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Authors: Aaryn Stone

Party Girl

BOOK: Party Girl
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Aaryn Stone


Party Girl Copyright © 2013 by
Aaryn Stone.


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Duncan slowed down and tried to get a good look at the numbers on
mailbox outside one of the houses she passed. Glancing down at the slip of
paper, she confirmed that she was at the correct address. She was a few minutes
early, which gave her enough time to reverse the direction of her car and park
on the opposite side of the street.

It was a quiet Saturday evening
with the sun slowly descending from the sky. Nights like this she wished she
could be drinking a nice wine while lounging on the balcony of an urban high
rise with her man standing proudly behind her, but that dream was as likely to
come true as the one she often had about seeing her family again. Kind of hard
to bring back the dead, just like resuscitating her life before she discovered

Actually sex managed to find her.

Like many teens, she lost her
virginity while in high school. The experience was wack and pointless. She had
no clue what she was doing and neither did her neighbor Tommy who finally
convinced her to let him cop more than a feel.

The initial sensation of their
rubbing and touching turned her on, but the actual act took less than two
minutes from the time he penetrated her and the ninety seconds it took for him
to stop apologizing for cumming so soon.

Even now, ten years later, Ava
chuckled at the memory at “Tiny Tommy.”

At the time she didn’t realize he
was on the smaller size. Actually, he wasn’t that bad and fell in the average
category. Her sense of measurement changed when she met Drew.

Recalling Drew and his man size
rod made lust pool between her thighs. Drew spent the two week long visit she
spent with him teaching her how to be a woman.

Ava lucked up and earned a
scholarship to college the first time she attended and was more fortunate to
have Drew’s daughter, Briana, as her roommate. As the girls got to know each
other, Ava eventually opened up enough to reveal that she lost her parents at a
young age. Briana had invited Ava to go home with her during winter break their
first year in school. With no other plans and no other place to go, Ava
accepted the invitation.

Ava killed the headlights of her
late model BMW, but let the engine idle. She kept the radio volume down low
while she watched to see who all was entering the house across the street.

Rick Wesley asked her to show up
at eight, which meant she had ten minutes to kill. She only agreed to come out
and host the card game because it was her old friend and coworker from the days
they both worked at a call center. Plus he promised her a higher cut from the
game since it was last minute and fell on a Saturday night. Rick had a cousin
and two friends visiting for the weekend and he wanted to make sure they had a
good time.

Ava was different from other
girls offering a good time. Where they simply got paid for prostituting their
bodies, Ava created a brand. Ava’s Events helped her keep her bills paid and
food on the table after she dropped out of college. It also paid the tuition
once she decided to return two years ago.

Ava called herself an event
planner and actually did provide planning services for her parties. She hosted
and catered to her clients needs, whether it was sexual or real food they to
satisfy their appetites. Ava smirked thinking about how she managed an elite
clientele list with her classy, discreet services.

Ava pulled down her sun visor and
checked her makeup. She hoped these men planned to play high stakes and not
drag the night on longer than they had to.

While looking at her reflection,
she noticed the glint of sadness flicker in her light brown eyes when she
thought about Drew again. Ava knew she wouldn’t carry her emotion into her gig,
but she still had to shake the feeling. These men didn’t want her bringing her
pain to the party.

Ava remembered meeting Briana’s
father for the first time and was surprised by the casual father-daughter relationship.
Drew was not a strict parent at all and Briana was spoiled to a fault. Briana
referred to the man and her stepmother by their first name, and it took some
time for Ava not to use Mr. and Mrs. when addressing them.

After several hours of traveling
when they visited her parents’ mini mansion, Briana decided to turn in right
after dinner, but Ava was always a night owl and chose to stay up. With free
reign of the house, at Briana’s family’s encouragement, Ava decided to go for a
night swim in the indoor pool. Briana had mentioned there
be swimming and Ava packed her swimsuit, but suddenly she felt self-conscious
about wearing the string bikini in the family home.

Fortunately, it was after ten at
night when she made it to the pool and everyone else was already in their
rooms. Or so she thought.

Drew had appeared from the
adjacent weight room wearing a wife beater and shorts that rode low on his
hips. His body glistened of sweat and he was guzzling down a bottle of water.

“Oh, I didn’t know anyone would
be down here,” Ava replied.

Drew realized he had startled
their guest and offered a gentle smile. “It’s all good. Looks like you’re going
for a swim.”

Ava glanced down at her body, which
was covered by an oversized t-shirt over her bikini. When the girl nodded, she
noticed the man was watching her with a very intense gaze.

“How old are you, Ava?”

With that question, Ava knew
exactly what time it was. She wasn’t new to the game, especially after carrying
around such a big chest once puberty set in.


He nodded and continued to walk
further into entertainment room. He sat down on one of the couches and reached
for the remote.

“Is it okay if I go for a swim?
Briana said it would be okay.”

“Go on ahead.” He kept his
attention, however, on the television while flipping through the channels.

Ava walked into the large open
room that housed the heated pool. She placed her headphones on a chair and
lifted the shirt above her head.

“Maybe I should come in here so I
can keep an eye on you. Don’t want any accidents happening while you’re on
vacation. Can you swim?”

Ava jumped when she heard his
deep voice behind her. Instead of being startled, the rich sound turned her on.

“Yes, sir.”

His laughter filled the room when
he answered her. “It’s Drew, remember?”

“I was just going to dip my feet
in the water and maybe swim a lap or two. I should be fine if you need to get
upstairs to Nancy.” Ava recognized the look in his eye and tested to see how
far he planned to go. Mentioning his wife would either sober him or he would
give her an excuse to let her know he was interested.

“Nancy fell asleep a long time
ago. She won’t be up until some time late tomorrow morning.”

Briana mentioned her stepmother’s
addiction to sleeping pills. Looking at Drew, Ava wondered what woman would
need help falling asleep with a handsome man like him in bed with her. Drew
looked like his golden brown skin lived under the Hawaiian sunrays year round.
His hair was lightly salt and peppered, but neat and cut low. His body was
built and face was sexy.

Before Ava could say another
word, Drew was kissing her. He had his tongue inside of her mouth and was
making her toes curl. He murmured against her mouth, “You’re so damn beautiful.”

Ava followed his lead as he
kissed her and then she felt his large hands move under the cups of her bikini
top. He massaged her breasts before tweaking their peaks. Then Drew untied the
string around her neck and released her DD tits so he could suckle them.

“Touch me, Ava.” He commanded her
and she obliged.

Ava reached for his erect shaft
and heard
moan when she felt its weighty size
against her hands.

“Stroke it.”

Ava worked her hands up and down
him, feeling him harden even more. When he was rigid enough to shatter in her
hand, he finally spoke again.

“Taste it.”

Drew signaled he wanted Ava to
lower her body to the lounge chair where she could be eye level with his penis.
Ava had sucked her share of cocks, but she never attempted to put one that size
in her mouth before. Always down for a challenge, Ava swallowed the head whole.
The thick veins running along the length rubbed against the inside of her

Ava flicked her tongue on the tip
of his head while she held it inside her mouth. Running her fingers through the
hair around his shaft, she massaged the edges of his balls.

“That’s it.” Drew slowly pumped
his girth in and out between her wide-open lips while pinching her tightened
nipples. He pushed further until she nearly gagged on it. “I bet that pussy is
getting wet.”

Ava nodded, but did not detach
her mouth from his shaft. She felt him pull her up and a “pop” sound was heard
when she had to stop sucking him.

With little effort, Drew lifted
Ava’s body up and kissed her until she felt her body tremble. He slipped a
finger inside her wet body and coaxed an orgasm out of her.

“I knew you’d be wet, baby.
You’re so tight, too.” Drew whispered while palming her ass. He then latched
onto one of her bouncing titties as it jutted out in front of his face. The
intense sucking made her cum again.

She felt something push against
her opening, but before she could question what was brushing between her pussy
lips, he thrust his dick inside of her. Drew covered her mouth with his large
hand to muffle her when she passionately screamed out his name.

Two hours later, Ava felt his
semen running down her thigh as he pushed up from off of her after they had
collapsed on a daybed in a nearby room. A month later, he was paying the bill
for her abortion.

The first pregnancy didn’t scare
Drew off. He insisted that Briana bring her friend to visit every time there
was a school break until the girls had a falling out when Ava discovered she
was pregnant the second time. It did not take Briana long to figure out who the
father was when she overheard Ava on the phone talking to Drew one day.

Briana had her suspicions when
she caught her dad sneaking into the guest room where Ava would sleep during
visits, but until the interrogation about the baby she kept quiet about what
she saw. At the time, she hated her stepmother and was glad to see her father
doing anything that could end their marriage, but seeing her friend pregnant by
him was too much for Briana to handle.

Ava shook her head to push away
the memories of Drew, her former best friend and the baby she subsequently lost
when she refused to abort another child by him. Ava never forgave Briana for
ganging up on her with some friends the night all hell broke loose and they
jumped her. That was eight years ago and Ava was not the same woman anymore.

Returning to the present and
shaking the memories away, Ava stepped out of her car and slipped her key ring
inside a wristlet. She always traveled light. The less she had to carry, the
fewer things she had to worry about getting into the wrong hands.

Tonight’s card game was supposed
to be easy and fun. She liked nights like these. Lately it was up to Ava to
keep the men engrossed in an all night sexual affair, leaving her wishing she
could have her own release soon. Ricky’s parties were different. It was like he
belonged to a well-endowed family and only associated with men that had it
going on.

Ricky had no problem getting
women or having sex and Ava believed his crew didn’t either, but what she
offered, no other woman was hip enough to give. It was a win-win situation for


An hour later, Ava was walking
around the table replacing empty beer bottles with new ones. Wearing just a
skirt and her bra, she grinned at the cards in each player’s hand.

Dwayne was holding onto a winning
hand, which meant he was up next.

Right on cue, as all the men
revealed their cards, it was Dwayne that slapped his down proudly.

BOOK: Party Girl
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