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Authors: Naleighna Kai

Open Door Marriage (6 page)

BOOK: Open Door Marriage
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Chapter 6

9:31 p.m.



Alicia Mitchell nursed her drink while lounging in one of the comfortable chairs across from a place called The Daily Grind. The bar itself, a maze of glass, mirrors, and high backed seating, hosted only one other patron, who sat talking to the burly bartender in between snatching glimpses of the football game playing on multiple screens. That is, when he wasn

t trying to keep an eye on Alicia or checking out the ample assets on the barmaid with fiery red hair.

Are you good for right now?

the redhead asked Alicia, giving her a smile.


m fine. Thank you.

Well, let me know if there

s anything else that I can get you.

As the woman turned away, Alicia thought: Yes, there was something the woman could get for her. She could help her rewind to the time when Tori unexpectedly dropped into her life.

* * *

Twenty-Four Years Ago …


Alicia walked into Michael Reese Hospital, got directions from the security guard, and took the elevator to the maternity ward. She entered a room down the hall from the nurse

s station and paused at the entrance. An infant swaddled in white cotton blankets slept quietly in a clear bin.

Bernice was sporting green contact lenses, a wig, and several layers of makeup; the get-up caused Alicia to frown.

Wow, the circus must

ve needed a whole new clown. You definitely look the part.

Bernice hurriedly slipped on the last of her street clothes and stuffed the hospital gown under the covers.

Glad you finally made it,

she said sourly.


m not on your clock. I don

t see why you called me in the first place.

Alicia noticed that the second bed in the room was unoccupied—highly unusual in a training hospital unless you had major cash.


s not like we

ve said two words to each other since you married my brother.

We had every reason to stay away from you,

Bernice snarled.

You told him not to marry me.

And I had good cause.

You don

t know me, lady,

Bernice snapped, shaking a fist at Alicia.

You don

t know nothing about me.

Alicia shifted so she was closer to the baby.

But I know women like you, and there was nothing that led me to believe that you had given up your old life.


s golden face flushed with color.

He told you about that?

Of course. My brother tells me everything.

She chanced a look at the infant.

Well, he used to tell me everything until you came along. Smart move, making him relocate to Rockford.

Bernice laughed.


s the only way I could be sure you didn

t mess things up for me again. And it worked.

Alicia focused on her sister-in-law.

Then why am I here?

Bernice marched across the room, grabbed the baby from the bin and shoved it into Alicia

s arms.

Alicia, meet Baby Mitchell. Baby Mitchell, meet your Aunt Alicia.

Alicia quickly secured the baby, smiling down at the little bundle, who was stirring because of Bernice

s jerky movements.

So precious,

Alicia whispered, stroking a finger across the soft pink cheeks.


m glad you feel that way,

Bernice said in a dry tone.

Cause you

ll be seeing a lot more of it.

Alicia tore her gaze from the baby.

What are you talking about?

She frowned as it dawned on her.

You want
to take care of your baby?

See? He did say you were pretty damn smart,

Bernice replied with a grin.

Actually, I signed into this joint as you, babycakes. So the kid

s all yours. Free and clear.

Alicia gasped and opened her mouth to speak, but Bernice gave her a cold, hard glare.

You have a choice, dear sister-in-law. Leave it here and let the State take over, or take it home with you and raise it yourself.

Bernice scampered over to the unmade bed and thrust the last of her items in a duffle bag.

The way I see it, that old-ass tank you married is shooting blanks. You should be happy to have this bundle of joy to round out your perfect little uppity life. And what makes it even better is that it

s your own flesh and blood.

She paused, frowning.

Least I think.

quickly shook off that thought, then
gestured in front of her.

You get a baby. I get my freedom. Everyone is happy.

I can

t take care of a baby!

Alicia cried, cradling the infant in her arms.


s eyes narrowed to slits.

You know firsthand what happens to kids in the foster care system, right?

Then she winked as though they were conspirators.

So I know you

ll do the right thing.

Not every foster home is like that!

Alicia shot back.

My grandparents took good care of us.

But what about the places you lived before you got to them?


s thin lips lifted at the corners.

James said something about you having to learn to be real handy with a switchblade to live with those people. Almost ended up in juvie at nine years old.

Bernice winked again.

My kind of girl. Trust me, we

re not so different after all.

Alicia repositioned the baby in her arms, gave a long look at the duffle bag positioned over her sister-in-law

s shoulder.

And just where the hell do you think you

re going?

Someplace other than where I live now.


s my brother?

Alicia asked.

On another tour of duty,

Bernice replied with a shrug.


m beginning to think he doesn

t care for this whole marriage thing. He stays gone longer than he stays home. That makes this the perfect time to cut my losses.

With that, Bernice grabbed her things and dashed out of the room.

Alicia looked down at the child she held, relishing the tiny gurgling sounds. Then a twinge of panic zapped through her. Her husband would not be pleased. He never cared for anything that took her focus from him. And as for herself, motherhood didn

t seem like it would ever be an option since her husband was so much older.

d been having fertility issues, but maybe this
she glanced down at the baby.
Maybe this little girl was the answers to every prayer that she had ever prayed.

Good afternoon,

a blonde nurse said as she entered and came to a halt.

Wow, you look fantastic! Ab-so-lute-ly beautiful.

Her gaze swept over Alicia twice before she added,


t see the real you with all of that makeup you had on. You look totally different from when you got here. Glowing even.

Only then did Alicia understand why Bernice now looked like a hooker on the wrong end of the workday.

Yes, I

m sure I do,

she mumbled.

The nurse focused on what was in her arms.

And you

re holding the baby. That

s a good sign. You had us worried for a moment.

She glanced at the chart in her hand.

I know the doctor released you to go home today, but we have to know … have you made a decision
on a name

Alicia couldn

t tell the woman that she wasn

t the mother; she was too taken by how the child

s little hand had gripped her finger tightly, as if she never wanted to let go. Then there was a gum-filled smile and another sigh that warmed Alicia

s heart. Her husband would have to get over himself.

Victoria. Her name is Victoria Denise Mitchell.

What a beautiful name,

the nurse said.

Well, let me get all the papers in order and mother and her baby will be able to leave.

The nurse walked out of the room and Alicia said on the edge of the bed.
The baby wiggled in her arms and she held her tighter.


she whispered.

My little girl, Tori.

And as she cooed at the baby, Alicia realized that she was already in love.

* * *

Would you like a refill?

Alicia snapped back to the present and gestured to her half-full tumbler.

Lady, are you trying to get me drunk?

The redhead

s eyes were alight with warmth as she answered,

You just seem so sad. Maybe there

s something in that glass that

s going to make you feel better.

Trust me, sweetheart, it

ll take more than a drink,

Alicia replied.

The redhead gave her a small, sad nod.
As she walked away, Alicia wiggled her pedicured toes so the hotel

s house shoes would stay put. She pulled the black leather coat around her, inhaling the familiar masculine scent that caused her to drift into memories of the man it belonged to. The hot bath that Dallas had drawn did ease the pain in her ankle, but it did not banish the chill within her soul.

d come downstairs in search of a little liquid heat to put some fire into her.

Reflecting back, she remembered the night she

d met Dallas, and for the millionth time she wondered how she

d allowed a total stranger to make love to her that way? It was still a wonder to her that the three months that followed had been the most pleasurable mistake of her entire life.

She was startled out of her thoughts when a deep voice said,

Why aren

t you in bed?

Alicia stared up into the handsome face of the man who knew her more intimately than her late husband ever had.

BOOK: Open Door Marriage
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