Read Outlaw MC Bear Online

Authors: Bella Love-Wins

Outlaw MC Bear (8 page)

BOOK: Outlaw MC Bear
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abrina figured
out she was in Silas’s bedroom after the first five minutes of the explosion, when resorting to rifling through the room was the only way to avoid a panic attack. She didn’t know what was going on outside at that time, but judging by the screams, sirens, and overall panic, the odds weren’t good that it was something fun. Instead of curling into the fetal position and cursing Silas all to hell, Sabrina had taken a seat as far away from the door as possible, and hoped some fine-ass looking firefighters would come to her rescue.

Axe was the one to show up. He took her to Jenny’s side, and for a while, she’d been holed up at Jenny and Cole’s house a few miles down the highway, with gruff bikers guarding each entrance. Jenny didn’t take her eye off her for a second, and that made Sabrina realize the woman’s sweet, friendly welcome a few hours ago was probably all an act.

After the firefighters had cleared the clubhouse, they returned her to Silas’s bedroom. She’s managed to get a bit of sleep, but then a terror-filled dream with Silas’s eyes morphing into animal eyes shoved her right back to alertness. It was almost four in the morning. Sleep wouldn’t come, so Sabrina got up. She paced back and forth, thinking how ridiculous this situation was, until the door unlocked and Silas walked in. He was the last person Sabrina wanted to see, but he barged through the door wearing a grim expression, hair mussed, and his square, masculine jaw still streaked with black and gray soot. She couldn’t help but feel a bit sad for him.

Just a bit.

“Nice of you to come back for me after locking me in a room during a life and death emergency.” She stabbed him in the chest with her finger for emphasis. “Are you out of your mind, or are you really that eager to get rid of me? Because we could end this entirely if you just took me to the nearest bus station away from this godforsaken place. You don’t have to leave me for dead!”

“I didn’t. Axe and Jenny took care of you. Plus if I’d wanted you dead, you’d be buried in a shallow grave somewhere by now.”

His curt answer didn’t quite register as she circled him, lips tight, and heart racing with pent up frustration. “My life is not a goddamn game, Silas. You can’t do this to me.”

Silas planted himself at the center of the room, as inflexible as he was immobile. He didn’t even respond. It was as if he’d flicked on a mute button.

A flare of anger made her see red. “Let me make this simple. Take me home. It doesn’t matter what is or isn’t waiting for me there. Please, just drop me off or get me to someplace where I can hitch a ride.”

“Not gonna happen.”

She huffed, her limbs like lead as a headache pounded against her temples from excess adrenaline. With a sigh, she backed up sank onto the edge of his bed. “None of this matters to me. Can’t you see that? You were at the wrong place at the wrong time, period. I’ll forget it ever happened, okay?”

Sick of pleading with him while her stomach knotted, Sabrina put her head in her hands. “Please, Silas.”


That was it. She was done. There was nothing else she could say, and she didn’t have the energy to look up at him and possibly see his complete disregard for her pleas. Why did she expect an outlaw biker to have a heart in the first place? A flashbang memory of him diving to cover her with his body made her throat tight, and she forcibly swallowed, ignoring her poor intuition. So what if he had a white knight complex? He was stubborn, archaic, overprotective, and out of line. She wasn’t his to keep safe.

“Maybe you want to go home so badly because you know what’s there waiting for me.” His eerily calm voice made all the color drain out of her face.

“What?” The hairs on her arms prickled with primal awareness.

Danger oozed from his collectedness. “Isn’t that why you’ve been playing this little charade with me, Sabrina?”

She drew in half a breath and stopped when she met his vacant, calculating stare. Unlike any other side she’d seen of him, instinctively she knew this was the face he used when he went in for the kill. Blank, no remorse, and utterly devoid of feeling. Her fingers dug into the end of the mattress, pinned by the depth of his animalistic, emotional black hole. Despite her hold on the bed, she wanted very badly to scramble backward until a wall was against her back.

“Silas…” she whispered.

“The elevator was a setup, wasn’t it? My mother wasn’t wrong. Nothing else makes sense and you know it. A gorgeous girl mixed up in a lot of dangerous shit doesn’t fall into my lap. She hops into it as a mole for a rival gang, or as a distraction…or as bait.” He still hadn’t moved an inch. When she blinked a few times, afraid to draw any outward attention, she worried he wasn’t even breathing. His eyes seemed to penetrate down to her soul. “This only goes down one of two ways. You tell me what you know, or I make you.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Silas.” She ignored the quiver to her voice and held her head a little bit higher, straightening her shoulders. “All I know is exactly what you know. I was leaving my condo apartment. I saw you at the elevator. I passed out and woke up in your lap on that bike outside. That’s it. You’re the one who told me I was attacked and someone wanted to drug me. You brought me here, proclaiming you were keeping me safe, here at a place that Just. Got. Bombed.”

Sabrina licked her lips. God, that wasn’t everything. He didn’t even know the half of it, but if she got away from him in time there wouldn’t be any need to tell him. All she had to do was hold on a bit longer. Either he’d get sick of keeping her here, or she’d make a getaway or someone would come for her when they noticed she was gone. They already wanted her badly enough, probably to try and shake down her father. She could count on that—which is why she so desperately wanted him to be the one to deliver her home safely. Any other scenario would make the situation at this clubhouse all the more complicated. She just couldn’t tell Silas that part. If only she could get him to return her cell phone.

He didn’t stop his attempt at intimidation. He took three quick strides forward until their legs touched, and it took every bit of her self-control to sit calmly and not outwardly react. The man radiated heat. Even through his jeans without direct skin-to-skin contact, her flesh ached inside her sweatpants. Silas dropped to his knees to be at eye level with her, and parted her legs without even a pause, making room to fit snuggly between them with his palms skimming her upper thighs. Her fingers trembled against the bed, aching through her knuckles where she gripped the bed sheet.

“I don’t believe you, darling,” he all but whispered as their eyes locked, his face inches away.

His right hand came up to cup her cheek. So much power hummed beneath his touch, Sabrina uttered a silent prayer in her head. It was gentle, but she knew deep down it was an act. Silas could break her in half in an instant, and despite herself, her nipples hardened beneath his soft, faded t-shirt.

“Why was the mob after you, Sabrina?” His fingers skimmed her jawline until he held her in place as if she meant to jerk away from him.

She fought the urge to move closer to his magnetic danger. “I have no idea. Truly. I was going to a gala benefit for an orphanage in the area. My father couldn’t make it so I was on my way to cover for him. I was minding my own business and running late when I ran into you. You know the rest.”

That was a part-lie too, but whatever it took, she was not admitting any more details.

His fingers tightened almost imperceptibly, and she let out a small whimper. Within seconds, he loosened his hold but remained close. When he inhaled with his eyes closed, she wondered if there was any truth to the old saying that some people could smell out a lie. His eyes flashed open, blazing blue, so gorgeous it almost hurt to look him full in the face.

“I can’t trust you,” he admitted, his voice gruff and rocky, his fingers shaking against the side of her face. “But I don’t want to hurt you right now.”

“You don’t?” Her fingers reached out, brushing the wavy black ends of his hair that twined around the collar of his cut.

“No. I want to fuck you.”


abrina watched
her hand freeze in place at the spot where she’d been idly playing with his hair. Time stood still between them. Nothing else existed while her heartbeat rushed between her ears. There was no more logic. No more arguing while his threat tinged the air, thick with tension.

“Admit it, Sabrina. Meeting you was a trap,” Silas said gruffly through his teeth.

Her eyes fluttered closed as his bass growl permeated into her bones. Was it her imagination or did his voice grow even deeper? His rough, strong fingers skimmed down the line of her neck, lingering for brief seconds around her throat as his heavy palm rested on her collarbone.

“Even if it was, I’m still going to take you right now. Don’t try denying it. You want this too.”

The last four words weren’t even halfway out of his mouth when he sprung forward, sprawling them both out on his bed with his heavy weight pressed between her legs. His lips teased along her bare neck, fingers anchored in the roots of her hair, pulling her head to the side for better access to her tender flesh. Warm breath thrummed against her skin. A wash of shivers arched her back and she moaned, grasping his shoulders, trying her best to hold on while his lips, tongue, and teeth were exploring every inch of her neck—everywhere all at once.

“I wanted this since I saw you,” he rasped against her ear. “Wanted inside you so badly I couldn’t make sense of anything else.”

His other hand slid down to tease her breast. Unexpected contact made her hips buck, and he chuckled at her eagerness. As his fingers toyed with her pert nipple, she writhed beneath him. Helpless. Sabrina couldn’t catch her breath. Trapped in his unforgiving heat, she explored every part of him that she could reach through his clothes. There wasn’t time to think, but she didn’t need to think, the way he ground his hips downward at the same time she arched up into him.

Intimate contact made them both groan, and she gasped when his thick, hard cock nudged her arousal through her sweatpants. His sweatpants. Need overrode every bit of common sense that tried to break through until she refused to feel guilty for wanting him. She closed her eyes, anchoring herself in the here and now.

Silas ripped his t-shirt off her body, exposing her breasts and capturing a nipple in his warm mouth. The sheer bliss that flooded her system bowed her spine. It had been so long since she’d been touched, and never this way, with rough sure hands exploring her body and leaving her breathless. His tongue circled her hardened peak, and his hand pinned her wrists above her head, stiff fingers flexing along the sensitive flesh of her inner wrists, making her center pulse with dizzying arousal.

“No. Open your eyes and look at me, Sabrina.”

She whimpered, an instant flush heating her cheeks. Opening her eyes, she stared at him while his teeth tweaked her nipple, teasing the tip with small flicks of his tongue. Her eyes fluttered, but she didn’t break eye contact. He sucked her nipple into his mouth, and his teeth tugged at the tender flesh of her breast with enough pressure that a delicate line of pleasure and pain twisted low in her abdomen. When she squirmed beneath him, he pushed her hands back down into the bed, asserting his dominance.

Always in control. His movements quick, sure, and utterly primal.

His fingers delved beneath the waistband of her sweatpants, teasing along the line of her panties until she gave up, shutting her eyes and letting out a soft hiss as she gave herself over to bliss.

“No, Sabrina,” he breathed out, tingling along the wet marks on her breast and making her shudder. His fingers slipped out from their spot at the edge of her panties. “I didn’t say you could do that.”

“Do what? Why are you stopping?” her voice raised an octave in panic.

Confused and full of raw need, she twisted beneath his one-handed hold on both her wrists, somehow hoping to engineer more contact through sheer force of will. His gorgeous lips quirked as if he was fighting off a smile, and he ran his tongue teasingly along her bottom lip, lowering himself so his cock pressed just against her opening.

“Don’t take your eyes off me. I’m going to make you come, and I want to see you fall apart as I do it.”

Sweet Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. For a heartbeat, her world stopped turning and her mind went blank. His blue eyes danced with delight—and somewhere hidden in their depths was something more dire. He was unreadable, so when he continued to swivel his hips, idly grazing her clit with his erection, she forgot all about that look in his eyes. Sabrina bit her lip and whimpered, trying to ratchet up the contact between them with every desperate sway of her hips. How much more of his teasing could she take?

“Hold on, sweetheart. I’ll take care of you.”

He relinquished his hold on her, suddenly standing and stripping at lightning speed. Her brain tried to put together the gorgeous puzzle his naked body made. Christ, he was an etched masterpiece. An exquisite man, she wanted all that lean muscle between her legs, in her hands or beneath her tongue. His tattooed forearms flexed when he unbuttoned his pants and shoved them down to his ankles, kicking them off into a pile on the floor.

He eased a hand down the plains of his abdomen until he gripped his thick, perfect cock in his fist. One stroke, then another. Sabrina leaned up on her forearms, watching this incredibly sexy yet intimate move. At first she thought he was doing this to get a reaction from her, but once she noticed the way his eyes raked over her body, it hit her. He was reacting
, on his bed, in his space. That felt powerful as ever, except he was too damn far away. A few strands of his hair fell over his eyes, and his head fell backward as he groaned from the delicious sexual contact. With her heart in her throat, she couldn’t look away.

“Take off those pants…and your panties.” His last words ended on a growl.

Sabrina scrambled to obey. There was likely nothing she wouldn’t do in that second to get his cock so deep inside her she forgot her own name. Goosebumps trailed along her limbs. Her hands refused to work despite what her brain told them. All the while she watched him as he worked himself, his gaze never wavering from her on the bed. Without a doubt, it was the most erotic experience of her life.

As soon as she’d finished fumbling and shucked the clothes on the lower half of her body onto the floor, Silas stalked toward her without a word. His palms touched the edge of the bed, and her whole body exhaled relief. Somewhere in the back of her mind she thought maybe he’d been reconsidering. That was not the case. The small bit of vulnerability made her stomach twist in knots. She licked her lips, sliding her palms along the softness of his flannel sheets, waiting for him, expecting him to swallow her whole from the look in his eyes now. Nothing in the last ten hours had prepared her for this.

Not for anything close to this.

Silas fell to his knees at the side of the bed, reaching over to twine his fingers into her hair at the nape of her neck.

“I can’t wait to taste you.”

Her whole body went taut, eyes wide at the picture he painted of kneeling at her feet. He turned her body sideways across the bed. Both of his large hands splayed on either side of her thighs. He pulled her hips to the edge, gripping the back of her neck and forcing her head forward until their lips met for a kiss. He brushed his soft lips against her own in a subtle tease, kissing her as if they had all the time in the world, as if that throbbing between her legs could wait. It couldn’t, but he’d already made a point of both showing and telling her this was his domain, his rules, his pace. Their mouths and tongues leisurely explored each other while his fingers tightened in her hair, moving her exactly where he wanted her at all times. His body heat tingled and pulsed along her skin, even when he wasn’t making direct contact—as if the warmth pouring off of him could be its own living entity.

He pulled away again, and again she made a small noise in protest. His grin matched the cocky gleam in his eyes, eyebrows raised as a small, flat, and sexy laugh made her try to pull backward. There wasn’t any hope of going anywhere. He had her pinned. He liked that, and forced her to meet his eyes that sparkled with multiple nonverbal messages she couldn’t quite pin down before they flitted away.

“I’m going to have you every which way, sugar. And you’re going to love it.”

He glanced down at the shadowed patch between her legs, bit his lip, and rolled his blue gaze back up to her face.

“Open for me.”

She didn’t hesitate. Her legs opened and he spread them wider, with his palms dipping lower to meet her heat. His slick, warm tongue traced along the outer edge of her pussy, and Sabrina leaned back on her elbows, letting out a soft cry. Her lungs constricted with intense pleasure, and her eyes wanted to snap shut, but she kept them locked on the sight of him between her legs, desperately afraid he would stop if she didn’t obey him.

Adrenaline tingled at the base of her spine, and her toes curled as he swirled his tongue in short, clipped circles around her clit. Her muscles went taut, eyes wide from the voyeuristic thrill of watching a man take such control and such pleasure from tasting her, feasting like he’d come off a three-day fast. Silas’s eyes rolled up to watch her again. Pleased to know her eyes were still on him, he smiled, making her clutch the sheets so hard her knuckles went white. His tongue delved into her slit, teasing the barest bit, and she nearly came right then and there.

His tongue worked her deeper, thrusting, and she moved her hips back and forth to accommodate him. Little whimpers escaped past her lips when his firm, rough fingers massaged her thighs, forcing her to open more to his course yet gentle touch, and triggering a cascade of ecstasy that overwhelmed her nervous system.

“Oh my God,” she whispered, voice cracking as her throat squeezed tight.

After waiting this long and making work a priority above everything else, this foray back to getting some was well worth the celibate gap. Silas was one hundred percent hot-blooded, woman-pleasing, alpha male bedroom material. Heck, she’d take him in the kitchen, on the couch, against a wall, in her office, and wherever he was up for dispensing pleasure.

“You taste perfect,” he groaned.

Her thighs quaked from the vibration, and he returned to sucking on her clit while simultaneously plunging two thick fingers deep within her. Sabrina nearly shot off the bed from seeing stars. A firm hand anchored her to the mattress while his mouth and fingers were relentless. Another overwhelming orgasm crashed down over her head and thundered into her toes. She was vaguely aware her voice was hoarse from screaming, even while he continued to work her pussy with his lips and tongue and digits.

She writhed against the sheets, too busy scrambling to know whether she was running from the pleasure or aching to have more of it.

“Don’t move.”

The words coming from Silas barely penetrated Sabrina’s mind, which spun in a million different directions. By the time she came back down to earth, he’d found a condom and was sliding it over his cock. This was actually happening. She took a beat to memorialize the moment, watching him maneuver onto the bed and arrange both her legs over his shoulder. And that stare. It was intense. Beyond intense. It ate her up from the soles of her feet to the tips of her fanned out hair. Silas tightened his fingers along her hips and scooted forward, positioning himself. She couldn’t help herself when her fingers reached up and traced the ridges of his abdomen.

Their eyes locked again.

“I told you I’d make you scream.” His cocky words echoed in her ears and then were gone when he plunged forward, deep into her pussy. All fragments of thought flew away as his massive manhood filled her every inch with a force she wasn’t expecting. Or maybe she was. He’d warned her.

Silas made a constricted groan from the back of his throat, a sound that caused Sabrina to buck her hips.

He stopped again. “Fuck, you’re so tight.”

“Please,” she begged, but honestly didn’t know what she was asking for, with that word that trembled under her conviction.

His hands gripped her hips tightly again, and he eased backward, then lurched forward again. Sabrina anchored her fists into the sheets as the deep, full feeling washed another wave of pleasure along her extra sensitive flesh. With each heave forward, his cock angled deeper and harder, intensifying and accelerating until she couldn’t catch her breath anymore. He pistoned into her like a man possessed. Her body trembled beneath him as he rode her hard, unrelenting, taking her a step higher toward another orgasm with every thrust.

“That’s it, baby. Come again for me,” he ordered, pushing her legs backward ever so slightly, changing the angle once more, then again, then again until Sabrina flexed and cried out her pleasure.

Her inner muscles fluttered around his cock, and another orgasm pulsed through her, straining through her core and her limbs and her mind. Without stopping, Silas smoothed his hands up her calves, and Sabrina shuddered from the contrast between that faint touch and the quickening strokes that punished her inner walls, stretching out her climax. Her muscles shook from strain, but Silas didn’t stop. He was ruthless and unyielding, skimming fingers across every bit of her skin, teasing while he drove his cock against her g-spot over and over again.

Soon his movements became erratic. He moved her thighs open and settled between them, hips making solid contact now. Their gazes met and held, and now he moved much more slowly, deliberately. Each stroke made her whimper, and all her body could do was curl its limbs around him, running her hands from the back of his hair down his spine, and wrapping her legs around his hips. His tongue eased down her neck, whispering something she couldn’t discern along her collarbone until she arched against him with a gasp.

“Fuck,” he part-whispered, part-cried, part-bit against her damp skin. He shuddered above her, his whole body trembling and his fingers flexing in the roots of her hair.

He rested there a while, silent, their limbs still entangled together. After a few minutes, he laid a gentle kiss on her neck, pulled out and rolled onto his back beside her. She closed her eyes, taking in his scent that was still fresh on her skin until a light sleep came for her.

BOOK: Outlaw MC Bear
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