Read Public Affair, Secretly Expecting Online

Authors: Heidi Rice

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Women, #General, #Fiction

Public Affair, Secretly Expecting (7 page)

BOOK: Public Affair, Secretly Expecting
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This whole scenario had the potential to be a total disaster. Why hadn’t she thought it through?

She shut her eyes and braced herself, expecting him to continue undressing her. But he took her hand and flattened the palm against the front of his shirt.

‘How about you set the pace?’ he said.

Her eyes flew open. ‘You don’t mind?’ she whispered, pathetically grateful for the unexpected respite.

‘Why would I mind?’ he said, the tilt of his lips full of sexual promise. ‘You’re going to be doing all the work.’

She gave a small smile back, the pressure in her chest releasing a tiny bit. Maybe this wouldn’t be a total disaster.

Her hands trembled as she slipped the small buttons of his shirt out of their buttonholes. With each new glimpse of the tanned, lightly haired torso, she wrestled back a tiny bit of control, another whisper of courage. And slowly but steadily, the well of desire sprang back to life.

He smelled delicious, clean soap and spicy aftershave and the musky scent of man. She opened the sides of his shirt, nudged the starched cotton off broad shoulders. As her courage grew she indulged herself. She investigated the flat brown nipples nestled in the dark curls of hair, heard his muffled grunt as she learned the contours and textures of his heavily muscled chest, the ridged definition of his abdomen. But as the exploration inched lower her fingers slowed and eventually stopped dead on the waistband of his trousers. She couldn’t take her eyes off the bulge, which had got a great deal more prominent.

The breath backed up in her lungs. She’d thought she could handle him, could handle what was going to happen between them. But was she really ready to handle

His hand covered hers. ‘Juno, is this your first time?’

She looked up to find him watching her. Embarrassment scorched her cheeks at the perceptiveness in his gaze. ‘Of course not. I’m twenty-two years old,’ she said, wanting to sound indignant.

‘But you’ve little experience. Am I right?’

Mortification engulfed her. She grappled to pull up the straps of her dress. She had to get away, get out of here, before she made an even bigger mess of things. But as she tried to sit up he grasped her wrist.

‘What’s this now? Where are you off to?’ he asked, sounding both amused and confused.

She tugged on her arm, refusing to look at him. ‘You’re right. I haven’t got much experience at this. In fact I’ve got hardly any,’ she said. What was the point in pretending? She might have matured emotionally since that hideous night six years ago, but that wasn’t going to be enough. Not to deal with a man like Mac Brody. ‘After all the women you’ve slept with, you’re bound to be disappointed,’ she finished, feeling utterly defeated.

So much for seizing the moment. How could she ever have believed this would work? Of course he’d seen through her pitiful charade. Wearing a beautiful dress, putting on a bit of make-up, tottering about in high heels, didn’t suddenly make you a sex goddess.

He let go of her wrist and cradled her chin, forcing her to meet his eyes. ‘Sweetheart, you’ve no need to worry about disappointing me. If I was any more aroused at the minute, I’d be doing myself an injury.’

His wry amusement washed away a little of her hurt and humiliation.

He sighed. ‘This isn’t a test.’ His thumb cruised the swell of her breasts, dipped into the curve of her cleavage. ‘I’ll not be grading you after the event.’ Her nipple hardened as his thumb circled the rigid peak through her gown. ‘But if you’ve performance anxiety, why don’t I take the lead for a while?’

Suddenly she couldn’t breathe. The rasp of his voice seduced her as she concentrated on the lazy stroking.

‘I doubt I’m as prolific as you think,’ he continued, his clever fingers finding the zip of her dress and giving it a gentle tug. ‘But it seems I’ve got a bit more experience.’ The soft swish as the teeth released seemed deafening in the languid silence.

She shivered as he undressed her, pulling the bodice down and baring her to the waist but for her push-up bra. The lace seemed to have constricted around her lungs like a corset.

‘Lie back,’ he coaxed, tracing his finger in a line of fire down her chest, over the front hook of her bra. ‘Let me do the work for a while.’ She sank into the pillows as the electric touch sizzled across her abdomen and drew circles around her belly button. ‘All you need do is tell me what you like.’

‘But I don’t know what I like,’ she panted out and then bit her lip.

Why had she said that? He’d think she was a moron.

He flashed her a cocky grin, his large palm flattening on her waist. ‘Then we’re going to have a hell of a time finding out.’

She nodded, not sure she could speak.

‘Good girl,’ he said, touching his lips to hers as his hand swept up and deftly undid her bra.

She jolted, panic assaulting her as he nudged the cups aside. ‘Please, don’t.’

She tried to cover herself, but his hands gently bracketed her upper arms, pinning her to the bed. She shut her eyes, her body quivering with acute embarrassment as she felt his gaze on her breasts. She’d always known she wasn’t well endowed, but it hadn’t bothered her too much. Until now.

‘Why would you hide yourself?’ The words were gruff with astonishment.

Her eyes opened to see the fierce approval in his gaze. A brutal blush fanned out across her chest. ‘They’re a bit small,’ she whispered.

He gave a soft chuckle, shaking his head. ‘Are they?’

Releasing her arms, he cupped her breast in one hot palm. He rubbed his thumb across the nipple and bent to capture it with his mouth. The peak engorged in a rush as his teeth teased and bit softly into the sensitive flesh. She arched into his mouth as darts of fire arrowed to her core.

She panted, her breathing harsh as he feasted on one breast then the other, stroking and kissing and nipping, then drawing the peak into his mouth and suckling hard.

‘They’re so sensitive, so responsive,’ he whispered, his breath cool against her fevered flesh as he lifted his head. ‘Don’t you know how beautiful that is?’

‘Is it?’

He dropped his forehead to hers, sighed. ‘Darlin’, let’s get you naked. I’d no idea you had so much to learn.’

She could hear the teasing note in his voice. And she didn’t care. She wanted to learn it all now, and she wanted him to be the one to teach her.

So she lifted her bottom as he stripped off her dress and didn’t resist as the final barrier of lacy satin followed her other garments to the floor.

‘You’re gorgeous,’ he murmured, his hands caressing with tantalising slowness—moulding her breasts, sweeping over the curve of her buttocks and stroking her thighs.

Desperation seized her as he delved into the curls between her legs. Heat coiled as his fingers got frustratingly close to her centre and then withdrew. Was he trying to drive her mad? Why wasn’t he touching her where she wanted to be touched the most?

‘Please…There.’ The words choked out as she grasped his shoulders and raised her hips, instinctively seeking that crucial touch.

He laughed, the sound oddly tense. ‘Now you’re getting the hang of it.’

She wanted to reprimand the smug tone, but then his fingers plunged into the wet heat at last and she couldn’t think, let alone speak. She jerked wildly, her nails scraping his back, shocked by the brutal pleasure that twisted viciously inside her. He stroked and rubbed, torturing the pulsing nub, making her sob as her senses rioted, desperate for release.

The broken cry echoed in her head as her body clamped down and then shattered into a billion glittering pieces.

Mac eased his zip down, his erection painfully swollen as it sprang free.

He wanted to make this last, he wanted it to be as good for them both as he’d promised. But watching her climax had lit a fire in his gut that was fast turning to an inferno. For the first time in his life he was in serious danger of losing his precious control. He forced himself to steady his breathing as he kicked off his trousers and boxer shorts and sheathed himself with the condom.

Her eyelids fluttered open and a tentative smile curved her lips, those gorgeous aquamarine eyes all fuzzy with afterglow.

He drew his thumb over the downy skin of her cheek. ‘How was that now?’

‘Amazing,’ she whispered, sounding shocked and happy. ‘I had no idea…’ she began, then broke off. Her cheeks flushed a bright rosy pink, off-setting the vivid colour of her eyes beautifully.

He let his hand drop. He could actually feel his heart throbbing. He wanted her, with a power he hadn’t felt since he had been an untried lad of thirteen, and sex had been the holy grail of his existence.

The irrational thought had a tiny slither of unease wedging itself into the thick haze of lust. He ignored it. She wasn’t a virgin. She’d told him so. And neither was he—even if her inexperienced, untutored response had made him feel like a boy again.

‘Thank you,’ she said. ‘Thank you so much. I didn’t expect…’ She stopped, gave a breathless laugh, the sound sultry and yet unbearably sweet. ‘I didn’t expect it to be that good.’

Pride surged through him. Pride and something that felt uncomfortably like possessiveness.

‘There’s no need to thank me,’ he said, taking her hand in his and kissing her fingertips. ‘As I’m now planning to get my reward.’

‘Oh, yes, of course.’ She shifted against him, her naked hip brushing his erection as she glanced down. ‘I’m sorry, you haven’t…Yet…’

She looked both panicked and perplexed and he wanted to hug her. He’d thought she was cute the first time he’d laid eyes on her. She wasn’t cute. She was adorable.

He hooked his hand around her waist, tugged her closer. ‘How do you feel about round two?’ he said, trying to keep the urgency out of his voice. He couldn’t wait much longer, but he didn’t want to rush her and ruin it.

‘If it’s as good as round one,’ she said with bravado, ‘I’m all for it.’ Then she slipped trembling arms around his neck.

‘I’ll do my best,’ he said, praying for patience as he grasped her hips and hauled her under him.

She stared up at him, offering herself in a gesture so fearless and so giving he felt something twist hard in his gut.

Ignoring it, he positioned himself at her entrance and sank into her.

Juno groaned, the pressure immense as the blunt head of his erection pushed into the slick swollen folds of her sex. His hands angled her hips, easing his entry, but still it felt overwhelming. The muscles of her sex clenched, her fingers clutching his neck as a moan escaped her, the pleasure replaced by a brutally stretched feeling that was too close to pain.

‘Shh,’ he crooned, pushing the damp hair from her brow. ‘It’ll take a minute, darlin’.’

He held still for what seemed like hours but could only have been moments as she adjusted to the solid length. Then he moved, her breath catching as he lodged deeper still. The discomfort dimmed, overpowered by a staggering feeling of fullness.

She sobbed at the shocking burst of pure pleasure as he flexed his hips and nudged a place deep inside.

‘Now was that good, or bad?’ he asked, sweat glowing on his forehead.

‘Good. It was good.’ Her voice broke. ‘Can you do it again?’

He chuckled, the sound rich and self-satisfied and tinged with desperation. ‘I’ll give it my best shot.’

She wrapped her thighs around his waist and held on for dear life, bucking clumsily beneath him as the slow, solid thrusts got stronger, faster and more relentless. Her cries punctuated his harsh grunts as the bursts of pleasure intensified, rolling into one unstoppable wave.

She rode the crest for an eternity. Exquisite pain, indescribable pleasure crashing over her as she soared through that final brutal peak into oblivion.

Chapter Six

languished in the last throes of the mind-blowing orgasm cocooned in Mac’s arms. Her back cradled against his chest, she could still feel him, semi-erect, outlined against her bottom as his hand covered her breast. His measured breathing brushed her nape.

‘So, are you ready now for your marks out of ten?’ he murmured.

The wry tone made her lips quirk.

She should have been embarrassed, but she felt so lethargic, so sated, so good about herself it was hard to feel anything but complete satisfaction. She’d done it. She’d finally found out what all the fuss was about, and it had been glorious.

‘If it’s not at least a nine I don’t want to know,’ she replied boldly, and basked in his answering chuckle.

‘I’m thinking ten out of ten for initiative, five out of ten for staying power.’

She nudged him with an elbow and he laughed, tightening his arm round her waist.

‘Now, now, all I’m saying is we’re going to have to work on your stamina, darlin’.’

His warm teasing had pride swelling her chest.

They’d been good together, so much better than expected. She might not be the best sex he’d ever had, but she hadn’t disappointed him, or herself. To use one of Daisy’s analogies, she’d got back on the horse and she hadn’t fallen off. And, as predicted, it had been a spectacular ride.

She grinned, snuggled against him and hissed as the aching tenderness between her thighs caught her unawares.

‘There now.’ He rolled her over and searched her face. ‘I hurt you?’

‘No, you didn’t,’ she said, moved by the worried frown. She shifted her bottom and felt the slight soreness again. ‘It’s just…It’s been a while.’

‘Damn, I’m sorry,’ he said, rubbing his palm on her midriff. ‘How long has it been?’

She curled away from him and drew her knees up, feeling a little self-conscious after all. ‘A while. That’s all.’

He trailed a finger along the curve of her neck, tucked her hair behind her ear. ‘There’s no need to be embarrassed. You’re a beautiful and passionate woman. I’m only curious.’ His hand rested on her hip. ‘How long exactly is a while?’

She huffed out a breath and considered lying to him, but discarded the idea. Why should she be ashamed? ‘Six years.’

‘Six…?’ The bed bounced as he pulled her onto her back. ‘Six years? But you would have been little more than a child.’

BOOK: Public Affair, Secretly Expecting
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