Protected (Book 1 in the Ariya Adams trilogy) (13 page)

BOOK: Protected (Book 1 in the Ariya Adams trilogy)
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I put everything on and made my grand entrance into the living room. Caroline and Nick applauded a
nd we headed off to the party. I was excited. So what if James and I were just friends? He was fun to hang out with. Everyone was happy and in good spirits,
Life is wonderful just the way it is,
I thought. I said a silent prayer about how thankful I was to have so many great people surrounding me.

James and I had decided to meet outside of the house to go in together. He was already there when we walked up. He looked stunning. His hair was slicked back and he stood nonchalantly glancing around. I swear he stepped right out of
the pages of the Great Gatsby. His hat and cane were in hand, and he had added white gloves. How could I forget the gloves? He must have done that on his own. I was impressed.

“The gloves are a nice to
uch. I was silly to forget them,” I said as I approached.

He turned to face me and grinned. A
signature James full-out smile, too. He looked happy. The smile reached his eyes, and I wasn’t sure I had seen that happen much.

“You look beautiful, Mis
s Buchanan.” He kissed my hand.

, this is a surprise
, I thought, but I wasn’t going to complain. My mind flirted with traveling down the road of worrying and over thinking about mixed signals, but I reminded myself this was just a friendship. It was fine. He took my arm in his and we made our entrance. My stomach was racing at the touch.

We didn’t have the most original costumes there
, but James certainly was the most handsome. Some of the boys who had brought dates quickly found themselves standing alone whenever James headed off to get more drinks. He was being swarmed, and I had to smile. I couldn’t even be jealous. They were drawn to him and looked like they couldn’t help it. Who wouldn’t be taken with him? And to think, he wanted to be here with me. Maybe it was just because we were becoming good friends, but whatever the case, I got to spend more time getting to know him.

Riley and Johnny had paired up again. This time they decided to dress
as Rocky and Bullwinkle. They won by a landslide on most creative costumes. Riley wore horns and everything with some bright colored overall set. He greeted people with his Bullwinkle impersonation. I glanced over at James and noticed he was laughing. He was different this evening. It was like he seemed more carefree. He had been chatting with me the whole night and just more social in general. Had a good night’s sleep been all he needed to open up? How could he be this different in one evening? He glanced over at me, and I smiled back.

After making his grand entrance
, Riley made his way over to me. He had clearly already been drinking. Riley never looked like a mess when he drank, which I was jealous of. People could tell when I was drinking, but no one really could with him. I only knew it because he turned up his flirt level with girls even higher than it already was normally.

“I’m stealing your date for a minute.” He smiled over at James
, who just nodded. “Ariya, you have to stop looking so good all the time. You really make it hard on a guy.”

He winked at me. His bad mood from earlier today seemed to have vanished completely
, for which I was grateful. Caroline was right, it must have been stress from getting everything for the party together.

“How much have you had to drink already
, Bullwinkle?” I shoved out of his arms.

“Can’t I give you a compliment without you thinking I’m drunk?”

“No,” I laughed. “I have to get back to my date, you know, the one you actually approve of.”

“I don’t know if I approve of breaking and entering. He
’d better be careful with you.”

He stopped and took my chin in his hand
, as if inspecting me. Then he turned my cheek, while still holding my chin, and gave me a peck. Whoa, stomach drop. What on earth was that about and what was wrong with me to react like that?

He walked away from me
, leaving me behind. What was that for? Was he worried about something with James? He had seemed to approve earlier until the ice-skating debacle. Where was the “careful” comment coming from?

My thoughts again trailed to the conversation Caroline and I had
had earlier. Riley wasn’t in love with me. If he were, he would have said something. He would have tried to convince me not to be with James. He was just looking out for me now. It’s what he always did.

After successful
ly reassuring myself, I realized I was hot and could feel sweat threatening to slide down my back under the flapper dress. I wasn’t sure if it was the effect James had on me, looking as handsome as he did tonight, Riley’s strange move, or the beer I had just downed. I needed air. The emotions that rocked me every day seemed to calm when I had some space. I noticed getting some fresh air in moments where I felt I was slipping, tended to help. It relaxed me when I just could stand and take a few deep breaths in a quiet area.

This had to be because I was tired. Everything had to be tied to that. I was waking up earlier and earlier and jerking awake
, too, so maybe that disrupted my sleep cycle. I got outside and inhaled deeply. Everything was going so wonderfully tonight. It was a perfect ending to a great college span. If the year continued like this, I would be even more upset than I originally thought, to leave it all behind.

I got lost in my thoughts for a couple moments
. It took me some time to realize that James had come up beside me.

“It really is beautiful here. Being in the city
, you forget what it’s like to see the sky and stars. It’s nice to be somewhere away from the hustle again. I didn’t think I’d miss it.”

“I can’t imagine not being able to see the sky like this. I could live forever not being near city lights.” We wer
e both looking up at the stars.

Even back home
, you couldn’t see them this well. There were speckles everywhere, lighting the night sky. It looked as if someone had painted each one and put them so close together, it was like a blanket. It was romantic, beautiful, and peaceful. I closed my eyes, taking in another deep breath.

I glanced over at James and he was staring intently at me. I swear it felt like electricity in my body when I looked at him. He had to feel something
, too, anything. I knew I had never felt this way and I couldn’t imagine that was something that could happen if it were just one-sided.

He was looking at me with purpose. Nothing prepa
red me for his next movements. He strode over closer to me and took my face in his hands.

His lips were on mine before I knew what was happening. He tasted sweet
, but I could still smell the same scents from the night before. It was a woodsy, Christmassy scent. His lips were perfect, soft, and demanding. I’ve heard the expression
weak in the knees
before, but it wasn’t just my knees. My whole body was weak. I thought I was going to collapse and have to break the kiss.

He moved one hand into my bobbed hair wig and the other to my lower back and pulled me closer to him. His kiss changed from gentle to passionate. I couldn’t breathe. I was scared if I took t
oo deep a breath, he would stop. I could feel the ripples of muscles beneath his outfit. His body was more solid than I had imagined. I would have given anything to hop up and wrap my legs around him, but I couldn’t move. Tingling sensations had taken over. He broke the kiss and whispered my name.

His lips brushed mine gently as he spoke.

My heart m
elted. I couldn’t have dreamt up this moment, even in my best dreams. I dared to open my eyes, hoping that when I did, I wasn’t in my bedroom waking up from this. Taking a chance, I opened my eyes and was looking directly into his. His arms loosened me away a bit, so he could look at me. I smiled and probably looked drunk with happiness. His thumb brushed my jaw line and he smiled at me. I tilted my head as a signal for more and closed my eyes, but the kiss that I was expecting to follow didn’t come. Instead, his body stiffened.

“Shit, not now.”

My eyes flew open with concern.
What could be wrong?
When I looked at him his face was tight.

“Ariya, come with me.” Before I could answer
, he grabbed my hand. “Stay behind me,” he ordered.

I was a bit shaken
and felt like I was still coming out of a dream, like waking up too suddenly. The feelings of tingling and being light-headed from the moment before were still wearing off, so I felt strange having such a quick emotional shift. James was leading me towards the back of Riley’s house. I knew something was wrong.

started moving faster and gripped my arm tightly. We rounded the corner of Riley’s house and I saw why he was upset. Devon was there. Of all the people I did not want to see at the moment, there he was, standing away from the house back towards the woods behind Riley’s place. I noticed it was not just Devon standing there, though. It was Devon with something in his hand, standing behind Caroline.

was holding her away from him, gripping the back of her neck. When we approached, he suddenly yanked her in closer to him. Devon was taller and bigger than her, which meant he was also stronger. I started to run over to her, passing James.
What was Devon thinking? He’d better not hurt her!
I mentally screamed at him, too stunned to get the words to come out just yet

’ arm locked around my waist and he moved me behind him in one quick fluid motion. It was almost like I hadn’t even seen him make the movement, and I was just behind him.

“What do you think you’re doing and how are you here right now?” James said icily. It startled me to hear that kin
d of tone coming out of him. No, not startled, it scared me.

, you mean how did I escape your little dungeon? I have people on the outside who are concerned with my whereabouts. You didn’t check on me tonight. Something must have been distracting you.” Devon paused for a moment, gave me seductive grin, and then went back to speaking with James.

“Is this allowed
, Protector?” He tilted his head towards me when he asked his last question.

Devon’s voice sounded cruel.
My insides were bursting with anger. He was not a good person. What was he doing with Caroline? Why was he speaking to James about dungeons? I didn’t even know James and Devon knew each other this well to be speaking so much. And, why did he call James
? What was he protecting?

“James, get h
er out of here,” Caroline said. Devon tightened his grip.

“Shut up. I am stronger than you as it’s the full moon
, and you were unprepared for this. Or hadn’t you noticed you can’t move so well, Caroline?”

I saw Nick around the corner
, frozen. I could tell he was struggling with deciding to make a run for Devon or letting things play out. James held his hand with a stopping motion, as if he could see Nick’s struggle, too.

“Let her go
, Devon,” I hissed at him from behind James.

Who did he think he was and why weren’t James and Nick trying to jump him? It was two against one. I looked over at Devon again. I searched for a reason for the lack of movement and noticed his hand again. He was holding a light colored stick.
A stick?
I thought.

I squinted and tried to look closer. It looked like a stake.
A wooden stake? Like for putting in the ground. Something in my stomach clenched. Devon was standing holding Caroline by the throat, with a weapon in his hand. I was glad he didn’t have a gun and said a silent prayer of thank you.

“Don’t you worry
, sweetheart. I’m sure you can save her.” He was looking at me that time. What was he going to ask me to do?

, it doesn’t have to be like this,” James was speaking again. “Just let her go.”

“We’re tired of waiting for her to know, waiting to see if it’s real. We have some plans for her ourselves and I think there is only one way to force your hand. A little experiment
, like I mentioned to you before at the game.” He turned to me. “You should have just come when I told you.”

I looked up at James
, now that I had made my way to stand next to him, confused, but he wouldn’t meet my eyes. He kept his arm out as if trying to remind me to stay near him for some reason.

“Ah, I figured somethi
ng was off,” Devon continued. “They must have adjusted that memory of yours. You wouldn’t have been so calm and ready to come after me a minute ago otherwise, I think. You’ve forgotten our little rendezvous? I would have loved to have taken things further. Too bad you don’t remember that I said to come with me, but you will, my pet.” He smiled.

That’s enough!” James yelled.

His anger frightened me. I looked back at Devon and
his reaction wasn’t one of fear. He was smiling. His teeth gleamed in the moonlight. I hated him. I don’t know why I hated him so much, but I did. He was a horrible person. He was threatening Caroline and his words were not making any sort of sense. I felt confused. What rendezvous was he talking about? I would never have agreed to meet him anywhere, so what was he referring to?

BOOK: Protected (Book 1 in the Ariya Adams trilogy)
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