Now His Milk Cow (A Lactation Fantasy) (2 page)

BOOK: Now His Milk Cow (A Lactation Fantasy)
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Right then, she should have fled. Even if she had to retreat into the arms of the law, Clara should have done it. Virtually every fiber of her being understood this.

Yet she didn't do it. Clara couldn't do it.

Clara bowed her head as Eric opened the door, touched his other hand to her but, and nudged her inside. She didn't know what to expect. It certainly wasn't what she found on the other side.

A medium-sized room, it could've been a small bedroom or maybe a sitting room. It could've been a nice office, though in its current state no one could mistake it for anything but what it was. A dungeon.

Clara blinked, not sure what to do or say. The improbability of her surroundings gripped her. As she tried to process it all, her brain refused to work. One wall was covered in shelves. Each shelf held different sex toys. There were crops and whips and paddles, muzzles and dildos. A hundred different items waited under the soft lighting, each one ready to inflict a mix of pleasure and pain. That wall almost looked like a candy shop.

But there was more.

Clara swept her gaze across the room. Little by little, she took in the big details like the cage set off in one corner. Made with thick, black metal bars, it would have no trouble containing her. And Clara had no doubt who Eric intended to keep caged there.

Another wall had been covered in shelves. There were bins, each one presumably filled with clothes and costumes. A leather chair, an ottoman, and a grid of metal bars and suspension straps also occupied this space. It was a dungeon, one designed to help facilitate the training and submission of some young woman.


Clara turned around, speechless yet desperate to speak. Eric seemed to read her body language with ease. He seemed to drink in her hesitation and nervousness. But her feelings didn't stop him when he took her by the hand and led her over to the Ottoman.

Eric sat her down, instructed her to lift her sleeve, and went back to one of the drawers. Clara kept her eyes on the floor because she didn't want to think about what he could do to her the next two days. This kind of thing should've been impossible. How did she get here? Again and again, she considered her situation and each time she came to the exact same conclusion.

She messed up at work. She deserved this.

A much smaller voice at the back of her head, one Clara refused to even acknowledge, whispered an entirely different answer. It suggested that maybe, just maybe, this excited her.

Eric came back with a syringe in hand. "Hold out your arm," he said, clearly unwilling to brook either discussion or debate.

Submitting to his authority, she did it. She lifted his arm and clamped her eyes shut as he took an antiseptic wipe and cleaned the spot above the vein in her arm. He touched the needle to her skin, pressed down, and depressed the plunger. The needle’s bite stung for a moment, but he did this with expert precision. It didn’t hurt for long.

Some part of her wondered why she allowed that to happen. Doing her best to ignore her doubts, she asked, "What did you just give me?"

Eric seemed amused by her question, as though it made him want to smile down at her naïveté. "Just a little something to ensure that your body behaves exactly as I wish."

"Behaves how?"

"You'll find out soon enough," he said, his eyes sparkling with mischief. It seemed he had many sides to this personality, not that this information helped her understand what he wanted. "First, we're going to work on your obedience. They give you a little test, and if you fail it I will call the police and our arrangement will come to an end. Get down on your hands and knees and crawl across the room and come back to me.”

He spoke with perfect certainty, as though it were impossible for her to question his commands. In some ways, it felt as though she really couldn't.

Clara berated herself silently, knowing that this was only the first order. There will be others. He was going to take her and use her. She would become his plaything. At some point, she might have fantasized about this. But those images had always remained locked deep down in a place she never discussed, nor thought about outside of her bed.

She got down on her hands and knees. She followed his command and started to crawl like an animal. She tried to think of herself as feline, graceful and sexy though she had never really done this, not since her childhood.

At the same time, she could feel his gaze burning into the back of her neck. He was watching her, savoring every second of her degradation. He had taken an independent young woman and reduced her to the status of chattel.

Clara got to the far wall and she was about to turn around, but his voice interrupted that plan. "There is a drawer to your right. Open it with your teeth. Bring me the contents inside."

That small, feminist part of her personality urged her to resist in some way. Disregarding that part of herself, Clara knew she had to obey. She had to please Eric; otherwise he would use that information against her. Besides, she had agreed to this. It wasn't like she didn't have a choice.

"Faster," he ordered.

As Clara wondered what penalty she might face, she found the drawer, leaned down, wrapped her mouth around the handle, and backed up. At first, she worried that it might be too heavy, but with a little bit of effort, she managed to slide it open. Peering down, she saw a strip of leather with several buckles and what appeared to be batteries.


Remembering that she didn't have time to ponder the item, Clara bent down and grabbed it up in her teeth. Spinning around, she hustled back to Eric. Rather than stand up and present the item to them, she remained there on her hands and knees.

Eric crouched down and patted her cheek. He ran his fingers through her hair, which sent shivers of delight down her back. He was treating her like a pet, yet some part of her almost liked it. Again, she refused to question those feelings, especially when it was so much easier to simply ignore them.

With his other hand, Eric took the item from her mouth. Only as he held it up, close to her eyes, did she notice another detail. Bells. Rounded bells jangled from the leather.

“What is this?” he asked.

Clara had worked diligently to keep herself from naming the item. She swallowed, wishing she didn’t have to answer, but again, his expression made it clear. She had no choice. She had to obey.

“A collar.”

“Louder,” he ordered.

“It’s a collar.”

“Good. Now beg for it.”

“What?” Her eyes practically bugged at the suggestion. No, she remembered, it wasn’t a suggestion. Eric wasn’t about to give her any points or ideas. He only issued orders and commands.

Eric repeated himself, slow and dangerous, “Beg for it.”

“Please, can I wear the collar?” That wasn’t good enough. Clara realized it as soon as the words dribbled out of her mouth. “Please, collar me. Please, Master, collar me.” She didn’t know where that second word came from, but she didn’t care. “I promised to do whatever you say, and you want to collar me, so I’m asking for it. Okay? I’ll behave myself and do whatever you want.”

“Why?” The harshness had faded, replaced by that amusement once more.

Clara might have sighed with relief except his question meant another small test. “Because you own me,” she said, dipping her chin down against her chest.

“Head up.” Clara complied. She lifted her head and met his stare. He had dark, piercing eyes. It felt as though he could see right through her and read any of her secrets. And when he wrapped the collar around her neck and buckled it into place, she wondered if he realized a twinge of nervous pleasure worked its way down to the apex between her legs. This was more than just a fantasy, she thought, more than those moments when she could be alone in the dark.

She could feel herself getting damp. But it didn’t make sense. Okay, so maybe she fantasized about some powerful man pinning her or occasionally tying her up with his tie, but this was different, more hardcore. And yet she felt her blood simmer in her veins, teasing out a new kind of passion.

“Now, there’s the matter of punishment.”

“Punishment?” she squeaked.

Eric straightened back up and moved over to the Ottoman. He patted the leather. “Here, girl.”

A touch of red clouded across her cheeks. No one would have talked to her like that. Even in high school when mean girls had surrounded her, Clara never endured this sort of humiliation.

It only got worse because she had to do it. She crawled along the carpet and pulled herself up onto the furniture.

“You know what,” he said after a moment. “I think you should be naked for this.”

“Is that an order?”

“Defy me and find out.”

Clara rolled onto her back and started to unbutton her blouse. She shrugged it off after her fingers finished fumbling with the clasps. She moved down to her pants, wondering what Eric would think when he saw her. At the same time, thoughts of punishment ran through her head. What was he going to do?

She shimmied out of her pants, kicked them off, and then stripped away her socks.


Clara obeyed, remaining there, spread out like a platter for his pleasure. Clara couldn’t meet his gaze, not when he watched her with so much lust. He smiled down at her, “White panties. White bra. Tell me, do you like to think of yourself as a good girl?”

“Yes,” she said quietly, grateful her voice didn’t crack or break.

“You’re not just a girl anymore,” he told her. Then, without waiting for any kind of permission, her new Master bent over and worked her bra’s hook. He released the garment and tore it off, dropping it lightly to the side with the rest of her discard clothes.

Her breasts spilled out, big, pale, and extraordinary. Throughout his time working at their company, he had wondered what it would be like to have Clara in this position. He wanted her as his property, his animal and plaything to be used and teased and trained. He grew hard at the thought.

The expression she wore helped quite a bit. Anxiety mixed with a hint of defiance. She wanted to think of herself as a powerful young woman. Years of watching cartoons as a child and then dramas as an adult taught females such as Clara that they should be strong, resilient and independent. They looked back on previous decades where women donned the submissive façade of obedient daughter or wife with nothing but disdain. Well, Clara would learn.

How long before she truly understood what it meant to be owned? 

Her lips moved again. He thought she had a sexy little mouth, and he couldn’t wait to feel what she could do for him. “Please, do I have to take off my panties?”


“And the collar?” she asked with a hint of hope. Of course, it would have been wacky to have her remove it so soon.

He shook his head. “No. I want you naked.”

“But a collar is clothing,” she insisted even as she hooked her thumbs into her panties’ elastic waistband. She could be naked in front of this man. The thought made her want to run her front teeth along her lower lip while the flames of desire licked at the special spot between her legs. Yet the idea of remaining collared meant she really did belong to him in this moment. He would be the one fully dressed, the man who could order her about like a servant.

“No,” he said with the trace of a smile. “A collar isn’t clothing. It’s a sign of rank.”

Those simple words made her face flush with humiliation. “What is my rank?”

“Pet. A very special kind of pet,” he told her. But before she could ask what kind, he told her to roll onto her stomach.

Naked but for the collar ringing her neck, Clara followed his order. She got onto her stomach. “Grip the front legs,” he told her, and again she complied. With her ankles near the Ottoman’s feet, she tightened her fingers around the front pair.

“I’m going to spank you, first for being late, then for questioning my authority. And when I’m done, you’re going to thank me for teaching you a lesson.”

Spanked. The thought forced her to shut her eyes in a vain attempt to block out her embarrassment and shame. Clara faked a piece of information at work, yet she never thought that lie would bring her here.

Clara braced herself. She tried to remember how it felt when she had been a little girl spread out across someone’s lap. Back then, she didn’t have a choice. Somehow, knowing a single word could make this stop made the punishment more intense. She didn’t think she had been late, yet Clara didn’t dare contradict her Master.


In less than a day, he had gone from a coworker to the man who could make her strip naked and present herself for a spanking.

Clara kept expecting the blow to sting through her flesh. Each second coiled her tighter as she waited for it. The anticipation grated at her, forcing her to squirm a little. Instead though, he waited, savoring her flustered frustration as the poor animal waited impatiently. Unfortunately for her, Eric got to choose the moment of her punishment.

In fact, he decided to taunt her a little more by caressing the back of her thigh. But he didn’t stop there. He ran his fingers along the curves of her flesh. Each light graze made her shiver as electrical impulses darted through her nervous system. With her face pointed at the floor, Clara grimaced through each sensation. They felt heavenly, yet they were going to be replaced by the flat of his hand soon enough.

BOOK: Now His Milk Cow (A Lactation Fantasy)
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