On Her Terms (Premiere Companions Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: On Her Terms (Premiere Companions Book 2)
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“Let me just say this. He wants you, pure and simple, and he no doubt knew the only way to have you was to marry you, so…” He left the rest unsaid. There was no need after all, and for the second time that day, dread filled Nicole anew.

If this was true, then how on earth would Jamison react knowing that she had in effect cheated the man of his wedding night?

“I’m going to have to tell him, won’t I?” she asked, grimacing at the shaky quality of her voice.


She threw him a pleading look, but she should have known he would make her spell this out. He’d seemed determined for her to face up to what they were doing here from the start, and if this whole night came back to bite her on the ass then she would only have herself to blame.

“Me not being a virgin anymore.” She finally managed to get the words out through gritted teeth, and Jamie reached for her hand again and squeezed.

“If you want any chance of this marriage working at all, then yes. Besides, it’s kinda hard to hide something like that, you know.”

“And if I don’t want it to work?”


Her face really was an open book. The Don’s daughter carried her feelings on her sleeves, at least with him. Jamie couldn’t recall ever noticing that in the myriad of pictures of her he’d scoured through. They’d made him want her, had been the reason for him to agree to this, but nothing could have prepared him for the visceral pull he felt toward her, the need to protect her not only from the ones out there who’d wish her harm, simply for being Don Cabrizi’s daughter, but also against the man himself.

Jamie only had to wait a little longer before he could give the man a piece of his mind. Sadly rearranging her father’s face with his fists was a no go, but he smiled grimly at the direction his thoughts were taking. It didn’t hurt to imagine that, after all.

“Forget I asked that. We had agreed we wouldn’t discuss this anymore.”

Her voice shook him out of his thoughts, and she jumped when he got up abruptly, tipping his chair back in the process.

“That we did, girl. Get up and strip for me.”

He dropped his voice on purpose, and had to hide his amusement at her startled deer in the headlights look at his rapid change of topic.

“Wh-at?”  Her breath hitched, and she wrapped her arms around herself in a defensive move, which told him how much that request had rattled her.

“You heard me, girl. I’m not in the habit of repeating myself, so unless you want me to add an extra ten swats to your tally, you best do as I said …

“Yes, Sir.” Her voice wobbled, but she did rise.

It was his turn to draw in a sharp breath, as she fumbled with the knot on her robe. It seemed to take ages for her to undo it, and when she did tantalizing glimpses of bare skin showed through the gap. He stepped away to seat himself on the chaise lounge which made up part of the furniture, and was the perfect shape for what he had in mind.

“All of it, girl. Slip it off your shoulders, and let me see what’s mine.”

A little mewl of excitement came from his girl, and following his instructions beautifully, she slipped first one and then the other creamy shoulder out of the toweling fabric, while she held it up in front of her breasts. With an impish smile on her flushed face she let the robe slide lower excruciatingly slowly, and by the time her heavy breasts came into view, Jamie was so hard his zipper was in danger of leaving teeth marks along his dick.

On and on the slow slide of white fabric along skin continued until her sweet cunt came into view, and she let the robe fall to pool around her feet.

Spread your legs for me and let me see how wet that has made you.”

He smirked at her staccato breathing, and the way she grasped the table for support as she inched her thighs apart.

“Wider, girl, use your hand to open your cunt lips. I want to see.”

“Please, Sir, I can’t. This is…”

“This is what? You’ve just earned yourself another five swats. Now do as you’re told.”

She jumped at his terse command, but complied this time, and he barely held in a groan when her puffy pussy lips came into view. Her pussy was still swollen from his earlier attentions. His beard burn was clearly visible on her inner thigh, and his gaze snared on the delightful wetness coating her inner lips as she pulled them apart with her digits. The action exposed her clit, and even from this distance he could tell how engorged and needy that little hot button of hers looked. He unsnapped the top button of his jeans, pulled down the zip and reaching inside freed his heavy erection. A groan came from the woman stood a few feet away, when he took himself in hand and pumped his fist up and down his shaft a few times.

“This what you want, baby?”

She licked her lips in answer, and his dick jerked at her breathless reply.

“Please, Sir.”

“You best crawl over here and get it then, girl.”

Nicoletta looked startled for a second, as though she hadn’t heard him right, but when he clicked his fingers and pointed to the floor, she dutifully sank to her knees. The sight of her on all fours crawling toward him, her beautiful breasts swaying from side to side as she did so—man, that was fucking hot. He kept up the slide of his fist over his dick in a vain effort to gain some relief, and sucked in a sharp breath when the little minx stopped in front of him, sat back on her haunches and slid her hands up his legs until she could put them on top of his over his shaft.

“Can I help you with that, Sir?” she asked, seconds before she licked over his sensitive tip. Jamie saw stars, and taking a deep breath in brought his free hand round to her throat, and squeezed. Not enough to cut off her air supply, just enough to get his point across, and sure enough she froze.

“That’s another five added. How many is that now, girl?” he asked.

He released his hold on her when her eyes widened, and he scooted away from her and off the seat, kicking his jeans all the way off in the process. His t-shirt was next, and Nicoletta jumped when it fell across her feet.

She looked utterly rattled huddled on the floor, worrying her bottom lip with her teeth, and thinking mighty hard if the frown drawing her eyebrows together was any indication.

“Well, girl, have you worked it out yet? While you do, drape yourself over the arm of this chair.” He patted the raised end of the chaise lounge. “Feet on the floor, arms on the seat, belly on the arm rest.  I’ll be right back, and you best be in position, lest you add more swats to your impressive tally of thirty-five so far.”

He grinned at her sharp intake of breath, and left the room in search of his hold-all. By the time he returned it was to find her in position.

“Such a beautiful sight, you are, my dear, only enhanced by these, methinks.” He dropped the ropes he’d been carrying in his hand in front of her on the seat, and his girl groaned deep in her throat.

“I’m going to tie you to this chair, until you can’t move, and then, my sweet little thing, I’m going to spank that luscious ass.”

To prove his point, he slapped her round bottom twice in quick succession, satisfied to see the skin wobble and pink up immediately. The sweet musk of  her arousal increased tenfold, and when he kicked her legs apart and ran his hands through her slit he wasn’t at all surprised to find her so wet, she coated his fingers. Nicoletta yelped in surprise when he pushed two digits slick with her arousal into her pussy, and curling them until he found her sweet spot, massaged that raised bump of flesh deep inside her.

“Please, Sir … oh God, don’t stop.”

The speed with which she responded was a heavy aphrodisiac indeed, and she moaned her denial when he withdrew the digits, only to tense when he pushed just one finger through her anus.

“Relax, my sweet. I have another surprise for you.”

Stepping away, he wiped his fingers clean with a wet wipe, and then pulled out the smallest butt plug he owned. Nicoletta’s eyes widened when he showed it to her.

“We’ll start with this one, and change it up in a while. Remember your safe words, my sweet.”

The sound of her swallowing hard seemed terribly loud in the quiet room, but eventually she nodded.

“Yes, Sir.”

Jamie grinned, slapped her ass twice more, making her gasp, and then picked up the ropes.

“First things, first. Let’s get you trussed up for my pleasure,


Chapter Six


Oh, good God, what had she let herself in for? Her heart beat so fast it was in danger of beating itself right out of her chest, or at least it felt that way. She seemed utterly incapable of breathing in anything other than short staccato bursts, and the ropes. Oh my goodness the ropes.

Reading about Shibari had always got her wet and she’d pored over hours of video footage of riggers in action, but the reality of the hemp sliding across her skin, waking up every nerve ending in the process was something else entirely. The rope Sir used felt rough and bristly, and the fresh smell of it tickled her nose as she inhaled. By the time he’d fashioned a harness around her ribcage and secured her arms to her side, before bringing the rope around to secure it to the feet of the chaise lounge, she was a sweating, panting mess.

Strangely enough, even though she couldn’t move a muscle, draped over the soft, padded armrest as she was, she didn’t feel panicked. Quite the opposite, a sense of calm came over her. Her breathing slowed, and she relaxed into the sensation of Sir checking his handiwork, murmuring to her in that mesmerizing deep tone he’d adopted, until nothing else mattered but him.

“That’s my good girl. You’re doing very well. I was going to secure your legs, too, but let’s warm that sweet butt of yours up a bit, shall we? Give me a color,

His voice sounded far away, even though she could feel his hot breath ghost across her back as he delivered tiny bites along her spine. They registered as pinpricks of pain, which only served to pitch her further into this strangely detached state of bliss. A sharp and painful swat to her ass shook her out of that briefly.

“Color?” he asked again.

“Green, Sir.” She whispered her reply, and she could hear him take a deep breath.

“Good. Count for me.”

His voice brooked no argument, and she somehow managed to groan her reply.


Another harder swat across both butt cheeks this time left her ass on fire, and she gasped.


This time he hit the crease where her thighs met her behind, and the pain made her scream.

“Three. Ow.”

She received a moment of respite when his large hands soothed the painful sting away, and then he turned her head and swiped her hair out of her perspiration soaked face.

“Good girl, you’re doing very well. Keep counting and breathe. It will help.”

“Yes, Sir.”

She offered him a wobbly smile, which earned her a kiss on the nose, and then he was back pummeling her behind.

By the time she breathed fifteen she was back floating, the pain in her ass having morphed into heat so arousing she knew it wouldn’t take much for her to tumble head over heels into a climax so intense she wasn’t entirely sure she’d survive it.

Sir’s large hands massaged her smarting globes, and she whimpered her need when he cupped her sodden slit.

“So very needy aren’t you, my lovely. Soon, I promise, but first.”

Something cold dribbled down her butt crack, and she groaned when Sir pushed what felt like his finger through her anus.

“Relax now, baby breathe out, that’s it.” Blunt pressure followed his request, and there was a moment of panic as he inserted what felt like something utterly huge and cold. It burned, and just when she thought she couldn’t stand it anymore the widest part of said object was through and her muscles snapped closed behind it.

“Hmm, so fucking hot, seeing you with a plug up your ass. Makes me want to do this.”

There was the snap of foil and seconds later an incredible feeling of fullness as Sir pushed his sheathed cock into her wet pussy. Her sore tissues protested, and she whimpered her distress, only for that to turn into pleasure so intense she could barely breathe, when he at long last bottomed out.

“That’s it, I’m in. Fuck you feel incredible around my dick. So fucking tight.”

She clenched involuntarily, and they groaned in unison when he started to thrust. Slowly at first, awakening nerve endings she didn’t even know she had. So full, so stretched, so incredibly filled. Circles of ever tightening tingles of bliss threatened to pull her under, but before she could reach that pinnacle she was striving toward, Sir pulled out of her.

Before she could even voice her protest, he was back to pummeling her ass. Every carefully placed open handed swat set her behind on fire, and pushed that plug in deeper, or so it seemed. When he stopped this time, and removed the plug, before inserting a much bigger one and then thrust back into her pussy, Nicoletta screamed her release. Muscles tightened, and her body quivered and contracted around him in helpless shakes and shivers. She wasn’t sure what spilled out of her mouth, as pleasure sucked her in and spewed her back out again, gasping in breath as the seemingly never-ending contractions of multiple orgasms rocked her body.

She was dimly aware of Sir swearing, and few more swats across her backside, and the searing pain of his removing yet another plug from her ass, before the warmth pushing into her backside told her this time it was him.

“Fuck, yeah, this ass is mine. You’re mine,
I own you. Do you hear me? You’re mine. Tell me.” Every guttural shout was reiterated by a thrust into her ass, fingers digging into her hips, with enough force to leave bruises and Nicole lapped it all up. It was dirty, and animalistic, and so very wrong, but she loved it.

“Say. It. Girl. Say. You. Are. Mine.”

Through the haze of pleasure clouding her brain, she whispered the words.

“Yes, Sir, I’m yours. I’m oh … not again.”

Another orgasm rocked through her as Sir thrust in deep once more, knocking the wind out of her lungs with the sheer force behind it, and then he pulled out. Wetness coated her smarting ass cheeks, and then the world went black for a while.

When she came back to the land of the living, it was to find Sir unraveling the ropes from around her breasts while murmuring to her, and then she was in his arms, being carried back to bed, while he kissed her.

This was a kiss like no other, claiming her, branding her, until she never wanted it to end. He stole her breath and her heart in one fell swoop, and rather than owning up to that terrifying dawning realization, she screwed her eyes shut and pretended to be asleep when he came back to the bed, having deposited her on it and walked away.

“And she sleeps.” She heard the humor in his voice, and she couldn’t help her gasp at the feel of the warm washcloth on her skin, as Sir set himself to the task of cleaning her up.

“There, almost done. I’m sorry, my sweet girl. Go back to sleep now. That’s my girl.”

She heard him move away, the toilet flushed, and then he was back. His warmth against her back a comforting presence, and this time she didn’t need to fake sleep. Utterly exhausted after the multiple orgasms he’d wrung from her, she fell into a deep sleep.

So deep that when she woke with a start much later, she couldn’t remember where she was for a moment. Something hard was digging into her sore ass, and a heavy mass pinned her down. She wriggled her butt, gasped at the soreness and the warm, almost suffocating presence lifted off her as Jamie rolled on his back.

Jamie, of course.

Nicole gave herself a mental slap as the events leading up to her waking up out of a comatose state in this opulent suite came back to her in breathtaking clarity. She winced anew when she, too, rolled, careful to not disturb the sleeping man next to her. The action made the sheet covering them both slip, and her mouth went dry as she took in the breathtaking masculine beauty that was her escort for the night.

Even in her mind she tripped up over that word, but she had to be realistic. It was still dark outside meaning it was either the middle of the night, or very early morning. Either way she had to leave, so as to not blow her cover story. If her maid came to wake her in the morning, and found her not in her bed she was duty bound to inform her Papa.

Nicoletta felt bad enough about lying to her in the first place. She had given her the night off, saying she would be late home, as she was meeting friends after her spa date. A vague cover story she intended to stick to, as long as her bodyguards had not raised the alarm. Then again, she’d left the same message with the staff at the spa, should her goons enquire after her, and as they wouldn’t want to incur the Don’s wrath, they’d go along with that, as long as she turned back up again safe and sound. After all she had given them the slip a lot lately, in preparation for tonight.

Jamie stirred in his sleep, and she forced herself to take one long last look at the man who’d quite literally turned her world upside down in just a few short hours.

He looked younger in his sleep, less forbidding, the sharp angles of his face softened in sleep. His stubble was almost a beard and felt rough under her fingertips when she couldn’t resist the temptation to touch him one last time.

It reminded her of the texture of the ropes with which he’d bound her. Faint crisscross marks still remained on her arms, and she smiled as she followed them with her eyes.

So much pleasure. Her heart twisted painfully when he turned away from her in a far too symbolic gesture. He wasn’t hers, never had been and despite the possessive words they’d both uttered in the heat of the moment, despite the tenderness he’d showed to her afterward, it had never been more than an illusion. A fantasy, bought and paid for by her, one sweet, hot memory, to sustain her as she got on with the life of being Don Cabrizi’s daughter.

Quietly, so as not to disturb the man sleeping in the huge bed, she set about collecting her things. Having drunk a gallon of water to counteract the headache she was brewing, tied her hair back in a ponytail, and used the mini bar to great effect to splash alcohol on her clothing until she reeked like a fucking brewery, she closed her hold all with the crumpled dress on top. Next came the note she’d written, which she placed on her side of the bed, so that he would see it when he woke up.

I’m sorry, I had to run. Thank you for a memorable night. Please get rid of the hold-all
and don’t worry about me. By the time you read this, I’ll be back home, having been picked up out of the gutter by my trusty bodyguards. They’ll think I went out drinking, that’s all.


That note seemed too cold to convey everything that had passed between them, and she resisted the urge to add some kisses. That would give entirely the wrong impression, and besides, she didn’t really owe him an explanation, did she?

He’d been paid handsomely for his
after all. It was her own stupid fault that she had … no, she wouldn’t allow herself to put a label to the emotions battering her soul right now. They were merely the byproduct of her inexperience in such matters, that’s all. Everyone knew that a girl always remembered her first time. That was after all why she’d chosen to do it this way. On her terms and her terms alone.

With a heavy heart Nicole pushed the door guarding the suite closed behind her. As she did not wish to encounter any nosy lift attendants she took the stairs down, and switched her phone back on in the process.

The barrage of angry text messages and voice mails from her bodyguards came as no surprise. They’d be going out of their mind, and—Nicole winced as she checked the time—4:00 AM—this had been the longest she had ever managed to evade them.

Keeping her head low, as she hurried through the foyer, she still felt the curious glances of the night staff behind reception on her. There were far too polite to comment, of course, and once she cleared the entrance door and rounded the corner she breathed much easier. No sooner had she fired off a suitably jumbled text message to her goons, bearing in mind that she was supposed to be intoxicated, a black Mercedes screeched to a halt behind her.

Nicoletta didn’t have to act very much, because their fast appearance made her stumble and she’d have face planted into the pavement had Luigi not yanked her to her feet.

Che cazzo,
Nicoletta, what have you done now? Get in, now.”

Nicole was spared from having to say anything at all, as Luigi launched into a litany of furious Italian, which she only caught half of. Stefano, goon #2 as she called him in her head, glared at her through the rearview mirror, and pulled away from the curb as though they were chased by a bunch of pitchfork waving villagers outraged at the immorality of Nicole’s behavior. That ridiculous notion made her giggle, and caused her stern faced protectors to lapse into a strained silence while they regarded her warily, as though she might turn into a poisonous snake. Poor goons. She
given them nothing but trouble, she supposed, and it would be their heads on the line if anything was ever to happen to her. The Don didn’t give second chances. She knew that, and that’s why Mama had run after all, or so she’d said. Something about that didn’t ring quite true now. After all the Don had the power to have had Mama killed, yet he hadn’t. Not for the first time, Nicole wondered about that. It didn’t make any sense, not the way Mama had eventually told Nicole her version of events.

Closing her eyes, Nicole feigned sleep, while inside her mind was racing, and memories bombarded her. Memories she kept a tight lid on usually, because they were simply too painful to contemplate, but in her exhausted, emotional state she couldn’t keep them at bay.

BOOK: On Her Terms (Premiere Companions Book 2)
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