Read Real Vampires Hate Skinny Jeans Online

Authors: Gerry Bartlett

Tags: #Glory St. Clair#8

Real Vampires Hate Skinny Jeans (9 page)

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are the witch who cursed my family. You seem to have cast a spell on me. Why can’t I ever get enough of you?” Jerry groaned and reached for me. “Come here, Gloriana. Quit your torture and sit astride.”

I sat up and threw my hair back over my shoulders. “Crying uncle so soon, Jeremiah?” I grinned and crawled up his body. “So you’ve discovered my secret. I’ve got you in my power.” Even as I said the words playfully, ran my hands up his sides and tweaked his nipples, I felt a frisson of something, a warning. Silly superstitious nonsense.

He growled as he kissed me hungrily, then pushed me back to study me. “You are all woman, Gloriana. Never doubt it. You slay me.” He lifted me and set me on his cock, filling me. “Take me and prove to yourself that this is how we are meant to be. And I won’t drink from you. I’ll show you that your blood is not why I want you.” He began to move, the pleasure of being so filled pulling a sigh from me.

“Jerry, I love you. Please believe that.” I moved with him, running my hands through his hair before touching his cheek. “No matter what I might be.” Stupid to bring that up now.

“I believe you. I also believe that you can love more than one man, Gloriana. That’s why that damned demon is down
the hall. Don’t think I haven’t figured that out.” His eyes burned as he rose to press deep inside me again. He was still angry. Old wounds, not healed.

I had no answer for him so I just held his shoulders as his hands gripped me. He surged into me harder, faster, pushing us both to fulfillment. He was right. Perhaps it was my failing, my fatal flaw. I loved Rafe, more than I should. And even Ray if I let myself look deep into my heart.

But Jerry. He was here, now, and still my forever lover. I let him see that as I leaned down and pierced him with my fangs, taking his blood to unite us in the way of vampires. It felt warm and right and tasted better than anything. My orgasm roared through me as he called my name.

Yes, he loved me and I owned him, body and soul. He would die for me if I asked it of him. Those hard thoughts shocked me. Where had they come from? And why did the very fact that he was so desperate to hold me give me such bone-deep satisfaction? What was I? Did I really want to know?



really agreed to it all? Unbelievable.” Rafe paced the living room. He looked tired and worried.

I wanted to pull him down beside me on the couch and say something to make him feel better, smooth those worry lines between his dark brows. Problem was, even with his jaw set and his body fairly humming with frustration, he was one hundred percent yummy male. I couldn’t forget how we’d been together, how he’d wanted me. I kept my hands twisted together in my lap, determined to keep this friendship platonic where it belonged. I was happy with Jerry and that was enough for me. I was one sick puppy if I couldn’t be satisfied with the incredible man I had. My stomach churned at the truth of that.

“Well, we didn’t actually get into the DNA test question yet. Jerry dropped by and all hell broke loose.”

“Oh, yeah?” Rafe managed a smile. “I bet it did. The feud still goin’?”

“I’m trying to keep a lid on it. For now, we’re just about confirming the pregnancy and, I hope, proving that the timing’s off for this baby to be yours.”

Rafe put his hand on my shoulder. “It’s a start. Where’s the demon anyway?”

“She’s asleep on Penny’s bed.” I’d peeked in on her just before Rafe had arrived. Jerry had taken off to deal with some business after he’d promised to leave Ian alone. It had been tough to squeeze that promise out of him, but Jerry could be a reasonable man when approached with logic. Plus he was Mr. Accommodation right now, probably trying to prove he wasn’t addicted to my blood. I was reserving judgment.

“Why’d she agree to go along with using Ian as her doctor?” Rafe started pacing again. His restless energy was wearing on me.

“She wants to prove she’s got a baby on board. I take it as a bad sign that she’s willing to let Ian examine her.” I patted the couch next to me. “Sit. Try to relax.”

“Relax, right.” Rafe darted into the kitchen and came out with a package of Twinkies. He ripped it open and stuffed one in his mouth before he collapsed next to me, chewed and swallowed.

“You’ve done enough, Glory. Alesa doesn’t need to be hanging out here.” Rafe went for another Twinkie. “This is my problem.”

“Is it? You really believe a word that demon says?” My heart ached for him. I laid my hand on his firm thigh. I felt the muscles tense as he made quick work of the other Twinkie.

“No, but I’d never forgive myself if by some weird trick she did have my child and she took it down to hell with her.”

“Well, the DNA test should take care of that.” I sighed and leaned into my corner of the couch. Not telling Rafe my latest problem. He had enough on his plate already.

“DNA? I don’t think so.” Alesa’s voice shattered the moment like a bullet hitting glass.

“Relax, Alesa. Ian can’t do a test until the baby’s born. You’ve got a few more months to pretend this baby’s Rafe’s. Enjoy your nap?” I ignored her one-finger salute.

“Not really. There were about six air fresheners back there. What are you trying to hide?” Alesa sat in a chair.

“We used to keep lab rats in Penny’s room. Don’t suppose you found any leftovers in the bed.” I smiled. “I have a cat too. Boogie’s been under my bed since you came on the scene. Seems you can’t even charm a kitty.”

Alesa gave me a toothy grin. “Like I’d want to. I tossed the lavender shit out the window. Rats? No wonder I’m hungry. Rafael, bring me a snack. And keep the cat out of my sight. Unless it’s big enough to make a pair of slippers, if I see it, I’m turning it into a toad.”

“You harm my cat and I’ll rip every hair from your oversized scaly-snout head.” I ran to shut my bedroom door. I’d already left Boogie’s food and water in there when I realized how freaked-out he was.

“Ooo. I’m terrified.” Alesa laughed and shook her hands in the air. “And my head is in perfect proportion, thank you. Cheap shot.”

“Can the attitude, Alesa. I’m through waiting on you.” Rafe stayed put. “Get your own damned snack. And you can pick up the tab at the hotel too.” Rafe smiled at me and put his feet on my coffee table. When I gave him a look, he eased them back off but kept his smile. “This is your last visit to Glory too. Until we get positive DNA, I don’t see any proof that I’m the father here.”

“Glory put you up to that rebellion?” Alesa stood and stalked into the kitchen. We heard the refrigerator door slam, then cabinets open and close. Finally she came back into the living room with a block of cheddar cheese and a box of crackers. She also carried a knife. I didn’t like seeing Alesa holding a knife.

“Don’t blame Glory for my attitude. I just got tired of being jerked around.” Rafe stood and grabbed the knife and cheese from her. “Use a paper plate and don’t be a pig. You’re not eating all the cheese.”

I scooted over when Alesa took his seat on the couch. “Rafe’s right. He doesn’t have to do anything for you. Neither
do I. All we’ve got is your word that this baby has anything to do with either of us. And the word of a demon isn’t worth spit. Your whole façade is put on. So the baby bump could be part of your human fakery. Until Ian confirms that you’re expecting and that Rafe is the father, you’re on your own.”

Uh-oh. Suddenly I was staring at the fangs, scaly snout and claws of Alesa in all her demon glory. Her red eyes sent flames licking at my face, singing my eyebrows. Not again. It had taken me weeks to grow back my eyelashes after a previous demon encounter. Alesa did have a tummy bulge, not that it was obvious with all the other gross stuff going on. She growled and snagged my sweater with one claw.

“On my own? I don’t think so. Did you forget how I can make your life here an outpost of hell? Want to play statues?” She drew me up, claws clamped around my arms, until my toes wouldn’t touch the ground. In her demon form she was over six feet tall.

“No. Down, girl. Want me to start singing church songs?” Maybe I wasn’t being humble enough, but I’d had it with demon dirty tricks. I saw Rafe come out of the kitchen with a plate full of cheddar slices.

She winced. “I can take it. And you can’t sing if your mouth is sealed shut.”

“Put her down, Alesa. You’re melting the cheese.” He sauntered over to the coffee table and put down the plate. “Damn, I could have made myself some nachos while I was in there. We’ve got tortilla chips. Glory, any jalapeños left?” He had the nerve to wink at me.

“Quit torturing me, Rafe. You’ve got to know I’ve never tasted a jalapeño in my life.” I knew there was going to be more than one hole in my sweater, not to mention red marks on my arms. Rafe was obviously trying to keep things calm and to distract Alesa but, suspended in the air by my armpits, I was having a hard time playing along.

Alesa wasn’t going to kill me. I knew that. It wouldn’t gain her anything and would ruin her plans for the so-called baby.
Who else could she go to if she let her temper get the best of her and took me out? She could, however, make the next few months around here miserable. We needed some rules and regs. So this was the time to lay them down. I sent Rafe a mental message to jump in on this.

“Alesa, think this through. Mistreating the hostess isn’t the way to get her to help you. And showing her your ugly mug? Dumb move. I say get human or get out.” Rafe walked back to the kitchen and came out with a beer and a bag of tortilla chips. “Glory’s been pretty nice to you, arranging a doctor and all.” He twisted off the beer cap and took a drink. “You shouldn’t be losing your temper like that, Mama.”

Alesa dropped me with a thump. “It’s these hormones. Damn it, I would love some nachos. Jalapeños? Now you’re talking.” She got back into human form and sat down to scoop up the melted cheese with a cracker. “Will you make me some, Rafael? I promise to behave.” A dark, slimy tear trickled down her cheek. “I know you can kick me to the curb, both of you. But where else can I go? I’m desperate, don’t you see? Hell was my home. Luc doesn’t want me so I’ve come to the only friends I’ve got.”

I choked and Rafe took a gulp of his beer. We were her
? How pathetic. I had no words. I glanced at Rafe and he shrugged then went back into the kitchen. To make nachos. He had a soft heart though he’d never admit it. I examined my sweater for holes. Yep, it was ruined. My wardrobe wouldn’t be able to withstand too many of these hormonal meltdowns.

“Alesa, if this is how you treat your friends, I’d sure as hell hate to see how you treat your enemies.” I threw myself into a chair, as far away from her as I could get.

She looked up and gave me a smile full of fangs. “Trust me, my enemies pray for death long before I’m through with them. You want me to be grateful? Fine. Help me with this situation and I’ll take out anyone you say. Your enemy is my enemy. How does that sound?”

I shuddered and shook my head. A deal with a demon? It
sounded like a fast ride down to her former playground. And one I wasn’t having any part of.

“You can’t live here, end of story.”

“But what if I like it here? Think about this, Glory. Your friends aren’t my friends. If I want something, I will get it, one way or another. Even if it means stalking every one of your little friends and making their lives hell on earth until you see the light.” Alesa laughed then slurped down more cheese. She threw me a look that made me wish for a shower and lots of soap.

called and said the ultrasound hadn’t come in yet. But the blood test showed that Alesa was definitely pregnant. Oh, joy. We rescheduled for Monday night. I decided to head down to the shop like I always did on a Saturday evening. I needed to be there—we were usually busy—and Rafe and I stayed firm that Alesa could fend for herself. Of course that left me wondering what she’d do next. I didn’t figure her for idle threats.

She hadn’t given me a cell phone number or any way to reach her but I knew she’d find me, unfortunately.

I hadn’t been in the store ten minutes when my cell rang. My best friend Flo was trying to get a group together to go dancing at Rafe’s club.

“Not really in the mood, pal. Another night.” I smiled at a customer who was carrying a skirt to the counter.

, you love to dance. What is this mood? Tell me.” Flo didn’t like taking no for an answer. “You close at midnight. Call Jeremiah and meet us then. Rafael will reserve a big table for us on the balcony.”

I was tempted. I’d love to cry on Flo’s tiny shoulder. But doubted I’d be able to escape from Alesa to do it and no way was I letting the demon within scenting distance of my best bud. Flo’s husband, a former priest, would go ballistic if I got near his wife with another demon. She’d had a close call with hell the last time I’d involved her in one of my freakfests
and I sure didn’t want to remind Alesa who my friends were.

“Tell her yes. I love to dance.” Alesa was suddenly in front of me. “Unless we’ll still be at Ian’s.”

“I’ll call you back, Flo.” I ended the call. “Not going to Ian’s tonight. That special machine didn’t arrive.” I grabbed Alesa’s arm, but carefully. After all, she
pregnant. “Back room. Now.” I did a quick check. Erin could handle the sparse crowd.

BOOK: Real Vampires Hate Skinny Jeans
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