Overexposed: The Complete Boxset: A Virgin Meets a Bad Boy Romance (15 page)

BOOK: Overexposed: The Complete Boxset: A Virgin Meets a Bad Boy Romance
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’m not
sure how long we’ve been lost in each others embrace, it could have been mere minutes, or days, or months, or even a year—all I knew is that I never wanted to leave the safety of his embrace. Devon’s arms tighten around my waist as he slowly breaks the kiss, his breath is warm on my cheek and send shivers down my spine. “Tell me that you have a room for us here, because if not I’m going to take you right here on the sand.”

My body warms against his words, and the rapid beating of his heart matches my own as I nod. “We have the master suite on the main floor.”

In the next instant, my feet are swept out from underneath me and Devon stalks across the sand toward the beach house with me cradled in his arms. Letting my head fall into the hollow of his neck, I quietly give him directions to the bedroom. And once we’re finally sequestered in the expansive room, he lays me gently on the bed.

His fingers are soft but sure as he begins to strip my clothes from my now heaving body, his lips savor the soft skin of my neck, my collarbone, down to the swell of my breasts. My body arches into his as he drags his tongue over one nipple as he lightly teases the other between his fingertips. And then his fingers tighten, plucking at its hard peak as he pulls the other into the wet warmth of his mouth—and I can’t help the gasp that escapes my lungs and sends shooting sparks of want down into the core of me.

I feel the hard press of his dick as it thickens and grows against my thigh as his hips rub against me, and my fingers make short work of freeing him from the confines of his shorts. Wrapping my hand around his silken skin, I caresses the solid length of him. My mouth waters and my breath becomes a ragged thing dragging out of my chest. Digging my fingers into his glorious ass, I coax his mouth to release me so that I can taste him sliding across my tongue. Devon is quick to comply, shifting until he’s positioned above my mouth. A rush of heat and wetness pool between my thighs, as his velvety tip bumps heavily against my lips. And then he plunges his cock into my hungry mouth, and my cunt throbs and weeps in response. Relaxing my throat, I revel in the thrusts of his cock and his deep moan of pleasure. He stills for a minute to compose himself, but I am not to be put off as I grasp the base of his cock and flick my tongue around his thick crown.

He growls as if he’s gone mad, and the next thing I know I’m bereft of the stretch of his dick against my jaw as his fingers dip into my wet folds. His mouth is slow to follow, instead it lingers between the soft swell of my breasts, across my ribs, and the contractions of my stomach. It’s excruciating and exhilarating, the waiting, the need for him to suckle the tight bundle of nerves which threatens to undo me the moment he does. His sweet breath washes across the thrumming core of me, and my hips buck with the anguish of his expert hands touched with magic and the raw demand for the voodoo of his mouth.

My body shivers and delights as Devon rakes his tongue over my aching clit. Immediately my body awakens and blossoms beneath his expert mouth. My hands bury into his thick curls as I ride his mouth to my release, my body exploding in sharp sparks of colors as the room seems to slide sideways by the force of my orgasm.

Devon doesn’t hesitate, with the slightest pressure of his hand he coaxes my legs apart, the dripping want of my glistening pussy laid bare before he thrusts into me with wild abandon. “Fuck, Anna, you’re so wet.” His strong hands anchor at my hips and he flips me until I’m saddled into his lap—never missing a stroke as I lower myself onto him. Anchoring my own hands on his shoulders I move with him, my body finding his rhythm as our hips grind into each other as they meet again and again. Shifting, I wrap my legs around his waist and lean back until my hands are secured on the rippling muscles of his thighs, and then I begin to rotate my hips, letting the sensations of his cock filling me guide the circular motions as I begin to set the pace as my breasts bounce heavily in the air between us. Devon’s eyes are fire as they rake across the sight of me. “You are so fucking glorious. Tell me who you belong too.”

I pull myself back up so that I can gaze into his eyes, our chests touching, our breath and heartbeats becoming one, as I wrap my hands around the back of his neck. “I belong to you.”

Devon flips me again, until I’m on the flat of my back, and his green eyes focus on me as he drives deeper and harder—sinking into the very core of me, a place never before touched and I’m afraid I might shatter. “Tell me again.”

“I belong to you, Devon,” I gasp, my breath ragged and uneven.

“Anna,” my name falls from his lips before he kisses me, his tongue sharing the secrets of his heart as his fingers thread into the hair at the back of my head. Almost of their own accord, I squeeze him with the muscles of my core. We are nothing but a dance of thrusts and contractions which leave our skin slick and our chests tight, as we chase the release we both seek.

And then he stills again, his dick buried so very achingly deep into the very center of me. He sweeps the sweaty strands of hair from my face, his expression worried as he peers into my expectant face. It takes all of my self-control to keep my hips from bucking with the urge to move, and I reach up to caress his face. “Devon, tell me what’s wrong.”

“Nothing is wrong. Everything is so fucking right, and I want to suggest something because I want it to be perfect. I’m just afraid that I might scare you, but know that I only want to enhance your pleasure because the most glorious thing in the world is seeing how beautifully you come.” My cunt clenches around his cock, and he twitches deep inside me as a response. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

“A thousand times yes,” I answer, clenching around him again, this time on purpose.

“You’re not playing fair.” Devon growls, his hips slowly dragging in and out of my thrumming pussy.

I gasp and claw at the blankets, “I’m not the only one.”

Devon’s head dips low and he whispers, “Do you by any chance have your plug along?”

A thrill creeps along all of my limbs, and I nod. “I don’t want to be separated from you though.”

“Tell me where it is.” Devon’s eyes light with amusement even as he pushes into me impossibly deeper.

“It’s in my bag,” I say, my voice trembling as I cling to his body trying to keep him close.

Devon scoops his hands beneath my ass and lifts me from the bed, securing himself inside of me as he carries me to the table where my bag rests. “Fish it out.”

My hands shake as I search for it, but my fingers quickly find it and the bottle of lube hidden in the inner pocket, I lift both up for his inspection. He quirks an eyebrow at the black anal plug. I try to nonchalantly shrug, but it comes off as more of a shudder as he adjusts me on his cock. “I upgraded. This one vibrates.”

Devon digs his fingers into the ample cheeks of my ass, “You. Are. Such. A. Dirty. Perfect. Girl,” he punctuates each word with a quick, deep thrust.

Carrying me back to the bed, he lays me down again, his cock still buried inside my pussy as tendrils of excitement tickle along my wet folds. He quickly lubes the plug, and turns it on. “Are you ready?”

A whimper of need accompanies my nod, and he drives himself into my pussy a few times while his thumb massages my clit. “Don’t worry, Baby, I’m going to make you feel so good.”

My body relaxes into the waves of pleasure he’s inducing, and when he begins to push the vibrating plug past the sensitive ring my entire being quivers, and I release a long, low moan. Devon’s eyes fill with unadulterated lust as he pushes the plug fully in, he only gives me a fraction of a second to adjust to the new sensation before he plunges into me with new purpose.

Devon buries his face into my shoulder, and I throb and clench around him as the feeling of his cock rubbing against the vibrations of the plug threatens to splinter me into a thousand shards of myself. “Cum for me, my beautiful Anna. I want to feel those velvet walls clench around my cock.”

My body is on fire as I’m pushed to the limits, the fullness of his cock in my cunt and the plug in my ass drives me to the edge of ecstasy—an transcending journey of madness led by the master of destruction. Every muscle in my abdomen and lower limbs tenses as he increases his pace. “Fuck me. Fuck me harder, Devon. I’m almost there….I’m…”

My words are cut off short as his strong hand wraps around my neck. “Yes, please,” I pant, remembering the ethereal high of sailing in that dangerous in-between. His touch is gentle, but the pressure of his fingers is steady. And then I’m soaring, rocketed back into the great expanse of space as my body implodes creating new galaxies and constellations formed by Devon’s hand. I linger there in the comforting darkness watching the world expand and contract, stars blinking in and out of existence before my eyes.

Until I come crashing back to Earth, slamming into my body as Devon’s name rips from my throat and the resplendent waves of the orgasm still rock my body. Devon’s mouth covers mine as he swallows the cries of his name upon my tongue, he drinks them in as if they were the most exquisite wine. His throbbing cock thrusts deeper and harder, until his entire body shudders and now it’s my name that I’m swallowing with my breath and tongue. My legs wrap around his, as he thrusts one last time as the spreading warmth of his release leaves us both breathless and clinging weakly to each other.

“I love you, Anna,” Devon whispers against my skin.

“And I love you, Devon,” I whisper against his.


ix Months Later

smile as the balmy
, familiar breeze of St John’s caresses my bare legs. Nothing could be more perfect than returning to the same beach where I first met Devon. Even if I have to experience huge doses of deja vu around every corner—from the quaint little restaurant where Devon and I shared our first
kiss, the low murmur of the staff as they hurry about their business, to the light wisp of Crystal’s makeup brush as it floats across my skin.

My stomach is aflutter with butterflies, and I marvel that even after all this time the thought of seeing Devon leaves me as weak in the knees as a school girl in the throes of first love.

“Are you excited about today?” Crystal asks beaming at me, even though her forehead is creased with concentration.

“I am, and surprisingly nervous,” I admit with a sheepish smile of my own.

“That's to be expected,” Crystal answers with a wink as she finishes with her last minute touch-ups. She then turns me toward the mirror, for the reveal, and I reach for her hand to show my appreciation for her mastery. “Devon's not going to know what hits him.”

“Let's hope that he manages to stay on his feet,” I answer, my laughter floating and mixing with Crystal's in the air around us.

Denise peeks her head inside the curtained area. “We're ready for you. Should I send them in?”

A smile stretches across my face, twinging my cheeks with its force. “Yes, please.”

My hands worry over the knee-length, white dress—smoothing imaginary wrinkles from the lightweight fabric. And seeing the two people who enter the temporary tented area, does nothing to calm the jittery, happy nerves.

Charlene and Daddy beam at me, and are quick to cover the distance between us and wrap me in their arms. “Nick, be careful of the veil. We don't want to yank it off her head before she makes it down the aisle.” Charlene teases my dad who has become surprisingly weepy over seeing me in my wedding dress.

Daddy holds me at arms length, his eyes moist and his face proud. “You look so beautiful, Anna-banana. I can't believe my baby girl is getting married today.”

My face flushes warm with his praise, and happy tears prick at the backs of my eyes. “Thank you, Daddy.”

“It's time,” Charlene whispers, slipping one of my hands through the crook of her arm. “Ready?”

“More than ready,” I answer, slipping my other hand into the crook of Daddy's arm he offers.

Denise places my bouquet in my waiting hand, an identical replica of the flowers Devon had sent me almost what feels like a lifetime ago. “I'm going to go let the musicians know we're ready.”

I nod, not trusting the wave of emotions that flows over me as I prepare to become Devon's wife to allow me to voice my agreement.

A few minutes later I hear the swell of music and as the curtains are parted on both sides, Daddy and Charlene lead me down the sandy aisle scattered with petals to the perfect man. The Goode man. My Devon.

Part I
A bonus selection: Made for Him

he city spreads before me
, a sparkling grid twinkling against the night sky. Skyscrapers and warehouses and the squat saucer of the sports arena are lit up in the golden glow of a city unwilling to sleep.

Some people might stand at this window and see a beautiful urban view.

I stand at this window, and I see a city ripe for the taking.

I see neighborhoods unclaimed, streets without boundaries, a city that’s been asleep for far, far too long.

I’m going to change that. And soon. I’ve been quietly moving the pieces into place, spent the last fifteen years rounding up cousins and old allies, begging for scraps from family back in the Old Country, shoring up everything I would need to remake the shattered Moretti empire anew. I was born into a kingdom that was already in decline, and so many of the family ways I had to learn on my own, since there was no family left--at least none still living the old way.

But for my grandfather’s sake, I’ll make Kansas City respect the Moretti name again. I’ll turn my hometown back into the kind of place where men could live and die by the gun, with honor…and with hefty amounts of cash.

There’s only one man standing in my way of my vision. That will be rectified shortly, however, and then there’ll be nothing between me and this steel and asphalt kingdom spread before me. Nothing at all.

I turn away from the view and pad silently across the living room floor to the bedroom. She’s asleep, breathing slowly and steadily in the moonlight. The sheet has twisted around her waist, exposing her pale, perfect breasts. My cock twitches in my pants, even though I’ve already fucked her twice tonight.

Standing beside the bed, I run a possessive hand over her flat stomach, the sweet nip of her waist. I don’t normally stick around after this part, certainly not in the girl’s own apartment, certainly not when that girl is a heartbroken, tipsy mess I just met that night.

But I’m not satisfied with only two fucks for a number of reasons…which isn’t surprising. What
surprising is that the top reason I’m going to fuck her again is because I
to. And then she shifts and stretches, the sheet pulling down lower, and as she moves to her side, I catch a glimpse of that toned dancer ass. That firm, squeezable ass that I haven’t yet had the pleasure of feeling against my hips as I fuck her from behind.

Just like that,
to fuck her turns into
to fuck her. Maybe two times more. Maybe three times more.

Cock rigid, I unzip my pants and crawl onto the bed.

“Wake up, gorgeous,” I say in her ear as I lay my body over hers. She stirs, inadvertently pressing her ass against my bare cock, and I groan, unable to help myself.

“You want to have more sex?” she murmurs sleepily, but that sleepiness and innocent voice are belied by the way she parts her legs and arches her back to get her ass closer to my cock.

I fist myself and find her wet entrance—the place that is wet from
, from me taking her twice, and fuck if that doesn’t make me so hard I can barely stand it. I shove inside, and she lets out a husky moan.

“It’s not sex,” I inform her as I pull out and thrust in again. “It’s fucking. And I’m going to fuck you until the only word you remember is my name.”

BOOK: Overexposed: The Complete Boxset: A Virgin Meets a Bad Boy Romance
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