Read Paranormal Fantasies: A Promotional Collection of 14 Erotic Supernatural Stories Online

Authors: Annabel Bastione

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Adult, #paranormal erotica, #vampires, #anthology, #werewolf, #free, #sex, #erotic fiction, #supernatural, #erotica, #paranormal bundle, #Anthologies

Paranormal Fantasies: A Promotional Collection of 14 Erotic Supernatural Stories (10 page)

BOOK: Paranormal Fantasies: A Promotional Collection of 14 Erotic Supernatural Stories
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Then she took her hands away, and stood. He still watched her
every move, excited and anxious.

"Here's how it's going to be," she said firmly. "You've been
very naughty, Alexander - your Mistress was very disappointed to
see that you weren't wearing your collar tonight."

"Yes, Mi--" he started, and she slapped him. He let out a
small cry, and bowed his head quickly in apology.

"Do not interrupt your Mistress when she is speaking to

He nodded, once.

"Now - as I was saying, you need to be punished. I will give
you twenty lashes with the short whip. You will count them out, and
you will thank your Mistress for taking the time to give you the
discipline you need."

Alex's breath was short. He nodded fervently. "Y-Yes,

She smiled as she reached into her purse, taking out the
aforementioned whip and their usual leather cuffs. "However... I
can see that you're sorry, and you have been trying to be a good
boy for me. Your efforts haven't gone unnoticed,


Draping the cuffs over her arm for a moment, Jen tested the
whip against her hand. Still reasonably soft. It'd need some
maintenance after this session, but she was fairly sure it wouldn't
hurt him unduly tonight. Just because a vampire had greater
endurance and healing capability than a human, didn't mean it was
alright to be careless with her sub.

"If you take your punishment well, and if you please me
sufficiently afterwards--" that was a last-minute addition, but she
was so wet from the sight of him and the idea of what she was about
to do to him, she suddenly had no desire to pass this night without
partaking of his cock "-- then I will permit you a little treat.
You're looking a little pale already, Alexander. Do you want to

His eyes widened, and he nodded, hesitantly, as if he wasn't
sure whether it was a trap. "Yes... just a little bit,

"Then I will trust you to take just a little bit - if I think
you deserve it," Jen said decisively. She cracked the whip in the
air once. "Don't disappoint me tonight, pet."

Alex visibly tried to keep the excited grin off his face, and
only half-succeeded. That was so cute she decided not to make up a
reason to punish him for it. "Yes, Mistress!"

Smiling, Jen crossed around behind him to bind his wrists. The
cuffs, already linked together, clinked softly in the quiet
apartment as she buckled them. She stepped back, once that was
done, to watch as he tested them. They were strong enough to hold
him - he'd had them custom made for that exact purpose - but he
always tugged at them a bit once he was bound, just to feel the
confinement. She let him strain until he was satisfied, and then
braced one high-heeled boot on the futon, brandishing the whip. His
back was smooth and white in front of her, and she was about to
defile it.

"Count," she ordered, and then delivered the first

Despite the warning, he cried out in surprise as much as pain.
An angry red stripe quickly appeared on his creamy flesh, marring
those perfect shoulders. Jen watched for a moment, drinking in the
sight of his suffering.

"O... One," he stammered, having difficulty finding his breath
for a moment. "Thank you, Mistress..."

Jen kept herself silent. This was "punishment", after all - it
wouldn't have the right feeling if she displayed her approval of
his obedience. Alex had a better reward to look forward to than
this, after all.

She brought the whip down a second time, harder. He screamed -
the second stroke was always the worst. The first could be
unexpected, and by the third, it began to settle into a pattern,
but the pain of the second was always seasoned with

Jen licked her lips. The truth be told, she was always a
little envious of Alex at this point. She much preferred being on
this side of the whip, but even she had times where a little pain
was just what the doctor ordered... and she could imagine very well
what Alex was feeling at this moment.

"Two," he whispered shakily. "Thank you, Mistress."

His voice might have trembled, but he had spoken more
decisively than before. Good - he was beginning to savor it. Jen
took a moment to let him bask in it - her silence, the lingering
pain, the dread of the next strike. Let him mull over it, like a
fine wine.

And then, at the very moment he began to relax - a third

" Alex
screamed the word out in agony, his back arching. Had she seen his
hips jerk a little bit? She had. "Thank you, Mistress!"

It was all she could do to stifle a giddy, hungry laugh as she
wound up for the next stroke. It'd be a wonder, she thought, if she
didn't come just from this.


"T... twenty," Alex whispered at last, weak and trembling,
slumping with relief. "Thah... thank you... Mistress."

There was a fire in Jen tonight, he thought. He was a little
surprised - she'd whipped him this hard before, and she'd whipped
him this long, but this was the first time she'd done both at once.
His back felt like a war zone, twenty long, sharp pains blurring
and smearing together into a deep, indistinct agony. He felt aware
of every inch of himself, and unsure whether he wanted to curl up
in a ball and hide away or to greedily soak up even more of every
kind of sensation. A part of him wanted Jen to keep whipping him
until he bled.

She wouldn't, of course. She'd always been scrupulously
careful about her sadism - and on a night like tonight, she would
probably want to take extra care. It was something that frustrated
him sometimes. That kind of caution was probably justified with a
human sub, but with him, she could go so far as to break bones
without notably inconveniencing him. All the same, though, he did
respect that conscientious attitude. And she did hurt him
well. Maybe someday
he could talk her up to something a little harsher - he couldn't
help thinking she'd rather enjoy branding him with hot metal, if
she'd let herself - but for now, this was plenty. This was

Jen knelt down on the futon behind him, and Alex shuddered as
she ran soft hands over his abused flesh. He wanted to flinch away
from the pain, and he wanted her to never stop.

"Good boy, Alexander," she said quietly, and he closed his
eyes in bliss. If not for their current position, he would happily
have bent down to lick her boots for that. "You did very well. I'm
sure you've learned your lesson, haven't you, pet?"

"Yes, Mistress," he murmured. But he wasn't quite sure he was
being honest. He really had meant to have his collar on by the time
she found him, but if this was what he got for not wearing it, he
was tempted to start "forgetting" it on purpose. He shivered as Jen
kissed his shoulder. He was so sensitized that even that light
touch felt incredibly erotic.

"But you've got a little further to go if you want a treat,"
she murmured, stroking her hand down his chest. His breath hitched
as she brushed over one erect nipple - turned into a sharp gasp as
she bit his shoulder softly. He could feel his cock twitch

"Mistress!" he gasped. "Ah... aah..."

"Yes, pet?" He could feel her smile against his

"It's... it's too much, you'll..." Alex gulped air, trying to
compose himself. "I don't know... if I'll be able to-- I'm too
close. I don't want to... to leave you unsatisfied..."

"Afraid you'll come too fast?" she asked, surprisingly gentle.
He nodded.

Jen nuzzled his neck affectionately, her long hair brushing
against his shoulders. "I appreciate your concern, Alex. If you're
that worried, then I'll overlook it this time. Consider yourself

"I... thank you, Mistress." He felt strange about accepting
this largesse. She'd sounded sincere. Sometimes she would offer him
liberties that she intended to punish him for taking, and she
always signaled it clearly with a distinct, almost sarcastic tone
of voice; Alex was then free to take that warning or not, depending
on whether he felt like being punished that night. But she hadn't
used that tone this time, indicating that her leniency was

But even if she wouldn't punish him for coming first, he still
wasn't sure he wanted to. The smell of arousal was thick in the
air, unmistakable; her hands idly wandered, driving him very nearly
to distraction. Perhaps she was just so wound up from whipping him
that she didn't care to put in the effort of controlling when he
orgasmed, too.

If that was the case, he really didn't want to come first. It
would feel like letting her down.

"Well, then," she said, her voice low and husky as she rose up
from behind him, pushing lightly on his shoulder. "On your

Alex groaned at the thought of fucking while lying directly on
his bound hands and abused back, and let himself be pushed down.
The futon felt rough against his tender skin, and he hissed softly.
He had a moment to recover, and to think, as she hurried to grab a
condom from her purse. The feel of the latex clinging to him as she
rolled it out over his dripping cock made him shiver.

It also made him think. The condom would take care of his
semen, but Jen was soaking wet - he could see it glistening on her
pubic hair as she stood over him. This was going to be a very wet

"Mistress, should we-- a towel? Or something?"

She paused midway through straddling him. Her expression was
unguarded, clearly torn between lust and practical concern. She bit
her lip in thought. "How much do you care about this

He decided he didn't care that much.

"Never mind," he said. "It's all right - let me please you,

," she
said, her voice thick with desire. And with very little preamble,
she grabbed his sheathed cock and guided it directly into her
dripping cunt.

Alex clenched his hands into fists as he felt her surround
him, her soft flesh gripping him tightly, her warmth penetrating
through the thin latex. He took a deep breath, firmly resisting the
urge to just thrust. He would not be greedy, he had decided. The
day a vampire couldn't control himself well enough to let a human
come first...

It became a challenge to hold on to that resolve as she
started to move. The whipping must have been as good for her as it
had been for him - she rode him hard, hands braced on his chest,
hips slamming down again and again to take his cock in as deep and
hard as her cunt would take it. She moaned and sighed and growled,
digging her fingernails into his skin.

She fucked him so hard he wasn't sure where he was anymore. He
felt like he was flying. She was hot and tight around his cock, so
wet they glided together effortlessly; his back was one hot
blinding smear of pain, his shoulders aching from the awkward
position he was forced into, the metal links of the cuffs digging
uncomfortably into his skin. Pleasure and pain mingled together,
the sensations so overwhelming he almost felt as if he was
transcending them - as if he'd discovered some whole new realm of
sensation. His only anchor was the rhythm of her hips against his,
a repetitive spike of deep, gut-twisting pleasure, driving him
higher and higher and higher--

And then her cunt clenched around him, so tight for a moment
he didn't even know what was happening until he realized she was
shouting, giving voice to her ecstasy with a yowl like a cat in
heat as she came hard.

Alex was beyond resistance, beyond even wanting to endure. His
hips bucked upward sharply as he came, her orgasm coaxing out his


"... Can you take the cuffs off now? My shoulders are killing

Jen raised her head from where it was pillowed on Alex's
chest, and laughed a little. "Sure, okay. Roll over."

He obliged, feeling boneless and limp as a sack of wet sand.
The cuffs clinked quietly as Jen unbuckled them, and Alex let his
arms fall to his sides with a sigh of relief.

"Thanks," he murmured. They seemed to be done with the formal
dominance and submission for the evening, to judge by Jen's casual
languor, so it seemed safe to let himself relax as well. After a
moment, seeing that Alex wasn't inclined to move, Jen scooted over
to steal his back for a pillow. She stroked a hand lightly over the
fading red marks, kissing his shoulder apologetically when he took
in a shaky breath.

"How is it?" she asked.

"Getting better. They'll be gone by morning." Alex craned his
neck around to give her a hopeful look. "Or even sooner, if I can
get something to eat...?"

Jen laughed, sitting up. "All right, all right. Yeah, you were
good. You can have your treat."

Relaxed and spent though he might have been, the promise of
fresh blood was enough to focus Alex's pleasantly sex-fogged mind.
He pushed himself up, grinning, and scooted over. Jen swept her
hair to the side, favoring him with a fond smile as she offered up
her neck. She hardly made a sound as he embraced her lovingly and
put his fangs to her throat - just the faintest gasp as he broke
the skin, and a soft sigh. She wrapped her arms lazily around his
shoulders, settling in against him as he drank of her

BOOK: Paranormal Fantasies: A Promotional Collection of 14 Erotic Supernatural Stories
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