Pushed to the Edge (SEAL Team 14) (21 page)

BOOK: Pushed to the Edge (SEAL Team 14)
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Jeez they worked fast
.  “I wanted to
interview Mr. Henning because of his recent ordeal in Pakistan.  I thought it
would be a good addition to my newspaper column.”

The three men looked at one another before the FBI
Director Ryland, asked, “What exactly did you see right before Mr. Henning was
shot?”  Even asking the question, the man had what had to have been a perpetual
frown on his face.  Victoria honestly doubted that he had ever cracked a smile
in his life, about anything.

Letting out a sigh, Victoria took her time
explaining the details of her meeting with Henning up until Henning was rushed
away by the ambulance. 

An hour had passed and she thought that interview
was pretty much over when Ryland looked up from his notes and asked, “How did
you know about the DEA drug investigation into Mr. Henning and his company?”

“What?  How did you—” Victoria cut her sentence
off abruptly, her partially formed question hanging in the air.  There was only
one way that they could have known about that.  Joshua must have told them.

“Answer the question, Ms. Sanchez,” Mark Dewitt
stated dryly.  He had a slightly annoyed look on his face, as if she were
wasting his precious time.

“I’m not going to reveal my sources,” Victoria crossed
her arms, looking back at the three men.  Her body language screamed out
“defiance” loud and clear.  She never did take kindly to being bullied.  She
also knew that if she let Monika’s name slip, her friend would lose her job or

“Ms. Sanchez, we’re not playing around with you
here.  We know that your computer contains private information—information that
you could not have gotten by yourself.  Now, if you withhold valuable evidence
from us, we
throw your ass in jail.  And then you will sit there until
you decide to be more forthcoming,” Ryland threatened.

Wait a minute.  If they had known what was on her
computer that meant that they had to have had her computer.  And that meant
that Joshua
told them after all. 

“So let me get this straight . . . you had someone
break into my apartment and steal my computer?  You know what?  I’ve changed my
mind.  I
like a lawyer present.  I’m sure that I can find a law
firm that would love to take on the Justice Department and the FBI for an
unlawful search and seizure.  And if I’m going to be charged with something,
shouldn’t the local police be handling it?”

Quiet gathered around the table as the three men
looked at each other and then stared back at her across the table.

“We had a warrant,” Ryland said.  “And
representatives from the Dallas police department aren’t aware of our current
investigation because we can charge you with a federal crime, such as stealing classified
information from a secure DEA database.”

.  Now Victoria didn’t know how to
respond to that.  She took a few seconds to collect her thoughts and then put on
the best poker face that she could muster under the circumstances before saying,
“Criminalizing journalism now are you?  Do you boys recall the First Amendment
and the freedom of the press?  I’d love to see you explain the trumped up
charges to a federal judge.  I’d like a copy of that warrant and I want to
speak to my lawyer.  I’m not going to say another word.”

“I suggest that you talk, Ms. Sanchez.  Once you
get a lawyer involved, we won’t be inclined to help you,” Ryland said.

“I didn’t do anything illegal.  I want a lawyer.”





Joshua had been waiting outside the conference
room door for a little over an hour, waiting for Victoria to appear.  He didn’t
know what to think.  It was puzzling that his commanding officer and the FBI would
be questioning Victoria, a civilian, for such a long period for just being an
eyewitness.  Someone had made a mistake somewhere, if they thought that
Victoria had anything to do with Henning’s murder. 

As soon as the door opened, Joshua’s head snapped
up to attention.  However, instead of seeing Victoria’s beautiful face, he saw
the clearly disgruntled face of his CO walking out.

“Commander Dewitt, are you all finished
questioning Victoria?” Joshua asked, leaping to his feet while his CO stalked
toward him.

“Laurent, my office . . . now,” Mark said in a
voice that brooked no insubordination.  A deep frown was etched across the
older man’s face and his lips were pursed into a grim, straight line.  The two
men walked the short distance to Mark’s office and Mark closed the door behind

“How well do you know Victoria Sanchez?” Mark
asked.  He was seated behind his medium-sized, cherry wood desk, which was
situated near the front of his large office.

“What do you mean?”

“Did I stutter?  How well do you know her?” Mark
repeated the question as Joshua sat down in the seat in front of his desk.

“We met three years ago.  We were in an intimate
relationship for two years until we broke up a year ago.”

“Have you two been in regular contact since then?”

“No, she came to see me yesterday.  She got scared
because her apartment was broken into shortly after Henning’s shooting.  Her
laptop was taken, but nothing else of value.  Why are you asking me this?”

“Because her computer contained notes on it that
pointed to classified information having been leaked from either the FBI or
DEA.  The DEA drug investigation of the Henning Cooper Company is currently
sealed and has not been made public yet.”

And that’s when Joshua finally connected the dots
together.  He wasn’t Phi Beta Kappa from UC Berkeley for nothing.  “Wait a
minute.  You mean her laptop.  The one that was stolen two days ago?”  There
could be only one reason that his CO knew about what was on Victoria’s stolen
laptop—someone in the government had broken into her apartment and taken it.

Mark didn’t say anything to Joshua, just stared
him down.  “So someone from the U.S. government broke into my ex-girlfriend’s
apartment and stole her laptop.  Why?”

“She was seen meeting with Richard Henning right
before the man was shot and killed.  There was an agent who had been tailing
Henning for a while and he saw Ms. Sanchez enter the Hotel Catalina Café with
the former Congressman.”

Joshua was pissed.  “She was interviewing Henning
for a news story.  Did this agent also see her try to save Henning’s life,
sir?  Did he see her get down on her hands and knees and try to stop Henning
from bleeding out while other pedestrians ran away from the scene,” Joshua
replied.  His jaw and fists were clenched, his blood was pounding in his head,
and he wanted to lash out. 

“Look, Laurent.  I can tell that you’re upset.  I
can also tell that this girl means something to you.  I didn’t order someone to
enter her apartment and take her laptop.  That type of command comes in well
above my pay grade.  Regardless, the FBI assures me that they had a warrant.  Undoubtedly,
they got the warrant with very thin probable cause.  However, none of that
changes the fact that she is in trouble.  We’re dealing with some serious shit
right now, so your gal pal’s feelings are the least of my fucking concerns. 
She has some sources that gave her classified information that she needs to

“Don’t we have more pressing things to do than to
harass a U.S. citizen who happens to be a news reporter?  Victoria is just
trying to report a story to the American people.  She doesn’t have any criminal
connections, for God’s sake.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“Yes,” Joshua said without any hesitation.  “And
I’m also sure that whoever her sources are, she’s not going to rat them out.”

Mark blew out a frustrated breath.  “Look I need
you to have your head on straight tomorrow when we go wheels up.  Are you going
to be able to do that?”

“Yes sir, of course.  I’ll be able to execute my
job just as I’ve been trained to do.  But do I have a reason to worry about Victoria’s
safety or incarceration?”

Mark was silent for a moment before replying,
“Look I’ll see what I can do.  She’s pissed some people off, but I’ll talk to
Ryland to try to get him to back down.  He’ll only agree to that if she puts on
hold whatever story she’s working on until we give the okay.”

“I’m not sure that she’ll agree to that, sir.”

“You better make sure that she does.  National
security is at stake.  And if she doesn’t hold her story, there won’t be
anything that I nor you can do to keep her out of jail,” Mark said.

“Do I need to call a lawyer for her on her

Mark stared at him before saying, “No, just let me
handle it.”

Chapter Sixteen





oshua hadn’t uttered a
single syllable to Victoria after they left the base together.  She could tell
that he was angry by his jerky, controlled movements and clenched jaw. 

Most likely he was angry with her for putting him
in this unenviable situation that he was now in with his bosses. 

It was well after six o’clock in the evening
before Victoria and Joshua made it back to his home.  As soon as they entered,
he started packing his bag to fly out early in the morning.

“Are you in trouble?” Victoria leaned against the
doorway to his master bedroom.  Joshua stopped folding his clothes to turn
around and look at her.

“No,” he said.  He then he turned back around to
what he was doing before she interrupted him.

“Do I need to find a lawyer to represent me?  I
mean, they just let me go without an explanation—after threatening to throw me
in prison.”  During the middle of the questioning, CO Mark Dewitt had left the
interrogation room abruptly.  One of the remaining FBI agents in the room had
just sat across from her, shooting dark looks in her direction.  The FBI
director, Ryland, had continued his barrage of threats.  When Mark Dewitt had
reentered the room some time later, the whole vibe of the situation changed. 
After conferencing in the hall, the men sent in a Masters at Arms to dismiss

“No.  You don’t need to get a lawyer.  Like I said
in the car, everything is taken care of,” he paused before continuing, “But for
national security concerns, you need to hold your story about the DEA
investigation into the Henning Cooper Company for a few days.”  Joshua glanced
back down and continued to fold his clothes, packing them neatly in the
military issued duffle bag he was taking with him.  He had always been so
incredibly neat.  Everything had to be in its precise place—though in the course
of their relationship he had learned to tolerate Victoria’s unorganized

“Joshua, please,” Victoria said, twisting a long
strand of her hair in her fingers, biting her lower lip nervously.

“Please what Vicki?” Joshua blew out a deep breath. 
“What do you want from me?”

“I want you to talk to me.  I didn’t mean for you
to get into any trouble today.”

“I already told you, everything is fine.”

He still wasn’t looking at her, so Victoria walked
over to his bed.  She sat down right beside the open suitcase that he was
filling up.

“Joshua, I’m sorry.  I’m sorry for dragging you
into this with me,” she said looking at him.  She was sure that her eyes were
pleading with him at this point—for what, she didn’t know.  Finally, Joshua’s
eyes met hers.

“Yeah, well, don’t be.  There’s nothing for you to
be sorry about.”

“When do you have to leave tomorrow?”


“Joshua, just be careful, okay.  Tomorrow, I

“Yeah sure.”

Victoria didn’t know what else to do.  What else
could she say to him?  To make him understand how she felt.  Well, maybe she
could start with the truth.  “Joshua, I never meant to hurt you before.  I . .
.” she trailed off and Joshua looked down into her eyes from where he stood at
the foot of the bed, holding her gaze.

Victoria started again, “I gave you that ultimatum
a year ago because I loved you.”

Joshua just gave a bitter laugh at that
pronouncement, “Yeah that sure sounds like love Vicki.”

“It’s true.  I did love you.  Very much.  But . .
. God.  I don’t know, I was just—I was just scared.”

“Scared of what?”  Joshua stood there looking down
at her.

“I didn’t want to get a knock on my door someday
from Will or Malcolm telling me that you had been killed.  That you weren’t
coming back home to me,” she finally answered, tears pooling in her eyes.

He was silent, but he kept staring at her so she
pressed on.  “It was a stupid thing to do.  But you don’t know what it’s like. 
To sit and wait for months, wondering if you’re still alive.  Wondering if I’m
ever going to see you again.  I just couldn’t take it anymore.”

“Why didn’t you tell me all of this before?  You
do know that I’m not a mind reader right?” he asked her.  At this point, he’d
stopped packing his suitcase and she had his complete and undivided attention.

“I don’t know.  I thought . . . I thought that you
would pick me, I guess.  Obviously, I was wrong,” Victoria laughed lightly,
running a hand through her long dark hair, using another hand to wipe away the
tears that were falling freely from her eyes.

“Shit Tory, if you had asked me anything else . .
.  I would have done whatever I had to do to make it happen.  But to leave the
Navy?  It’s my career.  I can’t.  I love it.  I loved you too, you know.”

Victoria looked down at her hands, nervously
flexing her fingers on her lap.  It wasn’t in her DNA to humble herself.  She
was used to deflecting and avoiding talking about her feelings.  At least when
it came to those deep emotions.  “I really messed up things between us.  Your
clothes . . . I’m so sorry,” she whispered, shaking her head miserably.

“Yeah, you know I wasn’t completely innocent
either Vicki.  I could have tried to understand your feelings more.  We could
both stand a few lessons on communication,” he said softly.  He cleared his
throat before saying, “About before, you know earlier today before we left to
go to the base.  About what I said—I didn’t mean it.  I’m sorry.”

“Yeah, well I think that you did mean it.”

“No, I didn’t.  I was frustrated with you, and I
wanted to hurt you.  And I’m very sorry for that.  I think you’re beautiful.  I
always have.”  Joshua then reached out his right hand, and brought her right
hand up to his lips to give it a kiss.

When Victoria didn’t look up at him he reached out
his other hand, cupped her chin and tipped her head upwards to look at him. 
She stared at him—she couldn’t help
stare as he looked down at her,
locking his eyes to hers.  She wanted him to kiss her.  She wanted






Joshua wanted her.  He had longed for this woman
sitting right in front of him for the past year.  She wanted him too, right
now.  He could see it in her eyes.  But he wanted to hear her say it aloud.  He
to hear her say it aloud.

“Do you want me?” he asked in a low voice.  He
didn’t take his eyes off her, and she was staring right back at him.

“Yes.”  Victoria didn’t hesitate for a second.

“Take off your clothes,” Joshua ordered Victoria,
pulling her to her feet.  He removed his duffle bag from the bed and placed it
down on the floor to clear up space on the bed.

“What?” Victoria said, taking a few hesitant steps
back from him and the bed.  She looked a bit unsure about herself.  Joshua had
never used his current tone of voice with her in the bedroom.  Contrary to his
outward appearance, he’d always been soft and gentle with her.  But not

“I said, take off your clothes,” Joshua ordered
again.  He backed Victoria up against the wall and pulled off his shirt.  He
never took his eyes off her.  “Do you trust me?” he asked her when she saw that
she hadn’t yet moved from where she was standing.

She remained silent and Joshua looked at her and
finished removing his camouflage BDUs.  A few seconds later, he stood before
her in only his boxers.  He smiled to himself at her reaction.  Victoria’s gaze
completely filled with lust.  She swallowed hard and looked down at his
boxers.  He was already clearly aroused.  She was very excited herself.  He
could tell by the way that she slowly wet her plump, bottom lip with her

Victoria was a beautiful woman, she always had
been.  Always would be.  Joshua knew that she was sensitive about her weight,
but he really couldn’t understand why because she was gorgeous.  He was still
kicking himself for the putdown he threw her way earlier.  It only served to
feed into her insecurities.   

Joshua stepped forward, closer to her and
stretched a hand out to cup her right cheek.  He leaned down and kissed her on
her cheek before saying, “I’m not going to ask you again Vicki.  If you don’t
want to have to go to the store tomorrow to replace a blouse and a skirt, I
suggest that you do as I asked.”

With her hands slightly shaking, Victoria slowly
began to undress for him.  He watched with lust-filled eyes as Victoria took
off first her pink blouse and then unbuttoned and stepped out of her skirt. 

She had stripped down to her bra and panties for
him, but then she looked away.  She was shy all of a sudden.  Her gaze rested
on his bed, then at the floor, at anywhere but him.  Victoria nervously covered
her chest and midsection with her arms.


She refused to look at him.  “Can we turn off the
lights, please?”

Joshua shook his head, laughing her question
away.  “Absolutely not.  Don’t be silly.  Vicki look at me.”    

“Vicki,” he repeated, waiting for her to look up
at him.  When she didn’t he stepped even closer toward her and cupped the sides
of her face with both hands, gently turning her head to face him.  “Vicki,
you’re absolutely beautiful.”

Joshua then leaned forward and kissed her.  Gentle
at first, but then hard and fast.  He pressed his lower body against hers, and
slowly rocked into her.  He heard soft moans coming from her throat.  He
couldn’t blame her.  It felt too good. 

“Mmm oh God,” she gasped while he continued to
kiss her.  Then he backed off without warning.  She was standing there against
the wall, panting, barely able to catch her breath.  Joshua dropped to his
knees and started removing her high heels, one at a time.  Victoria was tall
for a woman at 5’10”, and she was almost able to meet his eyes with the
four-inch heels that she was currently wearing. 

When he finished removing her shoes he slowly
stood, trailing his right hand up from her right ankle to her thigh and then up
to her breasts.  Joshua had always been a breast man and he had loved her
generous breasts.  Looking back into her eyes he said, “Now take off your bra
and panties.”

She reached behind her back and unclasped her
bra.  It fell soundlessly to the carpeted floor below.  She hurriedly pulled
her panties down and let it drop down to the floor with Joshua staring into her
eyes.  Joshua watched as her eyes glaze over with the same lust that was
mirrored in his eyes.  He lowered his head, took her right breast into his
mouth, and sucked. 

“Mmm,” she moaned.  He practically nursed on her
nipple.  He grasped her ass and moved to her other breast.  It was too much.  He
wanted her,
.  Joshua felt her pull away from him and then watched
her reach out to pull his boxers down his legs.  His erection sprang free.  He
stood there transfixed when she dropped to her knees and did want he’d dreamed
about for the past year—took him into her mouth.

“Oh yeah . . . yeah that’s it . . . oh,
he groaned.  His hands were tangled in her long brown hair.  Joshua held onto
her hair tightly as Victoria completely soul sucked him.  She licked, squeezed,
and touched Joshua until his legs were shaking.  Until he was about to

“Wait, baby, stop.  Oh God, babe stop,” Joshua
said, hastily pulling away from her.  “If you don’t stop this is going to end a
lot earlier than I had planned,” Joshua gasped out.

Victoria looked up at him from her position on the
floor with wide eyes.  He reached out a hand to help her up on her feet. 
Holding her right hand, he guided her to the edge of his bed and placed his
hands on her shoulders, gently pushing her down.   

He could see her clearly now with the light from
the lamp on the nightstand.  He held her gaze as he lowered himself down to the
floor.  His hand rubbing across her thigh before using both of his hands to
push her legs apart. 

Victoria tried to sit up to see what he was doing,
but he placed one strong hand on her stomach and held her down.

She didn’t have to wait for long.  He kissed her
up her legs until he reached her thighs and then . . .
Oh yeah
.  Joshua
had always enjoyed this part of lovemaking.  Some men had a real problem with
going down on a woman.  But Joshua loved it.  And by the sounds that Victoria
was making from the back of her throat she was really enjoying herself too.

“Ahh oh God, aaahh Josh, please,” Victoria all but
screamed.  Joshua licked and he sucked her clitoris and then placed two fingers
inside of her, slowly pumping in and out while still licking her.  By this
point, Victoria’s juices were flowing freely, and her hands were clutching the
bed sheets. 
God she tasted delicious.

“Josh oh please, please,” Victoria panted, her
voice coming out in ragged gasps.  She was on the very edge of her self
control—right there at the precipice.  And then she closed her eyelids and let
out a scream.

By the time she left the heavens to come back down
to planet earth, Joshua was on the bed beside her, on top of her.  He’d already
managed to put on a condom.  He was holding his body weight up off her with
both hands.  He kissed her softly, sweetly. 

“I love you Joshua,” she whispered.  Joshua smiled
down at her and then reached down between them and shifted until . . .  He was
inside her.  He started slowly and then, knowing exactly what she wanted . . .
what she craved, moving hard and fast.  And then they both moved together until
they shattered in each other’s arms. 

BOOK: Pushed to the Edge (SEAL Team 14)
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