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Authors: Laurann Dohner

Ral's Woman

BOOK: Ral's Woman
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Ral's Woman
Zorn Warriors [1]
Laurann Dohner
Ellora's Cave (2009)

Book one in the Zorn Warriors series.

Ariel never knew aliens existed until she finds herself kidnapped and taken from Earth. When the Anzon declare humans useless, she learns her fate—prize for the winner of a brutal fight between large, muscled alien men.

Ral is a Zorn warrior. He has also been kidnapped by the Anzon, along with his crew. Forced into slavery, he’s got one thing on his mind—freeing his people. That is, until he sees the small human woman he’s willing to fight to win. He doesn’t just want her body, he wants her heart forever.

In the hands of a hot alien, Ariel is about to discover how pleasurable captivity can be.

Ellora’s Cave Publishing




Ral’s Woman


ISBN 9781419924064


Ral’s Woman Copyright © 2009 Laurann Dohner


Edited by Shannon Combs

Cover art by Syneca


Electronic book Publication September 2009


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Ral’s Woman
Laurann Dohner



To the love of my life, David. He’s always supportive in
every way imaginable, always reminds me that true love really does exist, and
is always eager to conduct “research” with me.


Chapter One


Ariel kept her eyes down. She’d learned to not look up. Her
left cheek still hurt from the bruises she was sure marred her face. She knew
help would never come. She was still in deep shock and it was hard to function
as the hours passed. Her life was over, changed forever, and death would
probably greet her really damn soon. This couldn’t be happening. How many times
had that thought crossed her mind in the days since she’d been taken?

Her gaze drifted around the cave floor. Someone had
painstakingly swept up the dirt and debris until it was almost clean. There
were lights along the ceiling so the room was well lit.

She heard shoes striking the stones, and fear gripped her.
What now? The thought barely surfaced before she heard one of the men who’d
grabbed her enter the room.

“Useless,” he said softly.

She lifted her gaze. The man wasn’t human. The shock of
someone not being human hadn’t started to dim yet. Days ago if she had been
told other races existed she would have laughed and asked them what movie they
had watched too much. It wasn’t funny anymore. Her gaze swept the man’s bluish
pale skin and then dropped. His eyes were yellow. They were serpent-like and
his voice was wispy in a creepy way that sent bad chills down her spine.

“Did you hear me, Earthling? You’re useless.”

She nodded. She didn’t speak. She knew if she looked at him
too long or if she spoke, it would warrant another blow to her face. They were
Anzons. That’s what she’d been told when they had grabbed her from the woods by
her home. The days she’d been captive felt like forever to her.

Another set of footsteps. She glanced up. The females of
their species had the same eerie yellow eyes and bluish skin tone. They had
breasts and seemed to grow hair only in a strip from the top of their heads to
the lower part of their neck but their body structure wasn’t that different.
They were all lean and long.

“It has been confirmed,” the woman hissed. “She’s not
capable of breeding with our men. Humans aren’t the answer we seek.”

“We could give the males some relief with her. She’s not
hideous to look at and her form is similar enough to ours.”

The woman hissed loudly. “The physical exam I gave her when
she was unconscious says otherwise. She’d die.”

“She’s useless anyway.”

The woman frowned. “Where is your compassion, Yoz? It would
be excruciating for her. The hard shell at the tip of your staff would tear her
apart inside. She would bleed out and the pain would be—” The woman shivered.
“I wouldn’t wish it upon even an enemy. We’re not at war with her world.”

“She’ll die anyway and I am curious.”

“Yoz,” the woman hissed. “I will not allow it. I have
another purpose for her.”

“We need a worker?”

“No. I thought we could award her to one of the miners. They
probably aren’t breeding compatible but sexually it wouldn’t be harmful to hand
her over to one of them.”

Yoz hissed. “Vhal, that’s disgusting. That’s cruelty. They
are so hideous.”

“But they wouldn’t kill her. And they have hair like she

The man snorted. Ariel sensed his eyes on her. “She has
little body hair. They have more hair. They are also much bigger. Their skin texture
looks the same though.”

“I’ve already discussed this with Mon. He agreed. It is
done. Take her to the mines now. Mon awaits her.”

Fear struck Ariel deeply. She jerked her head up and locked
her eyes on the woman. “What is going on? Please tell me something. Please.”

The man hissed angrily at Ariel. The woman—Vhal—gripped his
arm and shook her head. Compassion filled her face as she released the man. Vhal
walked forward, blinked at Ariel a few times, and ran a lizard-like tongue across
her thin blue lips. She stared down at Ariel.

“You were taken from your planet as we passed because our
males outnumber our females eighteen to one. We’re facing eventual extinction
if we don’t find a race of females to breed with our men. Our female bodies
only support one or two egg cycles in our lifetimes. We lay our eggs and hatch
our young. We only have three to six children per egg cycle. We tested you and
you are not breeding compatible with our species.”

Ariel was stunned. “May I please go home?”

“I’m sorry but no. We are on a large…” She frowned. “You
would call it an asteroid. We send ships out to habitable planets. We are very
careful with our fuel. Our mission is important and we must complete it before we
are allowed to return to our home planet. If we do not find breeding compatible
females we will eventually die of old age still searching for them. It is
imperative that we save our race. There are other stations like this one out
there searching for females. If we do find breeders we will need all of our
fuel to take them to our planet.”

Hot tears filled Ariel’s pale blue eyes. “So I’ll never see
my home again?”

“I’m sorry.” The woman’s hissing voice sounded sad. “We have
miners. They mine this asteroid. It gives us fuel and then more living spaces.
You will be awarded to one of them for his hard work. They are Zorn. It is
another race of people we own.”

Own? She hadn’t missed that term. Dread filled Ariel. “What
will happen to me?”

The woman blinked. “They treat the few females they have
well. They do not share their females so you will be awarded to just one of
them. The language implant in your ear will allow you to communicate with the
male you end up with. Our commander takes pleasure in sports so the winner will
get you. He offers them rewards. You are the prize.”

She stared up at the woman. “Please…no.”

The woman nodded slowly. “It is better than what Yoz had in
store for you. One sexual mating with one of my kind would kill you very
painfully.” The woman turned. “Take her, Yoz.”

Ariel wanted to fight but she knew it would be useless. The
man was six feet tall and damn strong, though he was thin. He gripped the chain
attached to her wrist. It had to be some kind of alien touch-release shackle
because it unlocked from the wall when he gripped it. He walked away, not waiting
to see if Ariel would follow or not. She got to her feet to walk quickly after
him so she wasn’t dragged. The man had long legs. Their alien torsos weren’t that
long but their legs were much longer than human legs.

Yoz led her through stone corridors. She gasped when she saw
a large window of what appeared to be thick glass. She stared beyond the window
into literal outer space. She saw stars in a black sea. Yoz yanked hard on her
chain and it made her jerk forward. Pain shot up her arm.

“Beautiful,” he hissed. “But stare at it later. You will see
enough of it to be sick of it quickly. I am sick of it.”

He led her to what looked like an elevator. It was more of a
rounded tube. No walls were attached to the platform. Yoz gripped the back of her
neck and held on. The platform suddenly dropped out from under them at an
alarming rate.

Fear gripped Ariel. She saw the rough rock around them
sliding past. She was pretty sure she would tear up her skin if she touched one
of the rough rock walls as the floor dropped them lower into the bowels of the
asteroid. The man grasping her didn’t release her neck until the platform
slowed to a stop. She saw more stone corridors.

Yoz walked off the platform. “Come fast. I am being called.”
The man touched his ear. “I am nearly there, Mon.”

Ariel swallowed. She didn’t see any kind of device on the
man’s ear, just skin. Then again she’d touched her own ear many times since
she’d woken up after she’d been taken. She’d been so stunned by her
surroundings at first it had taken her hours to realize when she was spoken to,
the aliens’ lips didn’t move correctly to form the words she heard in her ear.
She only heard them in one ear and not the other. She’d been informed that
they’d implanted something so she could understand their language. Yoz must also
have some kind of implanted two-way communication device in his cone-shaped

She saw a large door and Yoz stopped to put his hand on it.
Anzons only had four fingers—they didn’t possess thumbs. The door groaned before
it opened up and cooler air hit them both. Ariel shivered as the air blasted
them. Yoz started walking.

“Hurry or the door will crush you,” he hissed.

She ran to catch up with him. She heard a loud groan and
turned her head back. The door slammed down to the floor with a louder thud.
She flinched. The halls were wider here and she heard something that sent fear
up her spine again. It sounded like growling.

“It has already begun,” Yoz hissed. Excitement made him
speak faster.

They turned a corner and the ceiling disappeared. The
corridor ended in a large cavern. She saw more of Yoz’s kind standing there.
They were staring below at the cavern floor. Yoz pushed forward shoving at
another male alien. Ariel had little choice but to follow since he had her
wrist leashed. She saw the bluish aliens staring at her as she walked past at
least twenty of them. These aliens wore thick black clothing that looked like
hard shells. She saw weapons strapped around their waists.

Yoz moved toward a very tall alien. The alien wore the black
shell uniform with weapons attached around his waist. He turned his head and
Ariel met a pair of cold yellow eyes. The alien eyed her back, his scary gaze
wandering down her body. His gaze jerked to Yoz.

“Strip her down and chain her on the platform.”

Yoz hesitated. “Everything?”

“Is she wearing anything under her clothing?”

“There are small coverings over her breasts and her sex

“Leave those on. I don’t want a riot.”

Yoz nodded and jerked Ariel out on a platform. It didn’t
have rails. It was a long strip of flooring and then an open round platform
like their version of an elevator. This one had two bars coming up from the
floor. Yoz jerked her to the center of the platform and pointed to the center.

“Stand and hold.”

She was afraid. “Hold?”

“Do not move. If you fall you die.”

She tried to peer over the platform to below, but Yoz
gripped her throat to jerk her head up as he pushed her to the center of the

“Do as you are told.”

She held still and kept her head up. He released her throat,
took the leash and yanked it upward so her arm was raised. He touched it to the
pole and released it. The leash stayed attached to the bar. He turned and her
eyes followed him. He held up his hand and another leash was thrown at him from
one of the bluish aliens. Yoz caught it and he gripped her other wrist,
wrapping the leash around it as he jerked her arm up, attaching the leash to
the other pole. Her arms were above her, spread wide and high. She could stand
fine but she knew she could only move a few inches at most.

Yoz stepped in front of her to stare down into her
frightened eyes. “I feel sorry for you.”

She gasped when he gripped her shirt to tear at it roughly—he
was strong. She was helpless to stop the alien as the material was torn from
her body. He reached down to shove his fingers inside the waist of her skirt. His
sharp fingernails shredded the band from the inside out. He yanked her skirt
from her so Ariel was left standing in only her bikini briefs and bra. Yoz eyed
her with pity. Shaking his head, he walked away from her.

Ariel turned her head to track the alien. Yoz walked back
across the strip of flooring to his fellow aliens. The platform she stood on
suddenly dropped quickly. She gasped at the falling sensation, fighting a
scream. The platform slowed to a stop with a stomach-churning lurch. She had
probably dropped fifty feet to the cavern floor in just a few seconds.

She couldn’t help but stare. She saw a group of about eighty
males. They were definitely males. She got her first look at what must be Zorn.
They looked huge. They had hair all right. She remembered that comment from the
aliens. The males had long, thick hair that ran down their backs to their
waists. They had hairy chests. She could see that because none of them wore
shirts. They had dark brown skin, almost looking deeply tan, and thick, huge muscles.

She saw one in the front the rest. She stared at his face.
He looked almost human. The difference was his nose was flatter and wider than
a human’s. He had high cheekbones and thick lips. Those lips opened and she saw
sharp teeth. Terror hit her. They almost looked like what would happen if someone
had combined a human with an animal. Her eyes locked on those sharp teeth before
she tore them away to stare at another man who moved closer.

The light caught his eyes—bright electric blue. It was a
color she’d never seen before it was so blue—they almost glowed. Terrified, Ariel
started to breathe faster. She let the sounds around her penetrate her terror.
The men were growling like vicious animals. She shut her eyes. She fought the
wrist restraints but couldn’t get free of the leashes holding her arms above

“The winner takes her,” a deep voice hissed from above. “I
want fighting in fours. Clear the area and pick the fighters.”

Ariel forced her eyes to remain open. She didn’t want to
look but she had to. The growling had stopped. She saw the men moving back into
the shadows. She couldn’t see anything beyond the well-lit area in front of her.
She took deep breaths to try to calm down. These animalistic men were going to
fight over her.

They looked savage. Would the winner eat her? Was she
dinner? She didn’t know what would be worse, the idea that they were fighting
over her to eat or to have sex with her.

Four men walked out of the shadows. She stared at them. They
didn’t look at her. They looked up.

“Begin,” the male voice demanded from above.

The men split into pairs to attack each other. They used
fists. They kicked out. The sounds of flesh hitting flesh were loud. She heard
growling and grunts as blows landed. Two men went down. The remaining two
turned on each other. One of the men did a roundhouse move that threw the other
man out of the lit area. He didn’t return. The last man standing walked to the
side of the fighting area. He waited, crossing his arms over his chest.

BOOK: Ral's Woman
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