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Authors: Meredith Wild

On My Knees (35 page)

BOOK: On My Knees
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Writing this story was like enduring an especially difficult pregnancy. It was uncomfortable and downright painful at times. I just wanted it to be over, but it simply would not be rushed. In the end, finally, a piece of myself was born.

Of course, I have a few people to thank for helping me bring this story to life. As always, thanks to Jonathan for giving me the support I needed to brainstorm, write, edit, agonize, and publish this book. You’re a keeper!

Thank you, Kaveri, for not being a prude, for celebrating with me every step of the way, and for giving me critical New Yorker insights!

Thank you to my betas, for your thoughtful and reassuring feedback. Thank you to my girl Krystin and the entire Team Wild crew! You are truly an amazing and badass group of women. I’ll never be able to appropriately express what your support has meant to me, but suffice to say, I love you all!

Here’s a big shout out to my Indie Romance Author Chicks for inviting me to sit at the cool kids’ table with you all. I love our group and the support everyone has given!

Thank you, Amy, for proofing with two arms full of needy children.

Many thanks to Helen Hardt for being the best editor ever, and for tolerating my perpetual sense of urgency and my propensity for dangling modifiers. I’d love to tell you all of this will change, but it probably won’t.

Lastly, for Michael, Mom, and so many others who’ve walked in the shadows, thank you for inspiring me with your strength.


Meredith Wild picked up her first romance novel at the tender age of twelve. Shortly after, she put pen to word processor and made her first attempt at writing a love story inspired by those she so enjoyed reading well past her bedtime.

Her dream of writing took a back seat to college, parenthood, and eventually entrepreneurship, which led her into the fast-paced high tech industry. With enough life experience to fill a few lifetimes, she now devotes her hours to writing contemporary adult romance with a hint of kink.

When she isn’t writing or mothering, Meredith can be found sunbathing with an adult beverage.

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BOOK: On My Knees
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