Read Prince of Dragons Online

Authors: Cathryn Cade

Prince of Dragons (2 page)

BOOK: Prince of Dragons
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Slyde could not hear her voice, but he could clearly see her luscious lips form the word “no”.

With a roar, the Argo reached for her with ham-sized paws. Slyde watched in astonishment as the female literally flashed into action, her body twisting, slender bare limbs a chord of concentrated force. First one leg, then the other in lightning succession connected with the Argonautian’s huge head.

Though the impact was inaudible over the pounding music and the roar of the crowd, his massive body rocked with the force of the blows, arms flailing as he swayed in his tracks, mouth open, eyes glazing over.

Planting her hands on the table behind her, the female braced herself on one heel, pointed her outstretched foot at the middle of his huge chest and shoved. The Argo went over backward like a felled tree, taking a table and its contents with him.

The crowd roared with approval, even those who’d been forced to leap out of the way. Izard smacked Slyde’s arm.

“There. Didn’t I tell you?”

“Who is she?” demanded Slyde. He could not take his eyes off her as she slipped off the table, shook back her hair and smiled at the cheering crowd.

He hadn’t come in here looking for a woman, but he’d found one. And he wanted her with everything he was.

“That’s Sirena. Sirena Blaze—the
’s guard commander.”

. Sirena Blaze looked across the crowded bar, panting and laughing a little from her exertions, and locked gazes with the huge Serpentian standing by the bar, obviously poised to come to her aid. His sheer male beauty struck her like a solid blow to the solar plexus.
Want that,
was her only coherent thought.

Even the sight of Izard, one of her guard, grinning like a crested shark-lizard over his shoulder, did not deter her from turning and walking straight to him. She had come into the place looking for a lover and she wanted this one. Oh, how she wanted. Excitement quivered deep in her loins, and she felt the spider silk rasp deliciously against her mons and her taut nipples as she sauntered toward him. She knew her scanty outfit did little to conceal these changes, and she gloried in the fact that he would see her arousal and know it was for him.

The crowd parted before her, genial after the entertainment she’d given them. Some of them knew her and called her name. She smiled lazily, acknowledging their praise, but did not turn from her goal.

He just got better as she neared him. Six feet plus of huge, virile male—clearly Serpentian, but larger and more massive than the usual lean, lithe males from her planet. He held himself with an innate arrogance that said more clearly than words he could meet any other male in the place in a fight and win. That he was an alpha, a ruler, and he knew it.

He wore his dark gold hair ruthlessly short, but it only emphasized the sculpted flare of his wide jaw and the beauty of his eyes, deep set under heavy arching brows.

And the look in those golden eyes was the best part of all. He watched her with a hungry intensity and something more she couldn’t quite place, until she was close enough to sense the way his big body tensed at her nearness. The glow in his eyes was more than desire—it was yearning.

It slammed into her like a body blow and swept through her, hot as the wind blowing in off the desert. She didn’t stop until she stood before him, her hand on the broad, hard plain of his chest, a clear invitation. “Hello. I am Sirena.”

Her shock was complete when he covered her hand with his own, bowed over it with exquisite courtesy, and then…let it go.

“Yes, I know,” he said in a deep, smoky voice. “I’m Slyde Stone—your new partner.”

Chapter Two

It’d been Sirena’s idea to hire another guard commander for the cruise and transport ship
. She was confident of her skill to lead her elite guard, had been doing so for years, but since saboteurs had targeted the
on her first two voyages, she was glad to have backup.

Having met Slyde Stone, she knew exactly where she wanted to begin their partnership—in the luxurious bed in her shipboard quarters. When they met over drinks in one of the
’s small lounges, she wore another of her favorite outfits. The semi-diaphanous green lii leaf wrap clung to her statuesque form, hiding and revealing at once.

As she sank gracefully into their booth in a shadowed corner, he watched every move. But though the heat in his golden eyes set off little fires of response all through her, her new co-commander behaved as he had the evening before: with exquisite courtesy.

Baffled by his strange reticence, Sirena saw no value in subtlety.

“I think we’ll work well together, Commander.” She set down her empty moon brandy glass and pushed the tiny hover table out of the way, leaning closer to him. She knew that her special perfume, distilled for her on Pangaea, would be tantalizing his senses. “We can also enjoy each other in other ways.”

He set his own glass beside hers, lashes veiling his eyes as he watched her hand slide up his thigh. Then he looked up. She caught her breath at the intensity of his gaze and the heat in his big hand as he grasped hers, stilling it before she reached her target—the impressive swelling in his groin. Her new co-commander was obviously as large there as everywhere else. Just the thought of taking his huge cock inside her made her tingle with delight.

“I’ve no doubt you’re right,” he agreed, his deep voice husky. “However, I…am not at liberty to explore that.”

She blinked. “You’re wed?” Serpentians did marry, although it was infrequent. But he didn’t look at her like a man whose passions were elsewhere.

“No,” he replied. She saw, even in the soft light of the lounge, that his sculpted cheekbones had reddened. The big lug was actually embarrassed. “I’m not wed, nor promised to another. And I find you…completely alluring, Sirena. But a casual liaison wouldn’t work for you and me.”

Stunned at being refused, Sirena jerked her hand from his. To her irritation, he rose with her so she stood looking up instead of down. She lifted her chin proudly, ignoring the heat flaming in her own cheeks.

“Never mind, Commander, there are many attractive females—and males—aboard the
. I’m sure you’ll find someone to your tastes.”

He stepped in front of her, his broad shoulders blocking the gaze of interested viewers.

“No. Because I won’t be looking. I’ve said I’m attracted to you. And I’d like nothing more than to explore that attraction.”

“But?” She arched a brow at him. “I see nothing stopping you.”

“The only thing stopping me is you.”

“I don’t understand you,” she hissed.

He moved a little closer, so they were nearly touching. His scent teased her, heady, virile male. “If we were to become lovers, Sirena, it would have to be…exclusive.”

She laid her hand lightly on his chest, feeling the power and heat radiating through his thin uniform jacket. “Oh, I don’t think that would be a problem, Commander.”

As if unable to stop himself, he lifted one hand to cup the side of her face, his thumb brushing the corner of her mouth. Ah, she had him now. Curling out the tip of her tongue, she tasted the calloused pad of his thumb.

His broad jaw clenched, his eyes riveted on her mouth. There was that raw yearning again. But it was quickly veiled as he looked into her eyes, his gaze probing.

“No,” he said. “Not yet. You’re not ready.”

Sirena stared at him, shocked as if he’d slapped her. “What do you mean
am not ready?”

He brushed his fingers through the hair that curled against her throat, then dropped his hand.

“You’re not ready for more between us.”

Sirena blinked. She’d never been refused before, and especially not by a male who so obviously wanted her. Did he dare to toy with her? Anger flamed, a welcome relief to the confusion roiling inside her.

“This is ridiculous,” she hissed. “You’re a fool, Commander, if you believe I’ll wait for you. Why not just enjoy each other?”

“In time.” He bowed politely, belying the anger flaming in his golden eyes—he hadn’t liked her frank words—and stepped aside. “Good night, Siren.”

“Oh, it will be for me, at least,” she said, tossing her head. “You see, Commander, I’m more than ready to enjoy a male tonight. Too bad it won’t be you.”

She smiled as she walked away, hips swaying enticingly. It was the smile of a predator who knew she could have any male who crossed her path. As she passed a table of InterGalactic Space Force pilots, she met the eyes of the handsomest of them. Arching one brow at him, she crooked her finger.

She didn’t look back to see if he was following her out of the bar. They always did.

Inside, she was fuming. Slyde Stone might be eminently qualified to be her co-commander, but he was a fool when it came to women.

It wasn’t until much later that Sirena realized he’d mispronounced her name. She gave a hiss of displeasure. Perhaps he indeed saw her as a siren of legend—leading space travelers to disaster.

Two months later, on Serpentia…

“This way, sir, if you please.”

The Serpentian bowed obsequiously, gesturing to the open door which led from the lobby of the low stone building into a large atrium. “Exotic Pets—We Import from All Reaches of the Galaxy”, read the discreet sign.

The Pangaean businessman followed him onto the wide balcony. He heard his companion’s quick gasp as she stopped beside him at the rail.

“Quite something, eh, my dear Lly?” Rra asked.

Below them, draped over rocks, coiled in the sand beneath desert shrubbery and lazing around a shallow pool that simulated a desert oasis, were dozens of huge snakes.

Lly didn’t answer. Glancing at her, he saw that his mistress’ green skin was as pale as a honeydew. She gripped the railing tightly. Even her silky green hair wrapped about her throat, a clear sign of distress in a Pangaean.

His lip curled slightly. She amused him both in and out of bed, but he’d suspected for some time that the lovely Lly lacked the stomach to be truly ruthless. Come to think of it, he’d never met his match, unless it was the creatures below.

The edge of the balcony fell away into a sheer stone pit. The vipers in it were beautiful, if one viewed them dispassionately. Pale gold, with strange markings along their sleek lengths, as if they’d been dusted with an artist’s brush. Their cold flat eyes were bronze, the tongues that flickered out before the triangular heads as red as blood. Framing their open mouths were two crystalline fangs.

“My beauties are restless-ss,” said the Serpentian. “They are hungry. Would you like to watch them feed?” His eyes glowed with malice. Pangaeans were well known to be vegans and opposed to killing any live creature.

“Of course,” Rra answered carelessly. He’d come here with a mission, after all. These serpents certainly looked lethal, but it wouldn’t hurt to see them in action.

The Serpentian hurried into a room off the balcony and reappeared holding several small, furry creatures with long ears. They hung quivering over his arm.

“Desert bunnies,” he said. “A favorite prey of Serpentian reptiles.”

The bunnies were struggling now, kicking their long hind legs, eyes wild. But their captor flung the lot of them into the pit. Small shrieks of distress were cut off as the snakes struck, their crystalline fangs sinking deep into the soft fur. The small creatures died instantly, eyes going empty in the way of dead things.

Lly gagged, one hand clapped over her mouth, and whirled away from the railing. Her footsteps pattered away toward the exit.

Rra ignored her. He watched with interest as the snakes claimed their prey, beginning the process of swallowing them whole.

“You say they can kill a much larger creature?” he asked. “For example, the size of a man?”

The Serpentian looked at him in complete understanding. “And go on doing so for days. They are quite tireless-ss.”

“Excellent. I’ll take two of them. With the…specifications we discussed. You’ve a handler to go with them?”

“My nephew has already joined the party, as we arranged.”

Rra smiled, his green skin glowing with approbation. “You’re a most helpful associate, snake master. There will be a bonus for you if we’re successful.”

The Serpentian smiled back, his eyes as dark and dangerous as those of his serpents.

“I’m certain you will be satisss-fied.”

Chapter Three

Sirena looked down at the naked male straining beneath her and smiled. She might be a siren, but she led males not to disaster, but to pleasure greater than many of them had ever known. And this one wouldn’t forget her any time soon.

“Ah, gods,” he groaned, his hands clamped on her hips as she rode him with sinuous abandon, letting his cock slide nearly out of her before enveloping it once again. His pleasure-glazed eyes were locked with hers. Sweat soaked his short dark hair and gleamed on his skin, enhancing the play of muscle beneath. “That’s so damn good! You are…unbelievable.”

Since he was approaching his third orgasm, she chose to believe him. She herself was far ahead of that number. She supposed this would be his last effort—human males were lucky to be able to achieve arousal more than twice in such a short time.

She rose and fell on him, closing her eyes to enjoy the sensation of the shaft working inside her, stroking her tight channel. Tipping back her head, she lifted her arms and twined them behind her head, knowing that the motion thrust her breasts out more prominently.

Her com-link beeped a tiny warning in her ear. She ignored it as the pilot surged upward, filling his hands with her breasts and suckling greedily on her nipples.

“Mmm, yes. Like that.” The pleasure began to tighten inside her, and she rode harder, feeling her orgasm begin.

Her com-link beeped again. Protocol demanded that whoever was paging her wait for an answer before opening a holo-vid link. She hoped for their sake they abided by the rules, because any commander who opened a link now was going to get an eyeful.

A hologram sprang up in sharp relief against the shadowed stateroom. It was Slyde Stone, watching her ride the other man. His stance was rigid, jaw clenched, his eyes flaming with such heat she was vaguely surprised her skin didn’t burn.

BOOK: Prince of Dragons
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