Read One Night in London Online

Authors: Sandi Lynn

Tags: #New Adult & College, #Contemporary, #Romance

One Night in London (2 page)

BOOK: One Night in London
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I sat there, shaking my head at her in disgust.

“Oh and let’s not forget Alfie. The guy who could never stay hard because every time you’d try to have sex, he thought of his mother and lost his boner.” She laughed uncontrollably.

“Hey. Alfie was a nice guy. He just had some mommy issues that he needed to work out. And besides, we had sex once.” I brought my coffee cup to my lips.

“One time, Chloe. One time in the six months you dated.” She held up her index finger. “See; that’s my point. You need to let go of the notion that you need to know a guy before you fuck him. It’s much better if you don’t know anything about him, like two strangers connecting for a brief moment in time who will never see each other again. It’s all about the thrill. Keep calm and fuck a stranger.” The smile on her face grew wide.

“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Sienna. You are a sex addict.”

“I am not. I just like sex.”

“I like sex too.”

“You don’t even know what real sex is, Chloe.”

“YES I DO! How can you say that to me?”

“I’m entitled because I’m your best friend. And as your best friend, it’s my job to make sure your lady parts are screaming with pleasure by a total stranger. So the next time you have sex, it will be with a mystery man in London.”

I rolled my eyes as they called our flight for boarding. This was our last layover and now we were heading straight to London. Sitting on the plane, Sienna looked over at the cute guy that was sitting across the aisle from her and elbowed me. I looked at her as she tilted her head towards him.


“He’s hot and he’s going to London. Maybe you can hook up with him.”

“Stop it! I’m not hooking up with anyone.”

“He keeps looking over at you. He’s trying to be sly about it, but he’s miserably failing.”

“He’s looking at you, not me.”

Suddenly, she did the unthinkable.

“Excuse me. Could you please settle a debate between me and my best friend?”

“Sure,” the guy replied.

“Are you staring at her or at me?”

I took in a deep breath and tried to hold it as long as I could with the hopes of passing out to avoid this embarrassing situation.

“I think you’re both beautiful women.” He smiled.

“Why, thank you. I’m Sienna, and this is Chloe.” She extended her hand.

“Nice to meet you, Sienna.” He reached over and extended his arm across Sienna. “Nice to meet you, Chloe.” He flashed a big smile and spoke in his English accent, “I’m Sam.”

I gulped over his accent. I wasn’t expecting that.

“You’re from England?” Sienna flirted and gave her “I want to fuck you” smile.

“Yes, and you’re from?”

“We’re both from New York, but Chloe lives in Los Angeles now.”

“Ah. I see. So the two of you met up for a fancy vacation in England?”

“Yes. It’s a place we’ve always wanted to visit and for good reason,” she spoke.

The two of them carried on a conversation before and after we took off. About an hour into the flight, Sienna slipped her eye mask over her eyes and went to sleep. She claimed she was tired, but it was no doubt due to the four whiskey sours she drank; two before we took off and two right after we took off. We had been planning this trip for over a year. Being an assistant art curator, I didn’t make very much money and living in Los Angeles was expensive, but I made sacrifices and saved almost every penny I made, including the money my parents sent to me for my birthday. The highlight of this trip for Sienna was bedding an Englishman, which I was sure she was already planning with Sam. The highlight for me was visiting the art galleries and museums to see the paintings that I’d only read about in books. I could care less about the men there or any man, period. After this last break-up, it became clearer than ever that I had bad luck when it came to men, so I made a vow to concentrate on my career, advancing to an art curator and enjoying life on my terms and my terms only. Fuck men and relationships. The minute I stepped off this plane and my feet hit the concrete of London, England, I was going to become a new woman. Possibly a woman who was going to have sex with a stranger in a foreign country.

Chapter 2

ix nights and seven days in London were coming to an end and it made me sad. We spent hours in the museums and galleries, shopped, took in all the beautiful sights London had to offer, and ate at some pretty amazing restaurants.

“Since tonight is our last night here, and I have unsuccessfully gotten you laid, we’re going to dress in our finest and head down to the hotel bar for a while,” Sienna spoke as she threw herself back on her bed.

I rolled my eyes. “What time is Sam meeting you down there?”

“What?” she asked as she propped herself up on her elbows. “How did you know?”

“I overheard your phone conversation in the bathroom this morning.”

“Oh. I thought you were sleeping.”

“I was until I heard you referring to his dick as an exploding cannon.”

“Well, tonight’s the night I will cross off on my list ‘sex with a stranger in a foreign country.’”

“And why did it take you so long? We’ve been here a week. Where has he been all this time?”

“He’s been busy with work and he lives an hour outside London. But tonight he’s free and he’s getting himself a room.”

“You mean he’s getting the two of you a room.” I glared at her.

“Whatever. We’ll still be in the hotel, so if you need me, just call.”

“So what am I supposed to do tonight?”

“You’re hanging out in the bar with us. Then, when we go back to his room, you can either stay down and tell the bartender what a man hater you are, pick up some hot guy, or come back up to the room and watch a movie.”

“I like the man hater idea.” I smiled.

She rolled her eyes and threw a pillow at me.

I slipped into my off-the-shoulder, cream-colored, short chiffon lace dress, then stepped into my matching heels and stood outside the bathroom door.

“Well, how do I look?” I asked Sienna, who was in the middle of applying her fake eyelashes.

“Adorable. Did you make sure to shave down there in case you meet a man tonight?”

I sighed. “Yes, Mother.”

“Good girl.” She looked down at her phone. “Shit, Sam is already waiting at the bar. He said he got us a table.”

“Then you better hurry up. You don’t want to keep your prince waiting. Oh, and by the way, Sam isn’t a stranger, so you can’t cross that off your list. You already broke your rule about knowing his name.”

“He’s a semi-stranger. I only know that he’s twenty-eight and his name is Sam. I don’t know anything else about him, so in a way, that counts.”

I sighed as I sprayed some of my Victoria Secret perfume across my body.

About fifteen minutes after Sienna received Sam’s text message, we headed down to the bar. As soon as we stepped inside the door, Sam stood up and waved us over to the table where he was sitting.

“Damn, he looks incredibly delicious,” Sienna spoke with a grin. “I can’t wait to taste him.”

“Ugh.” I shook my head.

After receiving a kiss on both cheeks, I took a seat across from Sam while Sienna practically sat in his lap. While I was sipping on my wine and watching the people come and go, I nearly choked to death when I spotted a man walk in and take a seat at the bar. Not just any ordinary man, but a man who was devastatingly handsome and the sexiest looking man my green eyes ever laid eyes on. He was tall, a little over six feet. His brown hair, which was styled with a matte spiked look, accented his almond-shaped eyes (too far away to see the exact color, but I was almost positive they were chocolate brown). The standard stubble he sported on his masculine jawline was pure perfection, as were his high cheekbones and perfectly straight nose. His skin was tanned and his tailored clothes left his body to the unimaginable. I bit down on my bottom lip as I stared at his back from the table. Sienna caught me and immediately took my attention.

“What are you staring at?”

“Nothing.” I looked at her as I sipped my wine. “I was just watching the people come and go.”

Her right eye narrowed at me and she could tell I was lying. She looked around the area but didn’t seem to notice him.

“Well, we’re going to go up to Sam’s room now. Are you heading back to our room?”

“No. I think I’ll stay down here for a while and have another glass of wine. I don’t want to go up just yet.”

Her eye narrowed at me again.

“You’re more than welcome to come up to my room with us.” Sam smiled. “Believe me, I wouldn’t object.”


“Thanks for the offer, Sam, but I’m fine right where I am.”

“Okay, sweetie. Enjoy the rest of your night and don’t leave the hotel.”

“Yes, Mother.” I smiled.

She hooked her arm in Sam’s and the two of them left. My eyes diverted back to the mystery man sitting at the bar. My mind pondered the thought of whether or not I should go and sit next to him. As I finished the last sip of wine and started to be brave to do the unthinkable, he got up from the bar stool and left.

With a pout, I grabbed my wine glass and purse and sat down in the seat that was next to his.

“Refill, please.” I pushed the glass towards the bartender.

“What’s wrong? Your friends ditch you?” he asked in his sexy accent.

I sighed. “Pretty much. You know what? Forget the wine. Give me an orgasm.”

The bartender smiled at me. “One orgasm coming right up, pretty lady.” He winked.

“Did I just hear him right?” the devastatingly handsome man asked with his American accent as he sat down next to me.

My heart picked up its beat and my body started to sweat. He was even sexier up close. And his eyes; I was right. They were a dreamy chocolate brown that made me melt.

“Yes, you heard right,” I nervously replied.

“Ah. You’re American.”

“Full blooded and all.” I smiled like an idiot.

Why the hell did I just say that?

He ordered a bourbon and pulled out his phone. Glancing over at his left hand, I saw that there was no sign that a ring had ever been worn on that well-manicured finger of his.

“One orgasm for the beautiful American girl.” The bartender grinned as he set down my drink in front of me.

“Her orgasm is on me,” the man sitting next to me spoke. “Put it on my tab.”

“Oh no. You don’t have to buy my drink,” I spoke in embarrassment.

“If there’s one thing I’m excellent at giving, it’s an orgasm. So enjoy.” He smiled and my panties soaked themselves.

Why would he say that? He was definitely flirting. This could be my chance. I gulped. Sex with him would be intense. I could tell. The way he carried himself with such confidence told me he excelled at anything he did.

“I bet you do.” I grinned as I held up my glass.

His eyes raked over me as the corners of his mouth curved into a cunning smile.

“Are you here with anyone?” he asked. “Perhaps a boyfriend?”

“Nope.” I took a sip of my drink.

“That’s a beautiful dress you’re wearing.”

“Thank you.”

“What’s your name?”

Don’t tell him, Chloe. No names. No personal information. Nothing. It’s all about the thrill. The mystery man. Keep him a stranger.

“My name isn’t important and neither is yours,” I spoke in a seductive voice.

He cocked his head to the side with a beautiful grin across his face as he stared into my eyes. Placing his hand on my thigh, which caused my body to spasm, he spoke, “Are you staying at this hotel?”

“Yes.” I looked down at his hand.

“Me too.” He leaned close to my ear as his hot breath swept across my skin. “How about we take our drinks up to my room? Perhaps you’d like an orgasm or two in private.” His hand made its way up my dress and stopped when he reached the fabric of my panties. I gasped as it felt like my heart went into cardiac arrest.

“Sounds fun.” I smiled. I couldn’t believe I just used the word “fun.”

Chapter 3

e placed his hand on the small of my back as we entered the elevator and took it to the top floor. Nerves flooded every fiber of my body and I couldn’t believe I was actually going to go through with this. I needed to maintain composure and behave like a woman who had done this sort of thing before. But I hadn’t and that was the problem. What if I totally sucked and disappointed him? Did it really matter, though? I was doing this for me, not him, and I’d never see him again anyway, so who cared, right?
, I silently thought to myself.

Upon entering his suite, I was enthralled at how beautiful it was. My room was just standard and blah.

“I had no idea they had rooms like this here,” I spoke as I set my purse down on the black leather couch.

“It’s their finest suite.” He smiled as he took the glass from my hand and set it down.

I walked over to the window and looked out over the city of London. Suddenly, I felt his hand push my hair to the side and the trail of his sweltering breath grazed my neck.

“You are a very beautiful woman.” His lips delicately pressed against my skin, making my body quiver in ecstasy.

“Thank you.” I smiled as I tilted my head, giving him easier access.

His hands roamed up and down the sides of my body before turning me around to face him.

“I want your name.” His lips brushed gently against mine.

“No names and no personal information about each other. Tonight is my last night here.”

He arched his brow as a small smile crossed his perfectly shaped lips.

“Mine too.”

“So names aren’t important.”

“I suppose you’re right.” His mouth smashed into mine.

The way he kissed me was not natural. Or maybe it was and I’d just been kissed the wrong way all these years. His tongue parted my lips and entered my mouth, leaving me breathless, dazed, and confused. I had forgotten I was a girl from L.A. who had just been dumped by her gay boyfriend. Tonight, I was a sexy woman, having a one-night stand with an incredibly gorgeous man in another country. A man who made me feel something I had never felt before.

BOOK: One Night in London
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