Obsession (The Plus One Chronicles) (5 page)

BOOK: Obsession (The Plus One Chronicles)
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Fierce heat burst over Kat’s skin. Sloane’s intensity jacked her pulse and made her ache. Letting him hold her, she toed off her shoes, tugged off her shirt and bra. Then she framed his face. “You have me. I’m not going anywhere.” She’d been so scared he’d shove her aside. Push her out because he wouldn’t want her enough to figure out their problems together. The amber chips in Sloane’s eyes smoldered. He braced one hand on her back and drew his rough tongue over her nipple.

She gasped at the wet friction.

Sloane latched on, tugging hard, every pull streaking right to her core. Switching sides, he lavished his brand of sensual torture on her other nipple, heating her to molten need. His thick hair spilled through her fingers as she hung on, helpless to do anything but ride the sensation. Sloane ground his cock against her through their clothes. Her clit swelled, and every touch made her whimper.

He caught her nipple in his teeth, biting lightly.

That tiny streak of pain drove out everything but white-hot need hitting her deep between her legs. She clamped her thighs around him. “Sloane.”

He raised his head, revealing the hunger in his eyes. “Not there yet. Kiss me.” He took her mouth as if starved for her.

The firm, demanding press of his lips roused her untamed greed to taste, take and possess him entirely. Turning her head slightly, she opened beneath his assault.

He swept his tongue in, sliding against hers with blazing friction. His taste flooded her. Like sinful chocolate, the flavor provoked her craving for him. His T-shirt rubbed against her sensitive nipples. Too soft, the material wasn’t what she wanted rubbing against her. She grabbed the shirt and tugged it up.

Sloane set her on her feet and stripped off his shirt and shorts. Kat pushed her jeans and panties off. When she stood up—whoa. Sloane’s eyes blazed in his jaggedly beautiful face. The strong column of his throat spread into massive shoulders and arms. His chest rippled down to insanely cut abs, and his dark pubic hair framed his hard, thick cock. As she watched, a drop of fluid formed on the tip.

He stalked toward her, heat rolling from his pores.

Dragging her gaze up, she was suddenly unsure. He wanted her physically, but was it only sexual chemistry and nothing more? He’d shoved her aside the second she’d gotten in his way. “Sloane?”

“On the bed, baby.” He eased her down until he loomed over her. “Sex has never been like this for me. Until you.”

Hunger yawned painfully in her chest, a craving so vast and wide, Kat clutched the comforter to keep from falling into it. Desperation to be more than the right set of body parts at the right time burrowed deeply into her heart. “What?”

He cradled her face in his palm, his eyes melding into hers with raw honesty. “The way I can show you how I feel. Before you, sex was just a release. Now…it’s how I love you. We hold nothing back. Lift your knees around me and spread your legs. Show me what you won’t share with anyone else.”

God, what he did to her. She absorbed his words, letting them soothe and fill her ache to be loved. His gaze stayed on hers while her body drowned in heat and twisting emotions. Sloane had only had touch and comfort through sex. It was all he’d ever known, and he was giving that to her with his love. She drew her legs up along his sides, letting her knees fall open. Cradling his face, she said, “Only for you.”

His eyes flared, pupils swelling. With easy grace, he slid down her body, taking time to lave and lick between her ribs, scattering tiny bites down her belly until she shuddered with need. Finally he settled on the floor between her spread thighs. He angled his huge hands beneath her bottom, leaning in and drawing his tongue through her folds, circling her clit. Then he latched on to the little bud, stroking and sucking.

Hot sparks scorched through her. Tension built, pulling so tight she cried out.

Sloane shifted, working two fingers deep inside her. The full sensation ramped up her fierce ache. She rode him, canting her hips, going too tight, too fast. Like an overfilled balloon, she was going to explode.

He thrust his fingers, reaching the spot of pure hip-pumping pleasure while sucking her clit. It spiraled her higher at a dizzying speed. Kat barely hung on, riding the crest without release when he dragged his thumb between the cheeks of her ass and pressed against an unfamiliar erogenous zone. A new set of nerves flared hot and wicked. Her belly clamped down, and her orgasm burst over her. “Sloane!” She heard the scream, didn’t care. The waves of rippling pleasure owned her.

Sloane rose and loomed above her. “I have your taste. It’s mine. You’re mine.” He plunged into her, hard and deep. Lowering his chest to hers, he ravaged her mouth, filling her with their mingled flavors. Bracing on an elbow, he lifted her hips and drove all the way into her body, so full it took her breath away.

Pulling from the wild kiss, he sucked in a breath. “Take me. All of me.” He locked his eyes on her, driving in. Hitting a place that was his, only his.

She clutched his shoulders, his ripped muscles covered in hot skin and slicked with sweat. “Give me everything.”

His face went stark, eyes hot, jaw bulging, the cords on his neck standing out as he powered into her. He gave her everything as he filled her, taking her to heights of need she couldn’t express and couldn’t control. Kat twisted until his powerful shoulder, slick with sweat, flexed over her mouth.

The insane need to mark his skin as he had hers took command. Kat turned and skimmed her mouth and teeth over Sloane’s bulging biceps. Despite a thin whisper telling her not to do it, she bit down on that raging muscle.

His taste rushed her with tangy heat as his cock hit home deep inside her. Some tiny part of her tried to surface with outrage at her actions:
She was biting him.

“Oh fuck, baby. Do it harder.”

His arm swelled as she clamped down. His fingers dug into her hip. Streaks of pleasure twisted and tightened. Her body bowed as he fucked her. So close, so…

“More.” He shifted to one arm, cupping the back of her head and bracing her to his shoulder. “Mark me.”

His erotic order ripped away any shred of resistance, and she bit down firmly. His fierce growl of approval blazed through her, setting off her white-hot orgasm. The ferocious pleasure forced her mouth off his shoulder to gasp for air. Sloane slammed in and jerked hard, shoving her across the bed as he released into her, his cock marking her as completely as her teeth had marked him.

Minutes later, Kat was boneless as Sloane gently kissed her. “You marked me.” He glanced at his shoulder.

The light imprint of her teeth marred his skin. She’d lost control, maybe hurt him. A thread of shame niggled. “I didn’t intend to.”

Sloane’s eyes penetrated hers. “Your lips and teeth on me were so fucking hot.” His cock throbbed inside of her, proving he meant it. “I wanted your mark, told you to bite hard. When your teeth clamped down, I fucked you across the bed. Came so hard I thought I was going to die of hardcore pleasure.” He twined his fingers with hers. “You marked me, baby. I’m yours.”

Warmth flooded her, drowning out the sliver of worry about the future. They had now, and that was pretty damn special. Kat traced the scar bracketing one side of his mouth, then the other by his eye. “I—”

Her cell phone rang, cutting off her words. Mentally shifting, she said, “That’s Marshall’s ringtone.” Why was her brother calling?

Sloane pulled out of her, leaned over the edge of the bed to grab her pants and handed the cell phone to her.

She took it, pushed up against the headboard and answered, “Hi, Marshall.”

“Hey, Katie, sorry it’s late. This is the first chance I’ve had to call. I talked to David about the picture.”

The picture.
With everything that had happened, it’d slipped her mind. Her mouth dried. “What did he say?”

“That he doesn’t recognize the guy in your hospital room, and said the guy probably walked into the wrong room.”

“He’s lying.” Kat pulled her good leg up, hugging it to her chest.

Sloane’s heavy arm settled around her, drawing her into his side. “What’s going on?”

“Is that Sloane?”

“Yes. Hold on, Marshall.” Once he agreed, she took the phone from her ear, muted it and met Sloane’s gaze. So much had happened in the last two days. But did he want to get drawn back into this?

“We figure things out together. Isn’t that what you said to me?”

He heard her when she talked to him. Reassured, she nodded. “I went through the pictures of me in the hospital on the flash drive that my dad gave me.”

The amber chips in his light brown eyes hardened. “You found something.”

Worry snaked down her spine. What would he do? Sloane was extremely protective. “Yeah. In one of the pictures, I was in the hospital bed looking at the door. A man stood there.” Her hands grew clammy, and she wiped them on the sheet. “I recognized him. He was the man who said, ‘Consequences, Dr. Burke,’ when I was attacked.”

The muscles hardened in his chest and the arm around her shoulders. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me?”

“Your mom came in just as I found it. I got distracted.” A shattered heart was distracting as hell. She didn’t want to get into the part that while she’d been waiting and hoping Sloane would come to talk to her, she’d kept herself busy by sending Marshall the picture to ask David about.

He took a deep breath. “Put Marshall on speaker.”

Kat switched the phone over. “Can you hear me?”

“Yes. I showed Amelia the picture.”

“Amelia.” Sloane rubbed his fingers on her bare arm. “That’s the friend you used to work with at SiriX?”

He remembered. That had been their first plus-one event together and pretty much a colossal disaster. “Yes. We both worked on David’s team, and she still does.” Excitement and anxiety knotted in her stomach. To Marshall, she asked, “Did she recognize him? Know who he is?”

“She doesn’t know who he is, but she’s seen him.”

Kat rubbed her thumb over the top of her foot as desperate hope welled inside her. Was she finally going to get answers? “With David?”

“It’s been six years, but she’s pretty sure she saw David and this guy arguing in the hospital parking lot. She remembered it being the morning after the attack because she was on her way into the hospital to see you. The timing fits. In the picture your leg was still in traction. You didn’t have surgery until the following morning.”

Relief flowed through her. “I saw him arguing with David too. It was a week or two before the mugging or attack or whatever the hell it was.” What really happened that night?

“I’m working on finding out more,” Marshall added. “I told you so you’re aware and careful. Stay away from David.”

She rolled her eyes. “Hello? That’s been my goal for five years. I’m not the one who has him as the best man in my wedding.”

“You were engaged to him, girl-in-a-glass-house.”

“Nah, that was the old Katie.”

“Yeah? What is this new Katie going to do?”

“Kick his ass and make him tell the truth. Talk to you later.” She hung up before he repeated his lecture on staying away from David. That was her plan, but David had a way of showing up and tripping her panic.

Not happening again.



Chapter Four


Sloane poured some freshly brewed coffee and strolled back into Kat’s bakery kitchen. Sugar Dancer didn’t open for another hour. Kat had her iPod playing, her ass swaying in those tight jeans while she rolled out and cut dough.

She was so damned hot his cock engorged, but Sloane ignored it. Kat was working. Instead he placed her coffee within reach and settled in front of his laptop at the end of her worktable.

Once Kat slid the pastries in the oven, he said softly, “Get the flash drive and come here.”

She washed her hands and got the stick from the small desk tucked up against the wall. “The picture is rough.”

“You said that last night.” She hadn’t wanted to show him then. He tugged her between his legs and studied her eyes. Stroking his thumbs over her hipbones, he tried to understand her hesitation. “The only time I lose control of myself is when I have you alone and naked.”

Her eyes churned. “I just…”

BOOK: Obsession (The Plus One Chronicles)
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