Read Rage & Killian Online

Authors: Alexandra Ivy,Laura Wright

Tags: #Laura Wright, #Paranormal Romance, #1001 Dark Nights, #Bayou Heat, #Alexandra Ivy

Rage & Killian (3 page)

BOOK: Rage & Killian
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“It saves any misunderstandings.” She glanced over her shoulder, her ponytail swinging. “Call me if you have a job.”

Without giving him time to press his invitation to linger, Lucie headed out of the office and toward the nearest stairs. It didn’t matter she was on the tenth floor. There was no way she was going to get into an elevator.

There mere thought of being trapped in a small box made her breath lock in her lungs.

After her grandfather…

No. Lucie gave a shake of her head and jogged easily down the stairs. There was no past.

Only the future.

Within minutes, she was out of the building and moving down the dark street. Her thoughts were still with the easy money she was shoving into her back pocket. It was crazy, really. She’d started hacking in defiance of Xavier and his stupid rules. She hated people telling her what to do. Besides, being able to break into systems that were supposedly impenetrable made her feel like a badass.

And after leaving the Wildlands, she’d needed to hack to support herself.

But in the end, she’d discovered she could earn a shitload more cash by becoming legitimate. Now companies paid her to hack into their high-security systems.

How ironic was that?

The smug thought had barely drifted through her mind when an intoxicating scent of musk had her coming to a sharp halt.



Although the puma-shifters preferred to stay in the Wildlands, there were always a few roaming the city. Either to spy on the humans or to keep up on their ever-changing technology. But over the years, fewer and fewer were willing to risk leaving their homelands, and she’d become overly complacent.

Knowing it was too late, she still turned, trying to dart into the nearby alley.

She’d barely manage to take a step when arms were wrapping around her waist and she was being pulled against a hard, male chest.

“You’re a hard girl to track down,” a low, disturbingly familiar voice whispered in her ear, sending Lucie into an instant panic. Kicking backward, she managed to connect with his shin while at the same time she turned her head, snapping her teeth at his face. “Shit, Lucie.” His arms tightened until she could barely breathe, let alone move. “Easy, for god’s sake, it’s me.”

Yeah, like she didn’t know that it was Rage who held her?

This male had once figured into her every girlish fantasy. She’d spent hours watching him from a distance, fascinated by his male beauty and the easy charm that made him a favorite among the females.

And much to her embarrassment, she still found herself searching for him during the rare occurrences she returned to the Wildlands.

Now she was desperate to get away from him.

“Let me go, Rage,” she growled.

He chuckled. “Long time no see.”

Lucie didn’t know what bad juju had crossed her path with this male, but she needed to get away. Not out of fear. Xavier had removed the bounty on her head some time ago. But this male…

He disturbed her in a way she didn’t fully understand.

With practiced ease she went boneless in his arms, her head sagging against his chest.

“You’re hurting me,” she whimpered.

“Shit. I’m sorry, Lucie.”

On cue, the strong arms loosened their grip and Lucie was shoving out of his grasp and scrambling down the alley.

If she could reach the…

With a speed that shocked her, Rage had already caught up to her and was tossing her over his shoulders as he continued down the alley and onto a backstreet.

“Parish is going to pay for this,” he muttered.

Lucie scowled as she pounded Rage’s back. This wasn’t a chance meeting?

“Parish sent you?” she demanded.


She heaved a resigned sigh. “Put me down.”

Ignoring her command, he picked up speed, heading away from the commercial district to a quiet residential neighborhood lined with weeping willows.

“Not until we have a chance to speak,” he warned.

She slammed her fist against the hard muscles of his back, nearly breaking her fingers.

“Dammit, Rage.”

“Temper, temper,” he teased, moving in silence despite the fact he was carrying a squirming, furious female.

Lucie made a sound of frustration. If Parish wanted something from her, why the hell had he sent this male? The leader of the Hunters had been one of the few Pantera she’d ever let get close to her. And that was only because the stubborn bastard wouldn’t take “no” for an answer. He had to have suspected that she watched Rage more than any of the other males.

Or was that the point?

Did Parish assume that she would be so dazzled by the gorgeous Rage that she would fall into line like a good little Pantera?

She wanted to laugh at the mere thought. She didn’t let anything or anyone control her. Not since she escaped her grandfather. But there was nothing amusing in the jolts of excitement that were streaking through her as the heat of Rage’s body seeped through her clothing and his musky scent teased at her senses.

Shit. He was hauling her around like a sack of potatoes, but she was getting turned on.

She’d dreamed a thousand nights that Rage would catch sight of her lurking in the trees and rush over to grab her in his arms. And yes, there’d been more than once she’d fantasized he would throw her over his shoulder and haul her into the shadows so he could strip off her clothes and kiss her quivering body from head to toe…

Lucie heaved a groan of relief as they reached the white, plantation-style home set well away from the street that served as a local safe house for the Pantera. Circling to the backyard, Rage was forced to lower her to her feet as he placed his hand against the scanner hidden behind a potted plant. Slowly the door slid open and Rage led her into a large kitchen that was filled with a delicious smell that made her stomach rumble with hunger.

Stepping away from the male, she glanced around the room that was lined with wooden cabinets painted a pretty white. The floor was made of flagstone, and overhead, the open-beamed ceiling had dried herbs hanging alongside a set of copper pots.

A part of her itched to get out of the house that was filled with smells of home. The potpourri that was made from the Dyesse lily that only grew in the Wildlands. Rich moss that had been carried into the kitchen on someone’s shoes. And that enticing scent of food that was bubbling in a pot on the stove.

Even worse was the flame of anticipation that licked through her at the realization they were alone in the house.


“Are you going to tell me why you kidnapped me?” she forced herself to mutter.

Rage cocked a dark brow, his gaze taking a slow, leisurely survey of her tense form.

“Kidnapped?” he drawled. “Isn’t that a little overdramatic?”

She shrugged. “I was minding my own business when I was snatched off the street and forcibly brought to this house. What would you call it?”

He flashed his wicked smile. “Your lucky night.”

“Ugh.” She glared at him, pretending her heart wasn’t racing and her palms sweating. Christ, what was it with this male? Did he have some sort of direct connection to her deepest urges? “You haven’t changed.”

“You have.” Without warning he prowled forward, the glow of the overhead light adding a gloss to the ebony satin of his hair and shimmering in the amazing violet eyes. Slowly his hand lifted to brush over her cheek before he was reaching to tug at the scrunchie that contained her long hair in a ponytail, allowing the reddish-gold curls to cascade down her back. A low growl rumbled in his chest. “If it wasn’t for your scent, I would never have recognized you.”

Lucie took a shocked step backward, slamming into the cabinets behind her as she struggled to breathe.

“What are you doing?”

The scent of his musk deepened, saturating the air with his male arousal.

“There’s no need to panic.” He combed his fingers through her hair, as if he was savoring the feel of the strands sliding against his skin. “Unlike you, I don’t bite.” He leaned down to whisper directly in her ear. “Not unless you ask really…really nice.”


Chapter 2

Rage was lost in sensations.

It was crazy.

He’d spent over six hours searching from one end of New Orleans to another trying to locate Lucie Gaudet. He was tired, hungry, and pissed that Parish was wasting his skills. He should be hunting down the bastards who were responsible for capturing Pantera and treating them as their personal test animals.

But then he’d caught Lucie’s scent.

He’d recognized it immediately. A fragrant, enticing musk. Like primroses. Sweet, with the danger of prickles beneath the velvet blooms. He had no idea why it seemed so familiar. As if the smell had been a part of his unconsciousness for years. Perhaps decades.

Then he’d caught sight of his prey and it felt as if his entire world had been turned upside down.

It wasn’t just her unexpected beauty, although he’d been stunned at his first glimpse. Who knew that once the tangles were combed out of her hair, it would prove to be a glorious gold that was threaded with hints of fire? Even pulled into a tight ponytail, he’d known it would look perfect spread across his pillowcase. Or that her too-thin face would mature into elegant lines that emphasized the bright gold eyes rimmed with jade?

It was the lingering resemblance to a tiny wood sprite he used to glimpse in the trees. She was elusive and untamable. Like quicksilver.

And it wasn’t until he caught sight of her again that he realized just how much he’d missed her presence in the Wildlands. Oh, he’d been aggravated by her outrageous behavior. And his human side had considered her a childish pest. But deep inside it was as if his cat had been waiting, always knowing that he would once again cross paths with Lucie.

The knowledge was terrifying.

Unfortunately, it didn’t keep him from being obsessed with the need to touch the wary young female. Not even when she was glaring at him as if she wanted to punch him in the junk.

Stroking his fingers through the warm silk of her hair, he watched in fasciation as it brushed against the milky softness of her cheek. At the base of her throat he could see her pulse fluttering, the evocative scent of primroses clouding his mind.

He had to have a taste.


Bending down, he skimmed his lips over her forehead. The caress was light, giving her the opportunity to turn away. Just because his cat was furiously trying to get close to her didn’t mean she was equally eager.

She stiffened. Was she going to shove him away?

The question was answered when she tilted her head back to give him better access. Rage didn’t hesitate. With a low growl, he covered her lips in a kiss that had nothing to do with his usual skilled seduction.

This was raw and needy and way too demanding for a first kiss.

Framing her face in his hands, Rage continued to plunder her mouth, slipping his tongue past parted lips. Oh, hell. He swallowed a moan. She tasted of spring. Sweet. Wild. Thunderously unpredictable.

She shivered against him, her arms wrapping around his neck as she tangled her tongue with his.

Joy blasted through him, his cat roaring with a fierce satisfaction.

At last…

It was the intense approval from his inner beast that had him jerking his head up in shock. He’d enjoyed a variety of lovers. All of them had offered a sensual pleasure that he’d treasured and most had remained dear friends long after their intimate relationship had come to an end.

But none of them had aroused his cat.

“Shit,” he breathed, nipping at her lush lower lip. “I didn’t bring you here for this.”

Her nails suddenly bit into the back of his neck, the tiny pain only intensifying his desire.

“You could have fooled me,” she muttered.

Rage chuckled. She might spit and hiss just like she did when she was a cub, but there was no mistaking the intoxicating scent of her arousal. Or the seductive little squirm as she tried to press closer.

The movement against his engorged cock sent tormenting shocks of bliss through him.

“If you don’t like it, then why are you rubbing against me?”

She tilted her head back to glare at him, the gold eyes glowing with the power of her cat.

“I don’t know.”

He kissed the tip of her nose, feeling an odd sense of disorientation. There was something achingly familiar about the female, even as she seemed utterly new and different.

Was it possible his cat had truly been waiting for her to grow up?

“I warned Parish you were dangerous,” he breathed, intending to pull back only to find his lips stroking over the softness of her cheek and down the line of her jaw.

“Me?” She shivered. “You’re the one who’s lethal to females.”

He buried his face in the curve of her neck, breathing deeply of her scent. “Madness.”

Her nails scraped down his back. “We have to stop.”

“Yes.” His tongue licked a rough path along the neckline of her tee.

She hissed out a low curse. “Rage.”

He squeezed his eyes shut, battling against his cat, who was ready and eager to take this female against the wall. Or on the kitchen table. Or floor…

It didn’t matter that they were virtual strangers, despite having been raised in the Wildlands. Or that Lucie had obviously harbored a deep dislike for him when she was young.

Or even that he was here on a mission of utmost importance to the Pantera.

His cat wanted this female.


With a heroic effort, Rage at last lifted his head, studying her flushed face with a brooding gaze.

“Okay, I’m stopping,” he muttered.

He didn’t know what he expected, but it wasn’t that she was going to suddenly dart beneath his arm and head toward the door.

“I have to go.”

“Wait.” With a swift lunge, he was standing directly in her path, shaking his head in exasperation. How many times was she going to try and run from him? “I need to speak with you.”

She glared at him, tossing back the long strands of her hair as if they annoyed her. Or maybe he was the one annoying her.

BOOK: Rage & Killian
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