Read Plush The Prequel: A Billionaire Romance Online

Authors: KB Winters

Tags: #billionaire romance

Plush The Prequel: A Billionaire Romance (4 page)

BOOK: Plush The Prequel: A Billionaire Romance
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“Fuck!” she yelled and I knew she was close.

One more time, I decided. I pulled back as she was writhing and her fingers left my back and pushed on my head, trying to get me back between her legs. I backed up.

“If you’re gonna keep grabbing me like that, I’m going to have to tie your wrists.”

She was panting, her eyes hidden under the tie that I had used to blindfold her. I wished I could see the look on her face at my suggestion, to see if she would let me. In silent answer, she held up her wrists towards me. I smiled and my cock throbbed even more than before.

“There are some handcuffs in the nightstand,” she purred.

Oh, shit

I stepped to the nightstand and found the cuffs. They were the cheap kind that one would find at any generic sex toy shop. I smiled as I perused the other items in the drawer. A vibrator, several kinds of lube, and a feather duster.

“Is there a maid costume that goes with the duster?” I asked, hoping she would say yes. Her tits would look amazing popping out of the top of a slutty maid costume.

“It was a rental,” she said.

“Damn,” I said.

She giggled and I snapped back to what I was doing. I cuffed her hands and then went back between her legs. This time, I was going to let her finish. I licked and sucked and she moaned louder than before. The excitement of the blindfold and handcuffs seemed to get her higher, quicker than before. By the time I thrust two fingers inside her, she was ready to come undone.

I pumped my fingers, sucked her sweet little clit and felt her walls tremble and release around my fingers as I stroked her g-spot. She screamed as I kept fingering her through the waves of her climax, her body shuddering and convulsing on the bed before me.

I left her only for a moment to slip on a condom, and then came back to her and spread her legs wider.

Without warning, I thrust into her. Hard.

She screamed and I waited for her to stretch around my cock before I pulled out and slammed into her again. She moaned and ground her hips against me, and I took that as a signal to keep going. I pounded into her over and over. Her pussy was so tight and wet that it didn’t take much for me to spill over the edge.

I waited for my cock to stop twitching and then left her to go clean up in the attached bathroom. When I came out again, the sight of her stopped me in my tracks. She was still blindfolded with my tie and her hands were cuffed together. She had her arms flung up above her head. Her position made her look incredibly vulnerable as well as gave me an incredible vantage point of her entire naked body. Her breasts were rising and falling with her quick breaths as she recovered. I let my eyes wander down the smooth contours of her stomach and to the soft curve under her navel that led to her bare pussy, glistening in the moonlight with her juices.

“You ready to go again?” she purred.

My cock instantly hardened again at her invitation. A wicked grin spread over my face as I stared at her, my mind racing with the things I wanted to do next.

“Oh, this is going to be a fun night,” I growled.



Chapter Five



I woke up and blinked a few times, trying to figure out where the hell I was. I rolled over to my back and saw the face of the beautiful girl, Evie, who I had gone home with the night before. Thankfully, she was sound asleep. The light outside the window was getting brighter, but I knew it was still fairly early. I looked around the room but didn’t see a clock. My phone was in my pants pocket, but I couldn’t see them, either, from my spot on the bed. I eased over and off the edge, wincing as the mattress sagged and moved under my shifting weight. Once out, I crept over to the entrance of the room and found my pants.

Five thirty.

The time surprised me. It had been ages since I’d fallen asleep with a woman. Evie had kept me up for hours, her body never seeming to get enough no matter how hard I fucked her. I replayed the night in my mind as my eyes drifted over her naked back and ass, her sheet all pulled to one side and tangled between her legs, allowing me quite the view. After our first round, she had challenged me, and I made her suck my cock with her hands still cuffed and her blindfold on. The memory of her on her knees before me, blindfolded, with my cock between her lips brought my attention to my rock hard, morning stiffy.

My body ached for more, but I fought off the temptation to get back into bed with her.

It was Saturday, so I technically had the day off. Most of the time I spent the weekends at my lake house, about an hour outside the city limits. It allowed me time away from the rush of the city, but was still close enough that I could get back relatively quickly if shit hit the fan.

Maybe I should invite Evie to go with me. After I fucked her again, that is. We could shower, go out for some breakfast at some little rest stop cafe along the way, and spend the day out in the sun together by the lake—and spend the night together, picking up where we left off last night, when we had both succumbed to sleep, our bodies entirely spent.

It could work. It could even be fun.

Evie was a firecracker. She had me laughing my ass off the entire night in the bar, and she had turned out to also be an insatiable lover. The combination was completely addicting.

What the fuck, Brighton.
I scolded myself.
Why don’t you just climb in and spoon her while you’re at it.

I shook my head and got dressed. Once upon a time, I had been the sleep in on weekends, snuggle in bed, and breakfast for two kind of guy. But that was a long time ago.

Jessie’s pissed off tirade against me echoed back and my gut cinched with a sharp pain. I disgusted myself.

I finished buttoning my shirt and slid into my polished black loafers that had cost more than most people made in a week.

I was a douche.

I stood in the doorway of Evie’s room, turning over the lake house idea again. Mentally trying it on. The problem was that inviting a girl to my lake house opened another box of problems and complications. There would be expectations…

A drunken night of fun was one thing. A weekend together, acting like a couple on vacation? Well, that would send an entirely different message. Evie seemed like a good person. I didn’t want to hurt her. It would be better for both of us if I just disappeared. She would get me out of her system quickly, probably trash talk me to her friends over some drinks, and then move on to some other guy who could—hopefully—give her what she actually deserved.

A real man, not a shadow of one.

My mind made up, I pulled the tangled sheet up to cover her body so she wouldn’t get cold from the morning breeze wafting in through the open window. I ran my hand down her soft curves and over her hip, and then left.



Evie’s apartment was in a prime downtown location and I decided to walk the streets for awhile to clear my head. There were no other people out and about at this hour. The city didn’t wake up till nine or ten on a Saturday morning. The only businesses open were a few cafes and coffee shops. I followed my nose to one that smelled like heaven. I wasn’t as familiar with the area as I was with the shops closer to Brighton Enterprises, but my nose could usually lead me to the best coffee shop on the block.

I looked at the windows as I passed by, searching for the origin of the smell, when something—or rather, someone-caught my eye.

My body screeched to a halt in front of the window.

The coffee shop was empty, except for her.

She was gorgeous.

She was wearing jeans and a long-sleeved, black T-shirt with a deep V-neck that showed off a hint of cleavage. Her tits were amazing. She filled out the shirt just right, and as she buzzed around the cafe. She had a short apron tied around her waist, and it was obvious that she was hurrying to get the shop ready for the day. I wondered if she was the owner or just the unlucky girl who drew the short stick and had to work the early morning weekend shift.

I studied her as she bustled around, not noticing me watching her from the corner of the window. She was fairly short. I could already tell that I would tower over her. The idea sent a hot rush of lust through me.

Damn, Brighton, you really are turning into a pig
, I chided myself.
Haven’t even washed off the scent of one conquest before planning another one.

I told myself to walk away, to keep going, and leave this beautiful creature out of my tangled web.

But my legs remained still, anchored to the cement beneath my shoes.

She popped up on her tiptoes to reach something on a shelf of merchandise and a hint of her stomach peeked out between her shirt and the waist of her low rise jeans.


My mouth went dry as I watched her. She looked so innocent. Completely oblivious to the monster standing outside mentally fucking her.

As if she suddenly heard something, her eyes darted up from the table she had been wiping down, and her eyes locked on mine. They were wide and had a slight edge of panic. I couldn’t help but think she looked like a graceful deer that had been discovered in the wild, and was cautiously assessing the situation.

Only then did my legs find the power to move. I managed to break the eye contact and walk down the street. I reached the end of the block and then circled back, like an idiot. There seemed to be a magnetic force pulling at me, beckoning me towards the double doors of the cafe, but I resisted and turned back around. I hurried down the street, hoping to outpace my desire.

My heart was racing and I knew it had nothing to do with the sudden increase to my steps.

Something about that girl had me going. It was like nothing I’d ever felt before.

It wasn’t just that she was gorgeous…although, she was. It was something else though, some shift of energy.

I raked my hand over my face.
Damn, Brighton, you’re really losing it.

As I continued my walk, I decided that it was officially time to put myself on a sabbatical from the opposite sex. My constant prowling was getting to me and making me crazy. I didn’t want to turn into one of those sex addicts. One of my father’s associates had been that way—it had cost him big. He’d lost his marriage, his kids, and most of his money. Not to mention the respect of those around him.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and kept walking. Eventually, I was back in more familiar territory, closer to my office building. I took a left turn and decided to stop in one of my favorite bakeries to get my coffee.

Twenty minutes later, I was halfway through a large cup of coffee and a cinnamon roll.

“Everything okay, Mr. Cooper?” The owner, Helen, asked me. I’d been frequenting her shop over the past few months. I always left a generous tip and she had learned my name and usual order very quickly—although I had a feeling she was just that way, and that it had nothing to do with the money. Either way, her friendly, almost maternal nature was much appreciated. Especially on a morning like this, where I felt completely unnerved.

“Yes, I’m fine. Thank you, Helen.” I took another gulp of the hot coffee, as if to prove my point to her.

She nodded, but her eyes considered me skeptically. “What has you up so early on a Saturday?”

I smiled politely. “Work,” I lied.

She sighed. “Mr. Cooper, you’re too young to work so much. You’re too stressed out. Every time I see you, it gets worse. I can tell.”

She scolded me like a mother and I wondered what I’d done to earn her affection.

I smiled up at her, letting her know her concern was appreciated. “I’ll be all right,” I said.

Truthfully, I wholeheartedly agreed with her, but there was virtually nothing I could do about it. At least, not until things at Brighton Enterprises were more on track.

“Take care of yourself,” she said. She set a bag on the table next to me. I peeked inside and noticed she had packed me a sandwich and an extra cinnamon bun to go. She winked at me and walked away to tend to her other customers before I could object.

The gesture was sweet, but made me feel even more like a hopeless clusterfuck.





Chapter Six


“Mr. Brighton?” Kimberly was knocking on my door as she spoke.

I looked up but she refused to meet my eyes. Things had been weird ever since she had tried to seduce me in my office, over a week ago.

“Yes?” I said, grumpy at the interruption, and even more irritated that she wasn’t acting normal around me.

“Mr. Lee is here to see you. He says it’s urgent. I told him he needed an app—”

Before she could even finish, Parker Lee, the head of the Plush branch of Brighton Enterprises, stormed past her and stalked over to my desk. I stood and buttoned my jacket before dismissing Kimberly with a wave of my hand. She disappeared and I turned my gaze to Parker. He was a bit of a hot head, especially when under stress— which he currently was, due to the tight deadlines for the new fragrance launch.

“Parker, what can I do for you?”

“Have you
these?” He tossed a folder down on my desk. My hands fisted together at his behavior. I’d been on edge for the past week and could feel myself sliding closer to the edge of my tether every day. I didn’t need anyone to push me…and that’s exactly what Parker was doing.

It took a lot of strength, but I kept my face neutral and released my fists. I picked up the folder and flipped open the cover. The pictures inside were of the new fragrance line.

The images were bad. The lighting, or something, was off and it made the bottles look a completely different color than they were in person.

I resisted the urge to yell.

“Are these from Spotlight?” I asked.

“Yes. What the fuck is going on over there?” Parker started pacing in front of my desk. “It’s been a nightmare ever since that Rita woman took over the design department.”

I nodded in agreement. My father had been contracted with Spotlight, an upscale ad agency, for over a decade. When I’d taken over the company, I’d assessed their past work and decided to continue the contracts. However, a lot had changed since then, and the quality had been slipping downhill at a rather startling pace.

BOOK: Plush The Prequel: A Billionaire Romance
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