Read Once Upon a Fiery Christmas (Return to Avalore Book 3) Online

Authors: Elianne Adams

Tags: #paranormal erotic romance

Once Upon a Fiery Christmas (Return to Avalore Book 3) (4 page)

BOOK: Once Upon a Fiery Christmas (Return to Avalore Book 3)
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Other than the one meal they’d shared, he didn’t usually stick around long enough to have a drink of water or anything else for that matter. In fact, he had never come by without an express invitation.

Sebastian traced a finger down the side of the glass she had set before him. He stared at its contents as though it were the most fascinating thing in the world. “I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for what happened this afternoon.”

As embarrassed as she’d been, she didn’t want him beating himself up over it. “It’s okay. I shouldn’t have come on to you like I did.” She waited until he looked up at her before continuing, “I’d still love your help with Rhia’s surprise, but I’d understand if you’d rather not.” As much as it hurt, she’d rather have him as a friend than not have him at all. If pasting a smile on her face and pretending her heart didn’t have any bruises would make it possible, she’d do it.

Sebastian opened his mouth to speak, then closed it before taking a drink and setting his glass on the table again. “I have to be honest, Chantelle. Being anywhere near you is difficult.”

“I understand.” Whatever happened to letting someone down gently? She definitely needed Katie to come back with more cake.

She jumped as Sebastian struck the tabletop with his hand, bouncing his glass a little closer to the edge. “No, you don’t understand. You think you do, but you don’t. Not in the least.”

He shoved away from the table and stood. “We both know what happened thirty years ago, what happens when one allows feelings to bloom for someone other than their mate. The beast inside won’t stand for it. Our queen was murdered because of it.”

“Sebastian, I…” What could she say to that? He wasn’t wrong.

“I’m already too close, Chantelle. I’ve heard you talk to Katie and Rhia. I know you plan to call your mate soon. Taking
,” he said, pointing back and forth between them, “any further can only end in disaster.” A low rumbling growl resonated in his chest.

Deep down, she believed him to be her mate, but she had no way of knowing until she called upon the Elders. “I understand.” And this time, she did. As much as she wanted to be with him, she wouldn’t push him for more. “I’ll ask Richard to get the evergreen. Most of the other things Katie and I can take care of.”

“I’ll get the damned tree.”

Fire leapt in his eyes and his voice took on a raspy tone she hadn’t heard before, making her breath hitch and warmth spread through her. Sebastian might have decided to keep his distance from her, and she’d respect that, but from the possessive glare he was casting her, his dragon wasn’t happy about it. “If that’s what you wish, I’d be grateful for your help.”

“Good. Just tell me where and when you want it and it will be there.” Without missing a beat, he emptied his glass in one long drink and brought it to the sink.

His broad shoulders drooped a little and his head bent as though rinsing his glass required infinite care. “I’m sorry if I’ve led you on. It wasn’t intentional.”

He stiffened when she came to him, but didn’t move away. Heat emanated from his back, warming her hand before it made contact. “You didn’t. Really. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want more, but I understand, and I’ll abide your decision.”

His energy cooled and his muscles bunched beneath her fingers. She could almost see his resolve strengthen. “It’s the way it has to be.” With that, he pulled away from her touch and left.

Chapter 5

The ache in her heart had yet to diminish, but Chantelle shoved it away. She couldn’t do a thing about the situation with Sebastian until the Christmas celebration was done. She just didn’t have the time. Between organizing a group to sing silly songs and making ornaments and decorations, she had little time to sleep, much less worry about what he was doing, but she did.

The few times Chantelle had seen Sebastian that week, his energy had been dull and listless, like he hadn’t slept in days. He had avoided her, and when she came up and asked him about it, he brushed her off and said he was fine, that he’d been working late. She nibbled at her bottom lip. If she thought speaking with him would help she would, but she feared it would only make matters worse.

“Just go over there and talk to him.” Katie nudged her with her shoulder, and Chantelle nearly dropped the delicate ornament she’d been showing her. “And growling at the blonde next to him is getting you nothing but weary looks from the singers.”

Chantelle snapped her attention back to Katie. With a deep sigh, she handed the bright red ball to her friend. “No, it’s better this way.” She hadn’t told Katie or Rhia that she’d met with the Elders earlier that day, and she’d given them express instructions to not inform her mate until after the celebration. She didn’t want anyone or anything taking away from the festivities. Rhia had given up everything she’d known to come to Avalore, and Chantelle wanted her to enjoy every second of this human holiday.

Her gaze shot back to Sebastian as he held the evergreen in a makeshift stand while Michael tightened the contraption around the bottom of the trunk. She didn’t recognize the blond woman grasping his arm with her head thrown back in laughter, but it didn’t matter. If she didn’t get her paws off him soon, Chantelle would gladly remove them for her. And if the woman was lucky, she’d give them back.

The woman’s laughter quieted and finally died away as their gazes met. She quirked an eyebrow, challenging Chantelle with a look, before turning her attention back to Sebastian, who said something to make her laugh again.

Chantelle didn’t even realize she was moving until the woman’s eyes widened and her smile faltered. What did she expect, that she’d just stand there and watch her throw herself at him? “Sebastian, Michael, thank you so much for getting the tree. It’s beautiful, but it would look better if it were straight.” She shoved her way between Sebastian and the woman, effectively putting a little more space between them as she reached for the trunk to pull the tree more to the right.

Never had fury burned so hot. How dare he flaunt a woman in front of her as he was? Did he care nothing for her at all? A lick of flame rushed up her neck before she could douse it. She couldn’t even look at him, she was so angry. She wanted to tear the woman from Sebastian’s side and make sure she never came back, but she wouldn’t do that. At least, not yet. Thirty-six more hours and the Christmas surprise for Rhia would be done, and if she had anything to say about it, she’d be mated shortly thereafter. She even had the perfect dress picked out.

She couldn’t look at Sebastian. Of all people, she never expected him to be so callous. The attraction buzzing through her when he was anywhere near was more than sexual. It was soul deep. He was her mate. There was no doubt in her mind, so for him to allow the other woman’s touch stabbed through her. The skin on her forearms tingled and prickled. She couldn’t lose control, not now. She still had to teach the carolers one more song, and she’d promised to help Katie with the rest of the decorations.

Thick silence engulfed them until it was obvious she was intruding. Michael broke the silence. “Thank you, Chantelle.” Soothing male warmth enveloped her, but it was all wrong. Michael was trying to defuse the situation when Sebastian should have been the one to ease her hurt.

“No p-problem.” She whispered the words and turned on her heels. The noise in the bustling courtyard slammed into her once more. She couldn’t do it. She had to get out of there. She’d barely made it to the hedges when the carolers started the next song.
“Thank you.”
She sent the words to Katie, not bothering to look back as she rounded the hedges.

As they said in the lands of men, he was an ass. Sebastian should have known better than to allow Kira to accompany him, but she had shown up unannounced, and he hadn’t known how to get rid of her without being overly rude. Besides, Chantelle was soon to be mated. Michael had seen her leaving the Council Chambers. She had to have been asking for her mate, yet no one had approached him, and he’d seen the Elders leave their meditation session with his own eyes. Whoever was destined to be her mate was one hell of a lucky man. Fire churned in his stomach, blistering him from the inside out. His gums ached with the effort to keep the sharp teeth of the dragon from breaking through.

“Go talk to her. Who knows why she went to see the Elders. She could have been asking them to participate in the Christmas celebration for all we know.” Michael stepped in front of him, blocking Chantelle from his view.

He took two long breaths, letting the dragon’s fury dissipate before looking over to where Kira stood with eyes wide. “Kira, I’m afraid I’m not the best company this evening. Perhaps Michael can escort you home?”

He should stay away from her. Nothing good would come of chasing Chantelle, but he couldn’t stand the pain that had flashed in her eyes when she’d realized Kira had been with him.

When he reached the edge of the gardens, she was gone. He was about to turn back when Chantelle’s small sob halted his footsteps. Just beyond the hedges, Chantelle stood with her face buried in her hands and shoulders shaking.
Damn it.
He had done that to her.

“Chantelle.” He reached out, touching her shoulder, and she stiffened at his touch.

She sniffled, brushed at her cheeks and faced him. Head held high, she waited for him to speak, but when he could only look at her and swallow past the lump in his throat, she shook her head. “What do you want, Sebastian?”

“I’m sorry for bringing Kira with me. She showed up and I didn’t know what to do with her so I let her tag along.” Her eyes glistened again, and he wanted to gather her in his arms, but he couldn’t. “Please don’t cry.”

Chantelle blinked back tears. She cleared her throat and took a small step closer. “Kiss me, Sebastian.”

Of all things she could have said, he had not expected that. “What?”

“I said kiss me. I want you to put your arms around me and kiss me. You’ve done it before, it shouldn’t be that hard.”

Her voice broke on the last word, and damn him, he wasn’t strong enough to say no. He took her into his arms, and crushed her lips beneath his. Her body melted against him as she opened to him, returning his kiss with abandon.

Her hands snaked up his shirt and Goddess help him, he wanted her touch—needed it. Before he knew what he was doing, he was kissing down her neck, finding the spot his dragon so desperately sought. Chantelle tilted her head to the side, moaning as she pressed closer, shifting her body from side to side against him. He nipped her skin, and she gasped, stilling against him. With a deep rumble in his chest, he pressed his lips to the spot again and opened his mouth. He caressed the spot with his tongue before nipping again, a little harder this time.

“Yes, Sebastian, please do it.”

Her voice slid into his mind, enflaming the dragon even more. His cock throbbed with each soft pant next to his ear.

He couldn’t do it. Every muscle in his body protested, and his dragon fought against it, but he pushed himself back and stepped away.

“Stay away from me.”
He’d meant the words to be more forceful, but pain made them more of a plea.

“It’s okay—”

“It’s not. Come any closer and I can’t guarantee you’ll be safe.”
He tried to get his feet moving again, but the dragon wouldn’t budge.

“I’m not in any danger from you, Sebastian. You and I both know this.”
She walked to him, shoulders back and head held high, with not a trace of sadness marring the perfection of her features.
“Come, let’s talk.”
She reached for his hand, but he pulled back.

He shook his head, and he willed the dragon back. Being so close to her only strengthened its resolve. “Please, Chantelle. Just turn and walk away.”

She didn’t shy away from his gravelly tone, or the tension radiating from him… she should have. Only a hair’s breadth separated them. Her scent filled him, drawing the beast to the surface. “Go. Now.” His fists clenched and unclenched as he fought for control. Already he was seeing her as a bright orange image before him, and he was powerless to stop.

“No.” The whispered word blew her breath against his lips and all control disappeared.

He brought his mouth down onto hers, crushing her soft lips. Her gasp was all the invitation he needed to deepen the kiss, their tongues mating in a wild, frenzied dance. His hands were everywhere, pulling her close so that every inch of her pressed against him. Goddess help him, he wasn’t going to be able to stop.

“Sebastian, come to my house, we can talk.”
She gripped his hair, holding him where she wanted him.

“We can’t do this.”
Even as he tried to reason with her—with himself, he slid his hand beneath her shirt to the soft expanse of skin of her back.

“Yes, we can.”
As though giving up on the idea of going to her house, she pulled him deeper into the shadows.
“I need you, so much.”

She lifted the hem of his shirt just enough to press her hands to his heated skin, making his muscles bunch and quiver beneath her fingertips. Tearing his lips from her mouth, he licked along her jaw and down the column of her neck to rest over her pulse. How easy it would be to bite her as his dragon wanted, to mark her. He ached with the need to do it, but he kept moving to her shoulder, easing himself from temptation before he lost all sense.

BOOK: Once Upon a Fiery Christmas (Return to Avalore Book 3)
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