Read One Down: Bayou Heat (Pantera Security League Book 1) Online

Authors: Alexandra Ivy,Laura Wright

Tags: #Pantera Security League 6 - Bayou Heat

One Down: Bayou Heat (Pantera Security League Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: One Down: Bayou Heat (Pantera Security League Book 1)
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Maybe all three.

At last she glanced over his broad shoulder, ensuring that none of Donaldson’s guards were in pursuit. She didn’t see anyone. Still, she forced herself to wait until they at last reached the foothills before she asked the question that was burning on the tip of her tongue.

“Where are we going?”

He smoothly moved up the steep incline, leaping over boulders without breaking a sweat.

“We need a place to lie low until I can contact my people and arrange a transport out of here,” he told her.

“Your people?” Her heart leapt into her throat. What was she going to be forced to do next? Could they be trusted? And if so, would she be able to remain with them for a short time to figure out what she was going to do next?

“The Pantera,” he said as he slowed his ruthless pace as they reached the line of pine trees.

A strange sensation tingled deep inside her. Again. So similar to the one she had in her dreams. And when this male had moved down the stairs back at the ranch, and stalked toward her cage. She glanced up and studied his lean, beautiful, fierce face, wishing she had the nerve to reach up and trace the elegant lines of his features.

“You can change into a cat?” she asked him.

“A puma,” he corrected. “And only in the Wildlands.”

She’d heard of that place. Donaldson had mentioned it, but without details. “Where is it? The Wildlands?”

“Deep in the bayous of Louisiana. It’s beautiful.” His mouth curved into an easy smile. “You’ll love it. So green and lush, the slow-moving water setting the pace. You’ll find that our people have generous hearts and are always ready and willing to give you and your puma the friendship and support that has been clearly lacking in your life.”

With her trust issues, his words should’ve troubled her. Or at the very least, made her suspicious. But they didn’t. Just the opposite, in fact. She was fascinated by the world he spoke of—and strangely comforted by the idea of others like her offering support and kindness. Even if it was for a short time.

“But I’m not Pantera,” she said. “I’m human. Same with my parents.”

“Perhaps you were born a human.”

Prickles of heat moved over her skin. She swallowed tightly.

“Something changed,” he continued. “Your blood—”

“You suspect I have Pantera blood?”

“Yes.” His glowing gaze lowered, studying her face with a fierce intensity. “I can smell it.”

She arched a brow at him. “Are you saying I smell?”

His nose flared and he inhaled, the heat of his body wrapping around her like a caress. “Oh yeah, you smell, kitten. And it’s glorious.”

She shuddered at his words, at the way he’d spoken them, while new, terrifying sensations swirled through her. She had Pantera blood inside her? How? How was that even possible?

She forced her mind back, but it only fell into darkness.

She growled to herself, and abruptly turned away from his burning gaze. She couldn’t process her strange reaction to this male or what he’d said. Not after what she’d been through. It wasn’t true. Couldn’t be, and yet…

“I’ve always known there was something different about me,” she said almost to herself. “Why else would I have been taken, locked up…”

“Not different,” Cerviel said. “Superior.”

She smiled at his words, a moment of lightness, pressing her head tight against his chest as he pushed his way through a wall of pine branches illuminated by the half-moon’s light. The landscape was becoming increasingly remote and untamed. The sort of place humans rarely visited. The sort of place where an animal might be very comfortable.

“You don’t lack in confidence,” she pointed out.

He laughed softly. “No. I’m sure many would call me an arrogant bastard.”

She glanced up at him.

“In fact, my Pantera brothers have called me much worse.” He gave her a wink.

The action went straight through her and penetrated her heart. The one that had broken, then had ceased to beat during her time in the cage. He was something. Dangerous and sexy, yet held so much warmth and kindness within him. Her eyes searched his, so dark and liquid. He was one of the good guys. She was certain of it. Just as she was suddenly certain she would do anything to get him to smile at her again.

She swallowed thickly, feeling oddly vulnerable. “Do you have a big family?”

As a quick breeze picked up around them, he ducked beneath a low overhang and followed a narrow path that led along a deepening ravine.


She blinked. Had she heard him right? “Hundreds?”

He slowed as the path narrowed. On one side was a wall of rock, on the other a sheer drop-off. She gripped him a little tighter.

“My pack is my family,” he told her, though his voice held a thread of sadness as he said it.

“That must be nice.” Envy speared her heart. She couldn’t imagine being surrounded by a large, loving pack. She’d been alone for so, so long.

He glanced down at her, his brows pulled together. “Have you always been at the ranch?”

“I…” Her words trailed away as she gave a helpless shake of her head. “I don’t know.”

His frown deepened. “What do you mean?”

She hated having to tell him this. It made her feel so damn weak. “I think something was done to me,” she admitted, her gut clenching with both pain and sickness as she tried to push back in time. “I can’t remember anything before waking up in that cage five years ago.”

He looked stunned. “Nothing?”

She shook her head. “It’s blank. It’s as if my mind was erased.” She regarded him with somber, pensive eyes. “It’s as if I never existed.”







It was a nearly impossible task, but Cerviel bit back his urge to press Hallie for more details on her loss of memory. There was only one reason to clear someone’s mind. And that was because they had information that would be dangerous.

But right now he needed to concentrate on finding a place to keep her safe from Donaldson. At least until he could make sure it was safe to signal for the chopper and they could get the hell out of Wyoming.

Following the curve of the narrow pathway, he discovered a wide opening that led into a cave. It was shallow, with a low ceiling and a smooth rock floor, but it was well away from the human pathways, and best of all, no one could approach from behind or below. He could easily defend the location.

“I think we should be safe here,” he murmured, ducking inside and crouching down to settle Hallie near the back of the space.

He was about to straighten when she reached out to grab his arm.

“Are you leaving?”

The slight panic in her voice made his gut clench. “I want to do a sweep and make sure there’s no one who might stumble across this cave. Also want to make sure our tracks are covered.” He eyed her seriously. “You still have the gun?”

“Yes.” She reached into the front pocket of her hoodie to pull out the Taurus PT111.

He grimaced. She held the weapon like it was a snake about to bite her.

“Shoot first and ask questions later,” he commanded in stern tones. “Got it?”

Perhaps sensing his lack of confidence, Hallie squared her shoulders and gripped the gun with far more determination.

“Got it.”

Cerviel hesitated. He hated to leave her alone. She was clearly feeling vulnerable and exposed. No big surprise for a female who’d been locked in a cage for years.

But he had to make sure they weren’t being followed.

Dipping his head, he brushed a reassuring kiss over her furrowed brow. Then, with a sharp movement, he was on his feet and heading out of the cave.

He didn’t use the pathway, however. Instead he scrambled up the vertical rocky slope and circled around the peak of the ridge. Once near the top, he pulled out his cellphone that had been boosted by Xavier just in case there was no signal and hit Raphael’s number.

“I’ve got the asset,” he said as soon as he heard the older male’s voice.

“Alive?” Raphael demanded.

“Yeah, but she’s been—” Cerviel bit off his words. He couldn’t think about what’d been done Hallie. Not unless he wanted to risk everything by returning to the ranch and slicing Rick Donaldson into bloody strips. “Have you figured out why it was so important that you sent me to retrieve her?”

“Not yet. Why?”

“Are you still willing to let her die if you decide she’s a threat to a Pantera?”

“Sacrifices are always demanded. You know that better than anyone, Cerviel.”

“Maybe you won’t get her back, then,” he said impulsively.

There was a low snarl over the line, then, “Cerviel—”

“She’s been tortured, for fuck’s sake. She has no idea where she came from or why. I won’t have her hurt again.”

The leader of the Pantera exhaled heavily, didn’t say anything for a few seconds. When he finally did, his tone was calm and controlled. “Do you trust my word?”

Cerviel didn’t hesitate. “Yes.”

“You get her back to us and I swear to you she won’t be harmed in any way. But you get that you sound more like her mate than a member of the PSL, right?”

Cerviel refused to answer. In fact, he refused to even think on the male’s ridiculous observation. All he wanted was to keep an innocent female safe. “I’ll bring her in.”

“Is that the only reason you’re calling? Or are you ready for the evac?” Raphael asked.

Cerviel considered. He glanced around the thick layers of trees and rugged terrain. He was fairly certain he’d managed to shake off his pursuers. But if the guards were still searching for them, the approaching lights and sound of a chopper would most certainly pinpoint their location.

Especially if he had to travel with Hallie to a spot where the chopper could easily land.

“No. Call it off for tonight. I don’t want to alert the guards where we are,” he told Raphael. “We’ll meet at the same coordinates where I was dropped off, at dawn.”

“I’ll let the pilot know,” Raph promised. “But remember, he’ll be on the ground for ten minutes. Not a second longer. You need to be there.”

“Got it.”

Ending the connection, Cerviel slid the phone into his pocket and set off at a rapid pace. He did a careful sweep to make sure there were no stray campers in the area before returning to the pathway to make certain there were no footprints that might reveal the direction they’d taken.

Once confident he’d left nothing behind that could lead the guards to the cave, he headed toward a hunting lodge he’d seen when the chopper had dropped him off three hours ago. The four human men who were staying at the large, log structure were still awake, but not one of them noticed the silent shadow that slid through the back door. They were on the porch, busy swapping bullshit about the ‘one that got away’ and drinking heavily from a bottle of scotch.

Collecting what he wanted, Cerviel left as silently as he’d arrived, melting into the shadows with the ease of a predator.

A quarter of an hour later, he was back at the cave.

“It’s me,” he called out before stepping into the opening.

The last thing he wanted was to startle Hallie. She might not know much about guns, but she could squeeze a trigger and put a bullet through his heart.

“I promise not to shoot,” she called out.

An odd sensation twisted his heart. The light, almost teasing words couldn’t disguise the aching relief he could hear in her voice.

Entering the cave, he moved to settle next to her shivering body, setting up a small battery-powered lantern before placing a canvas bag between them on the floor.

“I come bearing gifts.”

With a lift of her brows, Hallie watched in silence as he pulled out the loaf of bread, a large container of roast beef and a bag of chips. Hardly gourmet fare, but he’d overheard the guard telling Donaldson that he hadn’t fed Hallie. Right now any food would no doubt taste like ambrosia to her.

“Where did you get this?” she demanded in appreciative surprise.

“I borrowed it from a hunting lodge a few miles away.”

She glanced up to study his overly-innocent smile. “You borrowed it, huh?”

He shrugged. “Something like that.”

“Did you poach it?”

“Does it matter?”

“Hell no,” she admitted on a laugh. “I’m starving.”

He laughed with her as she reached to take the bread. She quickly assembled two sandwiches, piling them high with roast beef. Not that he was going to complain. He was a carnivore. The more meat the better.

Taking the sandwich that she offered him, Cerviel absently consumed it in four large bites. Then, leaning against the wall of the cave, he studied his companion in the warm, soft light of the lantern with unconcealed fascination.

She was so exquisite. From her wide, hazel eyes to the long, thick red hair that bracketed her lovely face with such smooth skin and pure lines. But it wasn’t her physical beauty that attracted his attention, and made him—in Raphael’s words—act like a mate where she was concerned. It was the unbroken strength he could see in her eyes, and the courageous spirit visible in the aura that flickered around her.

She was a warrior.

She was a survivor.

Fuck… He scrubbed a hand over his face. He could only hope that the Pantera’s need to know the truth didn’t do irreparable harm to his tenuous yet ever-growing bond with her.

Polishing off the last of her sandwich with more restraint than he’d displayed, Hallie glanced up to discover his unwavering gaze.

“What?” She put her fingers to her mouth, then her nose. “Do I have something on my face?”

Unable to resist temptation, Cerviel reached out to lightly stroke a finger over her cheek.
Her skin was as silky smooth as it looked. And now that she had some food in her belly, a hint of color was replacing her unnatural pallor.

Her hand dropped from her face, and her lips parted in an unconscious invitation, but with a heroic effort, he managed to resist temptation.

“Your face is perfect,” he assured her, pulling his fingers from her cheek.
She doesn’t belong to you, Cerviel. No female ever can. She is yours to protect.

BOOK: One Down: Bayou Heat (Pantera Security League Book 1)
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