Read Nothing Between Us Online

Authors: Roni Loren

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary

Nothing Between Us (25 page)

BOOK: Nothing Between Us
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“All I wanted was male nudity, not zombie ass,” she said, still stretching for the remote, but he tossed it over her head to Keats.

“Hit Buy, Keats,” Colby called on a laugh.

“Oh my God, the zombie fucks people back to life and that turns them into zombies,” Keats said, apparently reading the description. “Do you think he walks around saying ‘Asssss’ instead of ‘Braaaains’? Because if that’s the case, we need to watch this. I mean, how could we not? It’s like an obligation.”

She sent Keats a look of mock betrayal. “You are not siding with him. All I asked for was a little equal-opportunity nudity. Is that too much to ask?”

“Hey, I’m fond of nudity of all types,” he said with a grin, and reached behind him. He tugged his shirt over his head with one quick motion and tossed it aside. “There, it’s evened out now. Topless girl in the movie, topless guy for your viewing pleasure.”

But she was slipping out of Colby’s hold as soon as the shirt hit the floor and moving to Keats’s side, the purple bruises draining all the humor from her. “Oh my God, Keats. You didn’t say it was this bad.”

She laid her palm against the purple blotches, concern flooding her, but anger building as well. How could someone do this to him?

Keats sucked in a breath at her touch, but he put his hand over hers. “Aw, now don’t get yourself worked up over it, George,” he said gently. “It looks a lot worse than it feels. You’ve been lying on me all night and I was fine.”

She glanced up. “I’ve been—why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve never—”

“You were pressed up against me. It was worth any discomfort.”

The words were so honestly delivered that it tugged at that thing inside her she couldn’t resist. “Now you’re just not playing fair. I can handle cocky. But I can’t handle sweet.”

The corners of his eyes crinkled, though his gaze stayed serious. “You can tell me to stop and I will. Seriously. Just say the word. I’ll leave you two alone.”

“You want this?” she asked, knowing Keats was well aware of what was on the line here. “I mean, truly, both of us?”

He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. “Of course I do, George. You two are driving me a little crazy, actually. I have no goddamned idea what happened in the movie. But seriously, there’s no pressure.”

She traced gentle fingers over his injuries, her desire having a knock-down, drag-out fight with her good sense. “You scare me.”

He let out a little laugh at that. “
I would never hurt a hair on your head.”

“It’s not that. It’s just—you’re going through some big-deal discoveries about yourself, and I don’t want to be the girl you’re using to reassure yourself that you’re still into women. I don’t want to play buffer or get in the way.”

He shifted at that, sitting up straighter and taking her hands in his. “Look, George, I get the concern, and I may be a confused son of a bitch sometimes, but let me tell you what I know for sure. One—I’m into women. Really into women. I haven’t been faking it my whole life. So, sure, discovering I’m attracted to a guy is new and a lot to deal with, but it’s
in addition to
, not
in replacement of
, women. And two, I’m into
. This isn’t about finding the nearest girl and hooking up. If this were about proving my manhood or whatever, I could’ve gone to a bar tonight and gone home with a random girl.

“But instead I stayed here. Not just to hang out with Colby but to be near you, the woman who I haven’t been able to get out of my mind since I heard the two of you on the couch. I’m used to forward women. Or girls who know how to use their assets to get my attention. But it’s all flashy advertising. Once you get in bed with them, the confident act disappears as quick as the push-up bra and what seems like a daring night is really just . . .”

“Vanilla,” Colby offered from behind them.

“Yeah,” Keats agreed.

Georgia couldn’t help but smile. “Well, to their defense, you’re dating young women. At twenty, most of us don’t know what we want or how to ask for it. And the guys are usually thrilled enough if you know how to give a good blow job, so there isn’t a lot of motivation to explore further.”

“Exactly. And I enjoyed that kind of thing as much as the next guy, but when I heard you and Colby together, I realized I was missing out. The way you two own your dirty side is something I haven’t been able to stop thinking about. You’re both these professional, put-together people on the outside, but you have kinky streaks a mile wide that you aren’t afraid to embrace.” Keats’s green eyes were dark in the low light as they met Georgia’s, and she lost her breath for a second. Naked desire sat there, any shield he’d been keeping up falling away. “And it’s so. Fucking. Hot.”

Georgia closed her eyes, her heartbeat speeding to that rampaging pace again. Colby’s hands slid onto her shoulders and gave them a squeeze, a show of support for whatever happened next.

“If you don’t want me here with you two, I’ll leave you alone,” Keats said, his voice quiet. “But if you want me to stay, I’m all yours. For whatever either of you want from me, I’m in.”

Nerves were trying to seize her. Having Colby behind her and Keats only inches away, offering himself whole, was almost too overwhelming to process. But there was no denying the deep, hot ache building within her nonetheless. She wanted Keats. She wanted Colby. Plain and simple.

She’d spent so long in a locked-down, smothering relationship and then trapped alone in fear. This was everything the past two years wasn’t. A fantasy, sure. But more than that, this was part of her old self clawing to the surface and gasping for air, looking for the light.

“What do you say, gorgeous?” Colby asked, his whisper tickling over her ear.

She slid her hand down to Keats’s hip and lowered her head. Keeping her eyes closed, she pressed a kiss to his bruised ribs, then slowly moved her hand to the hardening ridge between his thighs and curved her fingers around it.

Keats breathed out a curse and Colby’s grip left her shoulders.

She lifted her head and brought her face close to Keats. “I think we’re done with movie night.”

“Yeah?” Keats asked, his voice strained.

“Yeah.” She stroked him gently through his pants and put her mouth to his, letting the pent-up desire she’d been feeling for him from the very start pour into a slow, rolling kiss.

Colby’s mouth touched the back of her neck, his hands sliding over her waist, and it was done. The three of them.

No more lines in the sand. No more pretending.

They were all tumbling into the churning ocean together.

Not a life raft in sight.


Georgia felt a hand in her hair and one cupping her breast, but she wasn’t sure if it was Colby or Keats touching her. Or both.
God, she was actually doing this.

She was still kissing Keats, but things were happening around her. Buttons were unfastened and her skirt ended up on the floor somehow. All the while mouths and hands were moving, exploring—her own, theirs. She kissed her way along a line of song lyrics curling over Keats’s bicep, and Colby unhooked her bra, sliding it off her shoulders. Her nipples grazed Keats’s chest and he groaned against her ear as his palm found her breasts. “So goddamned beautiful.”

His hands were warm and rough-skinned against her, the gentle friction sending sensation straight to the burning spot between her thighs.

“Straddle him, baby,” Colby commanded. “Spread your legs and let him feel how wet you are. How wet you’ve been for us during the whole movie.”

Keats’s green eyes met hers as she hooked her leg over his lap and got in position. His gaze ate her up with pure lustful hunger before his fingers dipped beneath the waistband of her panties and slid along her slick folds. “Fuck, George, you’re so ready for us.”

He stroked along her clit with deft, callused fingertips, and her nails dug into his shoulders. “God, that feels good.”

“Don’t let her come yet,” Colby said. “Keep her riding her edge. Same goes for you.”

Keats continued to tease her but eased some of the delicious pressure. “I have a feeling Colby’s going to be beating the shit out of me later for disobeying because I’m feeling anything but submissive at the moment. I want to see you come for me, George. I want to hear my name on your lips.”

She groaned at the shift in attitude in the man beneath her. Keats might be submissive under the intense dominance of Colby, but she was seeing anything but that in him right now. He looked like a man on a mission to fuck her into oblivion. And she felt like a woman ready for exactly that.

“Please, Colby,” she said, sending him an appeal as she rode Keats’s fingers. “I’ll never last unless I get the first one out of the way. I’ve been wound up for hours.”

Colby’s ominous eyebrow lifted. “How bad do you want it?”

Keats’s fingers curled inside her, surprising her by rubbing slowly along the perfect spot. Goddamn, she had to give the guy credit. When she was twenty-three she hadn’t even known how to find her own G-spot. And here he was pressing all the right buttons. “Pretty damn bad.”

“I play fair. You’re two grown adults. You want to fuck before we get started. Do it. But there’ll be a price to pay afterward.”

“What price?” Keats asked.

“That you don’t get to know until afterward. And Keats, she has permission to come. You do not.”

His jaw clenched, but Georgia could see the flare of lust in his eyes at the command. There was that submissive side. Nice. “I can wait.”

“I don’t care if you can, you will.” Colby ran a hand over the back of Georgia’s head. “You two have twenty minutes in his bedroom alone. Then you meet me in mine.”

“You’re not coming with us?” Georgia asked.

“Your first time with someone shouldn’t be with an audience,” he said. “Plus, I have a few things to get ready. Better make that twenty minutes good, though, because after that you two are all mine.”

Colby leaned over and gave her a deep kiss full of promise, all while Keats’s fingers continued to stroke her. Colby pulled away, leaving her a little breathless, and then he turned his head and kissed Keats as well. Seeing their lips and tongues clash up close had Georgia almost coming on the spot.

Oh. My. God. They were sexy together.

Keats yanked his head back with a grunt. “Damn, she just clamped down on my fingers hard.” He looked to Georgia, a little amazed. “It really does turn you on, doesn’t it? Seeing us kiss?”

Colby grinned. “Told you she had a fetish. Bet she already owns
28 Dicks Later

She laughed and pushed off Keats, letting his fingers slip out of her panties with a delicious, clenching glide. “Shut up. I’m a woman on the verge here and you’re teasing me.”

Keats climbed off the couch, his erection providing a prominent outline against his shorts, and wrapped his arms around her. “Come on, George. You’re all mine for twenty minutes, and I’m definitely not going to waste a second of it.”

Then he was lifting her up and draping her over his shoulder.

She yelped in surprise. “Keats! No, your ribs.”

He delivered a swift smack to her ass, surprising the hell out of her. “Hush. Indulge my caveman impulses right now because I have a feeling once Colby gets hold of us, he’s going to make me get on all fours and bark like a dog or something.”

“The dog thing isn’t my kink. But all fours has definite possibilities,” Colby said as Keats carried her down the hall.

She didn’t miss the ripple that went through Keats’s muscles at the comment. Was that fear? She wondered exactly how far Colby and Keats had gotten last night.

But she wasn’t able to let her mind wander for long because in the next few seconds, Keats was shutting the door to his room behind them. He lowered her to her feet and clicked off the overhead light, leaving only a bedside lamp on, then shucked his pants and boxer briefs. Keats’s gaze met hers, hungry anticipation there, as he closed the scant distance between them. If he was nervous at all about being with her for the first time, he didn’t show it. He might be submissive in certain circumstances, but confidence in the bedroom wasn’t something he lacked. She could feel the heat rolling off him and seeping into her skin.

It took everything she had not to reach out and explore, tracing those muscles and tattoos with fingertips and lips. He was art and sex and sharp, beautiful edges. But she got the sense he was leading the show right now.

“Can I touch you?” she asked.

His mouth canted up at the corner. “I’m not him, George. You never need permission from me.”

“Do you want me to take charge?” she asked, wanting to give him what he needed if that was what he craved. “I mean, I’ve never done it formally, but I’m not afraid to try.”

He cupped her face and brushed his lips over hers, silencing her. “Actually I’m fighting hard not to jump on you and devour you whole. Seems you bring out my aggressive side. So if it’s all the same to you, I don’t need any labels or roles right now. I just want you naked, in my bed, and coming as hard as you can.”

She wet her lips, her body tightening in the best possible way at his words. She could see all the barely penned-in desire skating across his features. He was holding back with her, trying not to overwhelm her. “You don’t need to be easy and romantic with me, you know? I’m not those girls you’ve been with. If you want to be rough, be rough. I won’t break.”

His jaw twitched and he took a deep breath. “I would never hurt you.”

She slid her hands along his hips and aligned her body with his, her own confidence building. “I know that. So stop holding back and take what you want from me. Let go with me.”

He growled, his hands sliding into her hair gripping tight, and kissed her hard. “You’re a fucking fantasy, George. I’m going to wake up and be back in that shitty hotel.”

He didn’t give her a chance to respond but instead kissed her more deeply and tugged at her panties. She helped them along down her legs and stepped out of them. His hands moved down her back and he gripped her ass in his palms, seating her against his erection and digging his short fingernails into her skin. The sting of pain only made her feel wilder, more desperate for release. She tangled his hair in her fingers and moaned his name.

He pushed her down on the bed. “I love that sound—my name in your mouth. Say it again.”

“Keats,” she whispered against his lips.

“Tell me what you want me to do to you.”

“I want to feel you inside me. I want you to fuck me, Keats.”

His green eyes went almost black in the lamplight. “Patience, beautiful. First, I need a taste.”

He crawled down the bed and braced his hands on the back of her thighs, pushing them open. Then he bent down and did what she could only describe as outright worship. Lips and tongue and even the graze of teeth moved over her with unbridled enthusiasm and surprising skill.

Her fingers dug into the sheets. Jesus, she was never going to last like this. The sounds of his mouth on her alone were careening her toward orgasm. The men she’d been with in the past had been . . . neat when it came to oral sex. Precise. Which she would’ve figured was the best way to go. But Keats’s mouth, nose, and tongue were everywhere. Her inner thighs, the crease where pelvis met leg, stroking her clit. Sloppy and wet in the best way possible. And all the while, he had two fingers moving inside her, leaving her no doubt that this man loved every moment of this. He wasn’t simply trying to get her off.
was getting off on it.

And nothing was hotter than that.

“Keats,” she begged, trying to warn him that she was going to go over.

But he obviously had no intention of stopping. He curved his fingers inside her and sucked her clit between his lips and hummed.

That did her in. Her fingers gripped his head hard as orgasm slammed into her with a force that had her arching off the bed. She cried out, heels digging into the mattress, and Keats rode the wave with her until she collapsed back onto the bed with panted breaths.

“Scoot up the bed, George,” he said, kissing the inside of her knee. “I’m not nearly done with you.”

“I’m not sure I can,” she said, still trying to catch her breath but knowing she didn’t want to leave this room without feeling Keats deep inside her.

Keats was all male satisfaction when he smiled down at her. “You look good all wild-haired and sweaty. I’m thinking of making this a daily goal to get you looking this way.”

He bent down and kissed her, his lips tasting of her arousal, and despite the rocking orgasm, a steady, unfulfilled throbbing between her legs remained.

“Your mouth is a lethal weapon,” she said.

He gave her a smug smile as he pulled a condom out of a bag on the floor. “I’m inexperienced in kink. That doesn’t mean I don’t know how to treat a woman in bed.”

“Amen to that.”

After rolling on the condom, he gave her thigh a quick smack. “Move up the bed and put your legs over my shoulders, George. I want to hear you come again.”

She did as she was told and draped her knees over his shoulders. Thank God for yoga. But she wasn’t sure she could come again so soon. “I don’t think I—”

But before she could finish the sentence, he was pushing into her and making her eat her words. He wasn’t as thick as Colby but he was long and curved in a way that let her feel every inch as he entered her. Her sensitive tissues gripped him and tightened with desperate need.

He released a long breath when he seated deep, his hold on her thighs tightening. “Why the fuck did I promise not to come? You feel amazing.”

“Tread carefully. He’ll punish you. I don’t think I’m supposed to come again either.”

He pulled back and thrust deep again, tension tightening his features. “Whatever it is would probably be worth it.”

His motions gained momentum, and she could tell he was getting lost to the moment. Unfortunately, she was, too. Just seeing him above her, all blond hair and bad boy, was almost enough to send her over. “I can take it if you can.”

“Thank God,” he said, draping himself over her and reaching between them to rub her clit as he pumped into her with more force. “This is worth suffering some torture.”

Her eyelids fluttered shut, her resistance faltering, and she gave herself over to the moment. Colby had known they wouldn’t keep their word. She’d studied Colby long enough to know that he was an attentive lover but also an unrepentant sadist. Punishing them would get him off. And right now, she was happy to provide him the opportunity. Because the guy she’d worried was too young and inexperienced for her was currently rocking her goddamn world.

Keats’s thrusts turned earnest and rough, knocking the headboard against the wall with a steady rhythm. His hair tickled her face with each movement, the sensation a simple but intensely erotic one. And when he came, he didn’t even try to be quiet. The sounds, the feel of his hair on her, and his fingers against her clit sent her over the edge with him. She reached up, wrapped her arms around his neck, and held on, taking everything he gave her.

When he’d finished, he eased her down to the bed and lay atop her, sweaty naked skin fusing together. He pressed his face into the curve of her neck. “So worth it.”

“You might want to withhold judgment on that one for a while, Adam,” a deep voice said from behind them.

They both startled, and Georgia turned her head to find Colby leaning against the doorjamb with crossed arms. “You’re four minutes late. And you broke the rules.”

Georgia’s throat went tight but she managed a feeble, “Sorry ’bout that.”

Colby’s smile was slow, sexy, and malevolent. “No, you’re not. But you will be.”

BOOK: Nothing Between Us
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