Read Objection Overruled Online

Authors: J.K. O'Hanlon

Tags: #Suspense, #Contemporary

Objection Overruled (4 page)

BOOK: Objection Overruled
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Tiny shocks tingled through her breasts. He was cruel. Delightfully cruel. With determined focus, she said, “You put the bet out there. I’m taking.
the stakes are right.”

He moved one of his hands between her legs and ran a finger between her lips. Her wetness gave him easy access to slide one finger in. He stroked her slowly but firmly. “Tell me what stakes you want. I’m confident I can deliver.”

Her aching pussy gushed, but her mouth had become cottony dry. Her mind blanked. With each stroke of his hand, the muscles in her pussy tightened. He slid another finger in. She closed her eyes and purred. He’d won. Already. She loved losing to him too.

“Just take me,” she said between breathless pants. “Now.” She slid the condoms into his hand.

Brandon apparently didn’t need to hear it twice. After sheathing himself, he got on top of her and used his knees to spread her thighs wide. He positioned the tip of his cock at her wet opening. The anticipation overpowered her. Waiting patiently was not her forte.

She looked into his warm eyes, which now sizzled with passion. He wanted her as much, if not more, as she wanted him. She gave him a sweltering look that said
take me

As if he could read her mind, he grabbed her ass, and with one hard thrust, he was completely within her. He remained still, frozen in a moment of heat. She took in all of him. His handsome, sexy face stunned her with those smoldering amber eyes peeking from behind his tousled hair, the long and just-off-center nose, his square jaw covered with the beginning of a stubble and his rough lips. She reached up and caressed his broad, muscular shoulders.

His thick, hard pole between her legs put her over the top, though. He was
than a perfect fit, and the feeling of fullness inside her forced her to the edge of another orgasm.

Jackie pulled her legs up to fold them around Brandon’s waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him tight against her. She wanted, needed, all of him.

Soft as petals, Brandon’s lips danced across her neck and shoulders. She cooed against the tickles that raced across her skin. How did he know every one of her sensitive spots?

Brandon pulled out and thrust forcefully back in. Jackie let out a cry of ecstasy mixed with the pleasure of pain from his huge cock driving into her.

He eased out. “Too hard?”

Using her legs, Jackie pulled him fully back into her. “Yes and no. You take the phrase ‘hurt so good’ to a new level. Just don’t stop.”

He gave a smoky look through hooded eyes. “The feeling is mutual.”

Long, even-tempoed strokes sent her body into a rapturous state. Every molecule of her being was acutely aware of Brandon. Each time he pulled nearly completely out, she urged him back in with her legs around his waist.

He unwrapped her hands from around his neck and moved them above her head, where he held her wrists firmly in place. His pace quickened. She rode the wave with him, pumping her hips into his, taking him as much as he took her.

Filled with his pounding, thick cock, Jackie’s pussy tightened and swelled.

She closed her eyes tight. The light of the moon and stars disappeared. Only the place where she and Brandon connected existed. She arched her back and pressed her hips into him.

In a pulsing fury, her orgasm engulfed her. “Oh God, yes,” she screamed.

Riding her wave of pleasure, Brandon quickened his pace, driving harder and faster until he came with a long, guttural moan.

* * * *

The first blush of sunrise peeked through the open hatch. Jackie curled up close behind Brandon. His body heat cut the morning chill. Brandon stirred. He pushed his ass into the curve of her body. “Mmmm. You feel so good.” His voice was raspy.

“You too.” She ran her fingertips lightly up his arm.

He rolled over her and kissed her eyes, then all over the rest of her face with soft lips. He moved to her neck, shoulders, arms, and stomach. His lips found every part of her body, imparting warmth with each caress.

Nibbling at her earlobe, he murmured, “I won.”

“Won what?” She pushed his insistent hand away before he reached her honeypot, although deep inside she couldn’t deny she wanted him again.

He held both her wrists in one of his hands while his other very gently explored her. “Our bet. Five. I win.”

Jackie struggled to free herself from his grip. His muscles flexed against her efforts. Unlike so many of her former lovers, he definitely could whip her butt in a wrestling match. His physical strength and amazing body had made the sex beyond her wildest dreams. But it was his unassuming openness and sense of playfulness that kept her interest long after the first few orgasms. And his sharp intellect—nothing was worse than a man struggling to keep up.

He let go of her suddenly. “What are you thinking about?”

That you’re perfect…

She pushed herself into a sitting position and contemplated what obstacle to toss in the way of the truth. “That I’m really sore.”

He winked. “You’re welcome.”

She elbowed him. “Ha. From this most uncomfortable sleeping arrangement.”

Grabbing her around the waist, he pulled her into his lap. “Good. I was afraid I’d worn you out and wouldn’t be able to collect my prize.” He reached into a nearby cubby, extracted another strip of condoms, and waved them in front of her. “I’m game if you are.”

How could she not roll her eyes? “You could probably twist my arm, but I need to leave this morning. I am totally swamped at the office and need to crank out some work today.”

With tenderness, he brushed her hair back from her face. “I’m tempted to keep you here all day, but I hear what you’re saying about work. I’ve got a shit pile on my desk too. Once more, Jackie. I need you once more.” He cradled her face in his calloused hands and kissed her softly, letting his lips linger before just slightly grazing her mouth with his tongue.

They took each other once again. The joining of their bodies had progressed beyond animalistic sex. The inhibitions and unknown expectations had quickly evolved into a well-rehearsed dance, passionate and tender.

When Jackie came, her heart exploded too. Tears welled behind her eyes. A perfect night. Perfect sex. A perfect man. No woman could ask for more.

She buried her face in Brandon’s shoulder to savor his scent for a few more seconds. Soon she’d linger in the afterglow of great sex. The morning’s rays reminded her of her vow to get in to work early. People counted on her. The reality of the demands of her case strained her soul like the world on Atlas’s shoulders.

Her cell phone rang.

“Ignore it.” Brandon pulled her close to him.

“Just let me see who it is.” Jackie shimmied out of his grip and trotted back to her purse lying on the floor. It was her friend who’d left her for Mr. Brazil. Jackie’s thumb hovered over the Answer button as she glanced back at Brandon’s luscious body. Shit. What if it was an emergency? She hit Answer.


“Oh my God, where are you? You totally disappeared on me last night.” Her friend’s frantic shrieks left Jackie’s ear buzzing. “Look, I need you right now. Man 9-1-1. I’m at Starbucks in the Harborplace. Are you close?”

Jackie sighed. As if it mattered. She’d always been there for her friends’ emotional dramas but never required reciprocal support. A lone wolf takes care of herself. “Close enough. See you soon. Bye.” She did need to be going anyway. Two hundred exhibits were lying on her conference room table.

And one hot man was lying less than ten feet away.

Jackie groaned. “I’ve gotta go. Now. My friend is in a meltdown, and if I don’t get some serious work done today, I’ll be toast on Monday.”

“That’s cool,” he said as he propped himself up on his elbows. “Can I call you sometime?”

With clenched teeth and a cringe, Jackie took in a sharp breath of air. “Of course. But right now is really not a good time. Honest. Life gets better for me in a couple of weeks.”

He shook his head at her and grinned. “Well, okay, then…”

Jackie slid her clothes on and slipped into her shoes, knowing if she didn’t get out of there soon, she might never escape. “How about you give me your number and I’ll call you? Soon. I promise. It’s just with work, I’m so swamped.”

He walked up to her and snatched her phone from the floor and punched in his digits. A muffled electronic chime came from the vicinity of his pants up in the bow.

“There. Now one last kiss,” he said as he wrapped his arms around her.

Chapter Three

Jackie strode through the revolving door of the courthouse and into the assault of a sea of navy summer-weight wool suits, with one token red power jacket paired with a black short skirt. The brigade of Ashe Financial Services lawyers stood in battle formation.

Jackie stifled a laugh. How many lawyers did it take to argue a simple motion? She knew the answer—as many as it took to squeeze every dime out of the client and line the partners’ pockets. She now practiced law to help people, not rob them blind.

A little more than a year ago, she had been a part of them. When she left to start her own firm, they’d laughed at her and said she was throwing her life away. In less than six weeks, she’d be the one laughing. Once today’s motion was over, it was smooth sailing until trial.



Had only three days passed since that amazing night? She made a mental note to call him. Soon. Although he wore the role of a playboy well, with the fancy boat, big tips, and unapologetic sex, Jackie’s gut told her there was a lot more underneath. Their instant connection on the dance floor, and in bed, was unique. Hopefully, it would be the beginning of something more. The empty place in her heart ached to know him and for him to know her.

She closed her eyes and saw his tousled hair against the sails in the morning. Was he a coffee or tea man? Surely, coffee. Black. Strong. Nothing froufrou or fancy. Jackie imagined making coffee and bringing him a steaming mug to wake him. He’d crack his eyes at her and take in a long whiff of the rich aroma in the mug. He’d sit up in bed and take a long sip while she pulled the covers back and straddled him.

“Jackie.” From the sea of blue, a familiar baritone called out and curdled her thoughts of intimate passion.

That voice still sent a tingle down her spine, except now it emanated from abhorrence, not affection. She paused, squared her shoulders, inhaled deeply, and swallowed hard before she turned to face Gary Stone—

Her former mentor.

Her current nemesis.

Her ex-lover.

“Yes?” She attempted to keep her face relaxed despite the fact that every neuron in her body was firing up to full-attack mode.

As usual, Gary Stone’s navy-blue Brooks Brothers suit displayed perfect creases. His lightly starched, custom-made, white button-down shirt fit his body precisely. His jet-black hair swooped back from his forehead. Pale blue eyes flicked over Jackie. A smug smile crossed his face.

What a condescending asshole.

How she wished she could rack up her career at the big firm and relationship with Gary to temporary insanity, but no one could claim temporary insanity for seven years.

Well, except her mom, of course.

With a shudder, Jackie rid herself of that mental intrusion.

was the past, she reminded herself. She worked at her own firm and remained happily unattached. Loved her life. She’d love it even more if she won the case.

“I think you should seriously reconsider my client’s settlement offer,” Stone purred at her.

Jackie ground her teeth. “No, Gary,
client should reconsider
clients’ settlement demand. That response you called a counteroffer is an embarrassment to both of us, and you know it.”

Stone took one step closer and leaned down toward her right ear. “Maybe you should check your ego, Jackie, and make a decision in your clients’ best interest. You’ll never get through this trial on your own. Face it, I’m giving you a gift. Don’t be too proud to take it.”

“See you in court, Counselor,” she snapped and spun on her heels to head through the security checkpoint.

The courtroom was just down the hall. Jackie wanted to get there and settle in before Stone and his entourage entered. No one substituted a witness this late in the game. There was no way the judge was going to rule against her. He practically wrote the rulebook, and bending the rules was never his style.

Shortly after Stone and company entered, the bailiff called the court to session. Judge Brownley bustled in. He settled his massive frame at the elevated bench and peered down over his rimless glasses. His face was already red and sweaty. Not a good sign.

The judge wet his lips. “I’m sure both of you realize the unconventionality of Mr. Stone’s request for leave to substitute his expert at this late stage of trial preparation.”

Jackie instinctively rose to her feet, “Your Honor—”

His hand went up, and then he pointed down with a jab toward her chair.

She forced herself down, sitting rigidly on the edge of her chair.

“As I was saying, this is an unusual request.”

The judge’s fleshy, crimson neck rolled over the white collar visible under his judicial robes. His face grew redder as he shuffled through the papers on his desk. He continued, “Defendant’s expert’s testimony is the crux of his defense. Right now, his expert is lying in a coma in Hopkins’s ICU. Based upon the medical report, it looks like the witness is unlikely to recover from the stroke and will be unable to testify at trial. Although Ms. North has his testimony on video tape, not allowing a substitution…”

The judge’s words faded as Jackie’s mind spun in confusion. Impossible! He could not be ruling against her.

“…would substantially prejudice the defendant. Accordingly, I grant the motion.”

Jackie sprang to her feet. “I object. Allowing this change will seriously prejudice the plaintiff. The case law indicates—”

He slammed his gavel down with a crack. “Your objection is overruled, Ms. North. Now, I suggest you sit down.”

Jackie stood frozen.

BOOK: Objection Overruled
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