Read Obsession Online

Authors: Tory Richards

Tags: #Love, #short story, #Sex, #motorcycle, #erotic romance, #reunion, #Bad Boys, #erotic novella


BOOK: Obsession
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Tory Richards



Smashwords Edition



Copyright © 2015 Tory Richards

All Rights Reserved.

Published by Tory Richards




Tory Richards:

Email: [email protected]




This is a work of fiction. Names, characters,
places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s
imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual
persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or
locales, is entirely coincidental.



All rights reserved. No part of this book may
be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
permission from the author except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical articles or reviews.




Cover artist: Safari Heat

Editors: Alisha Corsi




‘Author’s note: All characters depicted in
this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.’

Chapter 1





“Give me your hands!”

“You can’t pull me up.”

“Just give me your hands and let me try, damn
it! Do you want to be swept away?”

Sitting on her butt and bracing her feet
against the ground in front of her, she stretched her arms between
her legs. Sammy grabbed John’s hands and began to pull with all her
might, but the ground just crumbled beneath her shoes and she felt
her legs start to slide over the edge of the embankment. Her eyes
grew round when she realized that by trying to pull John out, she
was actually pulling herself in. She felt cold water fill her shoes
and slide up her pant legs.

“John! I’m sorry, John!” She exclaimed
helplessly with every inch she slipped over the side. She didn’t
think to let go of his hands to save herself. She tried to lean
back as she continued into the churning water in slow motion, too
afraid of falling on top of him and making matters worse.

John still didn’t budge, and the only thing
Sammy could do was slide down against the front of his hard body.
Embarrassingly aware of the intimate fit, she sucked in her breath.
But it did no good. Before she knew it she was almost breast-deep
in water, snugly wedged between his unyielding body and the soft
bank behind her.

She raised her gaze to his, almost
immediately becoming aware that he was now standing and was in no
danger of being swept away by the current. “I thought you needed
rescuing.” She pushed against his chest, but it was like trying to
move a mountain.

There was a look of amusement swimming in his
brown eyes and a low chuckle escaped him. “I do need rescuing, from
you.” His gaze moved lazily down her body and back up again.
“You’ve changed.”

Heat enveloped her. She knew exactly what he
meant. She’d lost weight since seeing him last.

His gaze dropped back down to her breasts.
Sammy glanced down to see her tank top had slipped a little,
exposing the tops of her full breasts. And she might as well have
been naked because the wet material did nothing to conceal her
brown, pointed nipples. Maybe he wouldn’t notice. But when her gaze
returned to his, she knew he had. He couldn’t hide the reaction in
his darkening eyes. Suddenly his smile disappeared and was replaced
with something serious and intense.

She decided the best thing to do was ignore
everything by getting out of there. “We need to get out of here.”
She hardly recognized the soft huskiness of her voice.
Why am I
nervous all of a sudden?

“That’s the last thing I’m thinking of.”

The next thing she knew, his hand moved up,
cupping one breast as if he’d done it hundreds of times. She caught
her breath as he ran his thumb over her nipple.
What does he
think he’s doing?

“John…” Her voice came out in a croak. And
something else was happening to Sammy. A flutter inside her belly
told her she liked the liberties he was taking.

His hand stilled but remained on her breast.
Their gazes clung for a moment. Sammy recognized the raw expression
on John’s face, the burning hunger in his eyes. She’d seen that
look before. He wanted her. His cock moved against her, backing up
that realization. Desire unfolded inside her, surprising her with
its intensity. The intimate moment seemed surreal. Like something
in a dream. Their attraction for each other had always been
simmering just beneath the surface, never acted on because of the
circumstances, and wrong timing.


In spite of her drawn out protest, he cupped
her other breast and did the same thing, caressing the full globe
with growing ardor, and tweaking the nipple. Sighing, Sammy closed
her eyes to savor the moment. The pleasant tingling in her nipples
traveled downward to her clit, which was being caressed by the hard
bulge behind John’s zipper. She arched into it during a moment of
weakness, shamelessly wishing there were no clothes between

Her movements made John lose control and he
began to squeeze and caress her breasts with more vigor. Growling,
he lowered his head and kissed the side of her neck before moving
to her open mouth. He kissed her roughly, forcing her head back.
Sammy responded without restraint, opening her mouth to his
exploring tongue while moving her lower body against his throbbing

They turned wild, their sounds of pleasure
mingling. John’s hand tugged her tank top down until he could place
his hands on her naked flesh, causing a river of heat to blast
through Sammy’s straining body. He broke off their kiss and lifted
her until he could take a nipple inside his hot mouth. The
intensity of his desire frightened Sammy, even as it fueled her

What are we doing?

“No, John!”

Sammy opened her eyes and sat straight up in
bed, gasping for breath and hotter than Hades.
What the
She ran her hands through her tousled hair and tried to
calm her racing heart. Her exploring hand found her nipples taut
and tingling. Farther down, she discovered the hair between her
legs was wet, her clit swollen and sensitive. She moaned and sank
back down.

This was the third night in a row she’d had a
steamy dream about her ex-brother-in-law. And each one was hotter
than the night before. Why? She hadn’t seen him in years, not even
after her divorce. They’d known each other since they were
teenagers, but John had lived up to his bad-boy persona and
good-girl Sammy had tried to stay away from him.

Her ex, Pat, had been the oldest of eight
siblings—five girls and three boys—and John was two years older
than Sammy. Being close in age, they’d all practically grown up
together. She’d gotten close to the girls, and eventually fell in
love with the good son, or so she’d thought at the time. Shortly
after she and Pat were married, John had run off and no one had
known where he was for years.

Realizing she’d run away from the man she
really wanted had come too late.

She released a deep breath, and then she
fluffed the sheets against her overly warm body.
I’m horny
beyond belief.
The dildo between her mattresses wasn’t cutting
it anymore. Sammy wanted the real deal. She wanted a man’s hands on
her. She wanted John. It had been three years since her divorce and
she hadn’t had a man since, focusing instead on her career and
getting her children through high school. Well, Olivia and Cassie
were in college now and had their own lives.

Now it’s my turn.

Sammy punched her pillow and tried to get
comfortable, her thoughts drifting back to her dream, and John. He
was the handsome one in the family, tall, lean, and exuding a
danger that made ignoring him impossible. There’d always been
something different about him. Almost like he was an outsider. As a
teenager, he’d certainly rebelled against his strict, military
father. Smoking, drinking, hanging out with the wrong crowd. Always
in some kind of trouble. Always after her.

That had been another reason Sammy had
avoided him. There was nothing adventurous about her, and John had
actually frightened her on more than one occasion. Once, when he’d
been drunk or high, or both, he’d given her a look no woman could
misread. He was horny and he wanted her. He’d pressed her against
the wall and kissed her long and hard, until Sammy had come to her
senses and pushed him away. After that, she’d made sure never to be
alone with him.

Because for a frightening moment, she’d
wanted him in return.

Maybe he was on her mind because of the
family reunion coming up. That was it. Now it all made sense. Sammy
closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, thinking about the
upcoming weekend. It would be nice to see everyone again.



* * * *



Wow! Sammy was surprised at the number of
vehicles in the parking lot at Moss Park. Surely they weren’t all
there for the reunion. But then again, this had been a year in the
making. Cassie and Olivia’s aunts had told them they wanted to make
sure all siblings

including their spouses,
their children, and their children’s families

had enough time to plan to attend the weekend-long
event. As far as Sammy knew, everyone was going to be here.

Sammy laughed softly to herself, wondering if
she was the only ex that had been invited. She found a spot beneath
a tree, ignoring the NO PARKING sign. Spending the day wasn’t in
her plans. She just wanted to say hi, see a few people she hadn’t
seen in a while, and then leave. John’s face flashed before her
eyes but she shook it away. Out of everyone, he would be the one
not to show up. He’d never been much into family stuff.

Sammy followed a small trail that led to the
lake and picnic area where the family was to meet. When she came to
the end of the path, it opened up to reveal several cabins
scattered around the lake, which Sammy knew had been booked for the
reunion. They were small, rustic buildings tucked into clusters of
trees that offered a sort of privacy barrier for each cabin.

As she strolled toward the first picnic
table, her gaze landed on a huge motorcycle parked in front of one
of the cabins. She vaguely wondered who it belonged to. Laughter
and screaming pulled her attention to the lake, where children and
adults were swimming and playing. There was a tire on a rope
hanging from a tree and they were taking turns swinging out over
the water.

Sammy opened a bright red cooler, grabbed a
bottle of water, and continued toward the edge of the lake. She
scanned the area, seeing some familiar faces, some not so familiar.
Pat and his new wife were relaxing on inner tubes, holding hands to
keep from drifting apart no doubt. At least one of them was getting
some. She was actually glad her ex was happy. Taking a drink of
water, she turned and froze.

John O’Malley was standing in the open
doorway of his cabin, his tall body braced by one arm against the
jamb, while he took a sip from a brown bottle. As he lowered the
bottle their eyes met, and the crooked smile Sammy remembered
slowly spread across his rugged features. The years had been good
to him. There didn’t seem to be an ounce of spare flesh anywhere on
his forty-four-year-old frame, but there was gray in his black
hair, which was shorter than she remembered.

She smiled at that. It was hard to believe it
had been almost twenty years since she’d seen him last. He was far
removed from the lanky, cocky teenage boy with long hair and a
cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth. And he was
probably thinking something similar about her. Back then, Sammy had
been short and a tad heavier than she would have liked. And she’d
lacked the self-confidence to accept that a boy like him could
really be interested in her.

She realized she was staring at him.
I hope I’m not drooling!
He looked simply delicious, and a heat
began spreading over Sammy at this awareness. What was he thinking?
He had yet to take his brown eyes off her.

He finally acknowledged her with a slight nod
of his head, and Sammy was undecided on whether to ignore him or
approach him. After all, he was family. But, in spite of the
changes in his appearance over the years, he still reeked of a
dangerous attraction that spelled trouble. On the other hand, they
were adults now and she was suddenly curious beyond belief to know
what he had been up to since the last time they saw one another.
Had he remarried? Did he have children? What did he do for a
living? Before she knew what she was going to say, she found
herself walking in his direction.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t
good-little-girl Samantha O’Malley.”

John called her Samantha because he knew she
didn’t like her name.

BOOK: Obsession
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