Read P I Honeytrap Online

Authors: Kristal Baird

P I Honeytrap (9 page)

BOOK: P I Honeytrap
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He did. ‘I’m a qualified masseur.’

‘Qualified to use women as toys for your enjoyment?’

He looked genuinely hurt, she’d give him that, but she wanted him to be. The way she was. Not that she was going to investigate the reason why. No point. She was done with Reuben for good. Consigned him to the scrapheap, like all the rest of the devious rats.

‘Qualified to treat sports injuries.’

The laugh that erupted from Hayley’s mouth shocked even her. She yanked her arm out of his oily grasp. It was easy enough. The thought of his fingers on her skin gave her gooseflesh.

‘Is that what I made you feel? Like a sex toy?’

‘Yes.’ She wasn’t in the mood to be conciliatory. The bastard had clearly been cheating on her, the way she promised herself no man ever would. Not the way her stepfather did to her mother. Not any way. She quickly squashed out the bad old memories.

‘I care about you, Hayley.’

Present tense. So what? ‘So much that you never came near me, after you got what you wanted.’

‘I was giving you space. I get the feeling with you that you don’t like to be crowded. It makes you run faster.’

That was exactly what she’d done. Now she was here to explain. To end it.

‘I came to tell you straight it was over.’

It was Reuben’s turn to get annoyed. ‘So if it’s all over, what the hell is all this about?’

‘All what?’

‘This jealousy.’

She was incensed. ‘Jealous? Of a kid like Tammy? You can have Tammy any time you want. I just would have liked to think it wasn’t while you were also having me.’ Bright rage overwhelming her, she moved to strike him.

He stopped her by grabbing her wrist. She struggled to get free, so Reuben turned her into his body with her back flush against his chest, crossing her arms like a living straitjacket in front of her. No matter how hard she struggled, he held her easily. He danced around, avoiding her stamping on his instep. She wasn’t tall enough to break his nose with the back of her head. She tried.

He hooked one powerfully restraining leg around one of hers and lifted her up, inches from the floor, leaning against the wall for balance. ‘Now listen here, and listen good. I’m treating Tammy for a pulled shoulder muscle.’

‘Kid yourself, you’re not kidding me. I see the way she looks at you.’ Hayley struggled futilely to escape. ‘Take your hands off me.’

‘Not until you calm down and listen. I know that too. If I clicked my fingers I could have Tammy under me and willing in a heartbeat.’

The shock of hearing him say out loud exactly what she had been thinking stunned her into immobility.

Reuben continued, lowering her slowly back to the floor. ‘I mean what I say when I call her a kid. She’s too young for me, and I don’t want to go there besides. I had a woman I wanted already, or I thought I did. She’s complicated. I don’t pretend to understand her but I’d like to.’ Hayley stopped struggling to escape his arms and he gingerly tested out the idea of releasing her, doing it inch by steady inch, ready to react if she started thrashing again. ‘If she’ll let me.’

He turned Hayley in his arms. She was silent. Wary. Processing all the information put her in overload. What she’d seen, believed. What Reuben had just said. Her past. Her work. Truth and lies.

He spoke softly. ‘Now I’d really like to kiss her, see, to show her how I feel about her, but I don’t think she’ll let me.’ Reuben quirked an eyebrow, back to requesting her permission again.

He tried moving his mouth towards hers, slowly, carefully. Hayley jerked back instinctively. She had never let any man kiss her. Not since realising her stepfather was a cheating louse who had ruined her mother’s life.

He sighed and retreated. ‘Do you, at least, believe me when I tell you I’m not screwing Tammy?’

She did actually. And now she felt a fool for letting her emotions get the better of her. Her voice was soft. ‘Yeah, I suppose.’

He laughed. ‘You suppose?’

She smiled back ruefully. ‘OK. I believe you.’

‘Thank you.’ Reuben’s features became serious. ‘Were you really coming to tell me goodbye?’

‘I think so.’

‘Does that mean I still stand a chance with you?’

He looked so attractive. Hayley sighed. ‘Why do you always have to be so damned reasonable? You make it really hard for a girl to stay mad at you.’ She paused. ‘Or to say goodbye.’

‘I’m a reasonable kind of guy.’ The tone of his voice changed. ‘I’m also a horny kind of guy. I haven’t had any meaningful sex since you ran out on me.’ He looked hopeful.

She ignored the comment about the state of his sexual frustration. ‘Don’t you even want to know why I did it?’

‘I guess you’ll tell me when you’re good and ready. Now, about that meaningful sex.’

He could always make Hayley smile. ‘So what other type of sex have you been having while I’ve been away?’

Reuben held up an oily hand and grinned like a college boy. Foreplay had begun. ‘Let me go and lock up. Everyone should be done out there by now and I’m in real need of a little workout of my own.’

So was she. All the fighting and forced submission to Reuben’s physical power recalled her fascination with Don Friar’s fantasy world of domination and more. The thought of submitting to Reuben teased at her, and she wondered if she would shock him by initiating that sort of play.

There was only one way to find out.

While Reuben locked up, Hayley searched the treatment room and his office for equipment she thought she could use. He would return expecting great vanilla sex. Her lips quirked. It was a night for revelations. It was time she shocked Reuben a little, introducing him to other types of sex.

‘Do you trust me?’ she asked simply, stepping aside when he reached for her.

He frowned quizzically, suggesting he was interested to find out what she had in mind. Hayley helped Reuben to strip out of his T-shirt. She loved looking at his hard, muscular chest and couldn’t wait to touch it, but resisted the urge to lay her hands on his flesh. Reuben was itching to feel her hands on him, she could tell, so prolonging the delay would add excitement and need for both of them.

‘Be an obedient servant and do as your mistress tells you,’ she demanded, in a firm tone. Instantly, she could tell that he liked this side to her when his irises flared and his focus on her intensified. When she turned Reuben’s back to her, he readily complied.

Reaching up, she placed a length of bandage around his eyes and tied it behind his head. He threw his hands up in surprise but submitted to her, smiling softly. He didn’t feel threatened. Yet. Hayley took his wrist and tied another length of bandage around it firmly, attaching it to his other wrist. His erection was burgeoning steadily.

‘You’re a disobedient slave. What makes you think your mistress will allow you to take pleasure from her actions?’ Hayley stroked a hand over his hidden cock. It jumped beneath her touch. She took the ends of the bandages hanging from his wrists and led him behind her into the gym.

‘I can’t see.’ He hesitated after a few steps.

‘Then you must accept where I lead you and trust what I do.’ She knew his cock was throbbing as much as her pussy. This wouldn’t end quickly, she promised herself.

Hayley stood Reuben in the middle of the room and went over to activate the switch that would bring the shutters down over the windows, to ensure their privacy. It wouldn’t do for the whole town to pass by and witness what she was about to subject Reuben to. She imagined gathering a crowd of onlookers and a multitude of phone camera flashes going off to record the event for posterity and the local newspaper. It amused her.

‘I make you laugh?’

‘Be silent.’

She turned most of the lights off, leaving a dimly lit interior.

Reuben was drawn to an adjacent bench press and Hayley stood on the bench as she tied his hands securely to the heavy metal frames, far above his head. She stood before him, whispering her responses to his body and hers as she lowered his sweatpants and boxers and he stepped out of them.

Now he was gloriously and unashamedly naked before her, Hayley admired his sculptured body. She loved the fluid movement of his muscles as they bulged beneath golden skin. ‘I am pleased to see you have looked after my property, boy. I would not take such pleasure in anything more carelessly treated.’

Reuben entered into the spirit. ‘All my efforts are for you, mistress. This body is yours to command.’

Testing his words, Hayley commanded, ‘Then I wish you to remove your erection. I am not here to service your pleasures. You are here to service mine.’

She laughed silently as she saw Reuben struggle to know what to say next. ‘I fear I am unable, mistress. Serving your needs gives me such great satisfaction, and this unworthy body is unable to deny it.’

‘Well said, boy. However, I demand my orders are met. If you will not control your wayward responses, then I certainly shall.’ She reached for another bandage and, hurling one end softly to the floor to unravel it, she wound it around Reuben’s erect penis over and over until it was wrapped from root to tip. ‘Now your pleasure shall be diminished, if I choose to touch you there. But that is not enough. You confront me wilfully with the sight of your pleasure so I will remove it from my sight.’

Reuben jerked a little under her hand, as if she had just threatened to cut the offending object off. ‘Do not fear, boy, I will have use for it later. For now I will control your erection and I say your stiff cock shall not remain up but go down.’

Hayley forced the erection down between Reuben’s legs, threading the loose ends of the bandage between his thighs and tying it back around his hips with a bow. She stood back to admire her gift-wrapped work. He shuffled around in discomfort, appearing less sure of what would happen next.

She dropped to her knees and lipped and teased the sides of Reuben’s exposed balls with her mouth until he groaned in both pleasure and unease as his penis sought to engorge and rise further but was prevented by the ties. Her fingers stroked the skin of his inner thighs until he thrust involuntarily beneath her touch.

Hayley rose and pooled oil from a bottle into her cupped palm. She spread the slickness over his chest and stomach, running her fingers over the contours of bulging muscle and taut sinew. Her fingertips worked his tight, hard nipples until he groaned and pleaded with her to untie him.

‘Let your humble servant show you how much he will do to adore your body, mistress. Untie even one hand.’

His pleas went unheeded. Hayley walked behind him silently. Her palms and spread fingers encased Reuben’s tight buttocks, which she kneaded. His soft moans told her he enjoyed it. Dipping into the cleft, she inserted an oily thumb firmly into his anus, reaching between his thighs and tugging gently on his balls with her other hand. The pressure was increased with each insertion and withdrawal of her thumb until she deemed it wise to cease for a while, lest he shoot his load too soon.

‘Oh mistress, let me make you feel good too,’ he pleaded.

‘Do not attempt to fool your mistress, boy. It is your own satisfaction you seek. I must remind you of your place. And mine.’

Hayley picked up his leather belt, brought from his office. She doubled it and gave him a smart thwack on his taut buttocks. The unexpected sensation made him jump.

‘Apologise to your mistress for suggesting she obeys your commands.’ Hayley delivered another gentle slap of the leather to remind him.

‘I beg forgiveness, mistress. Your unworthy servant stands chastened before you.’ Reuben tugged at his restraints. It wasn’t easy for him not to take control. ‘But when I get out of here, madam, you’re in big trouble,’ he whispered.

Hayley trusted he would deliver on his promise.

She decided his urgent need to come had subsided enough to safely untie his shaft from its unnatural prison. It sprang jutting erect towards his belly as soon as the knot was released. With the lightest of touches, she ran her fingers over the fabric-enclosed shaft.

Reuben’s hips thrust to wrest more pressure, more tension from her caresses, but she still maintained the dull pressure until he pleaded with her.

‘Mistress, take pity on your servant, who only wishes to worship you with his body.’ All playfulness dissipated with his urgent need to seek fulfilment. ‘If you don’t let me out of here, Hayley, I’m going to suspend you from the ceiling upside-down and fuck the living daylights out of you.’

Hayley laughed. ‘Now that’s a promise I might hold you to. But you’re in no position to be making demands or threats to me,’ she reminded him.

She reached up and undid his blindfold, but wasn’t quite done teasing Reuben yet despite her impatience to feel his hands on her body and his cock caressing her pussy.

Leaving him standing impatiently, she turned the piped music on softly from the machine behind the desk, choosing a sensual track. She wiped the oil from her hands and stood before him.

Once released from its habitual ponytail, Hayley shook the dark lengths of her hair about her shoulders. She used her fingers to run through it and lifted and dropped it seductively, noting his keen interest and the balling of his fists as if he itched to run his own fingers there.

Turning her back on him, Hayley drew her T-shirt over her head and tossed it aside. He moaned appreciatively and again as she looked back over her shoulder at him. She could see him tugging at his restraints as she dropped the strap of her bra off one shoulder and then the other, gyrating her hips to the music in a sexy striptease. She reached back and unclasped it and let the garment fall slowly from her body to the floor.

‘Turn around, Hayley, let me see you,’ he pleaded.

She twisted the top half of her body partially around, giving him a gentle glimpse of the side of the soft mound of her breast. Then she twisted in the opposite direction. Covering her breasts fully, fingers spread, she gyrated around to face him.

‘Oh yes, play with your nipples.’ His fingers moved as if he could operate her movements like a puppet master. His eyes were fixed with needy appreciation on the firm orbs between her upper arms. ‘Pinch them hard. Pull at them, yes, do it, like that. Untie me. Let me do it for you. I want my mouth on your breasts. Wouldn’t you like that, Hayley? Make you feel good.’

BOOK: P I Honeytrap
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