tonight's visit.  He was close to both his father and myself and therefore it would be difficult to convince him to accept another man in our lives.  The first thing he said was, "How could you Mom, how could you do this to Dad, to us?"  Followed by, "I knew it; that night when you got back into town, it was him you were having wine with."  Trying to convince Damien served no purpose, I had to give him time, so I ended up cutting the conversation far too abruptly.  This was going to be a long day!

I tried calling Emily but was not able to reach her, and ended up leaving a message telling her that I needed to talk to her and that if she could not reach me to please talk to her sister.

I returned to my mom's room and began reading the magazines to her; all of a sudden I felt a touch on my shoulder.  Even before I turned around I knew who it was.  It's so funny, in the short period of time we had been together I had become aware of his presence, recognized his touch, and linked with his smell.  I reached up and touched his hand, and then I brought it to my lips and kissed it.  It was such an intimate act that the casual observer most likely would believe we were an old couple. 

Kayden bent down and asked, "Have you eaten?"

"Only this morning, but I'm not hungry," I responded.

"Come on, let's go to the cafeteria, I brought a snack for us to share."  It was then that I realized that it was already six o'clock.

"Do you want to go back to the hotel and relax before the kids get in or would you rather stay here a bit longer?"


"That's a tough one, I hate to go now but I know I am going to need my energy.  Let's go downstairs.  The kids don't get in until late."

He took a minute and approached my mother.  "You resemble her, not completely but I can see you in her."

"Most people who knew my father believed I looked like him.  I don't believe that was the case, he was tall, slim, and with very fine features.  I'm not any of those things."

"You are perfect for me.  I love your full lips, I can get lost in them forever.  Your body fits into mine to perfection."

"You are way too kind."

"I'm way too much in need of you.  I couldn't focus on work all afternoon.  Come on, let's eat; I need to have you before the family gets in.  I also need to talk to you."




We took the elevator to the cafeteria and found an empty table away from everyone else.  Kayden picked up napkins, a couple of straws, and plastic cutlery.  He opened the bag he had brought with him and began setting up the food.  We shared a chicken wrap, chips, and San Pellegrino lemonade.  Everything was delicious.  We ate in silence and when we finished eating, Kayden took my hands into his, his eyes glued to mine. Then he began to speak.

"It's important for you to understand that I am a very possessive man.  I understand that you have children, a family, and friends, and you have to be there for them, sharing your time and energy with them.  But that does not include your ex-husband.  I will not share you with him!  If we are to be together, it means you are mine, all mine, and there is no place for him in this relationship."

"Kayden, you have nothing to worry about.  Julian is just a friend at this time of our life; he is also the father of my children and I love him but, like I told you before, I am not in love with him.  Can you please stop this irrational jealousy toward Julian?"

"You might not be in love with him, but he wants you back and the heck if I let him take you away."

"So does that mean you want me for more than a one-night stand?"  I was trying to lighten the conversation, to help Kayden understand that Julian was no threat to him.

"I am serious, Ellie, it's Julian or me; you can't have it both ways."

That's an easy answer, it's you, Kayden."

Kayden nodded, then said, "Come on woman, let's go and say goodbye to your mother and then head back to the hotel, I can't wait any longer.  By the way, I rented a suite on the same floor for your kids and ex."

"I don’t believe Julian will accept it but it was very generous of you."

"Generosity was not my motivation. I just want you all to myself at night, without any interruptions."  He took my hand and we left.

Kayden approached my mother and began to talk to her in fluent Spanish.  He told her about how we met and how much he cared about me and that he hoped to get to know both her and me better.  It was very sweet and totally unexpected. I kissed her and then picked up my things and we left.  Kayden had called the car and it was waiting for us by the time we got downstairs.  Paul opened the door and we got in.

"What's the plan for tonight?" he asked.

"The kids get in at ten thirty, by the time they get to the hotel it's going to be after eleven.  I know they will want to talk; they'll have questions.  But more than anything else they'll be curious about you."

"Do you want me to give you some privacy, so you can talk?"

"No, this concerns you too.  I want everything to be in the open. I need for them to understand that you are part of my life."

He kissed me deeply, then bit my lip. "I love your lips."

"Ouch!" was all I could say and a smile crept up my lips.




By the time we arrived at the hotel it was almost eight.  The ride to the seventeenth floor was interminable.  People got in and out of the elevator and Kayden was becoming increasingly more impatient; his gaze was riveted on me, never wavering.  As we exited the elevator, Kayden caught me by the hand and pulled me along behind him.   When we entered the room Kayden lost all self-control. Before I realized it, he pressed me against the wall.  His hands were on my hair, his mouth on my lips, my neck, everywhere.  He kept me there for a few minutes, just savoring me, marking me, staking his territory.  We began to take each other's clothes off. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he began to walk.  We made it as far as the sofa.  He found me ready for him and without preamble entered me.  There was a sense of urgency and possessiveness in his penetration.   He pounded into me without restraint, without the care he had exhibited early that morning.  He kissed me roughly, with hunger until my lips burned in the aftermath of his possession.  We exploded screaming each other's names before collapsing.

We held each other for what seemed to be an eternity.  I was afraid to fall asleep and have the kids find us like this, so I tried to get up from under him.

"Where are you going?"

"To the shower, I don’t want to fall asleep and be caught naked by my children."

"We'll go in a minute.  I am so sorry, I don’t know what came over me."

"Sorry for what? I was a willing participant.  Besides, I enjoyed every bit of it."

"We can do it again if you want," he said, grinning sheepishly.

"I can't, but I'll take a rain-check."

"Come on, let's take a shower, this is not getting me anywhere."

He grabbed me by the hand and dragged me to the shower.  We showered and changed into comfortable clothes.  Then we picked up the living room.  My lips were still bruised and my face flushed.  Was this his plan all along? 

Kayden opened a bottle of wine and set up a plate of cheese and fruit.  We sat on the sofa, the same sofa where we had made love just a few minutes before.  It was already ten and the kids would be calling any minute.  Paul had left for the airport to pick them up.  Kayden and I just held each other and braced for the confrontation.

It was almost midnight when the pounding on the door began.  Kayden and I had dozed off on the sofa and were startled by the sound of it.

"I'll get the door," he said without thinking. 

"But…" I began to retort.

"No buts Ellie, it's now or never; unless you changed your mind."  He raised an eyebrow and waited for my answer.  I nodded in response.  Boy that man had strong will!

As he opened the door I could see the look of surprise in the kids.

Vickie, always the diplomat, extended her hand to Kayden. "Hi, I'm Vickie, we met a few weeks ago."  What an amazing daughter I have!  Vickie was followed by Emily; Damien simply nodded his head.

Then Julian spoke; "Are you sharing a room?" was all he could say as he brushed past Kayden and entered the room.  His look was one of pure venom, his body rigid.

"The answer to your question, not that I have to respond to you, is yes."

Julian tried to close the distance between us and in a second Kayden was by my side, his arm at my waist.  The message was clear, stay away from her.

Emily, the peacemaker in the family, interjected. "Mom, you have to understand that all this is new to us, we don’t know what to make of it.  One minute you are returning from Paris and the next you have a man in your life.  A man who is here during a very private and difficult time for all of us."

The reality was that Emily had a point.  How could I explain to my children that Kayden was already very much a part of me; how could I explain to others what I did not understand myself?

Kayden held me a little bit tighter to him then asked, "Do you need me to give you some privacy so you can talk with your kids?"

"At the moment there is nothing I have to say that cannot wait.  My focus now is my mother, not what you guys think about my love life."  My irritation was evident in my words, and the girls first, and then Damien approached me with a hug.  It was so good to hold them in my arms and despite my annoyance I cried with them.

Nothing had been solved, Julian and Kayden stared at each other both refusing to back down, but for now we all came to the unspoken agreement to put our feelings aside.  It was going to be a bumpy ride. 


































Chapter Seven


We had breakfast in the suite, a simple Greek yogurt with fruit and nuts for me and an omelet for Kayden.  He read the newspaper at the table while I checked my email on my phone.  It seemed so ordinary, like we had been together for ages; yet it was so new, every touch, every look, and every whisper of my name on his lips.  I had known this man for barely two weeks, and yet he was such an integral part of my life.  The thing was we did not know the details of each other's lives but we knew the essence of our existence, of what made us who we were.

BOOK: REBORN (Metamorphosis Book 1)
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