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Authors: Amy Lichtenhan

Tags: #Fiction, #General

Pulled (52 page)

BOOK: Pulled
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Daniel smiled and tightened his grip on my knee.

“I can’t wait to see them, too.”

It had taken Daniel a while to forgive Mom, but after they’d had several heart-to-hearts and hashed out their past differences, they’d accepted that they had both been guilty of harming the other. Once they had resolved them, though, they’d become impossibly close.

Andrew kept us entertained through the rest of dinner, making us laugh at every turn. His innocent insight into the world was something that left us feeling pure and hopeful for the future. Finished with dinner, Daniel rose to clear the dishes from the table and took them to the sink.

“Why don’t you give Andrew his bath, and I’l take care of these.”

I nodded, released the straps of Andrew’s chair, and drew Andrew into my arms. “You ready for your bath, pumpkin?”

Bathing him was hardly a chore. His little body was covered to his chest in bubbles and his face was my very light as he laughed and played in the warm water.

Every moment with him was a treasure.

My son.

Never would I forget Eva, my precious girl I knew only in my soul, but she was there, ever present and forever a part of me. My love for her would never diminish, and Andrew would never take her place, but he’d completely fil ed the gaping hole in my heart that had been reserved only for him. I’d longed for him my entire life; I just hadn’t known it until he made his undeniable claim on my heart.

I massaged shampoo against his scalp and

through his hair, careful y rinsing the suds away, pul ing the plug, and al owing the water to run away. I wrapped him in a towel, hugging him to me as I walked him to his room and dressed him for his night of sleep. I drew the covers down, and he crawled into his smal bed with the covers printed in his favorite TV character. “What story would you like to read tonight?” He gazed over at the bookshelf that sat opposite his bed and looked at the spines he had memorized by color and shape. He chose the large book fil ed with nursery rhymes, and snuggled down under his covers, pul ing them to his chin.

Daniel appeared in the doorway, smiling at us. He snuggled in beside me, and we took turns reading our son his favorite poems. His eyes drooped more and more with each rhyme we sang. When his lids began to flutter, I closed the book and leaned in, kissing him reverently on his forehead. “Goodnight, sweetheart.”

He yawned and rubbed his eyes with tiny fists,

“Night, Mommy. Love you.”

“Love you, too.”

Daniel scooted in, nuzzling Andrew’s neck before kissing him on the cheek. “Goodnight, little man.” Nearing sleep, Andrew muttered, “Goodnight, Daddy,” through very tired lips.

We both stood, and Daniel tucked him in, making sure he would be warm for the night. I switched off his lamp and flicked on his night-light. A swirl of stars il uminated his ceiling.

Daniel and I lingered in his doorway, holding each other while we watched our son drift into a deep, restful sleep. His little body rose and fel with each breath he took.

I spoke quietly against Daniel’s chest, “He’s so beautiful.” Daniel drew me in, wrapping an arm around my waist as he nodded against my head. “Perfect.” He leaned in closer and whispered against my ear. “Just like you.” His words brought a rush of heat, and the fire ignited as his lips traveled from my ear to my mouth.

Immediately, my body reacted to his touch. Every touch, every day, always the same. The need never dimmed.

He stepped back, pul ing me into the hal way and pressing me against the wal . Both of his hands held my face as he gazed down at me, his eyes fil ed with adoration and longing, his desire palpable in the energy traveling from his fingertips as they cupped the curve of my jaw.

His voice became rough as his need grew,

grinding out a raspy, “Melanie.” He crashed his lips against mine, mouth and hands and body and soul. His kisses were hot and wet, his tongue flicking out to taste. His hands tugged and pul ed at the col ar of my shirt seeking more. I hummed against his mouth as I rushed through the buttons on his shirt, just as anxious to feel him as he was to feel me.

No barriers.

He groaned, grasping my hand and dragging me across the hal and to our room, quick to shut the door behind us. He rushed back to me, his kiss forceful. We shed our clothes as we danced our way across this sanctuary that was ours alone.

He wrapped me in his arms and spun us, sinking back onto the bed. His mouth fel open in silent pleasure as I lowered myself onto him. His hands gripped my hips as he looked up to me, his gaze fil ed with intense love that would never lessen. Our connection was not one that could be severed or used up. Our souls were one as our hands and bodies became twisted and entwined, our own existence—

a single creation.

He cal ed through hushed breaths, “Melanie.” His rapture was so much more than physical. “My love.” And I spoke his name, “Daniel.” A statement, a definition. My life.

I watched my husband, this beautiful man, his eyes drawing me deep into the currents that flowed where our souls met, to the place where we were healed, to the place where we were free. No longer was there the pain, the loss, the suffocating hurt. Now there was life and peace and contentment, al found in this flawless love. What we’d endured had cost us so much, so much I’d never thought I’d survive.

When I look back now though, I would never change it. There had always been a reason, and I would never regret where the path had led.

Here, loved by this man, his body burning into mine, our spirits consumed by fire that could never be quel ed.

Here, where our son slept peaceful y in the room across the hal .

Here, where we were home.

Here, where we’d been pul ed.

Table of Contents



































Table of Contents



BOOK: Pulled
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