Out of Circulation (Hemlock Creek Suspense Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Out of Circulation (Hemlock Creek Suspense Book 1)
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A strange car was parked outside and the house was aglow with lights when they returned. Though Ace was anxious to see if anything had happened, he needed to take care of something first. Something personal.

"Wonder what's up?" Katie reached for the door handle.

He stretched out a hand, clasping her arm. Chill bumps covered it.

"Are you cold?" he asked.

"No, not really." She raised her eyes to his. They were barely visible in the reflected light from the porch.

Hypnotized, he ran his hand up to her head, gently tugging her face closer. Time seemed to slow as he traced her lips, then lowered his mouth to hers.

She didn't respond. Had he misread her?

But then her hand gripped his sleeve. The pressure from her lips grew stronger, insistent. Confident and womanly.

He was swept into a world where everything seemed to make sense, to fit together. There was nothing to do but respond to the force that could both master him and repair him. Tears actually filled his eyes.

A sharp rapping on the window put an abrupt halt to their enchantment. Straightening up, he wiped off the foggy glass and cracked the window.

A skinny, bearded redhead stood there, giving him a murderous glare. "Let me guess—you're the Yankee bodyguard."

"No way." Katie leaned over. "Brandon?"




As Mom served an impromptu tray of cheese, crackers, and grapes, Brandon explained his unexpected appearance.

"After I talked to you, I started thinking about things, sis. If those mobsters wanted money, and if Dad didn't take it, that meant they wouldn't give up. So I did the one thing I knew you hadn't—I contacted the FBI and told them everything."

Ace dropped heavily onto the couch. Katie followed suit, taking off her heels.

"They'll be here in the morning. I'll meet with them and figure out a plan to find these Russian gangsters." Brandon hitched up his cargo-style jeans. "Hey, Mom, I could really use some Dr. Pepper."

Mom smiled, ruffling Brandon's overgrown hair. "It's in the pantry. I always keep some, just in case."

As Mom locked an arm in Brandon's and headed for the kitchen, Katie focused on the silent man by her side. From the sour look on his face, she figured he was really upset by their interruption in the car. She hadn't wanted the kiss to end, either, but where would it have led?

Why did she have to be attracted to someone who was such a mess spiritually? He said he'd believed in Jesus at a young age, but his growth had been stunted when his godly grandma died. Was God using their time together to point Ace back to Him? If so, she wasn't the best person to guide him.

Her brother's deep voice filled the kitchen. Brandon was someone else who was messed up and disillusioned by life. And yet he'd contacted the FBI, probably because he didn't believe Dad had taken that money. Kind of ironic she had switched perspectives with her brother on this one. Usually he had nothing good to say about Dad's work, and she had to be the one defending it.

Ace nudged her elbow with his. "Sorry. I was a little lost in thought. But that was...unforgettable...out there in the car." His eyes were a quiet blue blaze, focused on hers.

She felt like hugging him, hard. She wanted to kiss the joy back into his life. She needed to tuck her hand into his safe, strong grip.

"Tomorrow is the day," he murmured.

"What day?"

"The day you have to contact Anatoly's men with news. I copied the note before I gave it to the police. By the way, I plan to call in another police unit for you tomorrow."

"Why? Won't you be here?"

Brandon sauntered back in, carrying a huge bowl of homemade popcorn. "Look what I talked Mom into making for me. You gotta try this, Ace." He extended the bowl.

As the men fell into an easy conversation about whitewater rafting, she zoned out, focusing on the words Ace hadn't said. The words that would rip her apart when they were finally spoken aloud.

He was leaving.




Thanks to his reckless consumption of Dr. Pepper, Ace spent his final night in the garage apartment pacing and worrying. He knew what he had to do, but the logistics of his plan were tricky. How could he ever explain things to Katie?

He had replayed their kiss so many times. Her reticence had morphed into a certainty that staggered him. He wasn't worthy of such a gift—such unfettered approval. She didn't know the truth. And yet he wanted another kiss, another chance to prove he was the man she thought he was.

He finally crashed on the couch, but his alarm went off at five. Peering out the window, he saw a car and a black van out front.

The Feds were here.




Katie cut into her boiled eggs, meticulously removing the yolks she didn't care for. "You want these?"

Ace shook his head, but Brandon charged into the kitchen and swiped them. "My fave."

"Did you see that the FBI's here?" she asked.

Brandon nodded, popping a coffee pod into the coffeemaker. "Heading out after I eat. You two hanging around today?"

She crunched into a crisp piece of bacon. "I thought we could check the
one more time. What do you think, Ace?"

When he turned to her, she stopped chewing. Her mind and her mouth froze when she registered the remorseful look on his face.

"I can't stay. I have to fly back today. Work."

That was
? That was all the explanation, all the farewell she got? How could he casually throw their relationship away? Because it was more than a friendship—his kiss last night had made that clear.

Mom padded in, wearing her favorite moccasin slippers. She took in her daughter's face. "What's going on?"

Katie could barely articulate the words. "Ace is leaving today."

Mom teared up, placing a hand on Ace's shoulder. "Oh, honey, we are going to miss you around here. Won't be the same without you."

Brandon chimed in. "Yeah, dude, I know we just met and all, but I feel like I know you. Which is more than I thought I'd be able to say about a New Yorker. Oh—I hope you enjoy those baseball cards. To tell the truth, I didn't even really look at them when Dad gave them to me. Just not my thing."

Seeing her family rally around Ace made it even harder. They all liked him. He wasn't some outsider, coming in and looking down on their way of life. He was like one of them.

Her words came out plaintively, like a whimper. "But Molly won't even get to say goodbye." Why did that suddenly bother her?

He took her hand, setting her emotions roiling. "I'll be in touch, I promise. Maybe I can come down during my Christmas vacation? It's not like I'll have any family events going on."

She couldn't choke out a response.

Mom hugged him. "Of course. You're always welcome here, Ace." She gave him a cryptic look Katie didn't understand.

Had their kiss meant nothing at all to him? He was just going to say goodbye and walk out of her life?

Brandon shoved his fourth piece of bacon in his mouth, then stopped cold, taking a long look at her. "Sis, you okay?"

She stood, unable to comprehend why someone she had grown so close to could abandon her like this. That wasn't love. That wasn't even like.

She fumbled down the hall toward her room. Slamming the door, she let her thoughts scream even louder. What did it matter if Anatoly's men tried to blow her away? She was never leaving this one-horse town anyway.




Ace whisked around the apartment, jamming everything into his capacious suitcases and trying to shove thoughts of Katie from his mind. He had to do this...in fact, he was doing it for
, but she would probably never know. He couldn't stick around here.

As he loaded one gun and strapped it on, there was a knock on the door. He opened it to find Molly, looking downright dangerous in her stilettos and black leather jacket.

"Sit down," she said, shoving her way past him and nearly impaling him with a long fingernail. "We have to talk."




Crossing her legs at an angle as if she were posing for a glamour shot, Molly launched into a diatribe, complete with emphatic hand motions.

"You're a handsome guy, Ace—and you know it." She smiled at his surprise. "Takes one to know one, bub. What I have to say, before you so rudely take off and leave my pining sister in the dust, is that Katie doesn't just fall for anyone. After that foot injury, she closed up a corner of her heart. Then when Dad died, she put up a No Trespassing sign and wrapped the entire thing in police tape. No men have gotten in. Ever." She paused, scrutinizing him. "But here's the deal: she must see something in you that runs deeper than looks."

He took a couple deep, calming breaths, trying to figure out which way Molly was going with this. She didn't slow down, nearly boring holes into him with her stare.

"What I'm telling you is that if you walk away from this, it will crush her. She doesn't even know how in love she is yet, but I can tell. Sisterly intuition. And here's something else. I can tell you're a good match for her. She's happier when she's with you, and she's more...
." She stood and started pacing, sharp heels clicking on the floor. "And so help me, if you leave her in the lurch, I..." She made a wringing gesture with her hands.

He couldn't stop himself. He laughed outright.

Fire blazed into her cheeks. "How
you laugh about my sister?"

He held up a hand, rushing to explain before Molly's anger got the better of her. "I'm not laughing about Katie. I believe I love her too, crazy as that sounds. That's why I have to go."

She raised one eyebrow, but waited for him to explain.





A knock sounded on Katie's bedroom door and she cracked it.

Ace stood outside, an inscrutable look on his face. "I wanted to say goodbye before I pack my car. I did tell your sister goodbye and she's waiting in the kitchen to talk with you."

She looked at the half of his face she could see. She tried to memorize his features, while at the same time pretending not to care. "Thanks. Thanks for everything. Bye."

"I'm sorry this is so abrupt," he said. "I'm going to talk with the FBI guys for a few minutes, tell them what's happened, then I have to get rolling. They'll make sure you're protected from here on out."

She couldn't bite back her bitter words. "Washing your hands of us, are you?"

He put a hand on the door, opening it so she could see his entire face. His eyes were filled with concern and a deeper emotion, but she wouldn't be so stupid as to call it love.

"I'm not. I promise I'm not. I'll never get you out of my head, Katie McClure."

She slammed the door.




Minutes dragged into an hour as he talked with the FBI agents. Now the whole story was out. Jim's fake death. His deal with Jim to save himself from prison. His placement in the McClure home and his subsequent failure to find the bank heist money. 

It was almost time for the FBI to take over, but not quite. He had one last job to do. He owed it to Katie.




She watched the van doors close as Ace climbed in. Brandon was already talking with other agents in the living room. It was quite a force they'd brought out, she'd give them that. Probably out of respect for her dad...and he was worthy of respect, since it was obvious he'd never absconded with illegal funds.

What a fool she'd been, falling for Ace. Searching for money she knew her dad didn't take. And yet...

Yet he had protected her tirelessly. He had told her things she figured he hadn't told anyone else. He'd opened up to her, hadn't he?

And if she was honest with herself, he had been the invigorating breeze that had blown many of her cobwebs of self-doubt away. She had seen God's hand of protection, remembered what it felt like to be loved for who she was.

She had to tell him that.

Propelled by the obscure emotions she was still processing, Katie pulled on her low boots, then scrawled a note for Mom and dropped it on her bed. She headed out the back door and snuck around the back of her apartment to avoid scrutiny by the FBI agents. Creeping toward the Lexus, she could see a couple bags lying on the back floor, as well as a blanket and pillow.

An idea began to simmer, then it quickly combusted into a blaze. It was perfect. This would be her greatest adventure yet. She smiled at her own boldness, her spontaneity. How very un-librarianesque of her.

She would tell him she loved him, let the chips fall where they may. Maybe he would choose to skip the flight and stay, like the ending of a romantic movie. But then again, maybe she'd have to catch a cab home from the airport.

She didn't care.

She needed closure. And probably one last kiss.




Mrs. McClure stood on the porch, waving as Ace thudded the car door shut and buckled himself in. No sign of Katie. It was probably for the best.

Using his newly-developed mountain driving skills, he made good time, maneuvering the curvy roads like a pro. Glancing at the canopy of green trees arching near the side of the road, his stomach clenched. Such a wild elegance here in Hemlock Creek. It was an unaffected natural beauty of the most powerful kind. He pictured Katie's hair, blowing in the wind. Her eyes, sparkling with amusement and candor. She embodied that unaffected beauty that brought out his most protective feelings.

If only he had more to offer her. If only his life hadn't been derailed by an unwarranted prison sentence. He could have been an upstanding citizen with nothing blotting his record.

Now he had more than a blot, he had made a deal with the devil. At least it would soon be over.




The car slowed. Had they already arrived at the Lewisburg airport? Katie didn't dare raise up from under the blanket until Ace had gotten out. She didn't want to alarm a man who always carried a gun.

Even with the air-conditioning on, the wool blanket she'd hid under felt stifling. Though it carried the comforting smell of its owner, she had to get out from under it. When the car door slammed, she barely shifted, breathing in his scent one more time before exposing her mouth and one eye.

This was probably a dumb idea. She might very well scare him out of his mind, since he'd been in hyper-vigilant bodyguard mode for so long. She wouldn't pop out and open the door...she'd just ease out.

The trunk slammed and she heard him walking away. No! She'd waited too long!

She struggled to sit up, stiffening in fear as she peeped out at the view.

This wasn't the airport. Vines tangled around a large, dilapidated building that was surrounded by trees. One large maple tree was actually growing out of the roof.

A black car was parked off to the side of the building, and Ace was heading straight for it, pulling his rolling suitcase behind him.

Had he found the money and contacted Anatoly's men? Was this some kind of drop?

Had he betrayed them all?

Barely rising above the window ledge, she held her breath, watching two larger men exit the black car. They were holding Uzis, but they didn't look like the same men from the library.

A man emerged from the front seat, smiling like the Cheshire Cat. Sandy blond hair, deep tan, ridiculous Hawaiian shirt.

She'd know him anywhere. Jim Chrisman. She gagged, nearly losing her breakfast. So Dad's partner hadn't had cancer, and he wasn't murdered, as Dad had suspected. In fact, he'd never died in the first place. And Ace must have known all along.

A dark blue SUV raced up from the far side of the parking lot, screeching to halt in front of Ace and the others. Three armed men jumped out, also toting heavier artillery. They formed a loose circle around the initial collaborators.

As Ace stared at the newcomers, she couldn't miss the look of panic in his eyes. When he slowly raised his hands in the air, she dropped to the floor, pulled the blanket over herself, and started praying furiously. She had no weapons, and Ace had no chance.




He had never been so nervous, even though he was the one who'd secretly invited Anatoly to this rendezvous. He carried only one pistol and they could mow him down faster than he could blink, despite the bulletproof vest the Feds had loaned him.

The FBI lurked somewhere, listening to this exchange through his earpiece. They knew his suitcase was stuffed with empty Dr. Pepper bottles, so the moment he opened it, he'd be toast if they didn't get to him first.

But he was banking on one thing: Anatoly wasn't the kind to cut a deal. Jim might try to wheedle his way out of this, but the Russian would find it glaringly apparent who had orchestrated the theft of his bank money.

Anatoly scooted out of his seat, his corpulent stomach spilling over his belt. He carried a smaller gun but had no need of it, given his well-armed henchmen.

He took a wide stance and shouted. "Jim Chrisman! You are a—" Harshly punctuated Russian words spewed forth. Anatoly's men understood them and snickered.

Ace stood between the powerful men, not budging. Let the titans clash this one out.

Jim gave his ingratiating smile. "Anatoly. Let's work something out, like men."

The large Russian cackled. "You are no man. You are a coward who hid behind his partner. So scared you had to play dead." He took a step closer. "Today I will show you what you had to fear."

Jim held up his hands. "Now hold up, big fella. Let's see what my stooge has brought me. Oh wait, I haven't made introductions." He pointed. "Ace, this is Anatoly. Anatoly, this is the clueless sap I landed in jail, then pulled out of there so he could find my money. A real ladies' man."

Blood rushed into Ace's ears, making his head pound. He had been such a fool. The invisible lowlife who had framed him years ago was the exact same man who had released him. Jim Chrisman had no intention of letting him go, even if he did have the money. He would send him right back to prison.

If only Anatoly would take the first shot.

Closing his eyes, he prayed silently. Peace washed over him and he knew he still shared Katie's faith in a loving God—a Father who watched out for His children. He promised to go back to Katie and make things right if he survived this encounter. But if not, she would eventually know what he had done to protect her family.

Jim repeated himself, obviously antsy. "I said it's time to show us the money, Ace. You do it or my men will do it for you."

Ace wheeled his piece of luggage closer, leaning down as if he would unzip it. Taking a deep breath, he gripped the sides, hurling the suitcase to the ground directly in front of Anatoly.

Anatoly jolted back but quickly recovered his composure as he realized Ace had given him the loot. He smiled like a doting parent. "You did well, my boy." He spoke one Russian word and reached for the suitcase.

As he did so, a single shot rang out. Ace dropped to the ground, a burning sensation spreading across his head. Pain blinded him. He rolled in the general direction of the SUV, hoping to slide under the oversized vehicle as a volley of shots unleashed.

Something warm and sticky dribbled into his eyes. He swiped at it, then realized it was blood.

He'd been shot in the head.

As the world grew fuzzy, he took comfort in one thing: Katie was safe.



BOOK: Out of Circulation (Hemlock Creek Suspense Book 1)
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